//------------------------------// // Luna, a fridge, and an electric knife // Story: Luna's Breakfast // by DouglasTrotter //------------------------------// Princess Luna’s cheery attitude, from the previous day, remained as the sun rose in the distant horizon. The mare grinned at the prospects of a well guarded night. Also, her second day of acclimation had come. “I’m ready,” Princess Luna said in a stern yet quiet voice to herself while she moved down the hallway. Despite the setback of the microwave explosion and the juicer misshape, the mare was ready. She steadied herself. The kitchen door opened. “Tia?” Sunlight came through the window and glinted off the knives, the intricate marble sink, and the refrigerator. The kitchen remained calm, serene. Princess Luna’s ears perked up, nothing. “Tia? Tia, are you trying to scare me? Nightmare Night is over.” Princess Luna said. Her ears were greeted with continued silence, save for the refrigerator’s motor that turned on. “So be it, we are… I mean, I am a matured mare. I can find something to eat.” Princess Luna’s eyes glanced over towards the refrigerator’s door. She tugged on it. Another swift tug came, but the door refused to budge. “FOU— Stupid device, open thy self.” She said, controlling the tone in her voice. Princess Luna’s successive tugs with her magic gave way to a swift “crack” that resounded throughout the quiet kitchen. The right door of the double door fridge opened. Princess Luna tapped her hoof against her chin and said, “Hmm....” Inside, various fruits, vegetables, and dairy products were arranged in perfect order; Princess Celestia’s protégé would swoon at the sight of it all. The light from the fridge reflected off the skin of a shiny red apple, its white label reading Sweet Apple Acres finest. “Yes, an apple seems right.” Princess Luna said then finished with a slight nod. She levitated the apple out of the refrigerator. A knife lay on the counter with a few stains on it. After she rolled her eyes, the mare levitated the object. It hummed to life, causing Princess Luna to recoil. She jumped back and illuminated her horn. “If thy wish battle then thou shall find defeat, we will not allow you to harm a single subject!” Princess Luna’s bellow penetrated the kitchen’s door before it opened. A mare stepped inside. “Luna…” Princess Celestia said with an exasperated sigh. After she stretched her wings out, the elder sister moved towards Princess Luna. “I had hoped to leave you alone to your own devic—“ “That is a dangerous weapon. What is it doing in thy kitchen?!” Princess Luna said as she maintained her stance, ready to do battle at a moment’s notice. Princess Celestia moved towards her sister and whispered into her ear, “It’s an ‘electric’ knife.” “An ‘e-lek-trick’ knife? It isn’t a ‘trick’ Tia, tis a lie knife! That mechanical entity would have harmed us. An assassin must have sent it to harm you or—“ Princess Luna said. "Luna, I can assure you that those days of plots, deception, and surreptitious activities and behaviors are a distant thing of the past. There hasn’t been a plot against Equestria in over two hundred years. Even then, what happened those two hundred years ago was a simple mistake. The griffon king plotted with my guard to kidnap me for a surprise birthday party.” Princess Celestia said, ending with a chuckle. “That was a fun little event. It was quite the party. I doubt Twilight’s friend Pinkie Pie could have thrown a better party.” Princess Celestia glanced over to see her sister unfazed, Princess Luna’s eyes affixed to the knife that buzzed around on the ground. The elder sister levitated the device up. She brought it close to her and tapped the switch with her hoof. It shut off. “Why did it cease?” Princess Luna said. “Wait! It’s a trick. The device is merely sleeping.” “’Woona’ you are such a riot.” Princess Celestia said, giving another swift chuckle but ended it in an abrupt manner. “You are ‘technically’ right Princess Luna. The device is now off. It’s only when you touch the ‘button’ that it turns back on. Here, I’ll show you.” After she washed the blade, Princess Celestia switched the device on and sliced the apple on the cutting board. The reciprocating motion of the blade cut through the apple with ease. Soon, several fresh slices were put on a plate. Princess Luna levitated a slice, sniffed it, and then ate it. She gave a slight smile to her sibling at her side. “Sorry Tia,” Princess Luna said. She shied away, but was brought closer by Princess Celestia’s Wing. “There’s nothing to be sorry about, my dear sister. You will grow accustomed to this new, marvelous world we live in. I’m quite astounded by what my little ponies have concocted, invented, and made throughout the years.” Princess Celestia said. She gave a hearty smile before it soured. “It’s not easy. I’m glad you’re home with me, Woona.” “Tia,” Princess Luna said, and then gave a slight nuzzle to her sister. “I’m glad to be back. Now—“ A sudden, quick “crack” interrupted the mare. Before she could continue, both doors of the refrigerator fell off. Its contents spilled onto the floor. Princess Celestia turned. She gave a devilish smirk. “Luna…” Princess Celestia’s voice trailed off, her eyebrow twitching as the end of her tail began to catch on fire. “We, I, Umm….” Princess Luna said. Her horn glowed. A flash of light brightened the kitchen. Princess Celestia found herself alone in the kitchen. Both doors of the refrigerator lay face down. A crushed container of milk lay under one door, its top split open. As the fire on Princess Celestia’s tail was extinguished by the milk, she sighed. In a semi-jovial tone she said, “The work of a princess is never done. You'll be on kitchen duty for two weeks instead of just one, dear sister.”