Enough of the Drama Queen

by JusSonic

Chapter 6: The Mighty Talos, Enters!

Chapter 6: The Mighty Talos, Enters!

Back in secret lair, Pinkamena, sensing a victory for her friends, spoke up, "The gang won the fight and made new friends but I fear that a newer threat is heading to them and boy, it is putting out a huge amount of dark aura of magic that is like Shadow Dragon's."

'That doesn't sound good but I am sure that they will not fail." Golden Heart said as the others nod. Hopefully their friends can win per usual.


At this very moment, much of the Mane Six were recuperating, as were Ben, Nyx, Spike, Phobos, and much of the Mystics like: Smartscar, Arthur, Jenny, Terrorcreep, Rushstrike, Drillmap, Jan and some Mystic Soldiers. Many of them were slowly trying to tend to their wounds while others were trying to disturb the ground around the Land of Dirt, trying to remove as much of the Seal Of Umbral as possible. It has been almost a good hour or 2, some have healed a bit, others need more time, and the Mystic Ponies recovery of the Mystic Magic, was still an updating progress.

“Sir, we’ve managed to break down much of the other areas in town and reports are estimating a good 40-50 percent of our Mystic Magic returning.” A Mystic Soldier came up to report this to Smartscar while the other Mystic members are around him.

“Excellent, continue the work.” Smartscar spoke this while the soldier saluted before returning to his duty.

“One whole hour or two and we’ve only gotten nearly 50 percent of our strength.” Drillmap stated off from trying to feel his strength, it’s been slowly coming back while the Seal of Umbral has slowly weaken a bit.

“At this rate, we still might be up against another attack.” Rushstrike issued off knowing with a serious thought of what is a likely chance to happen to them soon.

“Come on, can’t we think of the brighter side?” Jenny spoke in trying to have her friends not thought such negative thoughts.

“In these times of battles and wars, there aren’t that many brighter sides.” Terrorcreep rolled his eyes to dryly issue such a matter here.

“We’ve dealt with Swordstruck’s attack on us both before and after we arrive here, we survived from a giant pony attack when our Mystic Magic was sealed, and even before then, the Equestrians fought against one of the Three Lords’ group orders.” Arthur spoke in estimating their brief encounters with certain enemies, their numbers, and danger threat levels.

“Anymore would be asking for too much.” Jan nods his head in feeling to agree, many are tired while some aren’t at full strength.

While much of the Mystics were discussing some issues, the scene focuses around the Mane Six party. Right now, Sweetie Belle was being very glad that Button Mash was safe now. Rarity saw this from nearby and sighs in relief that her little sister won’t be sad or fearful of the worse possible outcome. And on a more bigger note, and we mean that LITERALLY, was Fluttershy flying around Fuji’s giant body to help put some bandages & wipe off the dirt and blood stains he’s covered in. Wuzubu helps out the mare in his own way.

“Uuuuooaaaaghhh…” Fuji was seen making movement as he opened his eyes to see a shy Fluttershy flying above his head, cleaning his face from all the dirt and such.

“Oh, I’m so sorry; I didn’t mean to wake you.” Fluttershy yelped a bit nervously in seeing what she did to wake the injured giant. “I wish I could use my Rosin Crystal Petals to help heal your injuries, but….I’ve never healed any pony as big as…um, you. Not that it’s a burden.” She meekly spoke in trying to not sound bad to Fuji, it’s just that from so much healing with the others, now healing a giant pony might be too big a task for her currency. “But don’t worry, you have friends here that will help you and even help you get home.” She smiled to let this pony know that he has friends looking out for him.

“Friii…Friieeeeeennnds?” Fuji slowly spoke those words as if feeling that was foreign to him of having such with such small creatures.

“That’s right, now just relax and get some rest to help out. Okay…” Fluttershy nods with a small innocent smile in wanting to help the giant, but he needs to let his body heal by resting.

“Hhhhmm……” Fuji is heard with a moan from his voice before shutting his eyes to return to resting a bit.

“How’s it coming Fluttershy?” Twilight called out from below with the others as Fluttershy came down to give a latest update on helping Fuji after the battle with him.

“It’s okay, I will admit, I’ve never tried to tend to a giant pony’s injuries before.” Fluttershy spoke in feeling a bit alright, this sorta thing is new for her to experience as she’s help heal injured animals, a giant pony creature is no different…right?

“If you can handle petting Cerberus and keeping him under control, you can handle this.” Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes to let off a smile about how good Fluttershy is at camping giant creatures.

“Still, the poor dear looks like he pretty much took too big an attack that time.” Rarity stated from looking at Fuji, maybe Hiko Seijuro should have been, maybe….less powerful during that finale movement. But then again, that’s like saying don’t give it your all.

“Why can’t Twilight or Nyx help cast a little healing spell?” Applejack asked off in why two of her pals can’t just heal the big giant and be done with it.

“Just as Fluttershy said, Fuji is too big and most of us are still a bit spent from all the big fights we had to tend to.” Twilight explained that they don’t have much left to use, so they must use other resources at this time.

“Yeah, instead of giving my best party effort at a 110 or 120 percent, it’s more like…53…no 56 percent! Maybe 70 percent,” Pinkie Pie spoke this stuff out that left many of them pondering such random claims.

“And how she has that is a big mystery?” Rainbow Dash shrugs off to say how the pink pony could have that much to pull off best party efforts is a mystery.

“You know, I really feel bad for Fuji here. He kinda reminds me….of me.” Nyx spoke from leaning close to pat Fuji’s resting body while the others stare at the black filly in puzzling concerns. “We were both lead to believing one was the right pony that knew how to tend to what we want, as long as we help make what was for an objective clear. But that wasn’t what we truly wanted.” Nyx feels like she remembers some parts of what she has heard or read about her previous adventure with the Cult of Nightmare Moon, Fuji seem to have gone through something like that with the Apocalypse Ponies, the poor giant.

“Oh Nyx…” Twilight gently spoke to hug her daughter to help her be at ease. “You don’t have to worry, you’re no longer being used for either…and now, we can help Fuji too.” She smiled in saying that no one here will be used for some evil purpose as they intend to help out.

“Right, after all, Nyx was good from de start anyhow.” Apple Bloom nods with a smile to say this to help cheer her pal up.

“And even Fuji was seen to be a much better guy, appearances only let one think differently.” Scootaloo nods her head in agreeing to, sure they misjudge from Fuji’s appearance, but once they saw the real him, their fear was push away.

“Well in any case, once Celestia brings in those Pegasus pony units to help, they’ll carry him while helping to treat him.” Spike nods in feeling they just have to wait a while longer before they can help pack up and head home with a BIG surprise to take with them.

“And then we can help him get home.” Twilight nods in stating this agreement to help Fuji out once they are back in Ponyville.

“Aw, too bad, from all what’s happen and how we almost share a connection, he be like another member of the family.” Nyx sighed a bit in thinking that Fuji was kinda like someone that related to them, like he could be a part of the family.

“Oh sure, he’ll be consider the big brother role. Only being way, way, WAY BIG, that he not only can’t get through the door, he can’t fit in the house.” Phobos rolled his eyes to make a BIG sarcastic claim about how Fuji be a big relative brother of their family and they have a hard time getting him inside…cause he won’t fit in through their small door.

“Heheh, I could almost not imagine what happen if we lost our library home, I’ve grown accustom to it.” Ben chuckled a bit in almost finding it silly, hoping that their home in Ponyville doesn’t get wrecked. “Say, anyone seen Hiko Seijuro?” He asked in seeing that one pony hero of the moment isn’t here, wonder why?

“Oh, he went across town to where he left his pottery cart and is selling them off to the town’s folks. I heard some of the Mystic Soldiers already bought some.” Spike spoke in explaining what is happening with Hiko, he maybe a swordsmen, but he’s also a skilled pottery making master.

“After battling, he’s back to business. What a way to make a living.” Twilight smiled off to say in feeling it’s like her life, besides being a student of Celestia & acting princess, she likes to be herself that likes to read books.

Soon much of the gang was laughing it up in a hearty manner; it was nice to not have any more worries after what they’ve been through.

Then a sudden moment the scene shifted towards from distance above the town, and for a brief second, the entire sky was turn gray before returning to normal. It was a powerful reaction of something or someone was near the vicinity of the Land Of Dirt. And the only ones that felt such a dangerous sense of magical will…were the Mystics themselves.

“Hmm; Hey, did any of you sense that?” Smartscar spoke from sensing something that felt…off, very off now.

“Yeah, I sense it too, but…what was it?” Arthur spoke in sounding very serious, but did not know what it was that was felt by them.

“It felt familiar, like of someone I once knew.” Terrorcreep spoke in stating this in being cautious, something of the feeling they felt, whatever it was….he seems to recognize it.

“We best investigate it.” Rushstrike issued off in what they best do here, investigate the matter themselves.

“Hmmm, lets go.” Drillmap nods in agreement as all but Smartscar were leaving until…

“I’m going too!” Smartscar stood up to declare that he’ll be tagging along.

“But uncle, this could be dangerous. For reals even, we don’t know who has come.” Jan spoke in feeling that if there was still a dangerous threat, they could come after his uncle who is an important council member.

“Then…let’s find out, shall we?” Smartscar smiled to say in feeling ready to take on whatever challenge lies ahead.

Soon Smartscar lead the others from taking the leading role as they sigh in knowing there was no use talking him out of it. So instead, they all decided to follow Smartscar to whatever it is they felt is around.


At this time, the Mystic Ponies counting Smartscar, Arthur, Jenny, Terrorcreep, Rushstrike, Drillmap, & Jan had arrived where their soldiers were to meet them at that point of origin of sensing a very highly and unstable dark power in the vicinity. They got word that their units were gathered near the area, so they went to check and get together. But once the Mystics arrived, the soldiers they brought, they were all scattered around an area that was wasted, as if a battle happened here that was over before it begun. Many were knocked across the ground or crashed against the building walls and some look like they were bleeding and their expressions were filled with overwhelm fear, gaping mouths and all…

“Haaahhhh,” Jenny gasped in almost being so shocked at the sight; it was cruel to even stare, “How…horrible!” She responded with her hooves to her mouth, just seeing the poor scattered and beaten Mystic Soldiers, it looks like some cruel creature had dealt great harm to them.

“Are they…all dead?” Arthur asked off in fearing if whatever did this managed such a feat, but…

“No, they still have a pulse. They’re still alive.” Jan spook from checking the pulse, the soldiers aren’t dead, they’re still breathing.

“Just barely….but damn it! Who could have taken out all of our Mystic Soldiers in mere seconds flat after we felt a disturbance?” Rushstrike stated off to say while cursing the issue, this didn’t make sense, they felt a presence and now when they came here, this mess shows up. How’d it come to even be?

“Clearly one that is an Ultimate Warrior class rank, but even still…” Drillmap spoke in having a theory of what sorta strong individual could accomplish this, however the case was by whom?

“Hmmm,” Terrorcreep suddenly turn his head towards some dark alley, and felt a great disturbance there. “Hey, I think our answer has instead come to greet us.” He spoke with a serious face that their attacker…is already here.

Suddenly at the moment behind an alley way, some mysterious cloak figure with a hood over his face came into being. His outfit completely covered him, it was hard to tell who or what he was, but from his outer-shell around the cloak…glow a sinister dark violet & black aura of dark magic. During the moment, something was heard called ‘Unlucky Star’ (extended version) from Tales Of Graces Original Soundtrack in the background to fit the mood of this development.

“So, you are the stronger Mystics that came here.” The mysterious cloak hooded creature spoke in addressing the Mystics. “Then I’ll have no further need of bait…” He spoke from when he stares at what are the beaten bodies of the soldiers of the Mystics.

Then without warning, he held up his right sleeve and a strange dark magical energy force was building up around it. Smartscar almost seem to register that familiar darkness….it was too much to not be the true element itself, and if so, then…he knows what may come.

“DUCK & COVER,” Smartscar yelled out in seeing what was coming and it wasn’t a good thing that everyone tried to do just that.

“Darkness Oblivion Beams,” The mysterious foe announced the name of that which is his attack. “Thosu-Thosu-Thosu-thosuvhmmm…./BOOM-BOOM-BOOM-BOOM, Bamfrsuvhhmmm….” Soon pure powerful force beams of pure darkness were shot off like a scatter fire, the impacts on the ground near the unconscious soldiers cause huge explosions that completely blew up portions of the area to about cover the neighborhood. Many of the unconscious soldiers were flung off by the force impacts before landing hard across the floor ground, looking worse for were.

“Huuuuuaaaghh,” Jenny gasped at the sight, how cruel to attack those that aren’t even awaken to defend themselves.

“Numbers remaining….seven,” The mysterious enemy spoke in recognizing that now, only the seven Mystic Ponies here…remain to be dealt with.

“Alright buster, who in Tartarus are you?” Rushstrike snapped off in demanding some answers, who was this guy, and how was he that powerful.

“I am Talos, and I…am an Ultimate Dark Mystic Warrior.” Talos had introduced himself as being of such a creature here, “The Mightiest one that you shall ever see.” He declared himself as being the mightiest force the group of Mystics will ever come across.

“Not before either of us kills you first!” Drillmap shouted off before summoning a familiar move, “Drill Lancer!” He shouted out the name of his move to be used here.

Soon with that attack through, it exploded no sooner afterwards that it covered the spot. Now Drillmap believed that was the end of whoever was the enemy, but….

“Frrusvhhmmmm….Bangfruvhmmm…” Suddenly, faster than even the speed of sound, even before a second or two pass, Talos rushed to appear by supernatural speed and dealt with a first right hoof shot in the Mystic’s defenseless gut.

“Gaaugh…Haaaaughh!” Drillmap was seen gasping with an open mouth as his eyes were seen rolling up from feeling the impacting force behind this enemy’s attack prove….too much.

“Drillmap!” Rushstrike shouted out in staring at what was happening, but….

“Powwfruvhmmmm….Bamgrufruvhmmmm….” Soon the Mystic Pony was shot across the entire town before he crashed and caused an entire building to tumble down upon him. None of the other Mystic Ponies could believe what they saw, it was like seeing…an instant KO fist action, performed by only the strongest of Ultimate Mystic Warriors.

“Remaining foes….six,” Talos issued froth in looking before him, seeing the remaining numbers now.

“What happened to Drillmap?” Jan asked off in fear if that attack truly killed the guy, but…

“I can sense him, he’s still okay…but he seems unconscious.” Jenny spoke from sensing Drillmap’s magical life signs, he’s alive, but looks outsold.

“One blow KO’d Drillmap, are you kidding me?” Terrorcreep snapped off to complain, what the heck was this, who was this Talos that he could do such a thing?

“All of you; don’t make any hasty action! We’re not dealing with some ordinary Dark Mystic!” Smartscar scolds the others to not be making hasty actions here, for the enemy wasn’t ordinary. “At the most, we’re low on our natural strength and dealing with a new enemy that isn’t even in the records as a member of Dark Curse’s forces!” With their strength not at full power and facing a seriously powerful unknown foe, it’s a combination for a disaster.

“Then where did he even come from?” Arthur asked his brother in where such a creature came to be.

Soon Talos made a step to begin his slow approach of his opponents that stand here, awaiting for their doom.

“Never mind that, Prepare Maneuver Flank 27A59-HOLUP!” Smartscar issued off in ordering that the Mystic Ponies perform a tactical maneuver to help them beat this guy with a coordinated plan & teamwork.

“Right!” The other Mystics responded in hearing this, it’s worth a shot at least.

Then the Mystics scattered about to confuse the enemy. Talos seem unbothered by their efforts; in fact, pretty much all but Terrorcreep & Smartscar were using their best and powerful spells that covered the target’s area. Soon a smoke cloud began to build, Talos was looking around, trying to keep track of where the enemy plan to strike next.

“Stabfruvhmmm….” Soon Terrorcreep said to Talos darkly as he put his fangs onto his enemy's throat. “Heheh, no matter how tough you are, for a Vampire Pony, I’ll suck you so dry of your power, you’ll be a withered shell.” He smirk with pride, as a vampire, he’ll suck this enemy’s blood and take his power, and leave him weaken to be finished off.

“Hmph…fool.” Talos huffed off to say that what the fool is doing won’t help; much to anyone’s confusion.

Then suddenly without warning, darken black mist was spraying out from the hole markings Terrorcreep had bite, which made him flinch, “GAAUUAAAAAAHHHH!” Terrorcreep had released his bitten prey to yelp across the ground, and was aching and twitching all over and held his throat from some poison mist escaping from it.

“Terrorcreep! What happened?” Jenny asked off in seeing her friend was suffering from great pain, what did Talos do here?

“Gaaaugh….his blood; UUUUGH…I’ve never tasted such horrible-HORRIBLE BLOOD! It’s like sucking an acid poison and it burns inside!” Terrorcreep gasped from the evil mist escaping his mouth, he felt like he had tried something that he seriously hated. “Gaugh-Gaaugh….some of it, it has a small trace…of someone’s blood I once knew….Shadow…Dragon….” That note made many look on in shock, what did he mean by the blood of Shadow Dragon? “But, so much darkness mix with….ugh…” Soon afterwards, he passes out from being unable to speak as what Terrorcreep tried to suck away, his body could not handle it.

“Remaining foes….five,” Talos stated in looking around to see how many are left now.

“What could this mean? He has Shadow Dragon’s blood?” Rushstrike questioned this, no WAY was this guy supposed to be relative to Shadow Dragon and that the guy couldn’t have that kinda dark magic that’s powerful; So then why?

“So that’s it….” Smartscar narrow his eyes to Talos as if figuring out the mystery to the case. “Blast it….our enemies have truly sent forth a monster so twisted by science and magic, its un-ponity!” Talos was seen looking to the group, as he was preparing to approach them like a foe from their nightmares. “Jan, head back to the Equestrians, warn them of this danger!” He turns to his nephew to head back and warn the others of an approaching danger.

“But uncle…” Jan was about to argue over this, but…

“NOOOOOOW!” Smartscar yelled out so loud that his message was more than enough to get through.

Jan stared fearful that his uncle was so serious that it even scared him, but he turn away to quickly begin fleeing the area. Jan was asked to do something, and he’ll do it.

“Escape from Talos is a unless feat…” Talos responded to say while holding up his cloak sleeve again to prepare…another attack, “Darkness Sphere!” He spoke his silent words in what will come next, a forming of a small sphere of darkness.

“Prsusufruvhmmm….” Suddenly with the quickest of firing, the sphere grew into a large size of a wrecking ball.

“SON; LOOKOUT,” Arthur yelled out in seeing that the attack was heading for Jan.

“Hugh….aahhh,” Jan was rushing to get away, but when he turn around, he yelp before everything went white.

“Booomfruufruvhmmm….” Soon a giant explosion from that powerful attack shook everything in the area while tries of dust covered around.

“Aaahh…huugh….” Jan was staring in shock as he was still alive but he saw something had stopped that attack. “Rush…strike…?” Jan spoke true words; Rushstrike had set himself in front of the guy to act like a shield.

“Ugh…uuagh….wha…” Rushstrike was trying to say some words as he felt like his consciousness was slipping. “Are…yah…doing!….Move….it.” He was having a hard time speaking his words out as he was telling Jan to get way while he still can.

“Hugh….aahhh….” Jan quickly rushed off to complete his task to warn the Equestrians as he was out of sight later on.

“Clopfruvhmm….” Soon Rushstrike fell to the ground from being unable to keep himself conscious anymore.

“Rushstrike,” Arthur screamed out in seeing his friend was down, he put himself in danger to save his son.

“Remaining numbers…three. With the fourth one fleeing,” Talos addressed the manner of how many opponents are left while one had slipped away.

“YOU MONSTER,” Jenny screamed out in fury at what this enemy has down, she won’t stand for it.

“Jenny, don’t!” Smartscar tried to stop the mare from doing something foolish, but…

Suddenly when Jenny was striking, Talos did not move but took the blow. Jenny was pushing her entire body into dealing with trying to harm this guy, but it seems it wasn’t enough…

“KICKFRUUVVHHMMM…” Then in a instant, Jenny felt a knee jab to her gut that made her entire world go blank as Talos had KO’d her while she couldn’t think ahead.

“JEEEEENNY,” Arthur shouted off in seeing another Mystic was seen taken down now.

“Remaining numbers….two.” Talos responded from seeing Jenny fall to him as he turn away to the others. “The girl should have known better then to let emotions blind her guidance.” He explained how such a foolish act is what leads to such a fall.

Now it was down to Arthur & Smartscar as Talos was leaving Jenny’s body to approach the two brothers. So far, Talos has barely fought back but it might be because the Mystics full strength is cut down and that’s why they can barely make much a dent. But there was more to Talos then that, something very fearsome, and if the monster isn’t stopped, it won’t be pretty if he goes after the others.

“It looks like we’re the last ones standing brother.” Arthur spoke to his brother in seeing they are the last line of defense here.

“Yes, to think this unknown foe would come, if we had more of our magic and not limited of our strength and defenses, he be nothing!” Smartscar sternly pointed out such a flaw jester to their situation.

“Right now, we have to stop him, if we fall here, he’ll go after the elements.” Arthur spoke in fearing what would happen if they don’t win this.

“Hmph, I don’t need you to remind me of that. I won’t stand to let this false foe who calls himself a Mystic get off scot-free! He’s neither a Rogue nor a Dark Mystic; he’s a creation that must be stopped!” Smartscar motioned off in knowing much of what’s gotta be done, try to defeat this abomination before it can do anymore harm.

Soon both brothers charged to perform their own skills and styles to harm Talos. Talos soon showed much more movement against the strong brothers out of the other Mystics. But Talos was showing other skills in using darkness that would be much like the skills Shadow Dragon can perform, but differently. Even as Smartscar & Arthur hit with their best attacks of any kinds of attacks on the one foe, Talos was protected by a Shield of Darkness that was like a see-through neon-dark dome shield. What was even more scaring was feeling and blocking some physical blows that Talos used that neither brother could overpower in their current state, before they were seen skidding backwards, got into position before glaring at Talos, who still barely looked tired or harmed at all.

“He’s using all of the techniques that is granted to a wielder to the Element Of Darkness!” Arthur spoke off in seeing that Talos has shown many feats of using dark magics with some related to the Element Of Darkness itself.

“Yes, but they aren’t truly as strong as they should be. But still, something is enhancing them.” Smartscar spoke in feeling they are missing something, how was Talos’s power over darkness so strong, only Shadow Dragon should be able to handle that.

“I think I’ve fought against you two long enough, it is time you met your end by the Mighty Talos!” Talos declared to say this, as he sees that it’s time that he finishes this lot here and now. “Sword of Underworld’s Darkness.” He held up his cloak sleeve as he calling forth something to appear.

“Gruussfruvhmmm…Ssssruvphhmmm….” Suddenly, a sword of strange designs and forgery was appearing from a magical aura of dark flames before becoming solid. Talos grasp the sword and soon held it to move it like a master swordsmen. Then what appeared look like magical embeds of glowing emerald runes that made the eerie sword looks more evil. Those that stared at the sword could almost but gasp in recognizing it right away, somewhat.

“Haaah….is that….what I think it is?” Arthur gasped out in witnessing what this enemy has gone and done, but it shouldn’t be possible and that blade too…

“One of the two powerful swords of the two strongest elements of Light & Darkness, with this one falling in the category of the latter,” Smartscar spoke seriously in knowing full well of the magical sword summoned by darkness, a frightful sight indeed. “That sword, he should not even be able to wield it if it’s not a true Wielder to the Element of Darkness.” There was defiantly something not right, how is Talos even able to call forth that sword, only the true element user should; what was his secret?

“Now….fall,” Talos spoke coldly towards those while he held the blade, “Darkness Slash!” He announced the next attack of what he’ll now unleash here. “Qrusspowwfruvhmmm…Wrruspvhmmm….” Soon a giant size crescent sword beam of pure neon dark violet magic energy was rapidly heading for the two Mystics at almost the speed of lightning.

“Brother GETBACK!” Arthur shouted out in looking at where the attack was heading as he steps forth and pushed Smartscar away….

“Krussqrrusuvhmm-wobwobowbhvmm….” Then everything went into a sudden slow motion from a single slash across Arthur’s backside as he showed a wide-eye expression in realizing what happened to him.

“NOOOO; YOU IDIOT,” Smartscar shouted out in witnessing this act, the fool.

The scene shows Arthur falling across the ground, only to be caught by Smartscar who held onto his brother. He saw the seriously bad burn mark on his back, the attack look like it almost would have killed him.

“Come on, don’t do this to me. Stand up! If you die, then I’ll…I’ll…I’ll…” Smartscar was shouting off in wanting his brother to not die, he can’t die….

“What….scold me or threaten to beat me up….I think….it’s a little late for that.” Arthur slowly spoke to open his eyes in lightly making a joke of his situation.

“Why did you take that shot for me? WHY?” Smartscar asked in why Arthur did such a stupid thing, after everything he treats his brother, why go that far.

“Heh, isn’t it obvious….it’s cause even though you’re a hard pony to impress, you’re still my brother. If you die, the council would fall apart, remember?” Arthur responded to say of what he had to do, he did it because Smartscar was his brother; he has an important duty that needs him.

“You fool, like that matters now. You can’t leave your son without a father.” Smartscar scolded Arthur for not even knowing what will happen with Jan if Arthur dies here.

“Heh, you’re more better at being a father figure for him. I was…cough-cough…never much of an impression.” Arthur lightly coughs a bit, as if not knowing how bad his situation seems. “But, at least…if I was to go down an impressive way…this be it.” He spoke this words, as if trying to not feel fear, but honor of what Arthur had managed to do…to impress his brother.

Soon Arthur’s eyes slowly shut and his body went limp as he was now out cold while Samrtscar held onto his brother still.

“Remaining Mystic count….one,” Talos spoke off coldly and remotely in seeing now only one target remains.

“Rest now Arthy-Boy, don’t you dare slip too deep to never wake up or I’ll slap you so hard until your black and blue in the face.” Smartscar softly spoke to his brother while laying Arthur down on the ground to rest for a while now.

Then he stood up, held his weapon in his grasp as Smartscar looked around the areas of where those that had fallen now lay, just barely alive.

“Drillmap….Terrorcreep, Rushstrike….Jenny….and even you Arthur….” Smartscar spoke from using his sharp senses to learn the conditions of his friends. “I can sense you’re not dead yet, so before you even wake up, know this…” He spoke in about to make some sorta pledge here to those that are unconscious.

Then Smartscar suddenly unleashed a large amount of his magic aura as he was seen looking really mad at this time.

“THIS ABOMINATION WON’T BE AROOOOOUNNNND!” Smartscar yelled out so loud from about to uneasy all of any of his connecting magic to attack now, “HUUUUARRRRAAAAUGHHHH!” He makes a loud battle cry in getting ready to go out.

“Hmph, now we can get something.” Talos responded off as if becoming intrigue by this little feat. “Amuse me before you meet an end.” He spoke in wanting to see what this strong councilman can do when he’s all alone.

“I MAY NOT BE AT FULL STRENGTH, BUT DON’T THINK THAT MEANS I WONT GIVE YOU A HELL OF A BEATING!” Smartscar yelled off to say in what he’ll do till his last moment of dealing with some damage.

“Then bring it. I want a challenge!” Talos spoke forth in wielding his dark sword in awaiting for this challenger to come at him with all he’s got.

Soon both sides unleash their magic auras before charging forth to attack each other. A bright flash happened as we see from afar, of what will happen now while it is left unseen at this time. During the moment, the background music was soon ceasing to be heard at this time.


Meanwhile, as the battle between two forces was happening, Jan had managed to reach the Mane Six. it was there that he was finished expelling what was happening and where the sudden explosions seen before and after came from.

“I hope uncle and father are okay.” Jan spoke in feeling worried for those he cares for.

“You’re certain that there was someone coming for us?” Ben asked off in feeling that if what they heard is true, trouble is soon to come to them anyway.

“Yes, he said he was a Dark Mystic, but Terrorcreep said his blood was like Shadow Dragon.” Jan nods while stating the fact of what was said about Talos that even made him feel nervous.

“Now hold up, how could de varmints blood be de same as his?” Applejack held up her hooves to ask off this puzzling question that got their attention now suddenly.

“We’re uncertain, but he seems to be something of science and magic by what I heard.” Jan spoke to explain the basic parts of what he could follow.

“A science and magic….the theory of what can be done is limitless!” Twilight spoke with a serious face in figuring that such two forces do make something terrible.

“Um, hey guys….was it supposed to rain a falling star?” Pinkie Pie asked off this puzzling question out of nowhere here.

“No Pinkie, it isn’t and why would you ask that?” Rarity raised an eyebrow in hearing such a thing.

“THAT!” Pinkie Pie screamed out to point at something falling towards them.

Soon a burning meteor star fell near the gang, as they scattered. “Powwwfrvuhhmmm….” Then a huge explosion happened when it impacted, and when the dust was clearing….there was a body seen lying on his back, struggling to push himself up, but felt wounded badly.

“Oh my goodness; Smartscar,” Fluttershy gasped in fear in seeing the Mystic councilmen was down.

“Uncle,” Jan spoke off before he came to lift up his uncle’s head as he opened his eyes to see the nephew. “What happened? Where’s father?” He asked in wondering where his father Arthur was.

“Cough….he’s alive, but he and the others…just barely…” Smartscar coughs a bit from feeling pretty bad of his injured self at the moment here.

“Who did this to yah?” Big Mac asked off in feeling concern, who could hurt a tough Mystic Pony like Smartscar and the others?

“That….would be me….Talos!” Talos’ voice was heard from the distance that made the others yelp a bit.

Soon entering the area, far from view across the empty town….a lonesome figure was walking. It seem that during the last big battle against Smartscar, he has managed to rip away much of the cloak that the wind blew it off to reveal the mysterious new foe. A large bronze Alicorn stallion with razor-type wings and a sharp spike horn, his fur seem a messy light emerald, but it seem almost like it was bronze metallic, even to his short mane & solid tail, and his eyes were red. He wears a red Roman garments and appears to be styled as a Roman Gladiator. This was truly Talos, and why he speaks of being mighty & an ultimate warrior, but his true power came from darkness itself. Such as the darken aura line around him and the aura wave he gave off while he still held the sword he summoned. He stops only a few feet or a mile away from the heroes for them to bask in his presence, and tremble with fear. During the matter itself, a song called ‘Cimmerian Halls’ (Extended Version) from ‘Star Ocean The Last Hope Original Soundtrack’ was heard in the background.

“Woah, what is he?” Phobos yelped from staring at something…freaky here.

“I…I don’t know.” Spike spoke in feeling a little concern and worried here of who this guy was.

“Mommy, this magic sense he’s giving…” Nyx spoke to her mother, Talos was giving off some magical aura of which part of it, they felt before, but different then.

“Right, it’s almost like Shadow Dragon, but it’s not him.” Twilight nods with a firm face, this Talos…he seem to be using something like Shadow Dragon’s power, but it didn’t felt the same.

“You must be alert, the creature is very powerful, it should not be underestimated.” Smartscar spoke from staring at Talos, this fiend is not to be underestimated in the slightest.

Suddenly, Ben cringed when his Triforce mark was glowing and feeling like it was burning him to almost be unable to handle it.

“Ben, what’s wrong?” Button Mash asked from seeing Ben was acting strange.

“My Triforce, it feels hot for some reason. I feel like…something is using a power like it.” Ben spoke from getting over the pain to stare at Talos….was it his doing, but how?

“So….that is the secret…to the android’s power.” Smartscar responded in finally seeing the truth of the case at last.

“Android,” The others responded in not following that for a bit.

“It makes sense….” Smartscar spoke from sitting himself up right from Jan’s aid. “When we fought it, he showed having much of Shadow Dragon’s fighting style and his magic in using the Element of Darkness; But he is not the true wielder of the element, but Shadow Dragon’s blood was also once in tune…to the Triforce. I suspect Grimmore had a hand to play in this, he gave a portion of that power to increase the android’s use of even a small ounce of the darkness.” He explained as best he himself could of what Talos was, an android that has Shadow Dragon’s blood, a copied of the Triforce’s power and the small bit of the Element of Darkness, add all together makes a truly fearsome foe.

“Of course….the Copy Crystals that managed to copy Ben’s element!” Twilight spoke in recalling the day Grimmore copied Ben’s power during the final battle against Lorcan. “You’re saying that’s what’s powering him?” She asked in thinking that was what gave Talos the edge.

“Yes, if you can pierce the armor shell of his fur and disturb that source, he will be vulnerable to attack…and then he might be destroyed.” Smartscar explained forth this a bit weakly, but that seems to be their only shot. “While I have managed to deal with some certain amount of damage, you must…try to….get through.” He spoke in now leaving the task to the Equestrians, hopefully his work can at least give some aid to the Mane Six group.

“Targets recognized.” Talos spoke in looking at those before him now. “Acquire the Triforce Element from Ben Mare; destroy Twilight Sparkle and the Mane Six.” When he said this, Talos held up his evil looking sword to them. “Any other obstacles that get in the way shall die where they stand.” He made his demanding threat, if anyone gets in his way, they shall die without mercy.

Then Talos unleashed a strange darken aura that appeared above that looked like a demonic aura of a Dragon with a Triforce glowing mark above. The entire area began to quake with fear as he was going to not hold back against the Equestrians, and many of them felt that kinda power…it was terrifying.

“Brother! Keep Apple Bloom an' her friends out…an' this time, Ah really do mean it!” Applejack spoke off towards her brother to keep the little ones out of this, and this time, she means it.

“Mmmmmokay,” Big Mac lightly responded before moving the CMC to stand back, this will get ugly.

Soon the Mane Six brought out their items and materials and magic works, the baby Dragons stood their ground while Nyx transformed into her Battle Form Mode. Ben even summoned his Master Sword & Hylian Shield, for offense & Defense. The gang stood ready, for they are about to face a foe that even six Mystic Ponies had a hard time taking down, but then again, the Seal Of Umbral gave the enemy an unfair advantage. So the group are gonna have to be extra careful on their guard, cause the fight against Talos begins….


Soon the gang were each now raring to go as they soon scatter apart to try to confuse the enemy of where they each were going. Those that had wings took to the skies to attack while those on ground attacked from below. Soon it was a first all-out strike from the group was launched out precisely at the same time. All magical projectile type of attacks from Unicorn Burst, Night Blast, Dragon fire breath, Sword Beams, Sonar Screech, you name it, the gang was trying to hammer it on. After a while, they soon stop to have a moment to see their work.

“Did that get him?” Spike asked off if that attack was capable of stopping their target.

“It better have.” Phobos stated from wanting that to have work, if not, then they’re in trouble.

“Look!” Big Mac pointed at seeing something beginning to appear now.

Once the smoke began to clear, there was some strange dark shield barrier that was used around the area as it faded away and out of it showed Talos being completely unharmed at all as if he barely moved.

“Is that your best? Pity, the Mystics tried that from a distance, but even that could do nothing.” Talos spoke off in seeing that such an attempt barely did much against him.

“NO WAY! He didn’t flinch and he’s fine!” Rainbow Dash complained off in seeing such a sight.

“Oh boy, 'dis varmint might be more difficult than our last batch o' opponents.” Applejack spoke in concern and caution in what they got going on here.

“Twilight, what do we do now?” Fluttershy asked in concern and worry in what they have to do here.

“Yes, do so quickly. I don’t think time is too friendly with us today.” Rarity spoke in feeling a bit tense, this foe might be dangerous if they don’t get this over with soon.

“I know, but we have to be cautious, this guy is on a different level.” Twilight nodded her head in staring at Talos; he seems dangerous even when he hasn’t acted.

“It’s almost like fighting Shadow Dragon and watching out for the Element of Darkness, only this guy’s using a copied power of the Triforce to do so." Ben spoke in sensing it, Talos has only parts of other power sources, but used together seems pretty bad.

“Then we’ll have to hit him harder before he can put up that barrier thingy of his!” Pinkie Pie stated in what they’ll have to do here then.

“I agree with aunt Pinkie Pie.” Adult Nyx responded in being in agreement of what the pink pony stated.

Talos decided to now act here and now before the others as he held up his sword. “Chaos Spear.” As he spoke those very words, he swung his sword forth while something magically appeared. “Trsuvhmmm…Thous-thous-thous-thousvhmmm….” Then suddenly appearing as dark energize arrow made attacks were launched off and all heading for the gang.

“Boom-Boom-Boom, Bamfruvhmmm…” Much of those attacks were blowing up much of the area while many were trying to flee and escape.

Talos was seen approaching the area while some cloud of dust blocked his view.

“Unicorn Cannon….LOCK-ON!” Then Rainbow Dash appeared from the smoky clouds with her bombardment cannons up and locks on for a close work, “HIIYAAAAHHH!” She yelled out this battle cry while pulling the trigger now. “Powwwvhmmm-Poowwvhhmmmm…./NURAHHAHAHAH…./Booommmfruvhmmm…” And like that, two unicorn energize heads were shot off making their noises as they impacted the target with their best effort.

“Heavy Buffalo Roam!” Applejack was soon delivering a heated up hoof fist against the enemy. “Poowwwfrvuhhmmm…” She nails her hit right on Talos’s left side.

“Diamond Fist,” Rarity shouted from encasing some gems around her hoof to also deal with a melee blow move. “Powwfruvhmmm….” She managed to land a hit around Talos’s right side.

“Megaton Hammer,” Ben had summoned his Megaton Hammer and wore his Golden Gauntlets to give him extra power and strength before taking a swing. “Powfruuvhhmmm….” He swung to have the hammer deliver a painful impact on the front side of Talos’s body.

“Dragon Fist,” Spike & Phobos were seen attacking from front & back to land two critical hits on Talos to try to break through his armor hid.

Soon as the clouds began to wither, Talos’s body seems to have taken the attacks, but did not even budge much off from where he stood. Even from taking such an abuse, the android was looking like he hardly broke out to sweat.

“What! He barely even got pushed back?” Rainbow Dash complained in seeing what was witness, what was this guy made of to be this tough?

“An' those were our strongest hits.” AJ narrow her eyes to make a frown, this wasn’t good, how tough is this Talos fella?

“Interesting….you seems to only surface the damage on me…or was it more from what the last Mystic tried?” Talos spoke in studying himself in seeing how much little effort the ponies and baby Dragons were striving to get done, at least from what Smartscar had managed to leave on him. “Terminate Blast.” He spoke these words from about to prepare another move here.

“Trusvhmm…” Then Talos vanished out of sight to appear high above the others. “Frusvhm-Frusvhm-Frusvhm….” Then a sudden garage of missiles and laser-like type of dark magical form of energy were firing from above down below.

“Waaaughh…” The gang yelped to get out of the way of those attacks, they were destroying almost a lot of the Land Of Dirt.

“Kicckkfruvhmmm….” Talos then instantly appeared by Rainbow Dash’s side as he delivered a swift kick so swiftly performed, the mare could not evade it even when she escaped the blast attack in the air.

“HuuaaAaaughh….” Rainbow Dash yelped off with a wide eye shock expression as if she was about to gag and lose her lunch in what just hit her.

“Powwwfruvhmmm….” Then that kick sent Rainbow flying across the area to crash against a building before landing across the ground, looking completely out of it while the building she hit crumble down.

“Rainbow,” Applejack cried out in seeing her friend was sent off like a beanbag; that was NOT even normal.

“Trsuvhmmm…” Then Talos instantly appeared before AJ as he showed no remorse in what he’ll do next.

“Huuuaaghhh,” Applejack was raring up another attack of hers for another Heavy Buffalo Roam, when….

“Clopfruvhmmm….” Out of nowhere, Talos had caught the attack, he didn’t flinch and AJ seem to gasp in shock; it’s like he wasn’t trying. “Fruussvhmmm…BAASSHHBOOOMFRUVHMMM….” Then in a lightning fast reflex, he swung Applejack across the field to impact and destroys a building that brought it down.

“Gaaaaughhhh!” AJ yelped from that impact as she was seen falling down to land unconsciously near Rainbow.

“Chaos Blast,” Talos soon spoke from staring at the two fallen mares as his dark/red aria began to shine before he would attack. “Powwfrusvhhmmmm….” Soon a great explosion of dark crimson color was expanding within a radius, much of those around were getting away except for two…

“Oh no; AJ & Dashie are down and can’t evade!” Pinkie Pie gasped in fear, if that attack hits, it’s bye-bye to their pals.

“Grsusuvhmmm…” Soon Rarity appeared beside her friends as she was using her Eternal Style of gemstones to form into a large absorbing shield as it was taking in the power.

“Alright you ruffian; let’s see you have a taste of your own medicine!” Rarity snapped off to say in wanting to deal with some payback to the creep by using his own power against him.

“It’s true that such a style is useful in battle, but unless you have truly master to hold even the strongest of forces….releasing it is another question.” Talos spoke off about Rarity’s capable fighting feats, but notes a certain lack to handle a truly powerful attack outside her capabilities to control.

Suddenly, as the dark power was inside, Rarity’s gemstones were sparkling a dark surge much to her alarm. Something's gone wrong.

“Wait, what’s wrong….I….I can’t redirect it!” Rarity yelped in looking a bit worried, she’s having a hard time to control and redirect the absorbed dark power back at Talos.

“Rarity; Scatter it! It’s too much!” Twilight cried out for her friend to give up what she’s doing, it won’t work.

“Trisisusvhmmm…Kurpowwwfruvhmmm….” But that was not an issue, the darkness in the gemstones sparked before they came out on their own and exploded without warning, but in a small effect since much of it was still contain. “Gwaaaugh…Guuaghh!” Rarity made a damsel cry from being blasted backwards to smack against something and skid down to lie on the ground and really a messy state.

“RARITY,” Spike shouted out in fear that the pony that he cares for was hurt now.

“Nooooo,” Sweetie Belle cried out to seeing her sister was hurt, this was too much.

“He’s taken out Rainbow and the other two like they were nothing!” Scootaloo spoke in feeling concern, how could this enemy be that strong?

“Big Mac…..let me go! Ah gotta help…we gotta….brother.” Apple Bloom was trying to reach her sister, only to see Big Mac held her tail….but looked like he was gonna cry.

“NNn…Nnnoope! I…can’t…” Big Mac looked like he was struggling a very strong urge to intervene, but he was sweating up a storm; Talos seemed like more a demonic monster that even for one as tough as him, Big Mac would almost die.

“Time for us to bogging; Eat Disco Balls,” Pinkie Pie declared in what it’s time to dish out now here.

Soon the pink pony had thrown her Disco Balls into the air above the enemy. And soon the Disco Balls started to hover and light up the place while dance music of the 70s played out. Many that known the pink pony, they know this was a feat capable of making enemies dance against their wills.

“Okay, let’s get him while he’s dancing!” Pinkie Pie smiled off proudly in thinking with this done, they can land some good hits.

“Correction, he’s NOT…Dancing!” Phobos issued off to remotely say that the enemy was not dancing at all.

“WHAAAAT,” Pinkie Pie shouted off in shock as she was looking at the battle to see that in a sheer surprise…Talos was not even the slightest bit affected by the Disco Balls to make any enemy dance, how could that be?

This was a big mystery how there can be someone that can avoid being controlled by the power of music. “Slashvhmm…Baamgruvhmmmm!” But that mystery was sliced in half, just like Talos sliced off the Disco Balls before they blew up.

“Ohhhh….NO YOU DIDN’T! Crashing down a Party Beat, now you’re gonna get it!” Pinkie Pie narrow her eyes in looking really mad now as she wasn’t gonna stand for it. “Confetti Fog and Tangle Party Streamers….AWAY!”

Soon the pink pony made a cloud of confetti and had tied up Talos with party streamers. Many can’t tell if the enemy was just gonna let this go on that he did not bother choking on the confetti or feel bother by it or being caught by streamers.

“Setting Party Cannon to…..MAXIMUM OUTPUT! And after upgrading it a few times from using it against Boris, Lorcan, and any other tough villains, it’s sure to harm a Dark Mystic!” Pinkie Pie announced forth while setting her cannon to be on the ‘MAX’ volume of the ‘MAX’ times more ‘MAX’, it’s crazy when this pony gets serious, it’s scary. “POWWWFRUUVHMMM….Baammmfrruvhhmmmm….” Soon the Party Cannon was fired off in a gigantic blast radius that swallowed forth Talos’s entire body while destroying the confetti & streamers to just….be a dark spec. “EAT IT! EAT IT! EAT IT!” Pinkie Pie was relating this in wanting to take down this foe as much as anyone else wanted to.

“Frussuvhhmmm….” The cannon was still firing its blast beam against Talos, but he seem to be…slowly moving against this attack like it was not bothering him. Sure it seems to effect his body, but the darkness was trying to keep it stable from his core’s source.

“You are a complete fool as they say….Darkness Slash.” Talos announced this with a dry manner from being in this wave of attack and shall end this. “Prrussfruvhmmm….” Soon he fired a dark Sword Beam attack that was cutting across Pinkie’s attack to head towards the blast center.

“NO! NO! NO! No-no-no-no-novhmmm….” Pinkie Pie was panicking in trying to keep her attack pushing, but Talos’s was much more powerful and soon….“Kabammfruvhmm….” Soon the enemy’s attack hit and cause an explosion of overpowering the pink pony’s party cannon, “Gauu…aaahhhh!” Pinkie Pie was shot across the area and was soon unconscious afterwards.

“Pinkie Pie,” Twilight, Fluttershy, Ben and the baby Dragons called out in seeing another of their friends was taken out.

“Uncle, are they even getting anywhere?” Jan asked off in fear if they are getting anywhere, the Mane six seem to be having much trouble.

“Yes and no. If he takes them out this quickly, then they can’t breach his core.” Smartscar spoke off to say from where he stood still injured, the heroes must damage that android’s body before he finishes them off.

The battle was not looking well; the Mane Six were already down by four members. But soon rushing from out of nowhere, Pikestar & Armorspear used their team work to clash against Talos and deal with some damage of their own from sending Talos a bit far.

“Sorry we’re late!” Armorspear apologize for being late here.

“We didn’t know where this enemy was hiding!” Pikestar stated their own apology from being away when this happened.

“Reinforcements,” Adult Nyx spoke off in seeing they somehow got help from an unlikely moment.

“So…there were two Mystics leftover. I shall end you.” Talos spoke off from standing where he was, as both the two Mystics were soon charging to attack him, “Darkness Oblivion Beams!” As he spoke this, he held the toil of his sword outwards, and… “Qrruufrusvhhmmm…Bammgruvhhmmm…” Soon a giant size dark beam was fired off and exploded around the two Mystics that were swallowed up in the blast radius.

“Waaaaaughhh,” Then both Armorspear & Pikestar were seen being shot off from that attack that they didn’t defend against.

“Armorspear; Pikestar,” Jan cried out in seeing two more Mystics taken down like that.

“Gaauguhh….” Both the newly arrived Mystics were scattered across the ground, they could not stop that attack from it being so quick.

“Oh boy….they arrived and now they’re out!” Spike yelps in seeing their backup, just got beat.

“Powwfruvhmm….” Then something pound Talos into the ground, and it was….Wuzubu! “POW-POW-POW-POW-POW-POW-Powfrvuhmmm….” The giant beast creature was pounding with everything it had on the enemy into the ground to almost make a crater, “Wraarurghhhhh! Wuzubu…SMAAAAASH!” The beast yelled out in wanting to smash Talos straight into the ground.

“If that didn’t get him, then….” Ben was about to say here until…

“Powwfrvuhmmmm…” Suddenly, a single hoof came from the clouds that punched into the creature’s exposed stomach. “GRUUAARRUGHH….” Wuzubu was heard making a lotus wail while being shot across the field. “Claaspowwfruvhmmm…” And he hit what was likely the ground to make a large crater from impact.

“WUZUBUUUUUUUUU,” Button Mash cried out in seeing his friend was just taken down afterwards.

Talos was seen coming out, he looked only tinsy bit damaged, but some dark power was holding him together despite the damage.

“Not even Wuzubu was able to harm him! What now?” Twilight spoke in seeing that another ally couldn’t breach that shell body of Talos.

“Wait, where’s Aunt Fluttershy?” Adult Nyx asked off in seeing there was some pony missing here.

And at that moment, Fluttershy was seen to approach Talos and used her Iron Bear Claws…which from filled of her unleashed rage, managed to push the foe only three feet back. Soon Fluttershy was giving him the Stare move while speaking.

“Listen here you! You maybe some android that was made to attack us, but harming my friends and sweet creatures like that Wuzubu, I won’t let it off so easily! You will stop this action right now, UNDERSTAND!” Fluttershy was seriously upset that what Talos did to Wuzubu was uncalled for and she was seriously gonna give him the Stare if he doesn’t quit it now.

“Your request…is denied.” Talos emotionless spoke from being unaffected by the Stare, much to anyone’s surprise.

Then when Fluttershy was busy trying to still give the Stare, she was too busy to notice what came next. “Chompfruvhhmmm…” Then without warning, a karate chop to Fluttershy’s back neck spot was hit…by Talos, “Uuuagh…aaagh!” The Pegasus slowly gasped out from feeling that attack as she was knocked unconscious to fall on the ground.

“Fluttershy,” Twilight cried out in seeing her kind friend was knocked out.

“Why didn’t her Stare work?” Spike asked off in not getting what just happened here.

“Yeah, it works against even a Rogue Mystic!” Phobos question how Fluttershy’s Stare made even a Mystic gone Rogue give in, so why not this foe?

“That technique will only work against weak minded fools, there are those stronger….that cannot be so easy to install fear into them.” Talos spoke with a stern expression in stating how the Stare won’t work on him, he’s far stronger.

Then Talos’s dark aura grew monstrous to a large building size as it’s expression almost looked like Shadow Dragon which really freaked many out. Once that was over did it shrink back down into Talos’s body.

“We need a new plan and fast.” Ben stated in feeling they gotta improvise their tactics here. “Spike, Phobos, try to attack with me and Twilight, Nyx, can you pin him?” The guy was giving a plan for what they can try to hopefully work here.

“I’ll try father.” Adult Nyx nods in feeling she’ll give this plan a good try to perform it.

As Talos was about to move, Adult Nyx appeared as her Night Dust form while preparing something.

“Gravity Moon-Drive,” Adult Nyx announced while unleashing a magical wave from her body around the opponent.

“Grsuvhmm….” Then gravity around Talos became heavy as it was like raining beams that was pushing him down to be kept down now.

“Kamehameha,” Both Spike & Phobos had their claws clapped before unleashing a powerful energy blast from their palms.

“Sword Beam,” Ben shouted out in having fired off a Sword Beam from hiss word.

“Unicorn Burst,” Twilight and charged up her horn to fire off a piercer attack.

“KURPOOWWFRUVHMMM....” Soon all those attacks impacted in where Talos was trapped from the gravity that pin him down.

“That must have worked by…” Adult Nyx was about to say this from thinking they won when…. “Slaassfruvhmmm….” Then suddenly, a dark strike from a dark sword struck the mare even as she was dust….felt a strong blow to it, “Uuuaaghhh!” Adult Nyx was shot across in the air as that attack had somehow made contact and she couldn’t avoid it.

“NYX; Nooooooo,” Ben & Twilight cried out in seeing their daughter was in trouble.

Adult Nyx was seen sent across the field and about to land hard on the ground when…. “ClopfFruvhmmmm…” Big Mac intervene to catch her which the results, became a crater with Nyx reverting into her filly form.

“Big brother; Are ye okay?” Apple Bloom asked off if Big Macintosh was okay after that stunt.

“Nnnope,” Big Mac replied off to say that he wasn’t at all.

“Is Nyx alright?” Scootaloo asked off if their friend was okay after that stunt landing.

“Eeyup,” Big Mac replied again in stating from seeing the black filly was okay with him.

“Boy; that was too close.” Sweetie Belle sighs in feeling that what they saw was too close for comfort.

The scene shows Talos again coming out from the ground after he delivered a sword beam strike that sent Nyx flying off; the guy was tough to beat.

“Twilight, you and Ben try something while we hold him back!” Spike spoke in wanting his friends to handle something while the Dragons try to give them cover.

“Good plan, except what’s this ‘we’ thing? You’re not…waaahhh!” Phobos was about to object to the plan before he was taken.

Soon the baby Dragons go forth to attack Talos while he seem like he was bored at the moment.

“I think the time has come to finish this.” Talos exclaimed from wielding hiss word in preparing another move to end things, “Supreme Oblivion Destroyer!” As he shouted this, the sword glow an extra brightness.

Then a brightness of darkness covered everyone’s view as Spike & Phobos stopped charging in while Ben & Twilight stared in horror of what was coming next. Then before anyone knew it, an explosion happened soon afterwards far from the area. But as we zoom in, Big Mac managed to get the CMC under him, but they were out of it. Twilight used the last amount of her strength to coat many of the others in a protective barrier before she fainted from exhaustion. Spike & Phobos were safe, but they lied against the ground, beaten. Ben managed to bring his Hylian Shield up to just about cover himself but he look worse for wear.

“Such destructive power….darn it….” Smartscar weakly spoke in cursing the moment that seems to be against them.

“Now to finish you all off,” Talos spoke in approaching Ben’s spot as the weak stallion tried to stand with his sword.

“FRuusvhmmm….Powwfruvhmmm…” Then a sudden giant katana was swung forth that smacked against Talos that sent him bashing across three buildings that brought them down.

“Hugh!” Ben yelped in seeing he had helped, but who was it and where did that giant sword come from?

As if to answer Ben’s question, Fuji was seen trying to keep himself standing up while in a battle position and held his RuneSavor sword from when he delivered a strike.

“L-L-Leave….friends…” Fuji was seen trying to speak some words out at this moment.

“Fuji…?” Ben spoke off in surprise; Fuji was the one that saved him.

“LEAVE FRIENDS AAAAALOOOOONE,” Fuji roared out with much determination and fury in wanting Talos to not come near and hurt his newfound friends.

Soon Talos stood up while registering the actions of a once former ally to the Apocalypse Ponies.

“I see, so you have defected from serving the Apocalypse Ponies. No matter, you will fall.” Talos spoke off in seeing what was happening here, but he shall deal with it, “Chaos Hyper Blast.” As he spoke these words, he held out both hooves to his front and….

“PRRUUSSFRUUSSVHHMMM…” Suddenly without warning, a giant crimson red, yellow and orange beam blast was fired directly at the giant pony. “Claspfrsuuvhhmmmm….” Fuji used his sword that from the thanks of the Rune material and in a stunting display; he split the still blasting wave to be like a fork, and now he was just holding out.

“Hang on Fuji!” Ben shouted out in wanting the giant pony to not give in, he may not have recovered enough but he shouldn’t give up.

“Your weapon is cable of cutting any magic and absorbing it, but you won’t be able to move during such a huge force.” Talos registered Fuji’s weapon he wielded as it was a unique ability, but there was a thing it lack which he’ll exploit. “Terminate Blast.” He spoke in having already prepared himself for the next strike attempt.

Then Talos fired off the same magical energize missile and lasers that went away from the blast to around the expose sides. “Bam-Bam-Bamfruvhmmm…” While the giant was still trying to stop the Hyper Chaos Blast, much of Talos’s latter attacks were exploding on impact around his legs, chest and head area. “Grrruaughh….” Fuji cringed out to yell from the impacts, but his distraction…was a downfall. “Qruoopofrrusvhhmmmm….” Soon the Hyper Chaos Blast got through and inflicted the last damage onto the giant. “WAAAUUUOOOOAAAGGHHHHHH….” Fuji was heard yelling out from the pain he was feeling while being blasted off the ground.

“FUJIIIII,” Ben cried out in seeing a giant pony’s shadow fly pass him to go over to the other side of the area.

“Clopsfrupvhhmmm……” Fuji was sent off by whatever force he got hit that he bashed into an even more gigantically made crater. The giant pony looked like he was now barley hanging on, he’ll live but looked worse shape than before and won’t be up for anytime soon.

“Truspvhmmm….” Then Talos appeared over Ben as he held his sword before thrusting it. “Clashpowwfruvhmmm….” Ben just managed to hold up his Master Sword to block Talos’s powerful thrust down strike on him that had the Earth stallion’s back to the ground. “CLASHPOW-CLASHPOW-CLASHPOW-CLASHPOW-CLASHPOWFRUVHMMM….” And then Talos was relentlessly smashing his Sword of Underworld Darkness onto Ben’s Master Sword and it went on for about a minute or two until he stopped; and saw how the damage was done.

“Impressive…the Master Sword truly is a fine forge blade to not even be destroyed by my own.” Talos quoted out in seeing that such a blade did not break.

“UUuuagh….hhaaugh, Uuugh,” Ben was seen struggling from such powerful forces trying to kill him as he was still trying to stay strong.

“But you seem to have reached your limit; your power…belongs to the forces of darkness.” Talos spoke off in seeing Ben can’t manage much else now and hell end this quickly here and now.

Soon everything goes into a slow motion, as if there was nothing that could help stop this dangerous villain from wining here…until…

“Frusvhmm…CLASPFruvhmmm…” Suddenly, another sword is swung into the picture that stopped Talos from touching Ben and a tremendous force pushes Talos back to get his distance before staring at who saved the stallion. And it was Hiko Seijuro as he held his Winter Moon out from using both hooves to wield it.

“Hiko Seijuro, where’d you come…?” Ben almost asked but was force to stop because from staring at Hiko’s eyes, they were in the serious mood of being watchful of a target.

“Hey, Smartscar,” Hiko spoke in speaking to the councilmen Mystic who looked pretty banged up, “You and the others still breathing?” He asked this strange question right out of nowhere.

“Ugh, yes….but you sure took your sweet time.” Smartscar spoke off to say while he was still sore all over.

“Rest easy, this creature will pay for hurting everyone here.” Hiko Seijuro stated to say while he continued to focus his angry gaze…at the enemy here.

“Hiko Seijuro, humph, so you didn’t leave this place after all!” Talos exclaimed of saying in seeing who has still the guts to not leave.

“I was busy selling and suddenly I felt a terrible flow of evil magic and so I came to inspect, and I saw what you’ve done.” Hiko explained the case with a serious look on his face of what happened. “You certainly have no honor, fighting the Mystics when they can’t fight back at their best.” He saw the wounded Mystic Ponies that were seriously hurt and he knows the Seal of Umbral hasn’t been lifted completely yet.

“They are meant to be destroyed as will the Mane Six and Ben’s power to be claim.” Talos dryly remote to say about what he is doing is what he wants to do.

“Sorry, but if you want to get away with any of that, you’ll have to fight me.” Hiko Seijuro slowly spoke forth while he was messing around with his cloak. “And seeing you possess two dangerous element replicas running through you, you’re not to be underestimated….Which is why…” As he spoke of knowing what has to be done, he undid his cloak to let it drop.

“Powgruvhmmm…” At that moment, Hiko’s cloak cape made an impressive smack in the ground, Ben, Smartscar and even the awakening Twilight could almost estimate…the applied pressure and weight must be 200 pounds. That’s a lot of weight to keep wearing, and the guy was still capable of working okay from things meant to slow him down.

“I’ll be giving this fight a serious meaning without holding back.” Hiko Seijuro explained that this will be a fight he’ll be fighting with everything he’s got, nothing to slow him down and no holding back either. “Your existence is too dangerous to be around.” He stated how Talos is too dangerous to stick around, he’ll have to go.

“Hurgh, so, you believe that even after I’ve dealt with Mystics and the Element Bearers, a mere Equestrian mortal wish to fight me to the death?” Talos spoke off lightly of the subject being laughable, he’s defeated the best and now a mortal with Mystic Magic or an Element wants to face him.

“Who knows, and the one dying….will be you.” Hiko Seijuro shrug off to say this with a straight and serious face at the foe.

Soon the scene got quiet while both swordsmen were positioning themselves. And during the moment, the background music was changed to ‘Fang Which Wants Blood’ from Tales of The Abyss Original Soundtrack. And then in that sudden second, both swordsmen charged and cross swords which unleashed a large shockwave that blown everything around them for minutes. Much of those that were down, their bodies were rolling while some were still staying put.

“What power….that strike felt like Susano’s type of force, but different.” Smartscar responded in almost recognizing that kinda force.

Soon Talos was appearing and disappearing like crazy but Hiko Seijuro was able to keep up and retaliate at the right timing. The android began to show a first groan expression in seeing such actions. Talos soon resorted to using a few dark magic techniques, but his opponent managed to either slice them or use the ground or Sword Beams to stop or counter them all. The gang was slowly beginning to wake up in seeing that the battle that was almost impossible to win, Hiko Seijuro was proving to keep up and almost give even Talos a run for his money.

“Tch, even when my power is not of the original, he’s still able to match me.” Talos remarked off to say this in feeling annoyed by such a pest that was hard to kill.

“What’s wrong Talos, losing your grip when meeting someone you cannot defeat?” Hiko Seijuro responded off to taunt his challenger here about being afraid.

“Hardly; But seeing I’ve toy with weaklings, some have left damage on me, but I know how to fix that. Rising Darkness,” Talos responded off to say that he’ll fix his state so that this last pony doesn’t have a chance.

Suddenly, Talos’ body began to channel in large amounts of dark magic was seemingly making the guy glow and almost be felt like…he was getting stronger.

“That move…..he’s channeling his power of darkness into a powerful attack!” Jan spoke in feeling that much dark energy of magical flow be gathered; what was Talos planning?

“This is bad.” Smartscar silently spoke in sensing this won’t be a pleasant thing to experience.

“Supreme Canon,” Talos announced forth the name of the attack he would use after channeling the dark energy. “POWWWFRUUFRUVHHMMM....” Soon a powerful cannon fire sphere of darkness was launched out and heading to the target.

“Hi-Ryu-Sen,” Hiko Seijuro annouend a name of his own move he would use here.

Soon a flash of light shine over when both forces impacted the other; and when the smoke clears, both Hiko Seijuro and Talos are soon clashing again, and each time Talos used other dark element attacks, Hiko Seijuro would counter with a sword move. Soon both foes were directly opposite of the other across the field.

“Perhaps Talos underestimated this one.” Talos spoke in starting to see that this opponent was not weak, he’ll have to change his tactics. “But, there is one weakness that even I, the mighty Talos, won’t hesitate on using.” He spoke in having one move that he’ll resort to using that will decide the battle.

Soon the battle continued where both fighters swords were heard ringing across the distance. To any skilled warriors around, this was a sight that two powerful forces were fighting with so much might; it’s amazing that neither blade would break.

“I’m surprise that you can face me when I have the blood of a warrior who none could beat.” Talos declared off that he has the power of a warrior who practically commands all the other Dark Mystics.

“You mean Shadow Dragon, then there are two things you fail to see.” Hiko Seijuro spoke off to say this in about to make some points. “One, you only have his skills & dark element, but you are not him or can be all the way. And secondly, he has shared defeats and you’ll have a first, and last.” The guy was making the points clear that they would sound annoying to the opponent enemy himself.

“While it is true, I cannot corrupt many with a small amount, but…” Talos responded in that his small part of the Element of Darkness can’t help him corrupt, but there is another way. “I can do something just as much!” He declared in having something which will aid in him claiming victory.

“You can try, but the curtain shall fall!” Hiko Seijuro declared this while swinging his sword across that sent the enemy backwards a bit.

Then Talos’s magic glowed in front of Hiko Seijuro, but the guy felt no different. But the true target ended up being revealed when Twilight’s wings flapped her out and she glowed lightly a dark line.

“Twilight, what are you doing?” Ben shouted out in seeing that Twilight was almost heading for the battle instead of staying out of it.

“It-It’s not me….he’s….making me move!” Twilight yelped from trying to regain control of her body, but she was very weak, she can’t even resist some form of manipulation.

Then Talos vanished from Hiko Seijuro as he soon appeared behind Twilight and held his sword to prepare a thrust action.

“You who believes to not be worthy of being a ruler, I shall end your misery here and prevent the final key from being found!” Talos silently issued this statement of what he’ll do to the mare as he soon jabs his sword to pierce the mare’s body.

“Twilight,” The Mane Six shouted out in seeing their friend was in trouble and they couldn’t do anything to reach Twilight in time.

Twilight shut her eyes in fearing that she was not gonna be able to avoid this one.

“Staabbfruvhmm…” Suddenly, the scenery turns black of a pony’s body being stabbed to where the background was all light. Everyone was in a state of shock and horror; someone was stabbed through the gut, which meant the end of a life. Ben stared from where he was, he almost feared that what Shadow Dragon said came true, that his love was lost and he was powerless to do so….

Or was it?

Soon the dark spell on the mare faded, Twilight’s shock eyes narrow her vision from seeing that Talos’s attack…did not actually harm her but instead… “Hiko…Seijuro?” Yes, the words spoken made the scenery zooms outwards as Hiko had stepped in to take the blow while stopping Talos’s blade from reaching Twilight. And at this moment, the background song was ceasing being heard.

“Mommy…she’s safe, but…” Nyx spoke in shock in seeing her mother was alright, but what about their other friend?

“Hiko…why…?” Ben spoke in shock in why such a strong swordsman would take a blow like that, there could have been time to retaliate…or maybe, there was no other way at that point.

“You coward; you were trying to kill Twilight before the battle was over!” Jan snapped out in seeing such a low blow and underhanded move performed by such a villain.

“Hmph, my absolute orders…were to kill one member before the rest.” Talos coldly spoke this off in what he was ordered to do that was his top priority. “Twilight Sparkle was what the Superior, even Dark Curse wanted dealt with before she acquired the key. But it seems her becoming a ruler shows that she can’t even handle a simple manipulation of being an element of magic to even a small among of darkness.” He spoke this off as if taunting to rub sand in one’s wounds here. “This is a defeat for you all, for now, the weight of Hiko Seijuro rides…on her shoulder as a failure!” He issued that this death would be on the hands of Twilight Sparkle who could not do anything and was powerless to do anything.

Twilight stared in shock horror, she was used as bait to which lead a friend to sacrifice himself to save her and she was powerless to stop it. Pretty much, many of the Equestrians spirits began to fall into despair, seeing their last hope to win was gone now.

“Now that your hope is gone, you shall all follow suit and die here.” Talos declared this to those around that they will die and nothing will stop this.

“Now I wait a moment for that demand!” Hiko Seijuro’s voice was heard sounding out loud over for all to hear this.

Suddenly, everyone’s eyes widen in surprise and in shock, Hiko Seijuro was not dead after all. Many were even more surprise that the guy was still able to speak and talk with a blade jab in his flesh and bone, many would die from such a thing. What a pony!

“It’s very surprising that you would allow defeat to be pushed upon you.” Hiko Seijuro was speaking a bit towards those that were around him as if scolding the Mane Six & the others for thinking this was the end. “Even you all must know anger, what are you doing just giving up without a resolve?” He spoke that for those that would be angry at this; they are just giving up without a resolve to settle. “No matter what happens, it has been the pride of a true master swordsman to never give up, even in death.” As he spoke this with such a straight & serious expression, he soon leans himself upwards while his left hoof grasp the Sword of Underworld’s Darkness.

“Hiko Seijuro!” Much of the Equestrians were saying that name as if speaking in being thankful that Hiko Seijuro was not dead and he was alive.

“Incredible….any that would have been pierce by the Sword Of Underworld’s Darkness would have been dead by now! It’s possible for some Ultimate Mystics to at least get out in such a state, but an Equestrian! Was such a thing possible at this level?” Smartscar spoke off from being almost too stun to believe in what he was seeing, this was a feat that seem almost nonsense to consider possible; for one to survive a pierce sword wound in their flesh from such a powerful dark item.

“How can this be? It’s unsightly!” Talos protest in seeing this action; Hiko Seijuro was still wanting to go despite the currency and change flow of the fight. “It’s already obvious that many of you will die! Not even the Element Wielders or Mystics can stop me!” He spoke off in making this stamens clear, that he’ll finish off the last opposer here and take whatever lives he wants.

But Hiko Seijuro seem to show a different resent to that quite.

“I have long placed myself on battlefields and piled up many intense struggles for my life while learning to master the sword. From such moments, I have befriended Celestia and many others, helping to keep the peace for Equestria.” Hiko Seijuro explained this much of what he has gone forth in accomplishing and of other such things. “Perhaps for that reason, I somehow know….that this place and time is not my moment of death. For if I die now, there will be none left stopping such evil forces from killing many innocent lives, including…those I have become friends to.” With the seriousness in his tone, it was clear, he will not die yet and he won’t let those around die either.

Many were hearing this seem to stare off with sweat and gasp and weird reaction faces. They could not believe it, Hiko Seijuro was not going to give in, and he who has fought so long can even tell when and where he can die peacefully. What boldness, what determination, what courageous actions that even it would move any proud Mystic Warrior to tears.

“It seems you don’t believe me…” Hiko Seijuro spoke off to say in seeing that the enemy and others was not believing in what he said. “Then allow me to prove it to many here.” He spoke this while many were watching what would happen here. “First, I will help to cut down you, Talos, expose your source of power….and let Ben pierce it with his blade.” He declared this off while holding up his Winter Moon sword up with only his front right hoof.

“Ben?” Twilight spoke out the name of her love that was spoken.

“Me?” Ben responded in not following, was Hiko wanting him to take a shot because Twilight was endangered?

“Grrruuvhmmm….” Hiko Seijuro was soon bringing down his sword to land the blow when….

“Brsisitrivhmmm….” Suddenly, a Shield of Darkness appeared that stopped Hiko’s blade from even coming even close to Talos.

The caused many to yelp and stare from their minds being lost in space to stare at the reality; Talos stopped Hiko Seijuro’s blade from touching him with ease and without much effort. It was almost as if showing the proud swordsmen was now struggling to try to deliver the final blow even in such a weaken state.

“How pathetic…you really mean to say you have such faith in such weaklings that they are still no match against the Three Lords.” Talos dryly spoke this off as if not feeling the slightest bit of feeling of what this pony speaks about. “You want Ben to protect his love and yet here you can’t even have the strength to overcome me yourself. The new princess may as well have been better off not being an Alicorn, for she cannot do anything on her own, much less leads others. Friendship…has no power.” Talos ridiculed Hiko Seijuro for having such foolish fate that if not even this guy could beat him, what makes him so sure those already beaten will try from some idea that the power of friendship can prevail, it’s pointless.

Twilight felt sadden as did many that tried to endure this sight. Hiko was trying to still give them hope even in such a state and the enemy is just saying it’s pointless. Stating the Equestrians have no power and that friendship can't save them, and worse for Twilight is that her doubts about being a good princess and to help lead and protect many seems to only weigh her down more. What will happen from here on out…

“Grruuuummmm….” Suddenly, Hiko’s snarling voice is heard while his front right hoof held his katana to begin…moving. During which some dramatic ‘Heroic Speech Theme’ is heard for this special occasion.

“Crack-crackvhmm…” Then at that moment, a surprise was seen when the Shield Of Darkness began to show cracks and was being…pressured down, “Uuugh.” Talos yelped from feeling something was off, he felt Hiko’s blade on his shield was…heavier.

This action caused many to cease their sorrow to stare off at what was now happening here. Could it be that…their hope has not truly gone and that the strong swordsman was not seen in a weak state?

“Hhuuummmmrruaaghh….” Hiko’s right hoof on his blade was tighten as he was pressing it to go further down.

“Nrruauaghh….” Talos tried to hold his shield of darkness up, but even when amping it’s power, it was not being kept in check. “What is this? His strength should be cut in half from the stab, be left unable to do anything, so how…?” Talos stare off with a stern face at Hiko’s direction, his enemy…who should be completely unable to do anything, is not able to stop a blade from breeching his defense. “Trruaagh…” Talos tried to pull out the sword he plunge into Hiko, but the guy’s left front hoof kept it like he was not gonna allow Talos any resistance of any means take any steps and be kept with him.

“Grrusvhmmm…” Hiko’s voice was heard being louder as he force more of his right hoof to go even lower with his blade.

“Geehhuurrghh…Hahuagh….” Talos was suddenly seen struggling as his shield that kept the katana from touching him was touching him by his neck & shoulder area. “Uurraaghh-aaahhh….” Talos began to sweat a bit while looking am so too surprise to see this, what was going on?

And many of the others watching this Talos were still struggling to keep Hiko Seijuro’s blade from cutting him, but the physical strength against his magic…how was it beating the enemy? The Equestrians, the Mane Six, the CMC, the baby Dragons, even Ben & especially Twilight were astounded, how was such a feat possible?

“A true leader is…” Hiko Seijuro spoke these words out suddenly.

“Hugh?” Twilight yelped to look at the strong swordsmen, was he…trying to say something…was it a message to her maybe?

“Like a councilman or a princess and king.” Hiko Seijuro spoke these term meanings of a ‘leader’ while pressuring his blade against the struggling Talos. “They are only different names for positions and ranks.” He addresses the manner that such names mean different leaders of such courses to which it relates to Smartscar & Twilight’s positions themselves.

“Grruvhmm..hmmm…” Talos yelped from using his free left hoof to stop his shield, but it was now use using his physical strength & magic strength. “Grupvhmm…” He yelps when Hiko’s blade was cracking his shield of magic by the neck to almost…cut a bit in.

“But…there are only a handful of ponies that can reach that level.” Hiko Seijuro spoke to explain the manners of where only so few could even reach such a level of being a ‘true’ leader as Twilight listens in. “One can say it’s a place that only those that can overcome many points of death and render numerous achievements, together with friendship, can reach.” He spoke words of ever knowing truth to reach the ears of the young that were around and hearing him out

“Grruuaaaghh….” Talos was seen struggling as Hiko’s blade was cracking his shield and touching his metallic neck to which trails of darkness seem to slip out from the crack opening; it made him sweat with worry.

“As a result, gaining the title of a full ruler…” Hiko spoke the next words of being honorable and true of what it means to be a full-time ruler of all ponies. “Is the immense honor of being responsible for and protecting thousands and tens of thousands of lives,” His eyes stare off with such fierce burning motions of passion as if knowing full well how some must overcome such trails to become capable of leading many ponies, to protect and serve. “Therefore, that existence is heavy!” As Twilight listens in, she felt her heart almost skip a beat, it’s as if she’s hearing the stuff she has felt in the back of her mind of the weight of being a good princess…were starting to almost become clear.

“Gruhmm…Muurrvhmm…” Talos groans with his gritted teeth as his shield was hardly keeping Hiko’s blade back as it was almost completely gonna break through and cut him in half, he was beginning to experience…fear.

“Therefore, it shines with a dazzling light!” Hiko Seijuro spoke these words while ever looking so much as a heroic stallion, even as his one hoof struggles and the other holds in the enemy’s weapon, he will not yield, he shall become like a dazzling light for all to see.

Soon Twilight, Ben and many of the others that were listening to this stare in such an awe-inspired moment that some couldn’t help but come to tears. Hiko Seijuro’s words seem to help speak to them to bring light in the darkness, to never give up and keep striving forth. But to any of them, it seem like Ben felt like his strength was returning to stand up and hold his Master Sword firmly. And Twilight felt like some feeling of heavy doubt in her heart about her position as being princess began to change…like she doesn’t have to be afraid anymore.

“GRUUVVHMM….” Now Hiko Seijuro grasp his blade even tighter than before to truly bring down the pressure to cut this enemy as even Talos began to see that this scene can’t be real.

“This can’t be real! I…the Ultimate Dark Mystic Warrior…he who has Shadow Dragon’s Blood; Who also has the power of the portion elements of Darkness & the Triforce…..I who not any Element User or Mystic could beat….am losing to just a MERE Equestrian?” Talos spoke these words to himself in his mind from his Shield of Darkness and his left hoof can’t stop Hiko’s blade and it’s about to break through & he can’t escape. “It’s Madness…PURE MADNESS….Just what Are you…?” Talos declared this in his mind in trying to understand what was happening, no mere mortal can do this or have strength, it was not possible, it shouldn’t even be possible! Then how, how can it be happening that he’ll lose? “W-What In The World Of Equestria…Are You?!” Talos exclaimed this with a hard speaking voice as he stared forth at Hiko Seijuro with a terrified look of doubt that such a pony without even any Mystic Magic could stop a force as powerful as him, this can’t be real, what sorta monster was this guy?

The scene focus on the heroic scene of where Hiko Seijuro was having complete power in about to turn the battle around here despite who should have had the higher advantage; Many of the Equestrians & Mystics that saw this were so overwhelm by this, there were not even any words of describing it’s bravo moment of where hope had shine ever brighter.

“Well, I thought you knew. Isn’t it obvious?” Hiko Seijuro spoke off that question of Talos as if stating the issue was so easy, it was to laugh. “Hiko Seijuro, ‘Successor of The Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu’ style!” The man declared this off with the most serious of serious expressions not being one to lie as he soon put the last effort he had in his one hoof. At this moment, the background theme soon ceases.

“Breakvhhmmm/Qruussfruvhmmm….” And at that moment, Hiko Seijuro’s blade smashed through the Shield of Darkness, destroying it and cleaving a clear open path of the android’s body, “GRUUOOOAAAAURUGHHH!” Talos let off a loud painful roar from feeling the pain as the darkness was trying to help resurge the broken bits, but his core; the Copy Crystal that was his power source…was exposed from the front and back.

“NOW BEN,” Hiko yelled out this order for the stallion to take this open chance.

Wasting no time, Ben took his Master Sword and aim to throw it with every ounce of strength he had to spare, as it went soaring and… “Stabvhmmm…/Trizizizvhmm….” And soon Ben’s sword struck the Copy Crystal within Talos chest, keeping his body from closing it with a sword piercing.

“Grruaaughh….MY POWER COOOORE,” Talos cried out from the pain as he felt himself feel much damage. “DAAAAMN YOOOOUUUU!” He yelled out in fury at the Equestrians doing this.

“He’s still going!” Ben raised an eyebrow in seeing this, Talos just won’t give in.

“Don’t worry, you got your sword in place….now, I’ll finish him off.” Hiko spoke off to say as he slowly moves even with that sword of Talos out of him, he look to just about be on his last leg.

“Hiko…Seijuro…..hughh…YOU THINK THIS CAN KILL ME?” Talos turn to his hated foe in hearing what he said about finishing him. “I’ve seen your strongest technique, if you think I will fall like Fuji, your sadly mistake!” Talos yelled out that he will not die or be beaten in the same manner like the giant pony was.

“Funny, I actually have another move even more powerful & faster than the Ku-Zu-Ryu-Sen.” Hiko smiled off to say this while having something else in mind as he sheaths his sword. “But I thought of using it to end the guy called Dark Curse with it, but…you’ll have to do.” He issued in who Hiko wanted to use this move on, oh well, he can’t be picky here.

“You wretched….I’ll wipe YOU and EVERYONE here with one move….” Talos snarled off to say before yelling off what he’ll do to all here, “DESTRUCTION!” He yelled off in stating what he’ll be unleashing now.

Soon Talos’s body began to admit a strange dome field as if about to unless something terrible while he was seen levitating off the ground. There were only a few that knew this first stage action and knew what dangers would come from such a move.

“U-Uh-no; if he uses that move, it’ll destroy anything in its path if it’s not under control. Without the Element of Light to control it, it may even destroy the planet!” Smartscar stared in fear and worry, not even Shadow Dragon or Dark Curse would risk performing the move, it’s too powerful without the opposite element force to contain it.

“HURRAAAAUGHHH,” Talos was roaring off in about to unleash a force so devastating, it would kill everyone here.

“Time we end this….” Hiko spoke forth seriously as he was soon seen getting into a different stance.

Then in a blinding moment, some hidden Japanese words label as ‘The Final Attack’ burn as a fiery blaze.

“Huuuuagh!” Talos yelped in seeing what his opponent was doing, but could only register it for mere seconds.

“Amakakeru Ryu No Mirameki,” Hiko Seijuro announced forth the name of an even far stronger technique to be unleashed here.

Then with speed that was god-like, Hiko charged forth against Talos while vanishing completely from eyesight from all viewers, he grabbed his sword from its sheath…and then a bright flash of a star in the red skies was seen. “SLAASSSFRUUUGRUVHMMM....” And then in an instant of appearing across the other side while leaving a light blue line from an unsheathe sword technique, Hiko Seijuro was on the other side while Talos was seen toss off a bit from taking a blow that seem to slice him clear in half from the waist line.

“Breakfrisisvhmmm…./Trizizizizvrisisisvhmm….” Soon the Copy Crystal shattered to pieces, the android’s body began to short-circuit with leaking darkness escaping and fading away.

“Im-Impossible; I….have Shadow Dragon’s blood….I have BOTH portions of the elements he controls!” Talos wailed off to complain in seeing his end was coming, he had it all and now Talos lost it all. “How can the Triforce & Darkness…Lose to a mortal?” He exclaimed this disbelief issue while much of his body began to vibrate at an alarming rate. “My Lords….I have Failed you….ARRRUUOOAAAAUGHHHH!” Talos declared this off from announcing his failure to his masters while unleashing a loud cry as he began to fade away.

“Qrrususvhmmm…..” Soon a bright flash of light shined over the entire area field where only the suffering enemy was. “KURBOOOMGRUUFRVHMMM..." Then an enormous size nuclear explosion of light & darkness erupted from Talos’s spot where his body was being annihilated. “GRAAUUUUOOEEAAAAHHH…” Even the blacken soul aura that was Shadow Dragon inside the body of Talos was vanishing, the darkness was soon completely gone. Around that moment, the remaining portions of the Seal of Umbral began to fade away into the winds as the spell over the Mystics that had fallen and unconscious, their magic slowly began to return. Once everything began to settle down, the standing victory was Hiko Seijuro as he soon walked over to pick up the Master Sword…and thrown it to Ben who caught it.

“Thanks for the good work, you’ve done…well..” Hiko was about to say towards Ben before he felt so tired out that he fell backwards to lie on the ground

The Mane Six and Equestrians quickly ran around towards Hiko Seijuro, they feared if he was gonna be okay or not after such a fearsome fight. Fluttershy was the most healthy member since she wasn’t hurt so badly, and used her Rosin’ Crystal Petals to try to help heal the guy as he slowly came to see what was happening here.

“Don’t worry, I’ll help heal you, you really took a bad blow in the chest there.” Fluttershy spoke in feeling very concern for this tough stallion, he went through so much, it’s a miracle wonder he even survive all that.

“Heh, don’t worry, it’ll take more than this…to beat me.” Hiko Seijuro smiled off to casual say that such fights aren’t enough to kill him.

“That last move you used was AMAZING!” Rainbow Dash cheered off to say in what they saw was the most spectacular stunt in the history of awesomeness….at least in swordsmanship.

“Heck Ah could barely follow dat even if Ah wasn’t tired out.” Applejack replied off to note that such a major display was hard for any to keep track of.

“What did you call it?” Rarity asked off in liking to know what that move Hiko Seijuro used was called, but in a different meaning.

“Silly, it was called Amakakeru Ryu No Mirameki. It means Heaven’s Soaring Dragon Flash.” Pinkie Pie spoke off in stating which left the others confused until they stare at Twilight in what she have to say about that being right or not.

“She’s right….it does stand for that. But…how’d you know?” Twilight responded to say while not figuring out how the pink pony knew that answer.

“Lucky guess,” Pinkie Pie shrug off to say that she made a random guess at that which made her friends feel sheepish for asking such a silly question.

“That’s Pinkie Pie for yah.” Phobos rolled his eyes in seeing that this was their typical Pinkie Pie being herself.

“Hey look, there are the other Mystic Ponies!” Spike pointed out in seeing who was coming over here now.

Just as Spike said, many of the other Mystic Ponies that went off and were defeated by the soldiers to friends returned. And even the other two like Armorspear and Pikestar started to come to it seems.

“Father; Everyone; you’re okay!” Jan smiled off happily to say in giving his father a hug that he’s alive.

“Ow-ow, ow…careful son, I’m still feeling back pain.” Arthur yelped to have his son ease the hugging, he’s still hurt.

“Gee, you sound like an old stallion.” Rushstrike smiled off to say this in what the guy sounded like.

“Hmph-hmph, at least he’s living up to their mortal law of being so old.” Jenny held in some giggles in hearing and imaging such a fact.

“Smartscar, is it over?” Drillmap asked off from seeing the lots off destruction and the now peacefulness that is here.

“It is, and what a sight to behold.” Smartscar nods in saying this while looking near the Mane Six. “I may have misjudged Twilight Sparkle’s ability a bit…as well as these Equestrians.” He spoke from feeling that somehow, he’s begun to see and learn something new about what worth these Equestrians can do.

Now that was something for the Mystics to be surprise to hear their councilmen say. It almost sounds like he might change his mind from having Ponyville as some base due to being impressed by the Mane Six party.

“Look, I see some Pegasus ponies!” Nyx pointed out in now seeing the arrival of a few Pegasus ponies from their home turf.

“Oh goody, they can help us out!” Sweetie Belle smiled to say in seeing that now the other fliers can help them out.

“Wait, that looks like almost all of the Pegasi from Cloudsdale and the Wonderbolts!” Scootaloo pointed out in seeing that it looks like a whole lot of Pegasus ponies, like their entire hometown’s population was here.

“Guess ta move a giant, ye need all de help ye can get.” Apple Bloom pointed out to shrug off such a feeling in how moving a giant pony is a big job, it needs a lot of ponies to do it.

“Man, I think we all will need maybe some time at the Spa where they have those nice healing tubs to take away the ache.” Rarity sighed to look at themselves in seeing that from their aching bodies, they’ll need to go to the spa to relax a bit.

“To tell the truth, ugh, I feel almost too sore for another battle.” Ben spoke from rubbing his aching shoulder, it and anything else from their fight against Talos was really a pain.

“I’m just glad that we could make it out.” Twilight smiled in feeling so glad that they are alright after such an ordeal here. “Everypony….I think our trip to the Land of Dirt is complete. We got Button Mash, Rarity got over her dirt issue, we helped the Mystic Ponies keep Smartscar safe, met Wuzubu and help a giant pony out, I just have this much to say; Lets all head home.” That last part of what she said was the most enjoyable thing the group would ever hear.

“Yeah,” The group responded in feeling ready and raring to get on the move to head on home. And with that, they all make preparations here, including to help Fuji which will be a BIG job to handle without a doubt.


Far away from the Land Of Dirt, Shadow Dragon was seen having watch the feat of what transpired. The huge battle, the explosive works, the powers of Darkness of his element being used by another by certain measures. But in the end, thanks to one pony, namely Hiko Seijuro, the plan had fallen apart.

“My, that was certainly an outcome I did not expect.” Shadow Dragon spoke in being very surprise in what was witness from that battle. “But then again, had the Mystics full strength not been sealed off, the battle might have been harder, but still…Hiko Seijuro, you are indeed strong.” Had the interference from one very special Earth stallion not been in the way, the downfall of the Mystics would have been perfect & Ben’s power be in their control. “Let us hope our paths never cross, for you maybe a more dangerous foe we like to keep our distance, while we set our eyes on those….we can handle.” Shadow Dragon spoke in feeling that Hiko Seijuro is an opponent that’s more dangerous than they think, it’s best to not be anywhere or be involved when the guy is around.

Then like that, Shadow Dragon vanished into a dark portal to be out of sight. He’s seen what he himself could, and now the rest of what will happen with the Mane Six….is left to be decided.