//------------------------------// // I'm not old! // Story: Family of the Blanks // by HumanSVD //------------------------------// "See you later...friend." Ruby's hoof made contact with the light next to her; she smiled as Konrad limped his way towards Ponyville. The sight in front of her was drowned out by the light getting brighter and brighter, and she could not block it out from her eyes. Ruby found herself screaming from the sudden sensation of falling and flailing her legs all over the place. The sight of a blue light tunnel surrounded her as if she was falling down a pipe drain. While continuing to fall, Ruby could also spot her mother falling and screaming. Calling out to her, "MOOOOM! NOOO!!" "RUUBY!" shouted Mitta, looking above. Seeing no other solution, the former ghost dived through the air, making her way closer to her mother. Reaching her mother, the two embraced in a hug refusing to let go of one another. As the wind blew through their mane and tails, the sound, for an odd reason, did not drown out their ears. "Mom! What's going on?!" "I don't know, but this can't be heaven! Konrad said we wouldn't suffer! That lying boy!" "MOOM! Stop it!" "Ruby! Look below! Is that us?!" said Mitta as she pointed a hoof below. Looking below in fear, Ruby noticed something very odd. Below the scared mare was her mother and herself lying on a field asleep. Both couldn't believe what they saw, even as the sight below became more transparent. Screaming in confusion and fear, the mares closed their eyes, no longer wanting to see the view. Even though her eyes closed, some light still made it through Ruby's eyelids. "NOO! What's going on?! Konrad, help me! I need you." "Everything will be fine, Ruby, I promise. Your life is just beginning." "What?! Who are you?!" Her eyes closed, and a glowing white pony image began to form before her. The mare couldn't determine who this mysterious stallion was but felt his presence, loving and familiar. Unable to tell any of his features except a smile, the stallion replied, "Somepony who's watched you for a long time. Please take care and say hello to them for me." Before Ruby could reply, everything went dark and quiet. The first thing Ruby could feel was the warm heat radiating from the sun on her left side while feeling the cool grass on her right. As she slowly opened her eyes, Ruby blinked a few times before letting her eyes adjust to the sight before her. She found herself lying on a field with the edge of a forest next to her. It appeared to be the middle of the day as birds flew around and numerous butterflies landed on a few wildflowers nearby. "Is this heaven? Who was that guy? This place looks so lovely." Slowly getting up and sitting on her rump, Ruby looked around and spotted her mom lying nearby, "MOM!" shouted Ruby as she got up. Mitta shifted a few times before saying, "Mommy needs some more sleep." Laughing at her mom's refusal to get up reminded her of when she refused to get out of bed when she was a filly long ago. With the tables being turned, Ruby found the irony humorous as she shook her mother awake. "Mom, you need to get up! We need to find out where we are." She rubbed her eyes; Mitta slowly opened them, got up on her legs, and made eye contact with her daughter. Both mares gasped at what they saw. No longer did either of them have glowing yellow eyes but the natural ones they were born with. Pointing at each other with a hoof, they both gasped before saying in unison, "Your eyes! They're not glowing!" Spotting a pond nearby, both of them ran to it, hoping to see their reflections. As they saw their images, both noticed they had, in fact, normal eyes. Smiles formed on their faces as they hugged each other. "Mom! We're not ghosts anymore! We're in heaven!" "I'm so happy, Ruby! No more suffering for us!" Both mares squealed and cried happily for a few seconds until something unexpected happened. The sound of hunger, to be precise. BUUUUUUURRGH! Letting go of each other, Ruby blushed as she apologized to her mother. "Sorry, I guess I'm a bit hungry." With a confused look on her face, Mitta asked, "Didn't Konrad say we would never be hungry?" Ruby's ears perked up at that question, and she remembered that the man indeed made that claim. Here they were, seemingly alive, hungry, in a field near a forest that seemed eerily familiar. All of these facts confused the mares even more. As Ruby pondered these facts even more, she noticed something different about her mother, subtle if one wasn't paying attention. Despite not having any gray mane or tale showing, she appeared older. Her eyes were starting to show signs of bags underneath, and her face had, while very subtle, small wrinkles. "Mom, you look..." "I look what, my dear?" Ruby blushed in embarrassment and struggled to point out that she was older without being offensive. "I...umm....mom?" "Yes, dear, go ahead. You can tell me-" "You're older." "-anything...pardon me?" asked Mitta with an eyebrow raised. "I'm sorry, mom, but you do!" "The proper term is Mature." "But...you do look more mature! Look again!" said Ruby as she pointed a hoof back at the still pond. As Mitta returned to the pond to check out her reflection, Ruby looked around to see where they were. In the distance, she could see what looked like a town. It was too far to recognize, but a few fields with various crops along the pathway. With the other path leading into the forest, it made sense to head into town and see where they were. No matter what, they would need a place to stay, and the place ahead was the best bet to find something. As Ruby turned back to face her mother, she noticed a frown on her face. "You're right...I'm old." "But I thought you said you were mature." Rolling her eyes with blush, Mitta replied, "Oh, hush! No mare wants to hear she's old, but I can't deny it. I'm older...older than I used to before..." Mitta lowered her head in sadness and shame before Ruby lifted it with a hoof. "It's okay, mom. I love you, and we're here now. It's all over. Let's just move on, okay?" Wiping a tear away with her own hoof, Mitta nodded. The mare's frown was replaced with a smile of her own. "Ruby?" "Yes, mom?" smiled Ruby. "You're older too." "WHAT?!" shouted Ruby as she jumped in the air. "Older?! I'm 18! Well, before I died, that is, but how do I look older?!' As Mitta chuckled at her daughter's reaction, Ruby ran to the pond to look at herself. After looking at her reflection one more time, she, too, could see the age difference. "I look older but...well, more mature." Ruby could see the similarities of a middle-aged mare and noted that she no longer had the teenage appearance she once had. While she found the look to be an exciting change, like a mother in her foal-raising years, Ruby was annoyed that she had aged with no beautiful memories to come with such a change. As Ruby returned to Mitta, she began to form a pout on her face, eliciting more chuckles from her mother. "Ahahahahah! Oh, Ruby! You should see the look on your face!" "Mom....stop. It's not funny! I'm...older!" said Ruby with disgust for the word. "So am I! At least you don't have the bags and worn-out look on your face. You look like I used to...all grown up." replied Mitta with a sad look. Ruby let go of her pout as her eyes widened, realizing what was about to happen. "Oh no, she's going to do it...I just know it." "WAAAAAAAAA! My precious Ruby is all grown up! You're not so little anymore! WAAAA!" cried Mitta. "And she did...Oh, mom! You always get so emotional when you remember me as a little foal." "Mom, please stop-" Suddenly, Mitta put her forehooves to her daughter's cheeks and shook them from side to side as she reminisced about Ruby as a baby. "But my widdle Wuby all grown up!" "MOM! Stop! Please, let's just go," shouted Ruby with her face turning bright red, hoping nopony would notice. Fortunately, Mitta nodded her head before wiping more tears away. As Ruby pointed towards the town in the distance, Mitta asked, "That town...it seems familiar, doesn't it?" asked Mitta. "Yeah...it kinda does. Should we go there?" With the sound of hunger coming from both mares, the mother and daughter looked at each with a blush. "Well...I think that's our cue to head into town," said Mitta. "I'm hungry...hungry! That means..." "Mom! You know what this means?" "What?" Ruby jumped up in down in excitement that she hadn't felt since she was a young filly on her birthday. "FOOD! I get to eat food again! Real food!" answered Ruby as she jumped around her mother. Realizing what her daughter was saying, Mitta smiled and immediately began speaking of foods she had always loved. "Fried Hay patties...Oh, how I haven't had that in ages!" "AAAAHHHH!! FRIED HAY PATTIES!! "Mmm!! I likey hay patties! Me likely hay patties!" Mitta chuckled at her daughter, who continued to jump around her like a young filly. "I'm not so sure you got mature, Ruby. I think you might have regressed to a filly." Immediately Ruby stopped her, jumping at the realization of what her mother implied. Backing away from her mother, Ruby asked, "Mom...please don't." "Do what, Ruby?" said Mitta with a sly grin on her face. "Don't do it! I'm not little!" "Let mommy squeeze those cheeks!" "NOO!" cried Ruby from her mother's advancing forehooves as she shielded her face. Instead, Ruby was treated to the sight of a mother pointing a hoof at her face. "Gotcha!" "Mom..." said Ruby pawing the ground with a red face. "You'll have to catch me!" replied Mitta. Ruby's mother suddenly broke into a gallop, heading full speed into the town ahead. With a look of surprise, Ruby broke into a gallop of her own, chasing her mother. "Mom! Just give up! You know I'll just beat you!" "You sure?" shouted Mitta. "I've never felt more alive!" As both mares continued to run ahead, a figure above smiled joyfully.