//------------------------------// // Chapter 3 // Story: A Major Threat // by DuhBankz //------------------------------// "This can't be happening," Twilight mumbled to herself as she looked at the grim ruins that was once Hoofington. She ran towards the main gates of the town with an expression of pure determination. Dust and pebbles flew behind Twilight as she ran towards Hoofington at a speed that not even Rainbow Dash could compare to. But just as she reached the gates she heard a distant voice behind her. "Twilight! Don't go any closer! This is a warning!" The mysterious voice shouted at her. "Who's there?! I mean it come out!" Twilight yelled back with anger in her voice. But nobody replied to her calls, "I got to stay focused.." Twilight mumbled to herself . The gates of Hoofington were made up of great bars of steel welded together by the breath of a phoenix.At the top of the gates where they meet there is an exquisitely styled "H" made of pure gold. The middle of the gates were sealed by a long beam that is studded with different jewels. In this situation the gates were buried in refuse and dirt with the many beautiful jewels strewn around the entrance to the town. As Twilight entered the crumbled walls of Hoofington she saw ponies strewn around the deserted streets just as the jewels had been. The sight was unbearable, she wanted to just close her eyes and erase the images that she had just perceived but it was impossible. Market stalls had been buried in what used to be homes, and the schoolhouse which was probably crowded with fillies anxious to learn had been crushed by a section of the wall. "Twilight Sparkle?" Someone said. Twilight darted towards the familiar voice faster than you could say Celestia. "Trixie?! Could it really be you?" Twilight said in the direction she heard the voice from. There was no immediate reply to Twilight's question but after about 3 minutes a blinding light blue beam of light shot into the sky through all the dark clouds of smoke as the familiar voice announced with joy, "The great and powerful!" As the smoke cleared up a light blue unicorn laying on the cobblestone pavement slowly appeared across the street from Twilight. "Trixie are you okay?" Twilight asked. "The great and powerful Trixie is always in perfect condition!" Trixie replied. "You really don't look to good Trixie." "I'll be honest Twilight, I'm not at my best." Trixie stood up. "If you didn't already know, an Ursa Major attacked this once beautiful town." "That's what I came to try and stop, but it looks like I was too late." "You? You were sent to stop the Ursa Major?" Trixie covered her mouth to hold in a laugh. "Yeah, I was sent to stop it. Only because of how well I was when the Ursa Minor attacked Ponyville, you weren't much of a help back there were you?" "Twilight, you don't understand. The great and powerful Trixie can vanquish even the toughest of creatures!" "Trixie don't even try that on me again." The two unicorns were examining the damage done to Hoofington as they argued about Trixie's false power. Until they both came to a stop at what appeared to be a ruined home in the middle of the town. The home looked as if it was built for royalty but in the end it just toppled over as easy as the rest. A small wooden sign was stuck into the ground nearby and it read "Town Hall." They stood there lost in their thoughts. Twilight was imagining the Ursa reaching Canterlot and with a single swipe at the Royal Palace, it would be destroyed and all of Canterlot would slide down the mountain. "Um, Twilight." Trixie said, "I think the great and powerful Trixie needs some rest." "I've been walking for days! May I go with you?" Twilight replied. "Yes, just don't touch anything." The two unicorns went behind one of one of the only remaining buildings to where Trixie's caravan was parked. "I wonder how this building is still standing?" Twilight asked curiously, "It looks less stable than the front gates." "I used magic to hold it in place when the Ursa attacked." Trixie said answering Twilight's suspicions. When the two mares entered the caravan it appeared phenomenally bigger on the inside. Twilight was amazed but was too tired to question it. "So where can I sleep?" Trixie pointed down a hallway where a bright luminescent sign hung saying "GUEST QUARTERS." Twilight dragged her way to a guest room marked number 17. Trixie stayed in the main foyer of the mansion like caravan and began to meditate. Twilight woke up in a daze, she had recessive memory of the previous night's events. She looked around only seeing the empty streets of Hoofington. The smoke had lifted since the day before and the sun's rays lit up the destroyed town. Twilight's amnesia started to clear up and she had remembered sleeping in Trixie's caravan. But for some reason it was nowhere to be found. She remembered the caravan was behind the only home left standing but now the home had toppled as easy as a house of cards. "Trixie?" Twilight shouted with fear in her voice. "Trixie are you still here?" "Twilight?" Another familiar voice said in excitement. "Twilight is it really you?!" Twilight looked around the corner of the rubble and saw someone that she couldn't be happier to see, it was Spike. "Spike! I can't believe it's you!" Twilight said with shock. "I was teleported away from Everfree and I knew you were headed here! So I just followed the signs to Hoofington." Spike replied. "Where were you teleported to Spike? Who did it?!" Spike had started to fade and a stars of the night sky were forming around him. Twilight looked up to see none other than the Ursa Major towering over Hoofington. It swung its gigantic claws into Twilight throwing her into a segment of Hoofington's ruined wall. Twilight looked up at the Ursa and felt smaller than a pea. But just as she was prepared to be struck with the final blow, the Ursa shrunk to the size of an apple. She was surprised to say the least and just as she stepped on the apple sized beast, she woke up in Trixie's guest room just as she had went to sleep and let out a deafening screech. "Are you okay Twi?" Trixie asked. "Yeah, it was just a bad dream." Twilight replied. "Well Celestia's sun has just rose so how bout we go for a walk?" "Sounds good." With that the two unicorns exited the enchanting caravan and into the ruins of Hoofington. As they walked out of the back gates of the town they looked up and saw what looked like a dark blue pony watching over the town from a small hill. "Hey! That's the pony that's been following me around everywhere!" Twilight shouted. Twilight and Trixie dashed towards the dark blue pony but it disappeared in nearly a split second. Once they reached the top of the hill, it was nowhere to be found. The two unicorns looked all around the hill to find the pony but just as they looked towards the Whitetail Wood they saw a cloud of smoke floating above a small settlement to the west. As their eyes grew staring at the dark cloud they saw a beast walking slowly towards the Whitetail Wood. It was indeed the real world this time and it was indeed the great mythical Ursa Major. I decided to not end it here. Tell me if you want more or to end it with the next chapter. Thanks :)