//------------------------------// // Tuesday // Story: Derealization // by Wingman Jones //------------------------------// I groggily wake up to the sound of my ring tone going off, I sit up and and grab my phone to see it was a private number, “Hey Morrison.” “Good you're up, I don't have a lot of time so I'll just get to the point. A guy came in willing to pay top dollar for your services, meet me at the park at 12:00, don't make me wait.” he hung up before I could even say anything, “Hmph grouchy old bastard.” I look at the time to see it was 9:54 am. I walk to my closet that had mirrors on the doors and took out a black shirt and some dark blue jeans, I pull out an old silver ring out of my drawer and take a shower. When I was done I look into the fogged mirror, I had a muscular frame with white hair brushed down and blue eyes along with the demonic limb that is my right arm, “A whole year passed and I'm still not used to this thing.” it had black and red scales with a glowing blue hand and had a large bone protruding out of my elbow, I put the ring on my finger and my arm slowly changed into a normal human arm, “That's better.” As I walked downstairs, the smell of bacon and flour filled the entire living room and in the kitchen was my twin sister Violet. Actually she claims to be my sister, I only met her about two years ago, I wouldn't really know because I suffer from amnesia but I trust her because she saved my life and the fact that she wears my face, “Morning sleeping beauty.” “Ha ha hilarious. What are you doing anyway?” she turned around with a plate full of bacon and pancakes, she has long white hair with heterochromatic eyes with one red and one blue all while wearing a plain purple shirt and black pajamas, “Making breakfast.” she said nonchalantly, “You made pancakes out of scratch?” “Yup, you want some?” “Actually I do.” “Everything you need is still on the counter.” she said as she walked by and took a bite of her bacon in front of me, “Now that's just cold Violet.” I put away the cooking materials she used and decide to go with cereal instead. In the living room my sister was on the couch watching the news on the large flat screen, “A family of six was terrorized last night by an unknown assailant who broke into their home, the suspect was described as female, about 5' 6, white hair and considered extremely dangerous. Police are investigating the scene and are questioning everyone in the vicinity. If anyone has any information on who the suspect is must contact local authorities immediately.” “That's a load of bullshit I didn't break in, I killed the demon that broke in!” she exclaimed, “Is that where you were last night?” “Yeah I hunted down a squad of them and the last one thought it was a good idea to hide in a garage.” “And someone saw you?” “Just some kid trying to hit a home run on his girlfriend in the backseat of his parent's minivan.” that made me laugh, “Seriously? Wow.” “You think Bob Barbas has a girlfriend?” “With that haircut, I doubt he ever had one.” “This is Bob Barbas, just doing God's work.” she grabbed the remote and began to surf through the channels until she found something to watch. I kept staring at my disguised right arm, feeling my fingers sting with pain every time they moved, “Still not used to the new arm?” she said turning my attention to her, “Nah...how come you don't have any visible demonic parts?” She just shrugged while taking a bite out of her pancake. After a couple of hours of watching TV and cleaning the house I go up into my room and start preparing for whatever Morrison wants me to take care of, “Better be a good paying job.” I duck under the bed and pull out a wooden black box with a rose carved on top, “Time for a tune up.” in the box was my custom-made double barrel revolver coated in silver and engraved with a rose on the side of the barrels that I made with my own hands, I place a large white cloth on top of my bed and took apart Blue Rose placing her delicate parts on the cloth and cleaned each one, after that I went to my closet and walked to the back and opened a secret opening on the wall and pulled out a large armored crate, I opened it to find a bunch of motor parts and a large blade, “Morning baby. We're going on a walk in the park today.” I pulled out the blade first and connected part after part and assembled my sword, the Red Queen. Red Queen had a large blue blade having a rose stem where the handle and blade meet with a velvet handle that revs the blade. Once I was prepared I almost walked out of my room when I remembered to take my phone, I see it was still on my nightstand and grab it, next to my phone was an amulet with a big red jewel on it with a silver chain, it was around my neck when some couple found me passed out on the street, I asked Violet whose it was but all she said was that it was more valuable that anything so I kept it, for some reason when I looked at it I got a sinking feeling in my chest, I ignored it and headed out. I grab my car keys that were on the glass coffee table in the middle of the living room and headed for the garage, “Nero.” I freeze with my hand on the door knob, I hated that name, she addresses me by “Nero” because it was my supposed birth name, “Where are you going?” “Going for a walk in the park.” “Then take my car, you know that ford P.O.S is a death trap.” “I've been fixing it in my spare time.” “With no results, it's better off in the junkyard where it belongs.” she said as she put emphasis on the last word, “Look I got a good feeling that starting today, she'll run like a dream.” “More like a nightmare. The last time we tried to drive it the brakes gave out and we went out of control, we only managed to stop because the engine died.” I remembered that day, a lot of people wanted our heads, “So it hit a few road blocks,” “You mean that metaphorically or literally?” I pinched the bridge of my nose and took a deep breath, “The point I'm trying to make is that I'm confident enough that it will start and drive me to the park and back safely.” “Fine go, just know that I'm not gonna visit you in the hospital if anything happens.” “And nothing will happen.” “I warned you.” she said as I walked into the garage. In front of me was a large shape covered by a dirty tarp, I took it off and under it was an old red ford mustang, the car itself was in bad shape, the paint lost it's luster and started chipping off, the chrome turned to rust, and the automatic cover no longer works, luckily the engine had a chance to live, “Alright time for those three months to pay off.” I said as I opened the garage door. After I stored my weapons in the trunk I sat in the driver's seat and put the key in the ignition and turned it only to hear the engine fail, “C'mon please?” I turned it again with no luck, “Dammit c'mon!” I angrily turned the key and the engine started humming, “Yes!” I yelled victoriously. Soon I was on the road seeing the forest on both sides of the road pass by, our house is in a deep part of the forest away from the city but the place where I'm headed is close so it wouldn't be long until I get there. I felt the wind brush against my face and the familiar smell of pine trees enter my nose putting me in a serene mood, I thought it was a bit quiet so I turned on the radio, “Damn static.” I turned the knob trying to find a station to listen to, “Aww screw it no radio then.” I said agitated at the fact that I couldn't find a working station. In no time I was out of the forest and making my way to the park, I glanced down and saw the glove compartment for the first time, I got curious and I decided to open it but once I grabbed it I felt a burning sensation grip me, I immediately retreated and saw a red hand disappear back into the glove compartment, “What the hell? Why does it have a barrier?” While I was driving I thought about what was inside that was so important it needed that level of security. Almost in no time I was at the park, I walked around a bit and found a man in his late fifties wearing a long trench coat and fedora sitting at a park bench watching kids play, I went over to him and sat down looking forward, “You know parents would take an old guy in a trench coat watching kids play as a red flag.” “Do you always act like a smart ass? One of these days that mouth of yours will get you into some serious trouble.” “So what is it?” “Richard Browning, a hardworking married man with two kids and one on the way.” he gave me a photo of a man, a woman, and two little girls, “Couple days ago he came home from work to find his wife missing and both of his kids in pieces. The police were stumped and the F.B.I decided to call off the investigation. He then decided to turn to you to see if you could help.” I stood silent taking in the information, “How do you know it's a demon's doing and not some psycho?” “There were other recent reports identical to this one saying families were found chopped up and pregnant wives disappearing, plus he found this.” out of his pocket was a curved, wood-like bone about four inches long. I took it for closer inspection, “Where did he find this?” “He found it stuck in his kid's skull the day he found them murdered. He hid this from the feds, how he found me I don't know but he knows this isn't the work of a demented human being.” on the surface of the bone it was covered by tiny, vein like lines, when I saw them a suspect came in mind, “What's the wife's name?” “Eve Browning.” “Alright I'll start right away, you really should consider retirement.” “I am retired. Try not to get killed, or maybe that car will kill you before they get the chance.” “Shut up.” I took out my phone and called my sister, after a few rings she answered, “How bad is it?” “What?” “The damage.” “Violet I'm fine and so is the car, I told you it would run like a dream.” “You got lucky. So what's up?” “What do you know about Kitsunes?” “Other than the fact that they're extremely hard to find not much, why?” “I think I might be hunting one down.” “Really? That's rare, how do you know it's a Kitsune?” “Morrison gave me a claw, on it were little veins. Usually we find those on demonic weapons so they can sufficiently transfer their power to it right?” “Right.” “And if I remember correctly there is only one kind of demon that have those on their claws.” “Very clever detective Nero, but are you 100% sure it's a Kitsune, it's a one in a million chance to find one.” “No but that's the only thing I can come up with, so enlighten me a bit.” “I know for a fact that they hunt solo but fight in packs, very territorial, and have a sweet tooth for “tainted” blood.” “Anything else?” “Sorry that's all I know. Well I'll see you later, be careful.” “I will, bye.” I got in the car and drove off. While I was driving I thought about what Morrison told me, “What does a Kitsune want with a pregnant woman? Maybe the library has some books-wait...” I frantically pat myself down and realized I forgot my wallet which has my library card, “Shit.” I did a u-turn and started to drive back to my house. I was back inside the forest and my thoughts went back to the glove compartment, 'What the hell's inside it? As soon as I finish this job I'll find a way to open that-' “Oh shit!” I yelled as I slammed on the brakes and collided with something that looked human. I rubbed my head and see a lot of smoke coming from the engine, I got out of the car to see what I hit, “Oh my God.” on the road was a man in his thirties with all of his limbs broken in different directions and a pool of blood forming around his head, “Oh shit I'll call an ambulance!” I took out my phone but then he started to violently convulse, something was forming out of his back and what burst out almost cut my head off with it's claws. After I dodged it's attack I see that it was a demon taking the appearance of a decomposing orange fox standing upright nearly six feet tall with missing patches of fur, yellow eyes locked on me and glowing, bright red claws four inches long on all of it's paws, “You're a Kitsune, first time I've seen one up close.” it growled, “Sparda...” “Great another prideful demon.” without warning it charged at me swiping it's claws at me hitting nothing but air. It tried to bite my head off leaving itself open so I took the chance and uppercutted it making the Kitsune stumble backwards. It was still dazed so I sweeped it's legs and ran back to my car and opened the trunk, I grabbed Red Queen and blocked the Kitsune's claws. I pushed it back and swung my sword only to see it dodge it with a back flip, “You're good.” it roared out high-pitched sound waves at me causing strong enough to cause the road to split and crack, I dodged but it hit the mustang causing the windows to shatter, “Hey watch the car!” It charged again with it's claws ready to kill but I parried it's attack and punched it directly on the snout knocking it out, “That was quicker than I thought.” I went back to the trunk to grab heavy duty chains. I restrained the Kitsune, I looked down and noticed one of it's paws was missing a claw, “You sick bastard.” I then unkindly stuffed it in the trunk “This will cost me a fortune.” I said as I painfully looked at the condition of my car, the hood broke off exposing the engine, the entire left and front sides of it were totaled, worst of all the tires popped, “The engine seems fine.” I got in the car expecting the worst, “Here goes.” I turned the ignition and it roared back to life, “She lives again! Today's my lucky day almost.” I drove the car slowly and headed for my house. On the way there I glance at the glove compartment again only to see it open, “It opened?” immediately I reach inside and took out an envelope, “Really, this was the thing that needed protection? That's great it only cost me the car!” I said angrily, I inspected the envelope but it had nothing written on it, “It can wait.” I threw the envelope on the dashboard and parked the car on my driveway. Before I could get out the car Violet came out of the house still in her pj's, “Holy shit what the hell happened!?” “Um...you think our insurance policy covers being attacked by a demon?” “You were attacked? By what?” “The same thing I'm trying to find, guess it found me instead.” I popped the trunk showing her the unconscious Kitsune, “Wow, that's an actual Kitsune.” “Yup now help me bring it inside before it starts stinking up the car.” we grabbed the unconscious demon and carried it inside the house. We tied the demon up in a steel chair that was bolted to the floor of our basement and waited for it to wake up, while we were waiting I told Violet everything Morrison told me, “How old were the kids?” she said in a low voice while looking down, “I don't know and I don't want to know.” “Just when thought they couldn't get anymore twisted...” she said giving the Kitsune a death glare, “Don't think about it, let's see what we can dish out from it.” I slapped it on the side of it's face waking it up, “Rise and shine.” it woke up with it's eyes no longer glowing but what surprised me was that it didn't put up a fight, “What's wrong? Usually things like you would try to break free.” it looked down at the floor, “I've been spared, why?” “Because you decided to kill two kids and kidnap a pregnant wife, so we want answers.” Violet said, “I understand. I will tell you everything you want to know, all I ask for in return is for the two of you to end my life.” that caught both of us off guard, “You...want us...to kill you?” Violet asked, “Yes, I can no longer carry this heavy burden.” it said. I pulled up a chair and sat in front of him, “Okay I'll bite. So what's going on?” “Many years ago, when we were once millions, Sparda fought for humanity.” “We know the story.” Violet interrupted, “Not the whole story...” now I was really confused, “Continue.” “What the legend does not tell you is who aided Sparda. Our race, even though demon, loved humans.” “What?” we said in unison, “Humans are fascinating, they are weak in body yet strong in spirit and yet despite knowing their own weaknesses they still find the courage to fight even the most powerful of creatures. Only few demons know of this.” “So if all Kitsunes love humans why did you decide to kill them now?” Violet asked, “Near the end of the war, our numbers were declining and we were growing desperate. It was then that he did something none of thought Sparda would do, in an effort to defeat Mundus's armies he our bodies and souls to create the tower Temen-Ni-Gru. Only few of us survived and lived in the human world since. After a few years we came out of hiding and began to despise Sparda and went against his beliefs. Soon our Praetor devised a plan to revive our dying race, we would find and choose random families throughout the country and monitor them. Once the female's mate leaves we can assume their male's form and mate with the female.” “Wait your telling us that you find random families and fuck the wives?!” Violet interrupted, “Yes, we would impregnate them and once they were ready we would take the females and kill any other member of the family to show our hatred for Sparda. I was disgusted at this, I too hate Sparda but I still love humans, unfortunately because of my rank I was not allowed to go against the Praetor's orders.” I shuffled a bit because I was a little uncomfortable by what it's saying, “Um...earlier you said you wanted us to kill you, why?” then it did the most unbelievable thing, it began to shed tears, “Because I went against everything I believed in. I shed the blood of a human, an innocent human. She was so young, the face she made when I...” it cried even more, “I cannot forgive myself, though Sparda used us humans must not take his punishment, even if it's his descendants.” I got up from my chair and undid his bindings, “Nero!” “Let's give him a chance.” it stood up towering over me, “I believe you, for now.” I turn around and see my sister beckon me to come over, “This is the most weirdest shit I've ever experienced in my life.” she whispered, “That makes two of us.” “I didn't even know demons can fucking...well fuck!” “You learn something new everyday.” I walked back to the demon, “Where are the women being kept at?” “They are based within the forest 20 miles from here. I will take you there.” “Hold on a sec...” my sister then pulled out handcuffs and cuffed it, “In case you try anything funny.” She said with a lot of mistrust in her voice. In the living room the demon and I were sitting on the couch waiting on my sister to finish getting dressed, “Would you hurry the fuck up!” “Shut up I'm almost done!” Violet yelled from her room. I heard the Kitsune chuckling, “Something funny?” “I find it amusing when humans behave angrily like this.” I rolled my eyes and propped my feet up on the coffee table, after a few minutes she came downstairs wearing a purple striped long-sleeve shirt, black skinny jeans and boots. On her back was a giant claymore sword dubbed Rebellion, it has a skeleton for a guard and only has two red rubies on one of the skulls, on each of her thighs were two modified 1911's, the silver one was named Ivory and the black one was named Ebony, “Finally you took forever.” “What can I say? Girls love clothes.” “Okay let's go.” “Wait.” we turn to the Kitsune and watched as he shape-shifted into the same person I crashed my car into, he even had the clothes he wore when I hit him. All of us walked out and climbed inside my sister's gray jeep and drove off, “So where to?” “On a hiker's trail not far from here.” “I got a question, why start doing this now?” Violet asked, “Actually we just discovered we can procreate with humans. One of our brethren decided to experiment with a young woman but we also discovered that women who never birthed a child will die along with our offspring so we used humans with experience. After I've completed the task I planned to commit suicide, that is why I purposely stood in front of you Nero.” “Oh yeah how come you attacked me?” “After you hit me I was in a state between consciousness and unconsciousness, I smelled your scent and believed you were Sparda.” “You know what's weird?” I turned to Violet, “I'd never thought I would have a complete conversation with a demon without tearing it to pieces.” she said while chuckling to herself. Few minutes later we arrived at the hiker's trail only to see it being occupied by a black SUV with two guys on the side of it. “What the hell? Morrison told me the feds couldn't find jack shit how did they know where to look?” “They are not real law enforcement.” “What?” “Come again?” “They are Custos. They guard the entrance and ward off any human who wants to go through by telling lies of just by pointing their gun at them.” Violet turned off the car and we got out, “Let's try and persuade them.” we walked toward them and already tensions rose, “Hey! We're in the middle of an investigation, leave now.” “Hey take it easy buddy, we just want directions to the nearest camp site.” I said as I held my hands up, “There's one about 5 miles from here.” “Thank you, oh and one more thing,” Violet walked even closer, “How come there's no police tape anywhere?” they went quiet, “And how come it's just the two of you, usually when the FBI come in they have at least some squad cars.” “We were just called in.” as quick as lightning she took his gun and aimed at his face, only to hear clicks, “Are you fucking kid-” the demon kicked her in the stomach sending her nearly 8ft back, I reacted and punched the other one felling it's jaw break, 'I still can't get over how strong the new arm is...' I then kneed it in the rib cage and flipped him over my shoulder slamming him to the ground. I duck in time and punch the last one in the kidney making it yell in pain and connected my knee to it's face breaking his nose and knocking him out. I turn around to see Violet geared up and tossing me my weapons, “Heads up, fight's not over.” the down demons then ripped out from their disguises and charged at us, all we did was shot both of them in the head. The Kitsune got out of the car and began leading us, “Your fighting skills are impressive.” “Thanks.” we said in unison, “So how many are there?” “At least 50.” “Sweet 25 for you, 25 for me.” Violet cheerfully said while she took off the handcuffs he wore. As we walked closer and closer we kept hearing very rough and athletic grunts, “Okay I'll ask what the fuck is that noise?” “Immediately after the female gives birth we mate with them to conceive another child.” “So that's why you take them.” “Yes.” “And that sound right now is...” we looked and each other and shivered at the thought. We kept walking until it told us to hide in the forest, it told us to hide behind the bushes and from there he showed us demon H.Q., “What...the...fuck...” We saw demon after demon formed in a circle, in the center there were women being brutally raped by Kitsunes. The first woman was on her stomach looking like she was on the brink of death, her left eye was badly swollen gushing blood while her right eye looked as if it were pushed into her skull. Her arms and legs were covered in bruises and large cuts and all over her back were deep claw marks, behind her was a Kitsune thrusting into her so violently that blood literally poured out of her vagina causing the woman to whimper. The woman next to that one was on her back missing, and I'm not fucking around, she is missing both of her arms. Right below her was another Kitsune fucking her relentlessly stabbing it's claws right into her ass. There was another woman but I didn't wanna puke so I hid back into the bushes, “...” I had nothing to say about this, “Battle plan, we need a battle plan.” Violet said breaking the awkwardness of it all, “I say we go in guns blazing but then they might use the women as hostages and grab us by the balls.” “Wait do they know that you tried committing suicide?” she said looking at our Kitsune, “No none of them do.” “Perfect. Nero you go in there with...I'm sorry what's your name?” “I have no name.” “For now we'll call you Fido. You go in there with Fido pretending that he caught you and is holding you prisoner. Then you two will stall them for as long as you can while I try to get those women out, once that's done we kill the rest. Sound good?” “No arguments here.” “Okay then, let's get into character.” I gave my weapons to Violet and she was off. Fido held my right arm behind my back and he had his arm around my neck, “Easy.” “My apologies.” he assumed his real form and walked in. The others stopped what they were doing and focused on me, “Traitor.” “A mutt.” “Descendant of a traitor.” “That scent.” “He smells of a traitor.” they said as the broke away from the circle and walked towards me, Fido hit me on my lower back making me kneel. One of them walked towards us and spoke in an unfamiliar language, even though I didn't know what the hell they were saying I knew that guy was surprised that Fido “caught” me. I noticed something moving through the crowd, what came out was a huge bright red Kitsune over ten feet tall and smells like shit, worse than shit actually, I tried not to puke when he came close to my face, “Isn't this wonderful, here we were planning to kill you and your sister but instead you came to us. Unfortunately it's just you, where's your sister?” “In the house at the corner of go fuck yourself street.” all it did was make him along with the other Kitsunes laugh, behind the crowd I saw Violet rescuing the traumatized women as quickly and quietly as she could, “So resistant and bold, just like your grandfather.” he grabbed me by the neck and faced me to him, “Too bad it's useless now.” He let go enjoying watching me gasp for air, “Brothers! I know how anxious you are to annihilate this...human, and not just any human but a descendant of Sparda. Believe me I would like nothing but to see him choke on his own blood while crawling away for his life, but that is too light of a punishment. Instead we will treat him like we do our breeders.” “What!?” I could not believe what I was hearing, “Oh yes, we will abuse, torment, and break him just like we did to the humans kept here. Eventually in the future we will kill him once he is completely and utterly broken. Let us begin!” soon all of them began to draw closer to me, “Fuck you Morrison!” Fido loosened his grip and I grab the nearest demon by it's face with my right arm, I jerked my body to the left and swung the demon around like a rag doll feeling it's neck snap every time I hit other demons within range. They circled around us thinking they got the upper hand until a hailstorm of bullets began raining down on them, after it ended Violet came out of the smoke left behind from the assault and handed me my weapons, “About fucking time!” I said as I cut two demons in half, “Are you mad?” “Shut up and kill.” I angrily said as I removed the ring that disguised my right arm. More of them showed up fangs bared and claws ready, when they charged I lifted Red Queen and swung the heavy blade killing three of them in one hit. I move to my right and cut off a demon's arm and shot it, I move to my left barely dodging the attack, I brought down my sword but t caught the blade. I felt the Kitsune feel good about itself for catching my blade so I revved the handle spraying a flammable liquid on the blade causing the demon's claws to burn. It let go and I stabbed it in the gut and impailed it to the ground, I saw eight more running my way giving me a chance to try something, I stood on top of the dying Kitsune and revved the handle which caused me to accelerate, “Wooo yeah!” before I could even touch one I shot out a giant, spectral hand from my arm and grabbed the nearest demon by the leg and used it like a baseball bat hitting every demon as I zoomed past them. I violently ripped out Red Queen out of the dead demon, the demon I grabbed was still alive so I bent down and stuck the barrels of Blue Rose in it's mouth and painted the ground red and pink. I waited for the dazed demons to stand up, once they did I revved the handle making my body spin and propel forward and sliced through all of them splashing blood everywhere. When I stopped I heard a hissing sound and realized it was Red Queen being cooled by the demon blood. Suddenly there was a very high-pitched noise causing me to cover my ears and get on my knees, I felt something wet on my hands and figured it was blood from my ears, my vision started to get worse making everything seem like if it's shaking and somehow made my muscles convulse uncontrollably. After what felt like hours it stopped abruptly, I look up and see Fido killing off three Kitsunes, I felt something wet come from my eyes, when I wiped them I saw even more blood, 'Holy shit.' I wipe off any blood on me and shot two demons that were overpowering Fido. He was about to say something until I saw claws go through his chest, “No!” I saw that it was the big Kitsune from earlier, he pulled out his claws and Fido just slumped to the ground, “You son of a bitch!” I yelled as I ran. He flexed his left paw and spawned a wall of fire separating us, “Interesting, a man that kills things like us for a profession cares for one. Is it because of how unique he was from the rest of us? Or was it because of his usefulness?” he walked through the wall of fire as if it weren't there, “Well it doesn't matter now.” I started to swing my sword around wildly, my mind clouded by rage, he swiped his claw aiming for my head and missed only scratching my cheek. I saw an opening and grabbed his throat digging my talons into his neck and flung him over my shoulder and into the ground making a crater. I aimed the tip of my sword to his chest about to stab him, he snapped out of his little trance and caught my sword before I could pierce his skin. I almost laughed at the fact that he had to use both his hands to keep my sword at bay while I was barely using one, I was about to kill him until I felt claws dig into my shoulder, “Argh!” I grabbed whatever attacked me and threw it across the ground, I saw that it was a Kitsune-human hybrid about five years old, “The fuck?” I felt a hand on my leg and I was thrown straight into a boulder, I was about to get up until I was sandwiched in between a boulder and a big tree not allowing me to move. I see the red Kitsune I was gonna kill place one of his paws on the tree applying pressure to it and cutting off my oxygen, he pointed one of his claws at my face and it slowly glowed dark red, “Humans truly are amazing, even when facing death you still have the drive to fight.” he raised his claws preparing to cut my head off, as he was about to kill me a long blade went through his chest and he was split in two. Someone pushed him aside and that someone was Violet, “Too bad humans also cover each others asses.” She got the uprooted tree off of me and helped me up, “Are there any more?” “No, the ones who survived got away.” I heard groans and ran toward the sound to see they came from Fido. His injuries were severe so he didn't have much time, “My apologies...I wasn't careful enough...” “It's alright, you did more than what we asked for.” Violet said, “There are more women...behind the small rock formation...” he said weakly, I looked at Violet and she made her way to the small hill behind us, “Nero...” I looked down at him, “Why...were you angered...when I was injured...” I paused for a moment, “Because you were human.” he looked surprised for a moment then a smile formed on his face, he died the second I said that, I would be lying if I said I wasn't saddened by his death. We found the others in a small cave chained to the walls, while we were freeing the other women I started looking for Eve, I found her cradling something wrapped in a very dirty blanket, “Are you Eve Browning?” she looked like Hell, her eyes were black and sucked into her skull along with her cheeks, her hail was as brittle as kindling and her skin was white like if she hadn't seen sunlight in weeks, “Yes I am. This is my daughter Daisy, you want to see her?” I nearly jumped when she showed me what was inside the blanket. It was the corpse of an infant who was clearly a hybrid of human and Kitsune, it looked as if it was in the middle of decomposing and had a huge hole at the center of the forehead, “Isn't she beautiful?” I stood silent for a minute, “Yeah she's adorable. Your husband's waiting for you, c'mon let's get you home.” “Yes, Richard should see our beautiful baby.” I walked her out of the cave and into the sunlight. In total there were over 34 women who were kidnapped, Violet called the local police and we were on our way, “Wait!” I turn to see it was the woman with the missing eye from earlier, “Who are you?” she said while crying, “No one.” I said as I got in Violet's jeep. On the way home I called Morrison, “How'd go?” “Oh it went great, all that happened was that I saw other kidnapped women being raped horrifically by demons and me almost getting raped by said demons, aside from that it went smoothly.” I said sarcastically, I could tell he was flabbergasted because he was quiet for five minutes, “I'm sorry, I didn't think it would escalate that much. Look I'll transfer the money to your account tomorrow and I'll pay for anything you need for the red mustang.” “Anything?” “Anything.” “Good, better hold on to your checkbook, you'll need it all day tomorrow.” I hung up and I started rubbing my head to prevent a migraine from happening, “Something else is bothering you.” “What?” “When something really bothers you, you start rubbing your forehead and don't tell me it's because you almost got raped because you almost had worse fates than rape so spill.” I took a deep breath and repositioned myself, “...When we were freeing the women I was trying to find Eve, when I did find her she was holding...” I stopped remembering the small corpse, “What happened?” “She was holding a dead baby, her own daughter.” the atmosphere then grew tense, “Oh my God...” even though she focused on the road she wanted to cry, “Nero, promise me we'll visit the baby's grave.” I placed a hand on her shoulder, “I promise.” she looked at me silently thanking me, “Your bleeding all over my car.” “Sorry.” I completely forgot about my injury. We made it home without a hitch, we got out and I remembered the envelope from earlier, I didn't care as I did before but I needed something to take my mind off of today, I walked to the mustang and reached inside “Hey Violet, when I was driving I found this inside the glove compartment of the car.” I said as I showed her the envelope. “What's so special about it?” “The glove compartment had a barrier before it was opened.” she took the envelope from me inspecting it, “Why is it blank?” “I don't know.” “Whatever it is let's find out after I patch up that shoulder.” the both of us walked inside our house and made sure no one was outside. After she bandaged my injured shoulder Violet ripped open the seal and took out a folded piece of old paper, “Parchment? Who still uses parchment?” I took the piece of what seems to be parchment from her, I unfolded it and saw it had instructions, “What the hell?” the first step said to go down to our basement, “It's an instruction sheet, it says we have to go to the basement.” “Ooh sounds like fun, let's try it.” we walked downstairs and turned on a light and placed our weapons on top of the workbench, “Okay what next?” “Next it says we need both parts of something called “The Perfect Amulet”.” she then pulled out a red jewel attached to a gold chain from her shirt, “Where's yours?” “Mine?” “Your half of the amulet.” “Is that what it is? I think it's back in my room, I'll get it.” after that little trip I looked at the next step, “Then we need to position them next to each other with both facing the opposite direction of the other.” we placed them at the center of the floor, one pointing up and the other one pointing down, “Then we need to cover the amulets in the blood of Sparda.” she went over to the work bench and grabbed a box cutter, she took out the blade and pressed the sharp edge onto her palm without wincing letting the blood ooze out from her hand and on the amulets, “Okay what else?” she said as she flicked her hand getting rid of excess blood. I flipped it over and read the last step, “Now we chant these words; praeter alia, quae inde a saeculo ad filium redit Sparda Equestria. Wait that made no sense.” the second I said that the floor began to shake a little and the light bulb started to flicker, then it started to shake violently and the two amulets rose up into the air and started to chase each other around. By combining their power they created a small, red portal some how and sucked in anything in it's range, “What the fuck is this!?” it got stronger by the second, I knew because it shot out lightning as it got bigger. I grabbed hold of the bolted down chair and Violet grabbed onto a pipe in the wall, the portal got even bigger and it's gravity was so strong it ripped off the bolted chair from the floor, “Oh shit!” I got sucked in and I blacked out. I wake up seeing blurs, my vision got better every time I blinked and the blurs formed into very large and weird looking trees. I slowly stood up feeling a bit weak, I take a look at my surroundings and I see that I'm surrounded by a large circle of burnt grass and blown down trees, “What...the...” I place a hand on my head and noticed something horrifying, my hand felt hard and I felt no fingers, I look and see my hand replaced by a dark blue hoof, “What the fuck!?” I look down and see that my body somehow transformed into some kind of horse, “AAAAAHHHH!!!!!” I kept staring at what are now my hooves, especially the demonic one, causing me to get a panic attack. I heard something moan, I turned to where the sound came from and see a dark purple horse with white hair and bat wings, I saw some kind of tattoo on it's ass that looked like rebellion entangled by a red rose and a black rose and wearing the same purple striped shirt as my sister, “Violet?” the horse woke up and tried to stand, “Violet!” I tried to run over to her but I didn't know how to use hooves so I slowly wobble to her. I grabbed her and helped her up, “...Nero?” I gently let go of her as she stood on her own, “Where are...” she stopped mid-sentence as she looked around, “No way.” she walked around as if she knew how to walk on four legs, “Oh my God. This is the Everfree Forest.” she said with a smile on her face which quickly faded away, “Oh shit this is the Everfree Forest. Nero did our weapons get sucked in too? Oh thank God they did.” she held out a hoof and Rebellion came flying to her hoof, Rebellion was still regular sized but now it was bigger than Violet, “Wait a minute where the hell are we?!” she looked at me shocked, “Do you seriously not remember what this place is?” “I don't even remember you!” she walked closer to me placing rebellion on her back, “Nero our dad used to take us here when we were kids, I can't believe I didn't even remember that spell.” “Violet for God's sake where the fucking hell are we!?” I exclaimed angrily. Suddenly she swung Rebellion in mid-air and I heard a sharp ringing sound that indicated someone shot at us, I look to the direction of where the bullet came from and see a tall hooded figure walking out of the tree line pointing a gun at us, 'Just my lucky fucking day...'