//------------------------------// // Were you surprised? // Story: The Pinkie Connection // by Evershade //------------------------------// Turns out this was not a dream. There really was a talking pink pony standing on my bed right in front of me. Scratching my head, I had to decide what to do next, now that I have an unexpected visitor. So I decided to do what anyone else would do if they had a talking colored animal in their house, call the proper authorities to deal with it. That was when I realized one slight problem. How would they even react when I tell them that a pink pony has broken into my house? Would they think that I was mentally insane? Would they think that I was pulling a prank on them? Maybe calling was not the best option. A few seconds passed by, and no words were exchanged. We stared at each other until I made the first comment. "Wh-who are you," I asked with slight hesitation. In a higher, squeakier voice, it replied, "I'm Pinkie Pie! What's your name?" The voice caught me off guard. I shook my head to gain sense into myself again and said, "Jeremy..." She held out her hoof while exclaiming, "Nice to meet ya, Jeremy!" She chuckled after saying that sentence. I could not tell if she was laughing at my name or if that greeting was even funny at all. What I could tell is that she was expecting a handshake... or... hoofshake? I held out my hand but did not grab her hoof yet. I rotated my hand in different orientations, trying to figure out a way to grab her hoof, which had no digits on it. It was somewhat like the shape of a cylinder, yet able to flex, bend, and move around like an arm would be on a human. I decided to just grab the hoof with my thumb on top and my other four fingers wrapped around the pink flesh. The texture was not what I was expecting. It was... soft, much like a pillow or marshmallow. After we exchanged the shake, she gave a smile, but not as big as the one she had before. I decided to ask the next obvious question. "What are you doing here... in my house?" Raising one eyebrow, she pointed at me and said, "I am here to help you with your problem." I continued to partake in the dialogue by replying with, "What problem?" She giggled. "Your friendship problem, of course!" "What the hell are you talking about?" I replied in an aggressive tone. She started rapidly speaking, "MyfriendsandIgoaroundandhelpsolvefriendship..." I quickly interrupted her and said, "Can you... speak a little slower, please?" "Okie dokie lokie," she exclaimed, "You see, my friends and I go around to help solve friendship problems. We follow this map that tells us where to go, and it calls us by our cutie mark!" She pointed to the picture of three balloons on her thigh. "And the map brought you here?" She chuckled, "I know! Crazy, right? You should have seen the look on Twilight's face when she saw my cutie mark symbol land on the edge of the map! She said that something like that has never happened before!" I had many questions running through my mind right now, but my first reaction was to ask, "Who is Twilight?" "Princess Twilight Sparkle, Princess of Friendship!" She paused. "Oh... you probably don't know much about our place, do you?" I shouted in a raspy voice, "NO! I don't know where you, talking pink pony, came from or how you got here, but the only problem here is you!" She stepped back. "Somepony woke up on the wrong side of the mattress." I stopped, took a deep breath, and exhaled. "I'm sorry. I'm just really confused right now." "It's okay. I forgive you," She said with a grin. "Anywho, I'm from Equestria." "Okay... but how did you even get here from your... world?" I asked curiously. "I have my ways," she said with a smirk. I could tell she was not like a normal pony. Well, aside from the pink skin and hair. "I'm sorry to tell you this, but there are not any friendship problems with me," I said assertively. She pouted her lips and squinted her eyes at me, as if she knew something was up. I felt a drop of sweat from my forehead run down the side of my face. There was something about the face she made that intimidated me, and how could I be intimated by a brightly colored horse? She continued our dialogue saying, "Well I don't know what to tell you, Mister. My cutie mark said that there is a friendship problem in this location, and you are the only other one here. Tell me, has anything happened with you and your friends recently?" I didn't know how to respond. I could not think of any excuses on the spot that would not get the pink pony suspicious of my actions, so the first thing I could come up with was... "I haven't... really hung out with anyone as of lately," I mumbled while tilting my head towards the ground. To be honest, it was the truth. There was hardly any residence on the street that I lived on. By "street", I mean abandoned road. Nothing was lively here. This road was just filled with scraps from old, torn homes. I don't blame the people who chose to live on other streets around the area. Who would want to live in this "neighborhood"? Pinkie tilted her head to the side in confusion. "Why not," she asked. Did I want to tell her the truth? Of course not! I was never fond about the whole "talking about your feelings" type of conversing. However, I would have to come up with an excuse to why I was mumbling my words. It must be believable enough to make her not suspicious of me. "Nothing," I said suddenly. Nothing? NOTHING!? That was all I could say? Then again, I never had a way with words. I blame it on my lack of social interactions. Suddenly, she grabbed my arm with her hoof and pulled me onto the edge of the bed so I was sitting next to her. "Aw, come on now," she said with empathy, "I'm here to help you with whatever you're dealing with!" She put her hoof around my shoulders and pulled me in closer to her. Feeling uncomfortable and claustrophobic, I stood up and started walking away without saying a word. She smirked and said, "Come on! What's the worse that can happen? Even if I told anyone here, who's going to believe a "talking pink pony," as you put it?" My eyes shot open at this point she made. Who would she talk to? It's not like any of my classmates or workmates would believe anything that she says. I turned around slowly to glance back at her and say, "Fine." I turned my whole body around to finish the rest of my statement. "I don't really have, or for that matter, need any friends. I am already busy as it is with work, school, and keeping this house intact." She looked around the room to take in the atmosphere of the room. She looked back at me with a confused look and said, "This place doesn't seem very fun... or running for that matter." I sighed at that remark. She was right. This house was still barely standing. I'm surprised the walls haven't collapsed yet. With the job I have, I can only afford enough to pay for either electricity or water, not both. However, I still have a generator that my father kept for emergencies. Although it only has a little power left, it can power at least four rooms or devices at a time as a source of electricity. Besides, I assume water is more important than electricity. You know, for survival purposes. "Yep, living the life," I said with a sarcastic tone. Suddenly, my alarm clock began to make a constant ringing noise that startled the pink po... I mean, "Pinkie." She yelped as she sprung up from the bed with her eyes shooting wide open. "What was that?!" "The ringing? That's my alarm clock. It's Monday, so I have to get ready for school."