Into the Void

by Shadowflame38

Chapter 2-"Welcome to Equestria"

Into the Void

Chapter 2
Welcome to Equestria

You climb in your car after a long day at work exhausted but happy the day is finally over.

“I just want to go home and sleep, I’ve been exhausted the past couple of days” you say aloud.

It’s been about a week since your birthday and nothing has happened out of the ordinary in that time except the fact that Luna has been showing up every night. It’s not that you don’t like seeing her; on the contrary she is the only pers or pony that actually cares about you.

Even though you still don’t believe in the whole magic thing you’re starting to wonder what really is going on. The stuff she says and talks about is just nothing you have ever even thought about yourself, so how could a dream know stuff that you don’t.

“Regardless I hope somehow she’s there tonight” you say to yourself.

On your drive home you start to recall the events that took place last night. Luna seemed really on edge, like she was worried about something the entire time the two of you were together. Every once in awhile you would catch her looking around like she was looking for something.

“Luna are you okay, you seem really worried about something?” you would ask her.

“Yes everything is fine do not worry” is what she would reply with dawning a fake smile that only made you worry even more.

“Come on Luna I’ve known you for awhile now to know that you’re terrible at lying, seriously what’s up I want to help” you say with a concerned look on your face.

“It’s nothing that concerns you, do not worry” she replies.

You stop and stand their with your arms crossed as she continues to walk a couple of feet before she realizes you aren’t walking beside her and turns to face you.

‘Seriously Luna come on talk to me, I want to help” you say walking closer to her.

She only seems to tense up at that, you can see her eyes starting to get a glaze in the corners as she starts to tear up. Now you know something is definitely wrong. You’ve never seen Luna cry the whole time you’ve known her; she’s always been so strong and never really shown her emotions until now. As soon as you get close enough you embrace her in a hug as she starts to cry into your shoulder.

“Come on Luna I can’t help if you don’t tell me what’s wrong” you say in a sincere voice.

“Anon I….I…I’m never going to see you again after tonight” she says through tears.

You really weren’t expecting that, like she felt bad about missing something, or she was remembering events that took place before her banishment, but never being able to see her again was not on that list.

“Wait what do you mean I’m never going to see you again, Luna what’s going on.”

She pulls away from your shoulder and looks at you with her big blue eyes. Behind them you can see her struggling with the decision of whether she wants to tell you or not.

Luna never really talks about her past, took her almost a year to tell you that she’s in this place because she was banished by her sister but she never told you why exactly. Whenever you tried to ask her, she either ignored it or just simply told you it was complicated.

“Luna come on, I want to know why I’m never going to see you again after tonight. I mean even though I don’t believe in this whole magic thing. I believe that you’re real and trapped here, and that something bad happened to put you here but, what’s changed? Is it something I did or said, if it is please tell me? I don‘t want to lose you” you say through teary eyes.

You seemed to hit her hard with that statement because she collapses into your shoulder again, tears streaming down her cheeks. After a couple of minutes of you two just sitting there, you holding her while she cries, she seems to finally take a deep breath and relax a little. She pulls away from you, you can see redness in her eyes and some marks on her face from where tears have been falling.

She shakes her head. “No it’s nothing you did Anon I promise, it’s just. If I tell you, you might never want to talk to me again”

You look at her with a concerned face. “What, why would you think that. Luna you are one of my only friends, even though I can only talk to you when I dream. I still love spending time with you, and nothing you say can change that.”

She takes a deep breath. “Thank you Anon, you’re the first friend I’ve had in almost a thousand years, I’m glad I was able to meet you Anon. I only wish that we could have met in Equestria rather than this place.”

“Well if I had met you in any other place but here, you being a princess in all. I probably would have never had the chance to actually talk to you” you say with a small chuckle.

She let’s out a small giggle. “Come now, as a princess of Equrstria it is my duty to hear out all of my subject.” she stats in a proud voice.

Luna’s mood seems to drop after that though as she starts to remember events that took place in the distant past.

Luna sighs. “Actually you’re probably right, I wasn’t the best princess. Actually I was a terrible one and it’s the reason my sister banished me from Equestria.”

You place your hand on her shoulder. “Come on Luna what could you have done that was so bad to warrant you getting banished? I mean you were a princess what did you do, start a war?”

She looks at you with sincere eyes. “In a way I did. Do you remember when we first meet and I mistook you as Nightmare Moon?

“Yeah, you told me she was the one that put you here. After that you only told me that she tried to plunge the land of Equestria into everlasting darkness. Anytime time I would ask you who she was after that you never wanted to talk about it. Wait you told me your sisters name was Celestia, so you got banished twice?” you say.

Luna takes a deep breath. “Yes my sister’s name is Celestia, and no I didn’t get banished twice. I…I.. am Nightmare Moon”

“Wait what, no way you told me she was evil and tried to take over Equestria. So how could you possibly be this evil Nightmare Moon?” you say with a confused tone.

“Well do you remember when I told you how Tia controlled the sun and I controlled the moon. Well I kind of became jealous that Tia and I’s subject where praising and playing during the day, but when night came and I rose the moon, all they did was sleep. I worked so hard to make my night beautiful aligning the stars and making the moon glow brightly, but it was all a waste for there was no one to appreciate my work” she stated with a saddened tone.

Luna hung her head low ashamed. “My jealousy started to form into whispers in my mind pushing me further and further away from everyone I cared about. Telling me that my subjects wouldn‘t miss my night if there was never a sun to rise. Sometimes I would even seem lose control of myself and wake up in a completely different place with no memory of how I got there. Until one day when I was sleeping, Nightmare Moon came to me in a dream. She said that she knew of a way to make my subject appreciate my night, and all I had to do was accept her help and everything would be ok. At the time I wasn‘t thinking straight between the voices in my head telling me to do it, I accepted her offer and became Nightmare Moon”

“I had no control of my actions after that, Nightmare confronted my sister and tried to destroy her. But Tia was able to harness the power of the elements of harmony and with there help she was able to banish Nightmare to the moon. After that I woke up in this place with Nightmare standing over me. She said that even though Tia defeated her, she would return once the seal was broken and plunge Equestria into everlasting darkness. I tried to stop her but she had absorbed all of my magic at that point, she then trapped my in that force field you found me in. And that’s where I waited for centuries until you found me,” Luna stated as she turned away from you and began to cry again.

Man you really weren’t expecting that, Luna is sweet and kind and you could never see her hurting her own subject. You sit there in thought as the pieces begin to come together, the small bits of information you gathered over the past two years started to all make sense. But you didn’t care, Luna isn’t this Nightmare Moon.

You stand and walk around in front of her and kneel on know knee. She’s still sitting there crying with her eyes closed. You embrace her in a hug which is definitely not what she was expecting. She seems to tense up at your touch but immediately falls into your shoulder and begins to cry again. Seems like she has been keeping this all bottled up for years, she really needed to vent.

You begin stroking her starry mane. “Luna listen I get that you made some mistakes in your past and if it’s any conciliation I would have loved to of seen one of your nights. But the past is the past and you can’t change what happened, all you can do is look ahead and try to make things right.”

Luna pulls away from you and looks at you with red eyes. “You don’t think I’m some sort of horrible monster. Even if I couldn’t control what I was doing I still allowed Nightmare Moon to become who she is, that’s my fault Anon.

You grab her shoulders. “No Luna, yeah you made a mistake but you weren’t yourself. Listen to me, you are not Nightmare Moon. You aren’t some herald of darkness, you are princess Luna of Equestria and one of the nicest peop, I mean pony’s I know.

Luna wipes her eyes and lets of a small giggle. “I thought I was the only pony you know.”
You shrug with a smirk. “Well that’s beside the point.”

You put a serious look on your face. “What I’m trying to say Luna, is you need to stop living in the past. You can’t change that; you can only change your future. Even if I never get to see you again after tonight I want you to know that I will always be your friend, even if you become Nightmare Moon again. Because no matter what, you will always be Luna somewhere in here” you say pointing at her chest.

Luna grows a small smile and embraces you in a hug. “Thank you Anon, whatever happens after tonight know that I will never forget you.”

You sit there in a hug for another minute until you finally brake apart; you both sit there in silence for a minute or two until you decide to finally ask the question you’re dreading.

“So why am I never going to see you again after tonight” you ask with a saddened tone.

Luna looks at you as if hoping you weren’t going to ask that question. “Well do you remember when I said Nightmare was controlling my body and that Tia managed to banish her to the moon? Well the spell she used could only contain Nightmare on the moon for 1,000 years, and tomorrow marks the thousandth day of the new moon. So tomorrow by this time Nightmare will be free and I can’t risk her finding and hurting you, if you are hurt or worse killed in this place. You’ll die back in your world.”

You look at her with a confused look. “Wait how would that work, wouldn’t I just wake up? I mean that’s how any other dream works.”

“Come on Anon you must have figured out by now this place isn’t a normal dream, haven’t you always wondered why you don’t wake up until you hear your alarm clock. You can’t just wake up from this place like a normal dream, only an outside influence can pull you out. It’s why I’m still trapped here and how Nightmare is still in control of my body” she states.

“Oh, I see. Well we might as well make the most with the small amount of time we have left” you say with a fake smile.

Luna smiles back and just as she is about to say something you hear the noise you hoped would never come.

You start to feel dizzy, you look over at Luna. “No I don’t want to go yet, please.”

“Good bye Anon and thank you, for everything,” she says with a smile.

You reach out to grab Luna but just before you can you shoot up in your bed. You grab your alarm clock and smash it against the wall.

You cup your face with your hands as tears start to swell in your eyes. “No that can’t be the last time I see here, she has to be there tonight when I go to sleep again. I don’t want to say goodbye.”

Once you finally get home and jump on your computer and check the news for anything that went on today. You see there is an article about the lunar eclipse that is going to be taking place tonight, according to the article it’s going to be in full effect around midnight. Since you don’t have to work tomorrow you decide your going to stay awake and watch the eclipse so that you can ask Luna about it when you see her tonight.

You look out the window and see the shadow creeping across the full moon. “I’m going to see her tonight no matter what.”

You glance at your clock that reads 10:45 PM; you grab your sweatshirt and head out your back door to your small backyard. You look up and see the moon is almost halfway covered in a shadow, you find a soft piece of grass and lie down and look up at the moon as it’s slowly engulfed in darkness.

You start to recall something Luna said. “Didn’t she say our worlds could be connected, maybe it’s the shadow is Nightmare Moon trying to escape.”

You glance at your watch and realize it’s only been about ten minutes, the soft patch of grass under you is starting to become more and more comfortable as the day’s events starting to catch up with you.
Your eyes begin to close. “Screw it; still got an hour before it’s in full effect, I’ll close my eyes for just a minute.”

But no sooner are your eyes closed do you hear a familiar voice behind you.

You turn to see someone you definitely weren‘t expecting standing before you. “Hello Anon, it’s nice to finally meet you”

Your eyes go wide and you start to back up. “Niiiightmmmare Mooon. How are you here, where‘s Luna?”

Nightmare lets out an evil laugh. “Why she’s right in front of you, don’t you recognize me? And as to how I‘m here, well I’m really not. This is my own little world; I created it and trapped Luna here. So I have all the power here that I do in the real world.”

Stood before you was most definitely not Luna. Luna was slightly shorter, had big bright blue eyes, and wore a small crown atop her heard. No the creature that stood before you was slightly taller than you, had big blue glowing eyes with cat irises and had what looked like a large purple helmet perfectly formed to her head.

You stood even though your scared to what she could do to you, you still didn’t back down. “No your not Luna, she is kind and not terrifying to look at. Where is she, what have you done with her?”

Nightmare seemed offended by that because she took a step forward making a loud *Crack* with a scowl across her face. “You’re right I’m not Luna I am Nightmare Moon and if you insult me like that again, I will destroy you. Now bow before me human.”

You take a step forward with a stern look on your face. “I’ll ask you again where’s Luna, what did you do with her. If you hurt her I swear I’ll.”

Nightmare cut’s you off mid sentence. “You’ll do what; you’re just some pathetic human with no magic. But I can see you aren’t going to heed my warning and since I still need to find Luna, I’m going to destroy you since you might become a problem in the future.

You notice Nightmare’s horn begin to glow. “She’s right I’m just a human with no magic, what can I do. At least you know Luna is still safe for now, hopefully she can hide from Nightmare long enough for her to give up searching for her.

A dark ball of magic shoots from Nightmare’s horn directly at you, you don’t even try to get out of the way. What’s the point; you close your eyes and wait for the inevitable pain. But right before the ball of energy can hit you, the real Luna jumps in front of you and deflects the blast away from you both.

You open your eyes and see the real Luna standing in front of you. “Luna, what are you doing here you should be hiding.”

Luna turns to look at you with a smile. “No, I’m not going to stand by and watch somepony I love get hurt for something I did. Besides I still owe you that birthday party.”

Nightmare laughs. “Oh Luna, I knew you wouldn’t be able to sit by and watch me destroy this human. Instead of running you jumped in to rescue him and now I have you both right where I want you.”

Luna turns back to Nightmare. “No Nightmare, I wont let you hurt Anon. You’ve taken everything from me; I won’t let you take Anon away from me too. Anon stay behind me no matter what happens”

Nightmare charges her horn. “You insolent little brat, I gave you power and you waste it protecting this worthless human. So be it, if you want to be with him. You can be together in the afterlife.”

Nightmare continued to charge her horn as she became more and more angry.

Luna turns to you. “Anon you need to get out of here; I can’t protect you against her. I have little to no magic here, the only way I was able to block that last shot was because it was very low power and I used all the energy I had. You need to go now, please.”

You walk up to Luna. “No Luna I’m not going anywhere, no matter where I go she will find me. And there is no way in hell I’m going to leave you here by yourself. I told you before were friends no matter the situation.”

Luna smiles at you and turns back to face Nightmare. “I’m sorry Anon, for everything. We are probably about to be destroyed but I want you to know that you made me happy before the end.”

Luna puts up a small force field in front of the two of you in hopes of stopping Nightmare.

Nightmare cackles. “You think that puny force field will stop me, if you two don’t want to run fine. I will smash clean through it and destroy you both with one blast.”

Just as Nightmare was about to unleash her spell a giant column of light with all the colors of the rainbow appears from the sky above the three of you. Luna and you both look completely surprised as the light hits Nightmare with full force, Nightmare screams in pain and jumps back out of the column of light.

You turn to Luna. “Luna what’s going on, where did that light come from.”

Luna turns to you. “I have no idea Anon but I recognize that magic, it’s from the elements of harmony. Somehow Tia is using them against Nightmare, Anon hurry head towards the light it’s our only chance.

You and Luna take off towards the column of light; once you reach the column Luna steps inside the light and begins to glow.

Nightmare screams from the shadows. “No you will not escape from this place. If I kill you than I will never have to worry about losing control”

Nightmare appears out of nowhere charging at Luna with her horn glowing a dark black. You yell to Luna but she can’t hear you and hasn’t noticed Nightmare charging her. Nightmare is getting closer and closer to Luna with her horn ready to stab Luna. You only see one option, just before Nightmare reaches Luna you jump into the column of light between Nightmare’s horn and Luna.

You look down at your chest and see a glowing blue horn protruding from the front. Nightmare has stabbed you clean through the back with her horn. You still can’t feel any pain but most likely because your body is still in shock and your brain hasn’t caught up yet.

Nightmare wails. “No, you stupid human. I will not let you stop me from taking what is mine.”

Nightmare rips her head back and pulls the horn out with it; you look down and see a large amount of blood escaping from where Nightmare’s horn once was. Just then you look up to see Luna standing before glowing a brilliant white light looking at you in pure shock. The pain finally reaches your brain but you can’t seem to scream, you can’t move anything and your body begins to fall forward.

Luna lunges forward and catches you before you hit the ground. “Anon no, why did you do that?” Luna begins to cry as she holds you.

Anon pulls his hand up to her cheek and wipes the tears away. “Don’t cry Luna, your safe. Now get out of here before she tries again.”

Nightmare charges Luna again. “Stupid human shouldn’t of got in the way, now he gets to die slowly and watch as I kill you too Luna!”

Nightmare charges at Luna with full force like before but right before she gets to the column of light, a giant ball of white energy surrounds her.

‘No Nightmare you are the one who will suffer for what you did to Anon. Now DIE!!!” Luna shouts as the ball of energy shrinks all at once completely crushing Nightmare in a split second.

Luna looks down at Anon with tears in her eyes. “I’m so sorry Anon, this is all my fault. I wish none of this had ever happened than you wouldn’t have gotten hurt.”

Anon grabs Luna’s hoof. “Don’t be, if this had never happened I would have never met you. Don’t blame yourself for what happened, remember what I said don’t live in the past. Look forward to the future, and don’t dwell on stuff you can’t change.”

Luna begins to cry as the column of light begins to glow brighter. “Goodbye Anon.”

Anon smiles up to Luna. “Goodbye Luna.”

Just then there is a bight flash and Luna is left lying on what looks like a cobblestone platform with five little pony’s below her. There all standing there looking at Luna in pure shock, most likely because not many pony’s knew that Nightmare Moon was actually princess Luna. But Luna notices that they aren’t actually starring at her, but the being she is currently holding in front of her.

Luna screams. “ANON!!!” Luna begins to panic trying to figure out what to do. “Ok he’s still breathing, help please someone I need a doctor.” Luna looks to the five little pony’s standing before her. “You the purple one, I sense you have a high level of magic do you know any healing spells.”

Just then it seemed that all of the pain caught up with you at once and your eyes slowly begin to close until your world is shrouded in darkness.

You wake up in what you can only hope is a bed; your eyes are covered with some kind of bandage so you can’t see anything. You try to move but you feel like you have been hit by a truck and quickly decide your better off not moving.

You lay there trying to recall past events. “Oh god what happened the last thing I remember was that really bright light, looking up at Luna and then everything went black. Oh god Luna, I hope she‘s ok. God where am I, am I in a hospital”

You then hear what sounds like a door open from across the room. Someone enters the room and sounds like they are walking on tap shoes or really loud light heels. “Excuse me” you say.

The person seems to jump at your voice. “Oh, Mr. Anon you’re awake.”

“Mr. Anon, what’s up with that? Guess I am in a hospital.” You think to yourself.

“My name is Twilight Sparkle Mr. Anon, do you need anything?”

“Twilight Sparkle, I mean that’s kind of a cool name but I’ve never heard that name before” you think to yourself. “Some water would be great, and also can you tell me why I’m blindfolded?”

Twilight walks closer to the bed. “Here open your mouth I have some water here for you.

You swear you hear a jingling sound come out of nowhere but just pass it off as background noise. You open your mouth and a small gulp of water is poured in.

“Thank you” you say. “Know my second question, why am I blindfolded?”

Twilight seems to fumble with an answer. “To protect you, don’t worry your safe here in my library.”

You sit there, gears turning in your head until. “I’m sorry I must have misheard you, did you say library?”

“Yes you’re lying in my guest bedroom at my library right now, why is there a problem?” she asks nonchalantly.

“Great so while I was asleep someone snuck into my house and kidnapped me. Ok gota stay calm and try to figure out my surroundings” you thought.

You hear more tapping that seems to get closer until you feel something touch your forehead, like someone is checking your temperature. “Now Mr. Anon how are you feeling, any nausea or severe pain, to be honest I have no idea what you are so it‘s kind of hard to tell just by looking at you?”

You dawn a very confused look. “No aside from the aches and pains I feel fine, and what do you mean by. “What I am,” I’m a human being. What else could I possibly be? Also you can drop the Mr. just Anon is fine, unless you want me to start calling you Ms. Sparkle.”

Twilight lets off what sounds like a small giggle and walks away. “No that won’t be necessary, Anon it is then. I’m glad you’re doing well; you had everyone worried for a little while since we didn’t know how to treat your wound. But thanks to Princess Celestia it seems you are doing well. To be honest I thought you might be a hairless griffin but you don’t have a beak or any wings.”

“Is this some kind of joke, what’s going on? How could they not know how to treat their own kind, am I trapped in some loony bin?” You have so many questions running through your mind but only one stands out. “God I hope Luna is safe” you say under your breath.

Some how Twilight seems to hear you from across the room. “You mean Princess Luna, don’t worry she is safe. She and Princess Celestia are just in the other room trying to come up with a way to send you home.”

Then everything starts to dawn on you all at once, Twilight not knowing what you are. The *clip-clop* sound she makes whenever she moves in the room. Questions start running through your mind like a freight train, but one stands out.

“Twilight, where exactly am I?” you say in a shaky tone.

Twilight starts to get a little worried; since it’s evident you are starting to put the pieces together. “You’re in Ponyville’s library, my home, in the land of Equestria.”

That was something you where expecting, but not what you wanted to hear. “Please can I speak to Luna, I need to talk to her.”

“I will go see if she is available, please stay in bed while I go find her.” Twilight states as she exit’s the room and closes the door.

You rip the blindfold from your eyes and the immediate blast of light blinds you for a moment. But as your vision begins to clear you start to make out your surroundings. Your bed is pushed up against the wall with a small nightstand next to you with a lamp on top. On the opposite side of the room is a bookshelf the entire length of the wall filled with books. The only thing else in the room is a small window above your bed open and filling the room with light and fresh air, and a door on the other end.

You pull your covers up and realize your shirt is gone but you are still wearing your pants. You throw the covers off you and swing your legs out. Your feet make contact with the floor and you try to stand but you quickly crash down back onto the bed. You seem to have no strength all of a sudden. “What is going on” you say to yourself.

Little had you noticed but Luna had entered the room. “I believe I can answer that question, how are you doing Anon.”

You turn your head and standing before you was Luna, you check the room and see that everything is still there. You haven’t passed out again so you can only assume that everything around you is still real, including Luna.

You dawn a bright smile. “Luna your ok, what happened to Nightmare Moon?”

Luna walks over to you. “Do not worry, she’s gone, and never coming back. Thanks to you and your stupid move I was able to defeat her.”

You show a small smirk. “Hey I’m still standing aren’t I, besides I told you before? No one hurts my friends.”

Luna sits in front of you with a serious look. “No Anon that was reckless and stupid what you did. You could have gotten yourself killed. And you almost did, it’s only thanks to my sisters powerful healing magic that you are here. I almost lost you, and I‘m tired of losing the ones I care for.”

You reach out and draw Luna into a hug. “Luna its ok, I’m alive and well. If I hadn’t intervened when I did, we would both be dead right now. So I really am in Equestria aren‘t I, how is this even possible?”

Luna pulls away from you with a smile. “Yes this is Equestria and to how you got here, my sister and I are still trying to figure that out. It seems that because we where both in the column of light, it decided to bring both of us instead of just me. The elements are a powerful and ancient magic with properties still unknown to both my sister and I.”

“But how was I pulled from my world it doesn’t make any sense, I mean the last thing I remember.” And then it seems to dawn on you. “Hey do you remember when you told me our worlds could very well be connected?”

Luna looks at you with a confused expression. “Yes Anon but that still doesn’t explain how you crossed from your plain into ours.”

“Well last night before I found you in the dream world, I remember that there was a lunar eclipse taking place. Maybe between the elements and the eclipse I was teleported here.” You state.

Luna seems to ponder for a moment. “You know that’s probably what did it; a lunar eclipse is very powerful magic. It’s not something even I can control; they are very rare like a meteor shower. This could very well help us figure out a way to send you back, it still might be awhile but at least we know where to start.”

Suddenly you and Luna hear a knock at the door. “Luna is it alright if I come in?” Someone says with the sweetest voice you’ve ever heard.

Luna stands and reaches out her hoof to help you up from the bed. “Oh I almost forgot, my sister wishes to speak with you. Is it alright if she comes in?”

You grab Luna’s hoof and with her help pull yourself up. “Yes of course, I gota get used to the idea of being around pony’s. At least until you find a way to send me home.”

Luna’s horn glows a dark purple, the door swings open and a pure white pony walks in. You notice immediately that she’s like Luna, slightly taller but dawning both wings and a horn. She also has a golden crown atop her head and a giant golden chest plate with a purple stone in the middle of it. She also has big bright purple eyes and a mane made of colors of the rainbow that seems to be moving even with no breeze.

She walks toward Luna and you with a bright smile across her face. “It’s nice to finally meet you Anon, my name is Princess Celestia. Let me be the first to welcome you to the land of Equestria.”

You drop down to one knee. “It’s nice to meet you as well princess, thank you for saving my life by the way. Luna tells me that if it weren’t for you I would not be here today.”

Celestia reaches out a hoof and tucks it under Anon’s chin. “Please rise Anon, there is no reason for formalities. I should be thanking you, if it where not for your brave actions I would have never gotten Luna back.”

Luna looks at you with a playful irritated look. “Why didn’t you bow to me when we first met?”

You give her a smirk. “Because if you recall, you tried to destroy me when we first met because you thought I was Nightmare Moon. But if it will make you feel better.” You turn and kneel down in front of her with a grin; you grab her hoof and kiss it. “Please excuse my rudeness princess Luna.”

Luna draws back her hoof and turns away from you with pink cheeks. “That will do for know.” She states while trying to suppress a large smile.

Celestia looks at you both with a grin. “Why Anon I do believe you made Luna blush.” She states with a slight giggle at the end.

Luna’s face becomes a slightly darker pink. “Be quit sister, Anon did no such thing.”

Celestia stifles her laugh. “All right, Luna could you please leave the room for a moment. I wish to speak with Anon in private, if that’s all right with you Anon?”

You turn back to face Celestia. “That’s ok with me.”

Luna turns to Celestia. “Are you sure sister, you don’t want me to be here?”

Celestia gives a warm smile. “It’s all right Luna; I don’t believe Anon will try to hurt me. Besides I would like to get to know him a little more.”

Luna stands. “All right, if either of you need me. I will be right outside.”

Luna exit’s the room and closes the door behind her. Celestia turns and sits down across from you. “Now Anon I just have a couple of questions for you, but first can you tell me exactly what happened in that dream world. Luna has only told me small fractions; I would like to know more if you wouldn’t mind sharing?”

You sit back down on the bed. “Well I guess the best way to explain more is to start at the beginning. It all started two years ago when I woke up in that world.”