//------------------------------// // A New Life // Story: Stripe's Beginning // by Fluttershy Phoenix //------------------------------// When Stripe next awoke, he found himself aboard a train that was speeding along. When he tried to sit up, he felt pain and was forced to lie back down. On a nearby bench was his armor, a few bags with his things, the pendant that Artemisia had given him and his weapons. Atop them was the shield he had picked up during the fight. His eyes were drawn towards the pendant. It was the last thing she had ever given him. He was now alone with no wife, no home and just his thoughts for company. Even if he wanted to, he couldn't stop the tears that were now beginning to flow as if the floodgates from a dam had just been opened to unleash the raging torrents from the backed up water. His mother was gone, probably hidden in Equestria somewhere. And his wife.....she was just gone. It was a very sobering and heartwrenching moment for him as he just sat there and cried. He would never have a family of his own. His own kind had taken that away from him because of their prejudices. Had he been there sooner for her, she might not have been discovered and they would have had more time to escape. Had he properly protected her, she would still be alive. Instead, he had failed. The first time he had ever failed and he failed in the worst way possible. He had failed to protect the one he loved. As the scenery rolled on by, Stripe cast a glance out one of the nearby windows. There was still desert outside, but there were also mountains in the distance. The terrain was becoming much more rocky. The signaled that the zebra lands were behind him and he had entered the camel lands. A typical train trip from Caibra to the edge of Cervidas was about six to seven hours depending on what the weather was like and other extenuating circumstances. “So, you must be that changeling lover, Stripe.” Hearing this, he cast a glance to see who had spoken. A somewhat older zebra wearing the uniform of a conductor loomed over him as he no doubt made his own silent judgments. Glancing away, Stripe remained silent and refused to give the other zebra any sort of satisfaction. “Here! Your commander said to give you this when you woke up. Why in the world they didn't kill you is beyond me. You killed your own kind. You're no better than that fat fucking changeling they killed.” “I'd watch your tone conductor. Unless you want bucked out the window, I would suggest you leave.” The older zebra raised an eyebrow and simply shook his head before leaving. Despite the younger zebra's injuries, he knew that staying would have been a mistake. So, he resigned himself to simply leave the zebra killer alone. Stripe looked down at what the conductor had dropped. It was an envelope. There was nothing on the outside to really explain or show who had written it. It was just a simple envelope that looked like it had a folded piece of paper inside. Opening it, he saw it was a letter from his mother. She was still alive. What's more, it seemed she was living in a place called Everfree on the edge of some small town he'd never heard of. 'I am writing to you dear one, in the hope I may see my son. I have much to tell, but I hope you are doing well. If you ever wish to visit me, look no further than Everfree. The ponies have much to learn, but I hope you will soon have your turn. You could never sit still, so I implore you to come and visit Ponyville. If these words cross your eyes, do not fret and simply rise. Always loving you and your lost brother, your dear sweet mother.' He looked up from the letter as tears filled his eyes once more. He'd never known that he'd had a brother. He'd already lost his wife only to find out he had lost a brother somewhere along the line too. His mother was still alive though. But she was all the way over in Equestria and he had yet to even get to Cervidas. As it was, this was the farthest he had ever been from home in his entire life. He still didn't know what to tell his mother in regards to his now dead wife. Smashing his hoof on the bench he rested on, he looked back towards where he knew Zebrafrica was. They had taken her from him. And what's worse, they never even gave him a chance to properly bury her. They probably just rolled her into some local dump to let her rot under the desert sun like every other changeling that they killed. As the train continued on towards it's inevitable destination, the young warrior zebra tried to rest. He was still tired from his injuries, but he could never stay asleep. Hours had passed since he had read the letter and the rocky terrain of the country that belonged to the camels was starting to give way to forests and trees. If he was not in Cervidas yet, he soon would be. Standing up, he flinched as his side still throbbed from where he had been impaled. He was lucky that it hadn't killed him outright. Of course, if he were the superstitious type, he might had attributed that to the pendant that Artemisia had given him. Picking up said pendant, he slid it back over his neck as he moved on to his clothes. Putting on his tight undershirt, he next slid on his leather armor. Looking over it, he could see and feel the hole in both the undershirt and the armor where the spear had pierced him. Putting the scabbard and sheath on was always a little challenging, but he always managed to do so. Granted, it was a little harder this time around due to his injuries, but he made do. Once he had his weapons in place at either side, he looked through his bags to see what he had been given. In the first, there were a few items that he knew belonged to Artemisia when she had been alive. Namely, her large robe and her own pendant. The one she had always worn when out in the town. As his face sunk once more, he picked up her pendant and slid it over his neck as it fell into place above the one she had given him. Like the other, he felt a slight influx of what he could only describe as magic before the feeling vanished once again. Closing the first bag, he opened the second one and found his items. Among them were two sacks that jiggled and jostled and jingled. Obviously, they were his final payment. Opening the first revealed rubies. And upon counting, he found fifteen. All fifteen had been returned to him. He didn't know why they would give him his money back, but he didn't bother to question it. The other one, of course, carried a mass of bits. There was easily several hundred in it. Course, he knew it was five hundred. Every month, he was paid five hundred bits for his service in the Zebrafrican Military because of all the risks he took to help them. Well, all the risks he had took. Never again would he do anything for them. Meanwhile, further ahead, in the bustling capital of Albucka, a young cervine prince was stretching his legs as he rocked his head back and forth. Like most young bucks, he had a nice set of antlers atop his head and he appeared lean and agile. He was also a little stockier than most with a little bit of extra muscle. His father, the king, expected a lot out of him. Today was no different. He had been given orders by his father to take two dozen strong bucks and stags to the train station to deal with an incoming passenger. Two letters had been sent by zebracorn magic. One directly from the high council of the zebras and one from one commander in particular. The first had elaborated on what the passenger had done and ordered him to be dealt with. The second had simply requested that he be sent to Equestria since he had family there. “Pierce. Prince Pierce!” Shaking his head at having his musings interrupted, he turned to look at one of the older stags. “I'm sorry, what?” “What are your orders in dealing with our new friend when he arrives?” Pierce took a deep breath and held it for quite a long period of time before exhaling as he turned towards the stag. Looking at the other guards, most of which had bows around their necks and quivers at their sides, he sighed. “My father told me to deal with him how I saw fit. When I saw the first letter, I found it hard to believe that he would kill his own kind. And he killed them over a changeling (whatever that is). Typically, zebras do not marry outside of their kind.” “Sir, we've had reports of similar creatures in our lands. Not high in number and usually they don't last long. They are masters of disguise and seem to feed off of emotions.” “Could one reciprocate the love given?” “If the reports we have from the borders in Equestria and what we've seen in Zebrafrica, then the answer would appear to be no. However, I believe that anything can learn to love.” The screeching of brakes was heard as Pierce cocked his head to the left. “The train will be here in about twenty minutes. It's going through Reindeer Pass.” “What are your orders?” “We'll give him a ride to Equestria, but not for free. We'll put him to work here so he can earn his fare for his trip.” The stag nodded as the others got into position to protect their prince. Pierce rolled his eyes at this. The main reason was that he too was armed. Like many of his fellow warriors, he had a bow around his neck and a quiver by his side. However, he also had a rare Buckskin Scimitar. A very unique blade used by the most agile bucks for close quarters combat. His father had insisted he learn to use both it and the bow since he would not always be there to protect his own son. “Sway, I want you to give him a position that can earn money fast. Not one of our guards or soldiers, he already blew that.” “How about a blacksmith?” Pierce nodded and approached as he awaited the train to come into view. Aboard the train, Stripe saw the skyline of a city. It wasn't a large city and most of the buildings look like they were trees converted into towering homes and businesses. As the station itself came into view, he saw a contingent of cervine guards and warriors standing by the platform. All had grim looks on their faces and he half expected them to be the ones to execute him. He did notice the one in the center, one that had a sort of small crown made out of wooden on his head and around his antlers. “That must be their king, or at the very least a prince.” The screeching of the brakes echoed out as the train pulled to a complete stop. He watched as the other doors opened and saw some bucks, does and some zebras exiting. There was even a pony or two amongst the group when he saw the door to his car open. “There,” the prince pointed with his hoof as a few of the bucks armed with scimitars approached where Stripe stood. The zebra seemed uncertain and looked ready to draw one of his weapons. “I wouldn't do that if I were you. My name is Prince Pierce,” he stated as chuckling seemed to echo out amongst some of the guards around him. He rolled his eyes as if he seemed to know what they were laughing at and continued. “I was sent a couple of letters by those you used to report to. You have been exiled from your land and it was requested that you be imprisoned. Personally, I don't see the point of both exiling and imprisoning, but that is just me. I know not what my father thinks on such matters, but he may have the same sentiment as he left it up to me to decide your fate. However, I must state that only the first letter made the mention of you being imprisoned. The second seemed to be from a singular being instead of a war council. I do know you have a singular leader and your council is not called that, so do not feel you have to correct me. But, the second letter seemed to be requesting that you be sent to Equestria.” Stripe was a little confused. He had kind of an idea as to why it would be suggested that he be sent to Equestria and who probably sent the letter. But there was no way his former commander would go out on a limb like that. Especially after he had attacked his own people. Pierce seemed to notice the confusion of the young zebra and smiled as he motioned for some of the bucks to return to their posts back in the city. Turning back towards the young zebra, he smiled and said, “Come.” Following the young cervine prince, Stripe had to wonder what the young buck had in mind. “We are working to arrange for your transport to Equestria. Currently, there are two methods. By boat, and by airboat.” “What's an airboat?” “A design given to us by the ponies to use for transport. We don't use it for quite the same things that they do. We mainly use it as a cheap form of fast travel across the lands and ocean. It's basically a gigantic balloon filled with hot air or gas attached to schooner. Some of the more impressive ones are attached to old galleons.” “How can something so heavy float?” “I've given up trying to understand it myself. Deer and zebra magic is not quite the same as pony magic. But, there are enough similarities to make such things work. The exact processes are unknown to me and a bit above my learning capabilities. So, I simply go with what works and don't question it.” The zebra was humbled by how humble this prince was. He never out and out claimed to be intelligent, fierce or anything else. He just said he was royalty due to his father being royalty and that he just simply went with the world. “How much for a trip over to Equestria?” “2 large rubies for a singular boat ticket. 5 for an airboat ticket. Also, I must mention that gems are much easier to find in Equestria. Because of that, their value is virtually the same as a singular gold bit regardless of size. Only those of substantial size and weight hold value of anything more than that. So, if it is a little larger than your hoof or smaller, it's value is about the same as a bit.” “That's certainly a difference,” Stripe noted and saw the prince nod. As they entered the city proper, Stripe saw a very strong and stocky looking stag forging the lightweight armor that zebras used. He could also forge weapons and everyday household items. “This is Ironsmith, you'll be working with him to earn your fare.” “You said 5 large rubies?” Upon hearing the question, Pierce looked down to a sack Stripe pulled out. In it was a number of large rubies. The jangling of another sack signaled that he had quite a few bits as well. “I guess you don't need to work. So, you wish to go there by air?” “No. I'd also rather not have to cross an ocean, but I don't have much choice, do I?” “Nope. You'll either cross the ocean on it or far above it.” “Which is faster?” The answer, was rather obvious, but Pierce did think a little before responding. “About 8 hours flight time with a stop at Roe Island and Gallopfrey. The trip by boat is a few days at least depending on the weather.” “I thought it was weeks.” “No, not even close. It can take upwards of 5 days from our northern coast and probably closer to a couple of weeks if you leave from one of our western coasts. But it typically doesn't take all that long. We pride ourselves over making our airboats and ships faster than any other species. After all, the deer are known for their agility and speed.” As they traveled further into the city, Stripe couldn't help but glance around as he tried to take in every single thing he could. Trees as high as the tallest mountains he had ever seen with trunks easily as thick as some of the widest buildings he had seen in Zebrafrica. There were many local deer hurrying about. All appeared to have armor or practical clothing on. There were a number of does, but none were fat. All were very lithe and agile. A few had a bulging belly, but he attributed that to pregnancy. “We don't have quite the same views as the zebras do. Very few deer are heavy. In the zebra lands, a zebra with prosperity is very strong or very heavy, depending on what role they took. Here, a deer with prosperity is well trained with a bow because they can afford the training. Only those selected as warriors and guards have their training paid for. All the others must pay to be taught by some of our best.” “Because those best are not protecting the lands, right?” “Correct.” “Here we are,” the prince finally stated as he looked up. Stripe saw walkways far above and noticed a stairwell that wrapped around a large tree easily as thick as that train station he arrived at. Pierce was seen starting to walk up the stairs when he stopped. Stripe hesitantly followed. He was not really for heights and he did not like deep water. As a zebra, he rarely came across large bodies of water since there were only a few in all of Zebrafrica. Each step up was a step closer to the raised platforms where the airboats rested. They did actually look like someone had taken a sail boat and removed all the masts before taking a gigantic balloon and attaching it with strong ropes to ship. His mind kept going over how it shouldn't work and how it shouldn't be afloat in the air like it was. How could beings get over being so high from the ground? On a mountain it wasn't so bad because at least you had ground beneath your hooves. Up in the air, there was nothing. When they finally reached the platforms, Pierce whistled to attract the attention of those around. “Which ship is going to Equestria?” Several of the deer present raised their hooves. “I want your charts so I can see where you are going.” The four that had raised their hooves hurriedly gathered their charts and manifests of cargo (those that had cargo), and rushed them to the prince. Taking the clipboard in his right hoof, he sat down on a nearby crate and looked through it. “We have two going to Fillydelphia, 1 going to Stableside and the last is heading to Stalliongrad.” “Which one is closest,” Stripe asked as he looked towards the prince. “Well, Fillydelphia is the only one that will more or less be straight north from here. It will take several days to reach Stalliongrad and of course, Stableside is about the same distance. But, Fillydelphia is much closer to Ponyville.” “You know where it is?” “No. I've just heard it isn't far from Canterlot and Fillydelphia isn't too far from Canterlot.” “I can drop him off at Canterlot if you want,” one of the bucks stated. “That won't be necessary. Our friend here has more than enough to buy himself a train ride to wherever he wants to go once you land.” “What will they say about my.......” “Your.....'quarrel' with your own kind?” Seeing Stripe nod, Pierce simply shook his head. “I wouldn't worry about it too much. They don't get much information from the zebra lands. In fact, aside from various foreign dignitaries of their own lands, they really don't talk to other species much. Sure, the gryphons some as well as my kind to a lesser degree. But, overall.....they try to keep to themselves. Sure, they'll welcome anyone to their land without a second thought. Some might be a little uncertain or even a little scared, but they are generally friendly.” With that said, Stripe removed 5 rubies from one of his smaller sacks and handed them to the buck he would be riding with. He had ultimately chosen one that was delivering mainly cargo since he didn't want to be riding with a whole bunch of other beings. However, as he began to board the ship, he spotted a sky blue pegasus seated on a nearby bench of sorts. Shaking his head, he took a deep breath and sat down on the first available seat he saw. “You going to Equestria?” The voice was melodic if a bit take charge and masculine. Looking up, he saw the pegasus had focused on him for some reason. “I guess.” The pegasus seemed a little taken aback by this as he seemed to have been stonewalled somewhat. He scratched his chin, no doubt trying to think of some topic of conversation. “Look, I don't want to seem rude or anything. But I really don't know who you are. I really don't care, and I am just looking to get this trip over and done with so I can get my hooves back on solid ground. Besides, you're a pegasus. Why can't you just fly to Equestria?” He was even more taken aback by this, and for several reasons it seemed. “You've never heard of the Wonderbolts?” “Nope. Should I have?” The pegasus had looked about ready to answer that but stopped himself. Apparently, once outside of Equestria, his fame wasn't quite well known. He'd had a few issues as such in Cervidas, but nothing really big. Some of the nobles and other members of royalty had heard of him, but that was about it. “Well, I'm one of their more well known members. The name's Soarin,” he stated and extended his right hoof. He retracted it a few moments later because of the glance he got. “This was a brief vacation for me. It was supposed to be longer, but I got a memo from Spitfire to return to Equestria and active duty.” “How long have you been here?” “Three days. It was supposed to be three weeks.” Sighing, Stripe got up and walked to a different part of the ship to sit down. He really didn't feel like talking with anyone. He just wanted to be left alone. It wasn't long before the ship was underway and the land began to grow smaller beneath them as they got higher up in the sky. Stripe had learned from the captain that pegasus could only fly so far before they needed to stop and rest. So, flying over a large and open ocean was never a smart idea. So, they would often do what most ponies or other beings did, use transports. Either airboats, boats or trains depending on where they were going. Stripe had had a lot of thoughts and ideas about ponies. Most were quickly turning about to be quite false. His other ideas and impressions were that they were incredibly stuck up. That they walked around with their noses so high in the air that a sudden rainstorm would drown them. But, of course, that wouldn't happen. Unlike in Zebrafrica, where rain was scarce and occurred very infrequently, rain was more commonplace and actually monitored. Teams of pegasai helped maintain the weather and would plan out how each week would go. Sunshine, clouds, fog, rain, thunder and lightning. Even the more severe forms of weather had their place and were utilized from time to time depending on the circumstances. “I'm going to try and get some sleep. Wake me when we get there.” The captain simply nodded as he watched the zebra head below deck. Like the zebra, he had certain uncertainties about being high above the ground and in a boat no less. But, it was a proven practice and it was very effective at transporting both goods and beings across the ocean. Traditional boats worked well too, but they were far slower than a good airboat. Down below, Stripe looked around. There were a few corridors and easily a dozen or so rooms. One of which is where the bulk of what was being carried lay, the cargo. Had he spent more time talking to the captain, he would have learned that the cargo vessels were among the fastest. Utilizing a combination of deer and pony magic to speed it up. This ship only had one stop before Fillydelphia, and that was Gallopfrey. Opening the door to one of the rooms, he found it empty with a bed over near a porthole window. Walking over, he pulled the shade shut as he really did not feel like looking down to see a mass of water thousands of feet below. He then approached the mattress and tentatively poked and prodded it with his right hoof. He'd yet to sleep on an actual mattress, so it was something new for him. It was nice, soft and comfortable. It was almost like the soft and flabby form of Artemisia's chitin. Of course, that line of thinking soon had him feeling worse than he had mere moments ago for an entirely different reason. Slipping under the covers, he rested his head on the pillow. This was also different as he had never personally had a pillow himself in his old home. Like the mattress, it was nice and soft. Closing his eyes, he tried to allow himself to go to sleep. However, a singular thought permeated his mind and prevented him from having any sort of restful sleep. Artemisia. He watched himself fail to protect her only to be berated for breaking his promise to keep her safe. He was berated by her, his mother, his commander and all those he viewed as family. He was also judged for being a changeling lover, a lover of monsters. It seemed unbelievably short and infinitely long. Waking with a start, he falls over the side and finds himself falling. The mass of blue coming into focus as it dawns on him it is the ocean. With his four legs flailing, he strikes the water with a loud splash and finds himself struggling to swim as the water covers his head. Looking down, he sees an ominous shape approaching as he tries to scream. With a loud crash, Stripe finds himself on the floor of the room he was in. His fur was damp and sticky. His head was throbbing and his heart was aching. Looking up towards the porthole, he saw the shade was still down. “Why does has this world decided to hate me so much?” “You okay?” The voice belonged to the one that had called himself Soarin. He recognized it from his brief conversation at the start of the trip. Well, before the trip had officially started anyways. “Yeah, just peachy.” Whether or not Soarin recognized the sarcasm, Stripe couldn't tell. But he heard hoofsteps walking away and noted that the pegasus was leaving him alone. Laying back down on the bed, he pulled his blanket up and over to try and get some more sleep. When he next awoke, it was to someone knocking on the door. “Hey!! Approaching Fillydelphia!” It was the captain. Shaking his head, he was glad he couldn't remember much of what he had dreamed as he doubted it had been anything good. Outside on the deck, it was nighttime. A few lanterns about the deck kept things lit up as the ship steered downwards towards where Fillydelphia was. Stripe exited from below and looked around. He could make out the faint outlines of tree tops all around. He'd heard that Equestria had it's fair share of beautiful grassy plains as well. A good portion of food that they got was from Equestria. Shipped from Equestria to Cervidas by airboats and then from Equestria to various locations in Zebrafrica by train. That's not to say that all of their produce was from Equestria. A decent portion of it was also from Cervidas. But, Equestria was legendary in just how bountiful it's lands were. Looking around, he knew that his mother was here someplace. “In about five minutes, we'll be landing and then you can make your way further inland. Where you going?” “My mother mentioned a place called Ponyville.” The captain shrugged as he gave a sheepish expression. “Sorry, don't quite know where that's at. You might try asking some of the locals when we land. Course, Pierce did mention it wasn't far from Canterlot. Maybe you should go there.” “What's in Canterlot?” “Well, the ruling body of Equestria. Two princesses.......I think,” he stated and put his hoof to his chin. “A thousand years ago it was two, then one. I think it is two again as I recall seeing something about Nightmare Moon being reformed,” he noted as he tapped his hoof on his chin. Giving another shrug, he shook his head. “I don't bother too much with Equestrian politics. I've got enough trouble keeping up with Cervine politics.” As the ship eventually came in for a landing, Stripe felt more than a little queasy at the rocking. He saw Soarin looking more than a little ready as he flexed his wings. “You going to fly home now?” “Nope. I'm going to catch a train to Canterlot and then fly to Cloudsdale from there.” Stripe nodded and worked to steady himself as the ship finally landed. The sound was a little unnerving, but not to terribly bad. As the gangplank was lowered, the few passengers that had been aboard made their way off the boat and onto the platform. Their luggage in saddlebags or simple suitcases and duffel bags that could be easily carried. Stripe's own pair of duffel bags were easy enough to carry. He had one draped over his neck and shoulder while he carried the other in his mouth. He really didn't feel like talking much, so it worked. However, not knowing one's way around a foreign land without talking can have more than a few problems in it's own right. In order to get from place to place, you needed to know where you were going. If you don't know where you are going, than you need to be able to ask for directions. Granted, some beings are a little too proud to ask for directions. But, most usually have the ability to do so when they are finally forced to relent and ask someone. As Soarin checked his saddlebags, he pulled something out to examine before looking up towards a sign. The sign was written in a plain language, so Stripe could understand it. Actually, if it was written in one of three languages, he could understand it. He understood the basic language, the one used by native zebras and of course he knew bits and pieces of the changeling language. On the sign were some directions to a few various places in the city. The one Stripe took the most notice of was the arrow pointing towards the train station. Seeing that Soarin was heading the same way, he opted to follow the pegasus for the time being. It was then that he noticed something. Every single pony he saw had some sort of mark over their flanks. He'd noted zebras had intricate designs of their stripes over their flanks as opposed to the basic zebra stripe that crossed over their bodies. In his entire life, he had only ever seen one pony in Zebrafrica, and she'd been wearing a robe so the mark had been covered, whatever it was. As the city street teemed with life, Soarin couldn't help but notice he was being followed. Course, since he was heading for the train station, maybe he wasn't really being followed. Still, it was more than a little unnerving for him as he kept looking back towards the zebra. He'd initially tried to be friendly, but the zebra hadn't wanted to be friendly and had merely shrugged him off. Now, that same zebra appeared to at at least be following him to the train station. Finally, he could take it no longer and stopped before turning around. “You rejected any attempt at friendship up on that ship. So why are you following me?” Setting the bag he was carrying in his mouth down, he sighed. “Look. My mother is in this country somewhere. I don't exactly know where. She lives in Ponyville. I was told to check out Canterlot and go from there since the rulers here may have some information.” “Who is your mother?” “I don't know her name. I just know she is a zebra that always rhymes.” Soarin shook his head. “Well, I can tell you I know Ponyville quite well. I am also very familiar with Canterlot. What are you going to do for work?” Stripe hesitated before answering. Obviously, this pegasus didn't really know him or what had happened. “I was a warrior. A soldier if you will.” “Oh, you mean like a guard?” “Yeah, I guess.” “Maybe my friend Shining Armor can help you. He's the head of the Royal Guard in Canterlot. What's your name?” “Stripe.” “Well, as I said before, I'm Soarin. This way.” Stripe picked his bag back up and continued to follow the pegasus up to the train station. The train to Canterlot hadn't arrived yet, so the pair simply bought their tickets and then sat down to wait. “What initially made you decide to come to Equestria?” This was not a question Stripe wanted to answer and his look said it. He simply frowned and looked towards his hooves as he stood there. Soarin sat on his bench for a few long moments before he figured out that perhaps, something had happened, something bad. “What happened?” “I was betrayed.” The quickness of his answer combined with the tone suggested something deeply painful for the zebra. Soarin didn't really know how to feel. He felt kind of bad, but he couldn't accurately say why. An obvious sound attracted their attention to the right as a train was seen approaching. “You know why they cut your vacation so short?” Soarin shook his head as he approached the train and then waited for everypony to exit before he entered. Stripe followed moments later and watched as the pegasus sat down on a bench near the front of the car. He pointed to the one directly across from him and watched as Stripe sat down. “We'll be getting going here in a few moments,” he replied to the unasked question. Stripe simply nodded as he looked out the window at the city. He could see dozens of ponies walking about. They were all going about their day without a care in the world. They looked happy, peaceful, and absolutely serene. Not one could understand the pain he felt. He was also hesitant to mention why he was pained so much. Some of the changeling reports he had gathered from those he'd dealt with in the desert had mentioned that a large portion of their hive had been in Equestria. It didn't mention much. Just that they were in Equestria and planning something big. “You okay? You look depressed.” It had more or less been mentioned several times already, but Soarin couldn't help but feel that he needed to help. The zebra needed help and so far, he was the only one that had actually extended a hoof in friendship. Sure, it had been more or less rejected initially. But, it appeared he was at least trying now. “I'm fine. The sooner I get to my mother, the better.” Soarin may not have been one of the smartest ponies around. But even he knew when somepony was lying about something. It was as obvious as the nose on his own face. “Look, you're not giving me the whole story.” “I don't think you could understand the whole story.” “Try me.” “Look, I appreciate your willingness to help. But in regards to what I am feeling, there is nothing you can do. They took her away from me because she was.....different.” The look on Soarin's face said it all. He understood. Maybe not completely, but he understood. “What made her different? Was she a pony?” “No. Nor a dragon or gryphon.” Soarin rubbed his chin. As far as what he knew, that had eliminated all the species he was familiar with aside from a few. “She wasn't a deer and she wasn't a camel either. She's something we've been fighting for the past few years off and on. Although over the past year, things have really stepped up.” With a rocking lurch, the train began to move as Soarin looked towards his new traveling companion. He could understand why they might be uncertain about a being that they were at war with. But surely not every being was an enemy. It was fast becoming apparent to Stripe that changelings were still unknown to most of Equestria. Because if some of their most influential military leaders knew not about them, then it was unlikely the populace even had an opinion yet. At least, not much of one. Taking a chance, he pulled out a photo he had. He'd taken it several weeks ago before he'd been sent out into the desert again. The camera had belonged to his former friend and commander, Zecorn. He'd returned it after he had gotten the picture. He'd tried several times to use it to get both himself and her. Of course, some locals had helped, but that was just her disguised as a zebra. Soarin saw the picture. He couldn't see what was on it just yet, but he knew it was of somepony important. “That her?” “Yeah,” Stripe responded as he managed to pull out another picture. He showed that one first. The pegasus looked it over. In it he could see a nice and happy looking zebra warrior. He was youthful, pleasant and appeared very strong as evident by his stance, armor, and weapons. Beside him was a large zebra mare. She had a luxurious red mane that looked like it could pass for velvet as it looked that soft. Her belly was enormous, maybe half a foot or so from the ground. Her muzzle was a little dirty with what looked like the remnants of some confections she had recently consumed. “So, you like the big ones, eh?” Putting it down, he smiled when he saw the second picture lying face up on the table. Stripe remained silent as Soarin studied it. His expression hard to decipher as he glanced over every part. The black carapace of a body. That thick exoskeleton that appeared softer than what it should have been. Her red mane was still noticeable, but it appeared less like a traditional mane and more like the outer covering of an insect. She looked nasty. But, she also looked warm and friendly. Her face had a warm and comforting smile. Her muzzle was a little stocky and had a cute double chin because of her fatter form. Her twisted horn did look nasty, but that and her general appearance looked disturbing. Her body shape and the look on her face were the exact opposite. “You loved her, didn't you?” Stripe didn't respond. He simply pulled the picture back up and put it along with the other back into one of his bags. Soarin just nodded as he took notice of the changeling pendants around Stripe's neck. “What are those?” “Gifts.” Again, Soarin nodded as he turned his attention to the beautiful landscape of Equestria. He loved to fly here. The ability to see everything from the sky and be given the proverbial bird's eye view was one of the main things he absolutely loved about being a pegasus. If given a chance, he might try being an earth pony or even a unicorn. He'd never keep the form though as being a pegasus was in his blood. However, experimenting might be fun if he were given half a chance. The trip was uneventful for the most part. Unbeknownst to Stripe, the train would be passing through Ponyville. It wouldn't be stopping though. This train was going straight through and on to Canterlot. “Look, you may want to get some rest. It's going to be a little while before we reach Canterlot.” “How long?” “About an hour and a half or so. Depends on whether we stop at Ponyville or not.” “Ponyville?” “Yeah. We'll be passing through the town on the way to Canterlot. Sometimes the train stops and sometimes it doesn't.” “What's the difference?” “Express.” Stripe just shook his head. This was a whole new world to him and he doubted he'd be able to adapt and get used to it. It was just too strange. Add in that he was still trying to figure out the whole cutie mark thing. He'd overheard a mention of such a thing and didn't know what it was. However, he did quickly figure it out when he happened to take notice of a rather portly looking mare with a pair of cherries on her flank. Her cherry red mane and tail were a nice touch. Soarin had seen his gaze and had a comment on the tip of his tongue, but he refrained from saying anything. He figured that if Stripe wanted to say something, he would. However, the zebra simply remained silent as he glanced around the train at other beings that were aboard. There actually wasn't that many that he could see. A few stallions, about six mares plus the conductor as he checked over the tickets of all that were aboard before moving onto the next car. A short while later, the whistle was heard blowing which signaled they were nearing a town. The train didn't slow, so Soarin simply leaned back to relax more. “We're on the express. If you want to see the town properly, then you may want to head over to the right side and look out one of those windows.” Biting his tongue, Stripe walked across the aisle over to another pair of benches as he looked out the window. He could spot several buildings long before he ever saw a bulk of the town. He spotted what he could only guess was the town hall. It looked a little bit in disrepair, but he didn't say anything. He also noticed some of the locals walking around. A big red stallion was seen pulling a cart full of apples with a smaller amber colored one with a blonde mane and tail beside him. Getting distracted for a moment, Stripe glanced back out the window. As the train slowed slightly to better get past the station without problems, he was given the opportunity to better look around. He'd have maybe a few moments, but he decided to use every second he got. Further glancing around revealed some of the other locals. He spotted a large oak tree towards the back. Most of it was impossible to see because of other buildings in the way, but he could at least see the top and a balcony it had. He had briefly caught a glimpse of some curious looking building with a white unicorn out front. She had a purple mane and tail curled to perfection and kind of reminded him of Artemisia as her mane and tail were often curled somewhat when in her zebra disguise. It was then his eyes zoomed in on one being in particular. A purple colored unicorn was seen talking to zebress. He saw her mane in that mohawk style and noticed her somewhat aged if youthful appearance. “Mom.” Putting his right forehoof on the window, he watched as the town continued to move on by as the train kept moving. His eyes were directed skyward briefly as he saw a somewhat rainbow colored blur soaring past. “That would be Rainbow Dash.” Stripe glanced to his right and saw Soarin had moved to the pair of benches just to his right. “Who's she?” “One of the Elements of Harmony. I'm surprised more folks in Equestria are unfamiliar with them after the events with Nightmare Moon and Discord.” Stripe looked confused and Soarin simply chuckled with a 'Long story', comment. “So, who are these.....Elements?” “Well, you just saw Rainbow Dash flying overhead. The other five include a pegasus, two earth ponies and two unicorns. The other pegasus is supposedly soft spoken from what I've heard. Her name is Fluttershy.” A loud sound echoed out as Soarin laughed. “I guess she's Rainbow is practicing. She wants to join us.” Stripe simply nodded. “You mentioned four others?” “Yes. The two unicorns. Ah, there they are over there,” he stated and pointed towards the purple and white unicorns Stripe had seen moments before. They were visible for a moment before disappearing behind the buildings as Ponyville was soon left behind. “The purple one is called Twilight Sparkle. She's a student of sorts under Celestia. One of the best I am told. The other one, Rarity, is a dress designer hoping to make it big. She's already made quite a name for herself here in Ponyville and almost caused an incident when she knocked me and two of my fellow Wonderbolts unconscious. I really don't want to completely go into that as it is more than a little embarrassing.” “And the last two?” “Applejack and Pinkie Pie. Applejack is part of a family in Ponyville that has one of the biggest apple orchards in all of Equestria. They also make damn good apple pie.” Stripe simply gave him a look, but continued to listen as he retook his seat on the other side of the train. “Pinkie Pie is.......well, kind of hard to explain really. There are times when you just have to wonder what's going on inside her head,” he stated as he scratched the back of his head with one of his hooves. “Of course, sometimes, you'd rather not know what is going on inside her head. At the Gala, well......I don't know.” “Anypony hungry?” Stripe looked towards where he saw a bright looking young mare with what looked like a trolley or cart as a cutie mark that was pushing a trolley loaded down with all sorts of snacks and food items. “Sure, I'll take some peanuts,” Soarin noted and took a bag of peanuts after giving her a couple of bits. Seeing the mare look towards him, Stripe waved his hoof to give her a voiceless signal that he wasn't hungry. Watching her head on to the next car, he sighed. He was actually quite hungry, but he really didn't feel like eating anything. He was still trying to get over a loss he had just suffered and it wasn't easy. What's more, is that aside from his own commander, none of his people seemed to realize just what sort of loss he had experienced. Sure, the deer seemed to be understanding and Soarin had seemed to understand, but they weren't his kind. Still, the one thing he still had was his mother. He had seen her there in Ponyville. Still, the train continued on as Stripe just looked out the windows. Occasionally he would talk to Soarin. Of course those instances were usually no more than question and answer sessions. Mostly of Stripe asking questions about Equestria to which Soarin replied to the best of his knowledge. Some of his answers actually answered Stripe's questions whereas others just created more questions. Questions about Discord weren't really helpful in any way while questions about Nightmare Moon just made him think. Nightmare Moon sounded a lot like Artemisia, a being that was just simply misunderstood. But, she still wasn't Artemisia and had been reformed into who all here knew as Princess Luna. Though he did have to admit, Luna was a very pretty name. It was then he was given one of the most breathtaking sights he had ever seen. He now had a very clear view of Canterlot and Canterlot Castle. The city was very impressive indeed. Large and tall buildings, some of which appeared to be very grand and noble in appearance yet were obviously fairly old. It was as if the beings that built it took old tried and true designs and then added a touch of modern flair to it. Course, the more modern flair was probably added recently given how old Soarin said Canterlot was. It was actually early morning and he could see a tall figure high up on one of the towers. He couldn't tell who they were or even the gender. He just saw them standing there as the moon fully went down beyond the horizon before the sun came up. He then watched the dark figure walk back into the tower and disappear from sight. “Princess Luna.” Stripe turned towards Soarin as the pegasus nodded. “Pardon me a moment, I need to get dressed.” “What for?” “My duty.” Stripe nodded as he realized he'd probably just asked a stupid question as he sat back down and watched Soarin disappear into the next car. Looking back out the window, he heard the whistle blow again as the train started to slow. He heard a call out from the conductor of them arriving at Canterlot and all going there to get ready to leave. Taking his bags, he decided to carry them over his shoulder and slung them around his neck and onto his back. It wasn't the most comfortable, but it worked. He made a mental note to buy saddlebags when he first got the chance. Walking up to the door, he sighed as he waited when he saw Soarin reenter. The sky blue pegasus was now adorned in a tight form fitting uniform of blue and yellow with matching goggles. “That doesn't look comfortable,” Stripe noticed. “Eh,” Soarin replied. “It's okay when flying through the air and moving at speed, but it is kind of uncomfortable most other times I will admit.” Once the train had come to a complete stop, Stripe looked out over the massive city as he waited for the signal that they could get off the train. When it was given, he filed out with Soarin and the others as they walked out onto the platform. “Welcome to Canterlot,” Soarin stated and Stripe simply nodded as he looked around. “Everything here is so.....elegant. In Caibra, the only things that were elegant were the main buildings. Outside of that, it was just whatever was practical.” “Well, we like to think of ourselves as practitioners of beauty and practicality.” A yell was heard and Stripe turned as he saw several heavily armored and armed ponies walking up. Stripe himself was fairly tall for a zebra. He was easily about even with Soarin, but these ponies looked like they could look down on him. “Soarin, so glad for you to be back!” The one that spoke was a white unicorn with a dark blue mane and tail with a stripe of light blue in both. “Glad to be back Shining Armor. Say, I'd like you to meet a new friend of mine. His name is Stripe.” The unicorn nodded and extended his hoof. Stripe reluctantly extended his own to shake hooves.