//------------------------------// // Chapter 6 Encounters // Story: The Lost Prince of the Stars // by OscornBrony //------------------------------// Chapter 6 Encounters (Astro POV) We stood there for what felt like one and a half minutes, but in reality was closer to thirty point seven seconds. I was busy trying to put the dots together, but he seemed to be content with keeping a face hardened from his experiences, which looked strange with all the creases he seemed to have got as the result of great pain. ‘Yet another mystery. A thousand years ago, I would often go on patrol with the guard and they greatly looked down on causing unnecessary pain to anypony. I also can’t see Celestia letting them get away with such actions.’ It was about that time the thirty point seventh second was up and the prisoner, Star Spell, looked up and spoke in a voice that sounded dry from overuse. “So, is the dissection made? It gets a bit boring in here once you stop screaming. What is the judgment anyway? Hanging? Death by a spell? Beheading?...” I let yet another moment pass before asking, “What do you think I’m here for? To take you off to meet The End?” ‘Do I really look like an executioner in this outfit?’ His face of puzzlement answered that question. “The End?” ‘Or maybe that is what threw him off.’ I sighed. “Doesn’t matter. It's a peace of Ancient Equestrianology. What I want to know is what really happened with Luna?” That was when he weaved together an impossible story of ‘the duty of a Royal Guard’ and what it takes to be a member of them. This was nothing I didn’t already know, since I set half the rules and requirements. But the story also included him trying to accomplish his assignment, and what he gave for it as well. What really caught my interest was the whole part of ‘the pure light’ being shot into him and the pain it caused. It was the most bizarre story I heard that century. Yet, that light of honesty shone through every word. The whole thing got the gears in my head start turning. ‘This might turn out for the best. For both of us.’ By the end of the tale, he pulled the dirty blanket tighter around himself and asked, “What can you tell me of the recovery of the Princess? If you are under orders not to tell me, I can accept that.” I fought to keep my voice level as I answered with, “I am under no orders of that or any kind.” ‘This is frustrating at times! When dressed as a blood thirsty assassin, I have to act as serious as a blood thirsty assassin. IT’S BORING!’ “Luna is being treated. If what you have told me is true, then she should still be out like a light.” “'Out?!' I don’t know how long I’ve been down here, but I would have thought she’d have recovered by now!” I rolled my eyes at his outburst. ‘Reason to have a hood number one. Nopony gets angry when you roll your eyes.’ “When an Alicorn is ejected with an element, that is the opposite of their own, and it gets removed, it can take up to five years for them to wake up. Although most wake up within three months to two years. But they also need time within their own element to give them strength. With the night being shorter than the day, it will take time for Luna to recover.” I expected his face to change to one of understanding, but instead it changed to criticizing. Which was strange when he was the one in the cell. “How would you know something like that?” ‘Oh horse apples.’ “…I well read…?” He gave me a long, blank, stare. ‘This guy has no idea how to act like a prisoner. I feel like I’m the one being interrogated. Time to turn the subject.’ “How would you like to go onto a ‘parole’ of sorts?” I asked. ‘That got his interest.’ “What do you mean by ‘of sorts’?” “I am a…” It took me a moment to find a way of saying this that didn’t make me look like an evil murderer. “…self-hired defender of Equestria. I’m not a guard but I do my best.” ‘There! That made me sound like an honorable hero.’ “What does the guard and the royal family think about what you do?” ‘Horse apples. Time to be more direct.’ I put on the most authority that I could. “Do you want me to set you free, or dost thou wish us to let thy life end in this cell!” The look of shock on his face was the first thing that tipped me off that something I said was a mistake. I could still hear the fainting echos of the Royal Equestrian voice as it traveled down the hall… ‘I hate it when I do that.’ ******** (Later during the day at Ponyville) (Red Page/Rai POV) ‘Not good! I don’t like this! Why must there be somepony who is able to do something like that!’ I wiggled a little deeper into the pile of apples that were stored under the vacant stand. Not much of a barricade, but you gotta do with what you've got. I felt a hoof touch my shoulder and I gave a small yelp. In response I heard the voice of Carrot Top. “You okay? That there was Rainbow Dash. She seemed to have been in some big hurry if she pulled of the Sonic Rainboom. Did you know she’s the only pony there is that can do it?” “More like the only pony with the correct level of stupidity to do it.” I quietly muttered as Carrot helped me out from under the stand. “What now?” She asked. “Nothing. Thanks.” And with that I set out yet again towards Sweet Apple Acres. After walking for a while, I saw a red farmhouse sitting by a red barn, both of which were surrounded by apple trees. ‘Yep. I’m pretty sure this is the place.’ With that thought, I started my slow trot down to the red painted portrait that stretched out before me. Upon reaching the door to the house, I stretched out my hoof and knocked on the white paint that framed the door. After the third smack against the wood, I heard a voice call out in a fillies’ tone, “I’m a-comin'!” A five second pause later and the door opened just enough for her to stick her heard out. ‘To stick their heads out’, I mentally corrected as three heads stuck out of the crack, one on top of another. One was yellow with a red mane that matched the color of the bow placed on it. Another one was a white unicorn with a mixture of purple and pink in her main of curls. The last filly had an orange coat and a shorter mane that was some kind of cross between red and purple. I don’t really know the name of the color. The yellow filly was the first to speak up. “Howdy stranger! My name’s Apple Bloom! What can I do ya for?” Her upbeat tone caught me off guard. It just didn’t match the picture. There she was talking like we were old friends, but she still cowered behind the door. Something was just off about that. “Hi. My name’s Red Page. I was looking for somepony named Applejack. Is she home?” The yellow filly, ‘Apple Bloom was it?’ shook her head. She’s gone to market at the moment, but she’ll be back to get her dog Winona for a get together with her friends.” “Okay. In that case, how long will it take for her to get back?” I asked. Apple Bloom ducked her head back in the house to check something, followed by the sound of her slipping on some kind of slick surface and crashing into some more unknown things. Her two friends stayed where they were however, looking at me. “Hi. I’m Sweetie Belle and this is Scootaloo!” The unicorn reported, pointing up at the other filly who just sighed in response. ‘Apparently her mind is somewhere else.’ “So…” Started Sweetie Belle, as we waited for Apple Bloom to return. “Why do you wear so many clothes?” I looked down at my clash of white shirt, black boots, and traveling cloak. ‘It’s not that much, is it?’ Luckily, I didn’t need to respond because Apple Bloom stuck her head out a moment later. I couldn’t help but notice she looked a little worried. “It turns out you don’t need to wait that long. She should be back in about fifteen minutes.” As she said this Sweetie Belle let out a small gasp and she disappeared behind the door with Scootaloo. The sound of items being quickly moved around could be heard a second later. A thought came to my mind, so I ask, “Can I come in and wait?” Apple Bloom looked around for a moment on the inside of the building before poking her head back out. “Maybe ya should come back later. When she’s here. I gotta go.” And with that she pulled her head in and closed the door. Deciding I wasn’t going to come back later, I went over to one of the apple trees and grabbed a sample before I sat down and pulled a book out of my saddle bag. ‘So, miss Daring Do, what trouble are you in this time?’ ******** (Earlier during the night, Back at Canterlot) Shining Armor, Captain of the Canterlot Royal Guard, was running down the hallways of the cells. His ears were still ringing from the buck he took in the head a little while before. But that didn’t stop him from hearing the shout that echoed down the hall. The call was confusing to say the least. And being that it grew in volume, the first of it was not heard. He led a group of five ponies to the source of the sound. His mind was set on what had happened. This was the hall that Star Spell was placed in. Was he working with the assassin? As Shining Armor got there, however, he found the cell was still locked. Blood was splattered all over the cell and resting on top of the scarlet liquid was a silver coin, emblazoned with a star.