//------------------------------// // A Tin Man needs a Heart // Story: The Wizard of Oz (McCracken Version) // by sweetsweetlovebird //------------------------------// Previously on Chapter 3: On their way to the Emerald city, Twilight and Spike come cross a talking Scarecrow named Wander who wishes to have some brains, so he comes along with them to see the Wizard as well. Chapter 4 Twilight, Spike, and Wander started to walk along the road into a forest. Little did them know, the Wicked Witch of the West was watching them through her crystal ball. She was cackling at Wander's fear of a lighted match earlier. "So That's what you're scared of now are you?" she sneered, "A lighted Match? Well, I have just found myself some wicked inspiration. A Big Birthday cake, just for the Scarecrow, with A Thousand Candles!" as she laughs evil. Back to the new friends, Spike was feeling tired and hungry. "Can we please sit and rest of a little while?" he asked. "Sure, Spike," said Twilight, "We have been walking for quite awhile now." They found a nice shady spot to sit and eat. Twilight got out some apples for everyone to have. "Here's an apple for you, Wander," she said as she offered him one. "Oh, no thanks," he said, "I don't eat, remember?" "Oh that's right," she said, "I forgot." As Twilight and Spike were finishing up their food, Spike noticed a strange noise coming from a distance. "Do you guys hear that too?" he asked, "Yes," said Twilight, "But what is it?" "It sounds like a creature in pain," said Wander. They walked up to listen closer to the noise, until they found out what it was along. "Why, it's a man." said Twilight, "A Man made out of Tin." "But why would a Tin Man be in a forest all by himself?" asked Spike. "Maybe, we should ask him ourselves," said Wander. "That's a good idea," said Twilight as she went up to the Tin Man. Excuse me sir," she started as she slightly bang on him, "Is it you who has been groaning?" "Yes," answered the Tin Man, but he be nearly speak, "I've been groaning for over a year, but no one has heard me or come to him me." "Well," said Wander, "What can we do to help?" "The oil can," answered the Tin Man, "My joints are rusted so badly. I can't move at all." Spike grabbed the oil can that was hiding under the tree. "Here it is," he said, and the gave it Twilight. "We do you want us to oil you first?" she asked, "My neck first," answered the Tin Man. As Twilight oiled the Tin Man's neck, it doesn't sam to be doing anything. "Nothing seems to be working," she said. Then Wander got an idea. "Maybe," he started, "if we move the neck a little bit, it will feel movable again." "That's a great idea, Wander," said Twilight, "and you said you couldn't think," said Spike. Then Wander started to move the Tin Man's neck side to side a bit until he could finally move it on his own. "Oh," said the Tin Man, "That's feels great. I can finally move my neck around again." "Where next?" asked Twilight. "My arms and legs." he answered. "Ok," said Twilight, "I'm oil the joints, and Wander, you move he arms, and Spike, you move his legs." As Twilight oiled every last joint, Wander was moving the arms up and down, and Spike was moving the legs back and froth, until the Tin Man could finally move on his own again. "Oh, thank you," he said with big smile, "I feel like the same way I was just over a year ago before I got bought by the rain." "You stood like that for a whole year?" asked Spike. "Yes," answered the Tin Man, "If that old Wicked Witch of the East jaded turned me into Tin, I never would have been stuck like that for a year." "Wait," said Wander, "You mean you weren't always made of Tin?" "Yeah," answered the Tin Man, "It's a long story, but I'll tell you if you want to know." "Oh yes," said Twilight, "Please do." The Tin Man began< "If feels so long ago, but I still remember that day that I was created by my boy, Mac. I was his imaginary friend. He called me Blooregard Q. Kazoo, Bloo for short. We were like two peas in pod, we were so inseparable, we never thought we would be apart. *sigh* Boy were we wrong. Mac had a mean, stupid older brother named Terrence who was so jealous of us being friends and seeing his brother happy that he went to the Wicked Witch of the East, and offered her two dollars and a quarter to get rid of me. So one day, while Mac and I were building our tree house, when all of the sudden, an axe became magical, and cut off my left arm." As he said this, Twilight, Spike and Wander all gasped at this. Bloo continued, "Yeah, I thought it was the end of me at that point, but then Mac took me to a tinsmith to make me a new armed, and it worked like new. I thought that was the end of our troubles, but the the Wicked Witch of East got so mad about this, and then the next day, that same axe came to me and cut off my right arm." "Wow," said Spike, "This Witch meant business." "She sure did," said Bloo as he continued. "So after that, we went back to the tinsmith to make another new arm. Much like the other, it worked like new. But then the Witch continued to use the axe against me, and cut off my head." "Your head?" asked a frighten Twilight, "How did the tinsmith fix you with that?" "Hw did you know the tinsmith fixed my head too?" asked Bloo, "Just a guess," she answered as Spike rolled his eyes. "Away way," as Bloo continued, "My head was fixed to have me still be me without changing anything. We thought THAT was the last of the Witch's doings, but then she used the axe one last time to cut off my whole body. The tinsmith helped one more time and made my body all out of tin." "So," said Wader, "Now you can moved just as well as ever!" "That's true," said Bloo, as a frown came cross his face, "But the tinsmith forgot to replace one last thing." "What was that?" asked Twilight, "My Heart," answered Bloo, "Without a Heart, I have no feelings. Without feelings, I can't love. So I last all of my love for Mac, and didn't care whether I was his best friend or not." "Wow," said Twilight, "That was a very sad story, Bloo." "Yeah," said Bloo, "So then, I walked away on my own into the forest to find a way to see if there was a place for anyone without a Heart can live, just as the rain came in, and stuck right on the spot where you all found me. As much I hated being there, it gave me time to think of how much of a biggest lose of life, the lose of my Heart. When I was with my best friend, I was the happiest imaginary friend in the world." "All the same, said Wander, "I still what a Brain. A fool wouldn't know what to do with a Heart if he had one." "A Brain?" asked Bloo, "Brains aren't the best thing in the world. Brains don't make you happy like Heart does." "Well then," said Wander, "Why don't come along with us to the Emerald city to Wizard of Oz. I'm going for some Brains." "And Spike and I are going to see if the Wizard can send us home to Equestria." "Do you think the Wizard could give me a Heart?" asked Bloo, "If he is as powerful as everyone saids he is," said Twilight, "I'm sure he would." Bloo thought about this, and the he made up his mind. "Alright then," he said, "I'll come with you. I'll do anything to get a Heart and be with my best friend again!" To Oz?" asked Wander, "To Oz," said Bloo, as the all continued to walk down the yellow brick road.