A shell, a spell, and...wait, what the..??

by MrWriterWriter

Hi, I'm Spike.

An excited giggling could be heard echoing through the halls of Canterlot Castle, accompanied by the swift clip-clop, clip-clop of small hooves skipping on the stone floors.

Hooves that belonged to a small, eight-year-old lilac unicorn filly by the name of Twilight Sparkle.

The reason for her excitement and why she was in the castle? Twenty-four hours ago, Twilight was performing her entrance exam for Princess Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns. Her task was to use her magic to hatch an artificial dragon egg made expressly for the exam. At first it seemed like she would be unable to complete it after several attempts.

Until a massive rumble from outside startled her, causing her magic to surge and hatch it. Unfortunately, it also went a little haywire, blowing a hole in the roof in the process. She struggled to get it back under control until Princess Celestia herself-who had noticed the blast and came to investigate-showed up and helped her. Impressed with the power Twilight demonstrated, Celestia announced the filly as her personal protege as well as informing her of her brand new Cutie Mark.

And today was her first day as that protege! She had dressed in her favorite purple blouse and skirt, hoping to make a good first impression."I still can't believe it!" She squealed, "Princess Celestia is going to teach me PERSONALLY! I have to be the luckiest filly in Canterlot, Mom!"

There was no response.

"Mom? Did you hear me?"


"Mom, are you listening...?" She turned around, thinking her parents had gotten distracted by some of the decor.

No pony was there.

"Mom? Dad? Where'd you guys go?" She called out, "Did I get ahead of them too much?" She asked herself, trotting back to the corner she'd just came around.

The hallway was completely deserted.

Twilight laughed weakly, "All right, come on out, you got me..." She began to walk back down the hall, trying to retrace her steps, "Ok, this isn't funny anymore..." She called out as worry began to settle in and her pace quickened. Left, straight, then second right....or-or was it straight, right, then third left...?

"Mom!? Dad!?" Passing an old suit of armor, she noticed it was caked in dust and cobwebs. There was no way the ponies working here would allow something like that!

Unless...they never came here anymore...

The worry quickly gave way to fear when she realized that in her excitement, she'd wandered away from her parents and into an abandoned section of the castle. She took off into a run. "Mommy! Daddy!" She screamed, praying somepony-anypony-would hear her

Unfortunately, she was so scared, she didn't notice an old rug in her way, her hoof clipping the edge of it and causing her to fall, skinning her knee on impact.

The pain coupled with her fear was just too much for the young filly. All she could then was huddle up on the floor, clutching her throbbing knee, and cry. "Mommy...Daddy...Where are you..?" She whimpered....

"Hey, are you ok?"

Her ears perked up at the voice. Wiping her tears away as best she could to see clearly, she looked to see a young colt, dressed in a green shirt and black shorts, step up to her from a nearby column.

However, he...well...although he seemed to be a year or two older than her, he looked unlike ANY colt she had ever seen! He had emerald green eyes that almost seem to have a faint glow to them. What appeared to be scales, colored a similar shade of purple to her own, covered the bridge of his nose and sides. His chin had the same scales, but they were a pale green color. What appeared to be dark green spikes could be seen peering out of his mane, which was a few shades lighter. He had a horn like a unicorn, but it had a definitive downward curve with a strange prong forking from it halfway up.

She noticed his fingers had claw-like nails on them and his hands and forearms had the same scales as his face. A long reptilian tail swayed behind him, the lower third covered with hair the same shade of green as his mane and two large, almost...draconic-looking wings were visible on his back.

"Huh..?" She sniffed, not sure if she should be relieved or frightened

"I said are you ok." He said, smiling in what looked to be a non-threatening way, revealing a set of sharp teeth that glinted slightly in the dull afternoon sun shining through a nearby window.

"I..I was on my way to see the Princess, b-but I got separated from my parents.." She said, feeling a small measure of relief in not being alone anymore.

He knelt in front of her, "Name's Spike."

"I'm Twilight. Twilight Sparkle."

"Twilight...'I heard that name somewhere before. Ah well." He shrugged it off before looking at her knee, "Here, let me take care of that."

"What are you...?" Twilight's eyes widened when his horn began to emit a green glow, indicating a spell being cast. Though, his glow seemed to flicker and dance around his horn, resembling a translucent flame. Her knee tensed and she gasped slightly at the tingle of magic that covered the wound. Within a few seconds, her knee was as good as new. Then she heard Spike hiss in pain.

"Why do they sting even when you're ready for it??" He grumbled, grabbing his right knee; the same one she had hurt.

"Wait.." She hesitated, looking at the exact same wound that was now on him, "You..you transferred it..?"

He grinned sheepishly, "From what Mom said, transference is supposed to be a good way to start when you first learn healing, since moving it's a lot easier to master than really undoing the damage." He reached up to gently wipe away her tears, causing her to blush slightly.

"Um, th-thank you.." Twilight wasn't sure what else to say. A colt she'd just met, out of nowhere pretty much, had actually moved her skinned knee to himself without a second thought.

"It's no biggie." He replied, pulling her to her hooves as he stood, "Come on, your parents are bound to be freaking out by now and my mom's probably wondering where I got off to as well."

"How? I don't even remember how I got here." She said,

"I've kinda gotten in trouble a couple of times for trying to explore this part of the palace, so I recognize some of it." Spike looked at some of the decor, "Ok, if I remember right, we just gotta follow this hall all the way and that'll get us to one of the old servant entrances we can use to cut across the garden to the kitchen's back door. Let's go." With that, he took her hand and began leading her down.

Twilight couldn't explain why, but for some reason she found the odd heat coming from him to be comforting and a sense of safety wafting over her. A short way's down, she decided to ask, "Spike?"


"Um, no offense, but...I've never really seen a pony like you before; in books or real life."

Spike simple laughed, "I've gotten that a couple of times. I'm not really what you'd really call a pony. I'm a kirin."

Twilight nearly tripped again, "A-A kirin?? But..those are just stories! Aren't they?'

"Asked my mom why I looked so different and she told me she used a bit more magic than she had planned on when she hatched me."

"Did..did you just say 'hatched'?"

"Yep. From a dragon egg she'd found in the woods. She decided she'd hatch and raise me herself, but she went overboard and the magic that had seeped into my egg changed me into this." He gestured to himself with his free hand. "My first waking memory is looking at her from between the broken halves of my egg. So, far as I'm concerned I've always been one."

"Wow..um.." She wondered if she should ask the princess about that later.

"So, Twilight, what're you at the palace for?"

"Oh, well.." The lingering blush brightened slightly, "Yesterday, Princess Celestia picked me as her personal student." Deep inside, she prepared for him to possibly scoff or think she was just joking.

"I wondered who it was she picked." He replied, throwing Twilight for a momentary loop.

"You..believe me?" She asked.

"You don't look like somepony who'd make something like that up. That and I overheard her asking a few of the palace staff to prep a study area." The duo reached a plain-looking dull red door, "Yes! I knew it'd be here!" He jiggled the handle for a moment before the door managed to open. "Ladies first."

Once they were outside, Spike looked around again, "Right over there!" He pointed to a pedestal with the bust of a mare on it, . A half door visible not far behind it, opposite of where they where.

-----------Palace Throne Room-----------

Princess Celestia watched as Twilight's parents, Night Light and Twilight Velvet, paced anxiously in front of the throne.

"I assure you both that she will be found; a full platoon along with several palace workers are searching every inch of the castle."

"I--I Know, Your Highness.." Night replied, "We're just worried; I mean, what if something's already happened by the time anypony's found her? She can protect herself a little with her magic..but she's still just a foal!"

Velvet quickly embraced her husband, trying to ease his nerves.

"I understand, and you have my word; she will be..."

Celestia found herself cut off by the rapid taps of hooves running full tilt. She focused on where it was coming from: the door that led to the dining room.

"What's that? Did they find something!?" Velvet asked, following her gaze.

Night shook his head, "Doesn't sound heavy enough to be a full grown pony."

They watched as the door was abruptly thrown open by a charging Twilight.

"MOMMY! DADDY!/TWILIGHT!" The family members cried out, rushing to each other.

"Oh sweetie, where were you!?" Velvet said, hugging her daughter tightly.

"I'm sorry! I-I was so excited..I didn't know we got separated!"

"Oh, I'm so glad the guards found you!"

Twilight looked at her, "The guards didn't find me." She pointed at Spike, who was following not far behind, "He did."

"Spike!" Celestia trotted up, "You found her? Where was she?"

"Um..heh.." He looked down hesitantly.

She deadpanned, "You were in the abandoned wing of the palace, weren't you?" She sighed in exasperation, "Spike Solaris, I've told you before; never go there, especially alone!" She wrapped her arms around him, "You could' have gotten seriously hurt somewhere in there!" It was then that she spotted his knee, "Like that!"

"That's a transfer. She'd skinned her knee when I found her." He replied, "And I wasn't alone the whole time. That's where she was too. You don't really think I'd just leave her there all by herself, do you?"

Celestia sighed, "No, I don't." She grinned slightly, "I'll let it slide...THIS time."

"Spike..?" Twilight piped up, getting the attention of them both, "How..how are you so..familiar with the princess?"

Spike smiled, "Why wouldn't I be with my mom?"

"Your..your what..?"

The princess laughed, "I guess introductions are in order. Twilight Sparkle, I'd like you to meet Spike Solaris; my son, and your new study partner."