Equestria Girls: Spirit of Friendship

by Courageous-of-Light

Chapter 1

The Crystal Empire: A bright and beautiful kingdom of crystals nestled in the frozen lands of northern Equestria. This place is home to the Crystal Ponies, and their beloved rulers: Prince Shining Armor and Princess Mi Amore Cadenza…also known as Cadance.

Things have been peaceful in the Empire as of lately, but today is to be marked as a very special day…one in which both Princess Celestia and Luna, the ruling sisters of Equestria, are attending.

Today, after one whole week, Equestria’s newest Prince and Princess, Twilight Sparkle and Courageous Heart, return from their honeymoon.

They are due to arrive at the Empire any moment now. All their friends…which include Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity, Spike, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie…are ready to give them the biggest “welcome back” party EVER.

After a long while of waiting, a magical carriage…pulled by a few royal guards…flies on down from the skies, and approaches the Crystal Castle; The newly weds…have returned.


“There it is!!” Spike calls out, informing all his friends, “They’re back!!”

Everypony looks up and sees the very carriage that they last saw at the end of the wedding last week, coming in for a landing…with it’s two passengers within, whom they are all looking forward to seeing.

Once the carriage lands and comes to a halt, the Royal Crystal Guard line up in front of it with their trumpets at the ready. Their youngest member, Flash Sentry, stands at the end, prepared to announce the arrival of the two newest members of the Royals.

Soon, the doors open, and the trumpets blow as the two ponies exit and start to walk down the aisle together, side by side.

“Presenting…Princess Twilight Sparkle and her husband, Prince Courageous Heart!” Flash Sentry announces once the trumpets finish, and stands up straight as the married couple walk on by..

Once the two arrive at the end, they are quickly greeted by all their friends and family; Pinkie Pie runs up to Twilight and hugs her so tight, for she has missed her best friend the most.

“I missed you sooooooooooOOOOOOOOOO MUCH!!!!!” Pinkie squeals as she hugs the lavender alicorn tight.

“I…missed…you…too…Pinkie…” Twilight smiles as she gasps for air, “…Pie!”

Courageous chuckles and watches this for a bit, then breaks it up, “Alright, Pinkie. Give her some air…”

Pinkie smiles nervously and releases her, “Oops, sorry. I just can’t help it, I MISSED YOU SO MUCH, TWILIGHT!!”

Twilight catches her breath and sighs, “I’ve only been gone a week, Pinkie.”

“Really? It feels like…two weeks, no maybe three…or even *Gasp*…four weeks…!”

Twilight rolls her eyes and smiles, “Oh Pinkie…”

The others approach Twilight and surround her with light, but loving, hugs. They have missed their little unicorn-now-turned-alicorn.

“We really missed ya Twilight. Both you and Courageous,” Applejack admits warmly to her dear friends.

“Yeah! It hasn’t been the same without my wing buddies around,” Rainbow Dash admits, but tries to stay cool as usual.

“It just has not been the same without you two here,” Rarity admits as well.

“Oh yes…I agree with Rarity,” Fluttershy agrees with politely.

Spike embrace Twilight and rubs the side of his head against hers, “I missed you, Twilight. Even though it’s only been a week, it feels like forever…”

“That what I said!!~” Pinkie interrupts with a giggle.

Spike and Twilight chuckle and embrace for a bit, “I missed you too, Spike.” She looks up at all her friends and smiles, “I missed you all…so much.”

The girls hug Twilight once more and are so happy for the return of their best friend. They even share some hugs with Courageous…for they have missed him too.

After nearly a week, the Mane Six have been reunited once again, and hope never to be separated again…for a long time at least.

“Twili…don’t forget about us,” Shining Armor chuckles as both he and his beloved Cadance approach.

Twilight smiles brightly and gallops over to her BBBFF and sister-in-law, throwing her forelegs around them both; Out of everypony that has come to welcome her home, she has missed them the most.

Cadance hugs her little sister and smiles, “It is so good to have you home, Twilight.”

Twilight thanks her sister and former foalsitter as she continues to hug her, “I am happy to be home…”

As the two alicorns hug, Shining walks up to his brother-in-law and hugs him, happy to have him home too. Courageous smiles and hugs the white stallion back.

“It’s good to have you back, bro,” Shining expresses.

Courageous smiles at his new brother-in-law and nods, “Thank you, brother. It is good to be back too.”

The former Champion of the Light, now the Prince of the Light, is glad to be home again with his new family…and all his friends that have helped him through so much in over a year that he has lived in Equestria.

Now that both Courageous and Twilight are here at the Crystal Empire, they are ready for whatever comes next…no matter the challenge.

Once all the hugging and the welcoming home comes to an end, Twilight and Courageous walk up the steps of the castle, where both Princess Celestia and Princess Luna are standing…ready to welcome their newest Prince and Princess home.

Upon seeing her mentor, Twilight kneels before the two alicorn Princess. Courageous does the same.

However, Celestia steps forward and allows them to rise, “Oh Twilight, you are a princess now. There is no need to kneel anymore,” The Princess of the Sun assures her former student.

“Oh…sorry, your Highness,” Twilight blushes nervously, “I guess I haven’t gotten use to being a princess yet.”

“That is quite alright,” Celestia comes to the little lavender alicorn’s side, “We can worry about all that later…but for now, let us all head to the dinning room for a wonderful meal that we have prepared for you and your husband.”

Both Twilight and Courageous’s eyes widen and their bellies rumble at the mention of food; Neither of them have had anything to eat since the ride back, “That sounds like a wonderful idea, Princess Celestia,” Courageous approves.

With that said, everypony strolls up the stairs and into the palace, with a few guards carrying the luggage of the Princess and Prince. After a long day and week, it is time to sit down, enjoy a nice meal, and spend time with all the family and friends around the two married ponies.


That evening, everypony gathers at the dining table and are served a nice, delicious hot meal. Twilight and Courageous dig right in…and even share a little with each other, since they are married and all.

While the others eat, Princess Celestia…who is sitting right next to Twilight…turns to her and asks, “So, Twilight…are you ready to begin your princess training tomorrow?”

The young alicorn does not know how to answer that, so she simply says, “I…guess so.”

Celestia notices the tone in her student’s voice and places her hoof upon the little alicorn’s shoulder, “Is there something that troubles you, Twilight?”

She sighs and nods, “I guess there is. I…am a little worried about all this: Being a princess, my new role, plus an entire kingdom to rule on Tambelon…”

“Oh Twilight,” Celestia giggles, “There is no need to be worried: I promise to help you through it all for the next year; Both you and Courageous will learn all that there is to know about ruling a kingdom.”

The little pony nods, but still worries a little. Then, she feels the hoof of another touch her own. She looks over and smiles when it is Courageous Heart holding it; He had been listening in, and shows that he will be by his wife’s side through all the training they will both be taking.

“It’ll be alright, my love. We are going to do just fine…” The brown stallion prince promises.

Twilight feels a little better, knowing that she will have her husband and all her friends and family to help her complete her training and become a beloved ruler of the new island kingdom, “Thank you…everypony.”

They all smile back at Twilight, showing their support of their dear friend and family member. After that, everypony returns to their meals and eat as much as possible, before dessert is ready…in which Pinkie will undoubtedly eat it all…unless Celestia gets to it first.


After dinner is finished, the hour is already growing late and it is time for everypony to retire to their rooms. They will need their sleep, because first thing in the morning, will be the beginning of Twilight and Courageous’s training.

Everypony is looking forward to this…especially the two married ponies.

Twilight and her husband head to their chambers, ready for a goodnight sleep. But along the way, Courageous senses something within the castle…through the Light. He shivers a little and looks around the hallway, wondering what is going on.

“What is wrong, my love?” Twilight asks her husband once she sees him shivering.

Courageous feels something strange in the castle, something…dark. He cannot tell what it is exactly, since the presence is so small and weak…but it is still there.

“Courageous…!?” Twilight tries to get his attention once more.

“Huh?!” The young prince snaps out of it and turns to his wife, “Oh…uh…sorry, Twilight. I uh…”

“What troubles you?”

He looks around, and senses the presence is gone, “I don’t know. I thought I…sensed something…”

Twilight uses her own Magic and Light to sense what he was, but there is nothing. “I don’t sense anything, Courageous…”

The Prince checks again, and shrugs, “Neither do I…not anymore, that is. I guess it was nothing…”

Princess Twilight nods and wraps her wing around his back, “Come on. Let’s get to bed. We have a big day ahead of us.

Courageous agrees and walks alongside his wife to their chambers, where little Spike is already sleeping in his little basket bed.


Deep within the Crystal Castle, locked away in a room full of antique items, lies a magical mirror; This mirror is a link to another world…one that Twilight once traveled to some time ago.

But now, the mirror lays dormant…for the gateway to the other side is closed, since it has not reached thirty moons yet. However, a dark presence resides in the mirror, one that is both familiar and just as evil.

A pair of dark, void eyes glow in the mirror…and await for the moment when it shall come forth, and bring the Darkness back into Equestria one more.