My Little Sister

by bielart

I'm here for you

She is sitting in the top of the hill. During the whole afternoon, she's been there; thinking about what happened. I'm a few meters distant from her, watching how Lotus Bedrock deals with her first heartbreak wound. While the sun sets and the moon rises, I approach my sister and sit right next to her. I can see some tears building up from the base of her eyes, as she tries not to cry in front of me.

"It was all a lie," Her tears began to fall from her eyes, running over her freckles as her expressionless gaze changed to a melancholic one. Even as strong as she is, Lotus is still a pony with feelings. But it looks like some ponies forget about it "He said he loved me, and then tossed me in the trash!" She said when she wrap me with her forelegs as tight as she could. In return, I wrapped the sore mare in mine.

My heart is overtaken by ire. The vision of that stallion's face flashed in front of my eyes, giving me the urge to beat his ass upside down. But right now, the major priority is to comfort my sister. "He didn't deserve you," I said, stroking her white mane and tightening our embrace. I can feel her tears hitting my belly and also her soft sobbing, as she buries her muzzle in my chest, trying to stop the crying. "It is not healthy that you hold your feelings, sis'. If you want to express them, it must be now."

Right after that, her sobbing became stronger and louder. The sun had already set and the moon returned to the now dark sky, joined by the stars and it's brightness. The sight of Ponyville from the hill is very beautiful. The lights are now on, and the foals that played with each other the whole afternoon are going back to their respective homes. It hurts me deep to know that somepony was able to break her like this; Lotus Bedrock, the synonymous of straight and courage, is now wrapped around a comforting embrace, sobbing because of the immeasurable pain that the asshole caused; using her just for fun and pleasure, probably laughing about the disgrace of the other ponies as he build up a false sensation of happiness.

I don't know about the happiness, but the safety will definitely end. Soon.


Five minutes passed, and her sobbing got less frequent and less intense than before. I think she forget it for a brief moment, while watching the ponies of the city walking from one side to another, leaving their homes to have fun with the family and friends. Even sad like this, Lotus is a little happy because of the little time she's having with her brother. Specially in a heavy night like this one. I can feel her fragile body shuddering when the wind hits the place we are. I have only my black scarf with me, and it surely is enough for both of us. I wrap it around her neck, then in mine so we can share the warmth it gives. "Feeling better?" I asked. Staring at me, she remain quiet for some seconds noticing the garb as the wind test it's quality, flying dry and cold around our bodies.

Lotus decides to lay above my tights, snuggling her head a little and making her mane a mess. The form of one unmistakable grin and a blushing on her cheeks can be seen. "Aye," with a trembling voice she answers me. Without hesitation, she begins to close her heavy and watery eyes, and starts to take a nap. She outlines a soft "Thank you, Shad."

Those words that were said to me, kinda moved me; what was (and still is) incredibly hard to do. They made me remember of my not so far away past, which I, the big brother, was always saved by my little sister. Even without me being her blood brother, the sake to help me and anypony in trouble is still overwhelming.

The bell had just rung advertising the end of the class, and all the little ponies were leaving the school, saying goodbye to teacher Cherilee and their friends, to finally go back home and get a rest. With me, the routine wasn't very different.

I was walking through a little stretch that I always took because it's the shorter one. The surrounding was very solitaire and slight, motivating me to walk through this stretch. I knew and was sure that this was the right path, but something was wrong. Unlike all the walking I made from here to my home, I didn't feel... well. The comfort that faded away while I was thinking about it, became heed because gradually I heard steps coming closer to me in my back.

By the giggling and the stomping sounds, I could notice that there were more than only one pony following me; there were at least two of them, and all colts. I didn't wanted to look back, because fear began to take over my actions. Nopony had ever joined me in my walk back home, so this was new. I began to walk faster. They noticed this action of mine, and began to walk faster as well.

I didn't wanted to fight.

As they were approaching me, I was getting more frightened. Whenever I accelerated, they accelerated as well. It continued to a point when I couldn't handle my heart beating that fast anymore, and I started running. My saddlebag's weight wouldn't let me reach my top speed and what I feared it would happen, happened. They were getting closer.

I started to feel the tears falling from my eyes and my breathe got heaver, what didn't help me in my flee, because I was feeling myself dull and discredited. Everything got worse when I stumbled in a rock; I fell and rolled for a few meters, before stopping above my saddlebag.

Everything became quiet for some seconds, and even the clopping I could hear from behind me ceased to reveal me, the pony-shaped shadows; one side to side to another. I sat and stared to the colts above me. The three of them were wearing devilish grins, what scared me the most; the taller and apparently stronger one was in the middle, probably from a more advanced class than mine. The other two I could recognize due they being from the same class as I am.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't black flower," says the older colt, named of Douche Bag. He lowers his neck, to be in eye to eye level and laughing at my disgrace. Even afraid of them, I gathered all my dignity and grudge feelings for the last two years of suffering, and turned it into the sharpest gaze I could wear to confront and penetrate his blue eyes. The younger colts were just watching and giggling.

"What do you wa–" I was interrupted by an impact coming from the leader's right hind leg, into my stomach. Crying in pain, I hold my belly with both of my forelegs and hit my head in the dusty and rubble filled ground; my eyes are shut due the gravity of the injury caused by his sudden blow. Clenching my teeth, I also feel pain tears forming in my canthus, before hearing and bearing effrontery from one of the bully's 'henchponies'.

"Show more respect for your superior, little flower. Act like the useless brat you are."

I couldn't detect who said that due the fact that I was with my face buried in the ground. Douchebag lifted my face from it, to face me again and see the tears that my half-opened eyes released, raising his moral to another level. His psychopath grin grew and then he said something that would be stuck into my brain for a long, long time. "You are useless. And someone friendless like you, is beyond scum."

My sharp gaze became a depressing expression and more tears started running down my cheeks on psychological pain, finding the same end that my saddlebag had. He threw me down again and this time, there was no escape; all of the colts became together and started to beat me in the same place I fell when I stumbled to the ground. I feared that this act of cowardice wouldn't end as their blows became more intense and more frequent to every part of my body; in my face, in my neck, in my belly, in all of my four legs, my chest, etc.

For more than thirty seconds the drubbing continued in the same intensity, leaving me more sore and leading me to think of the words that this filthy stallion said to me. Was I useless as he said? I never really cared about what he used to say to me at school, but this time, he managed to force in a heavy shadow in my heart and there was no way this shadow would let me breathe. I felt the blood coming from my throat due all the spanking, flow from my mouth to the ground, and my coughing would spread this innocent liquid, all over the dusty ground. My solitude was growing from each blow I received from each one of them, leading me to a place that for long I'd forgotten. My hopes were shrinking and almost disappearing. And that's when I... hear the light.

"HEY, YOU COWARDS!!!" it was a female voice. The three ponies who were concentrating on me, turned out to ignore my presence in due to stare at the one who'd shouted at them; because they recognize their cowardice. "Why do you insist acting in group against one single pony?"

And that's when the answer to that question the question popped up in my mind.

Who got me out of that dark and cold place where they forced me in? The answer was obvious, but still, that doubt would make me forget that. I slightly open up my watery eyes to see the silhouette of a little pegasus filly, standing up against three colts; which were at least two times taller than she were. The little grin she'd be wearing now, vanished among with the scene she just witnessed. The answer to my question and my savior was, and still is, my little sister Lotus Bedrock.

A steel stare with her golden eyes that would fear the most brave and furious Manticore that dare to challenge her was directed to these three brainless brats. Lotus' mane and saddlebag were dancing along with the wind, which was blowing weakly sending a few of the dirt specks flying to somewhere else; sparing them for what was to come. The gang began to approach my little sister, and I was getting desperate, 'cause I didn't want to see her dive into the same fate I've had. I wanted to scream for her to run, but the words were stuck in my throat. Despite Lotus being only one against them, she didn't move from her place nor feared until she defies all the gang. "It doesn't feel fair... you got three on your team," she began to walk to the gang leader. "If you had only three more, you'd stand a chance."

The despair I was gathering got bigger and bigger at the sigh of those filthy colts approaching my sister. They started running towards her and my heart began to beat as fast as a Sonic Rainboom. I really wanted to get up and defend my sister, but my body wouldn't move one inch from the place it was.

I wanted to close my eyes, but I due my shock, I couldn't do it either. The little one, however, surprised everypony in place, when the older colt charging furiously against the filly, tried to hit the filly with his left forehoof, but it was in vain. Lotus dodged it nimbly, and with her left wing, she lifts a heavy rock at light speed from the ground to the lower parts of the stallion; I was gaping to what just happened. The speed of that combo was incredible, I could barely keep up with it.

With the older one knocked out, the other two were coming from the two sides of the filly. She let a smirk take over her gaze, and when both ponies try to hit one blow on her simultaneously, she crouches and with the same speed and agility she used to beat their leader, she gets two books out of her white saddlebags, place one book above each one of her wings and suddenly opening them; leading the books to the same place she aimed in Douchebag. Both colts fall to the ground, defeated.

Lotus stand up and facing me, her gaze changed from defying to a worried one. "Big brother!" She began to chase me, as fast as she could. When in front of my body, she ceased the running and stared at my body for some seconds, like if she was analyzing the situation I was. She let out a sigh of relief. "Thank god, no one of your bones are broken," I could see one little tear fall from her eyes. Wiping it off, she ask me. "Can you stand?" I tried as hard as I could to stand up. It was halfway done, but my tights were hurting too much, as much as my back and I was about to fall, but then I felt something grabbing me, preventing me from the impact I'd suffer from the ground. It was my angel. It was my little sister. Dripping one more tear, I made sure her suffering wouldn't continue, wiping it off for her. "Let's go back together, brother."

She's deep asleep now, and I can already feel her breathing in my fur turning back to normal while the time pass through us in supersonic speed. The night is far from an end, but it's already late and it's not healthy for my sister to sleep in this cold night outside here, without a blanker and with the wind getting drier, evidencing a colder weather for tomorrow.

I'm well aware that I've to take her back home, but I'm also with annoyance to wake her up now; she looks so relaxed, that I can't just tap twice her head to tell her we need to get back home. "Hm," I mumble still rubbing her mane softly and thinking of a way to take her back home, without waking her up. Only one idea pop up from my mind.

"How 'bout a piggy back ride, filly?" I whisper placing her body above mine, and getting up slowly so she could rest comfortably. I start walking down the hill and my scarf is still around both of our necks, keeping them warm and protected from the cold. I can feel her smooth mane rubbing against mine and her soft breathing hitting my fur below the scarf. Her hooves are raising when they finally get wrapped around my chest. I can hear her tiny voice saying that little sentence I wanted to hear so long ago, from when I got saved. It is soothing.

"Thank you."