The Wizard of Oz (McCracken Version)

by sweetsweetlovebird

Welcome to Oz

Previously, on Chapter 1:

On just another day in Equestria, Twilight Sparkle and her dragon Spike were just celebrating the anniversary of the day they moved to ponyville and meet their wonderful friends. Everything was great, until a terrible twister came and swept Twilight and Spike away in a cyclone. They have now landed, but are they safe back in ponyville, or are they somewhere else?

Chapter 2

As Twilight and Spike opened the door to look outside, they saw the most beautiful colors they have ever seen, but unfortunately for them, it wasn't ponyville.
"Spike," said Twilight, "I don't think we're in ponyville anymore." "Ya think?" asked an annoyed Spike.
As they looked around, they noticed some small figures coming from a hill. "Do you see that, Spike?" asked Twilight, "They don't look like ponyvilles, but they're not as small as fillies." "Yeah, I see them too." said Spike.
As they saw the figures come up closer to them, they noticed that one of the figures was slightly taller than the rest. "I think the teller one is their leader." whispered Twilight.
The tall figure came right up to them and greeted them with delight. "You are most welcome, oh noble sorceress, to the land of the munchkins!" said the tall figure. She looked like an older pony, but she was walking on two inset of four.
"Where are we?" asked Twilight, "and who are you and these small figures?" "You are in the wonderful land of Oz," said the figure, "and these people are the small once again happy munchkins, and I an the witch of the North."
"You're a witch?" asked a puzzled Twilight, "Excuse me, but I've never seen a witch like you before."
"Oh, you ask that because I'm older looking?" asked the Witch. "Oh no," said Twilight, "I think you look really kind, and not mean and ugly like most witches."
Oh, I see," giggled the Witch, "That is because I am a good witch. Only bad witches are ugly. Speaking of which, are you a witch too?" "No," answered Twilight, "I'm just a normal old unicorn. My name is Twilight Sparkle, and this is my dragon Spike."
"Are you sure you're not a witch?" asked the Good Witch, "then how did you ever manage to get that house to come here, and landed right on that Wicked Witch of the East?"
"Well," began Twilight, "we were back at home in ponyville celebrating the anniversary of the day I became friends with every pony, and then, a terrible twister came and swept Spike and I away and then…..Wait, what was that about a Wicked Witch?" Twilight went so long with the story that she nearly forgot about that last part.
"Oh, didn't you notice?" said a small munchkin with yellow hair and pig tails, "You landed this house right on top that meany old Witch!" as see stuck out her tounge.
Twilight went over to look at where the little munchkin was staring at, and she was in complete shock to find two feet with ruby slippers on them.
"Oh my," said Twilight, "I didn't mean for this to happen." "Are you kidding?" said a munchkin with red hair and red bow, "This is the best thing that has happened to us!"
"Yes, indeed," said the Good Witch, "This is a day of freedom for these dear munchkins, and you our their savor!"
All of the munchkins bowed before Twilight and Spike as if they were royals. "You know," said Spike, "I think I can get used to this." Spike loves the attention.
Just then, Twilight noticed some strange was happening to the Wicked Witches feet under the house. "Look," she said, "the feet of the Wicked Witch are fading way. Nothing's left exempt her shoes.
The Good Witch laugh. "The Old Hag was so dried up, she faded into dust," she said with glee, "as for her ruby slippers, they are yours to wear." A munchkin picked them up to give to Twilight.
"Oh, that's awfully kind of you," said Twilight, "but I can't just take something that use to belong to someone else who was powerful and evil."
"Oh, but the Wicked Witch was very proud to wear those shoes." said a munchkin with brown messy hair. "They have a magic power to them that we never knew, and you seem to be the only one worthy of wearing them."
Twilight blushed, and said, "Well, thank you. This is a lovely present." She put her front hooves in the slippers, and they seemed to fit perfectly. "Now I just need to find room for them at home with all the other gifts from my friends back at home…"
Then Twilight realized, and asked, "By the way, do any of you know with way Spike and I should go to get back to ponyville?"
"I have never heard of ponyville," said the Good Witch, "Is it a civilized country?" "Oh, yes it is," said Twilight, "It's in Equestria, where every pony, whether they be earth ponies, unicorns, or pegasi, they all are very much civilized."
"Well," said the Good Witch, "I'm not sure if there is a way back to this place you call Equestria. What do you say she should do munchkins?"
"Well," said the munchkin with pig tails, "Whatever you do, don't go east, it's practically a dead end there." "The South is the same," said the munchkin with the red bow. "As for the West," said the munchkin with messy hair, "That palace is ruined by the Wicked Witch of the West!"
Everyone feared just by the name itself. "She will make you her slave if you past here way," said a munchkin with glasses. "Her slave?" said Spike, "then there's no way we're going that way."
What about the North?" asked Twilight, "They North is where I run," said the Good Witch, "You are welcome to cross it, but I'm afraid we'll come to the same dead end just like every where else."
"Oh, what should we do, Twilight?" asked Spike, "Everywhere we would go is a dead end."
"You know," said the munchkin with pig tails, "You could always live here and stay with us. We would love to have you here with us always."
Oh, that's very kind of you," said Twilight as she was starting in tears, "but, this could never be home for Spike or I. We have friends and family at home that i'm sure are every worried by now, and if we don't get there soon, something awful is bound to happen to them.
As Twilight wept in tears, the Good Witch conferred her. "There, there, my dear, don't cry," she said, "I will use my magic to help shelve your problems."
"Oh, can you?" asked a now more happier Twilight, "How does it work?" "Now watch carefully, dear," said the Good Witch as she began to use her maid.
She took her pointy cap, and balanced it on the tip of her nose, and with the magic words, "Count, Twear, Twa, Hay, Presto!"
Then suddenly, her cap turned into a magic slate. The Good Witch then read what it said, "Take Twilight the Emerald City to see the Wizard of Oz."
"Who is this Wizard?" asked Twilight, "Why, he is the most powerful Wizard in all of Oz," said the Good Witch, "Even more powerful than myself. Of course! He can get you and your dragon back to Equestria!"
"That's great!" said a Happy Twilight, "but, where is the Emerald City?" "If you follow this yellow brick road," said the munchkin with the red bow, "It will take you straight to the Emerald City!"
"Wow," said Spike, "How long is it to get to the city?" "Oh, it's pretty long," said the munchkin "But it's also dark and terrible!"
Everyone was frighten by this. "Wow do mean dark and terrible?" asked a scared Twilight, "Don't worry, dear," said the Good Witch, "I will give you my kiss." "Yes," said the munchkin with pig tails, "No one would dare harm anyone who has been kissed the the Witch of the North."
The Good Witch then planted a kiss and Twilight's forehead. Twilight somehow felt safe and secure now with it. "If you look in this mirror," said the Good Witch holding a mirror, "It has left a shinning mark on your head."
Twilight look in the mirror, and saw that the mark was a very rainbow like mark. "So it has," said Twilight.
Now feeling safe, Twilight felt it was time to head straight to the Emerald City. "Well, Spike, said Twilight, "I think it's time for us to fellow the yellow brick road and see this Wizard." "I couldn't agree with you more, Twilight," said Spike.
The munchkin were and little sad to see their hero go, but they knew she would be happier back at home with her friends. "Goodbye, munchkins," said Twilight, "Thank you for your help!" The munchkins then waved goodbye, and headed back into their houses.
"Goodbye, my dear," said the Good Witch. "Thank you," said Twilight, "Thank you so…" but before she could finish, the Good Witch vanished into thin air.
"W…Where did she go, Twilight?" asked a puzzled Spike, "I don't know, Spike," said Twilight, "but I'm sure she was grateful for helping us."
The they heard a rumbling sound. Twilight laughed, "Are you hungry again, Spike?" she asked, "I guess so," said a bashful Spike.
Twilight giggled, "It's ok," she said, "So am I. Let's pick up some of this fruit from the trees, and then start heading our way."
As they picked up some of the fruit, Spike noticed the ruby slippers on her front hooves. "You know, Twilight," said Spike, "Those shoes fit you perfectly." "I know," said Twilight, "It's as if they were made especially for me."
As she said this, neither of them knew that at the moment, the Wicked Witch of the West was watching them right this moment. "Made especially for you," she sneered, "Miss Goody Two Shoes! Just Because you killed one Wicked Witch, don't think the other one can't see what you're up to!"
She was watching them throw her magic crystal ball. "I'm watching you, Miss Goody, Goddy," she said, "Go on, walk down the yellow brick road, I'll be waiting for you!" as she cackled evilly.
"Ok, Spike," said Twilight, "This should be just about enough for us to get through the journey. Now let's go to the Emerlad City to see this Wizard!"
"Right behind you, Twilight!" said Spike.