//------------------------------// // Prince Sombra: Darkness // Story: Prince Sombra: Darkness // by 2crazyrainbows //------------------------------// Don’t you feel it Sombra? The power coursing through your veins… You were chosen for this. AWAKE, AND CLAIM YOUR DESTINY! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sombra awoke, as Celestia’s sun rose through his crystal window. He wiped his eyes of the morning blurriness, and rose out of his bed. He looked in the mirror as two servants tidied him up, readying him for the day. When he walked out of his room, a courier arrived with a letter from Princess Celestia. “Excuse me sir, you have a letter. From Her Highness. It is urgent.” Sombra nodded, and took the letter from the courier, and dismissed him with his hoof. He looked over the letter, Celestia had called him for a meeting, a new threat has arisen, and she wanted his insight and assistance. He turned back to his room, and gathered the proper attire, left the castle and boarded the next train to Canterlot. When he arrived, an escort was waiting to take him to the castle, he boarded the carriage, and they were off. He always thought these carriages were redundant, for back at his own kingdom, he prefered to walk among his subjects, perhaps Canterlot was not as safe as his Crystal Empire. Princess Luna was waiting at the gates, she had normally slept during the day, but Celestia had called a meeting, and as co-ruler, she was required to attend. These meetings were never too long, as Celestia never wanted to take up everypony’s time. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sombra walked down the throne room hallway, marveling at the stained glass windows. He never understood how they are so perfectly carved and painted, as glass is not as strong as his magic crystals. He sat in his seat and looked around. Celestia was at the head as usual, he was in the right-hand seat across from Luna, and down the table were ambassadors from the Griffon Kingdom, Saddle Arabia, and some of the more influential members of society, such as politicians or businessmen. “I called this meaning because there is a new threat lurking in the depths of the Crystal Caves. A dark magic has been spreading, and has even affected the miners and a group of travelers. We must vanquish this threat before it spreads across the nation, or we risk nationwide war.” “THAT’S IT!? YOU CALLED US HERE UNANNOUNCED BECAUSE OF A SMALL LEAK OF DARK MAGIC!? YOU COULD HAVE DEALT WITH THAT WITHOUT OUR CONSENT!” The griffon ambassador barked at Celestia. Sombra smiled, Luna would deal with them. “QUIET YOU INSOLENT FOOL! DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND WHAT THIS MEANS!?” The griffon shrunk down, unable to bear the sound of the Royal Canterlot Voice. “IF DARK MAGIC IS ESCAPING FROM THE LAND BELOW, IT CREATES THE POSSIBILITY THAT MAGIC IS ESCAPING ALL OVER EQUESTRIA!” “Luna is right, this dark magic is nothing like I’ve seen before, and I do not want to risk anything. All of you return home and have your most talented magicians scan the land for any sign of dark magic. Destroy it if you are able, but do not do anything rash.” The griffon grumbled. “Meeting adjourned, you may all return home.” Sombra stayed after, Celestia wanted to have a word with him. “Sombra, I want you to know that our mages have already found the source of the magic in the Crystal Empire. I would like to go examine it with you, if you do not mind.” Sombra nodded. “Still a stallion of few words, will I never hear your wonderousous voice?” Sombra merely looked at her and grinned. Causing Celestia to scrunch her face at him, and the two walked out of the castle. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Escorts brought them both straight to the Crystal Empire, carrying flying carriages. Sombra noticed the guards carrying Celestia were getting tired much more faster than the ones parallel to them. Sombra smirked and had a light chuckle, sparking Celestia’s interest. “What is so funny Sombra?” Sombra pointed at the guards and Celestia saw that they were struggling to keep a stable flight, whilst Sombra was in a perfect balance. “Guards, are you feeling well?” “Yes Princess.” “Do not lie to me. Tell me what is the matter, you may speak freely.” “I think the Princess should cut back on the cake.” Sombra snickered and Celestia looked at him, annoyed. “Thank you, carry on.” The rest of the flight remained silence. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When the two arrived at the Crystal Empire, Celestia had let the guards rest for a moment to catch their breath and have a drink at the crystal pub. “So this is the Crystal Empire? Seems like such a quiet place, unlike the busy streets of Canterlot.” Sombra nodded. “Tell me Sombra, how have you been all this time. Has ruling the Empire been as you had wished for when you took the throne?” Sombra shook his head. The guards returned, ready to take the duo to the Crystal Caves. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When they arrived at the caves, Celestia, Sombra, and the four guards entered fully armed. They were expecting anything, as magic like this can be dangerous. The guards took point and flank, keeping the royals in a pincer of protection. They traversed through the cave slowly and carefully, with nothing stopping them for some time. Until they heard the roar of a Cave Chimera. Chimeras found in caves were feared by even the most seasoned adventurer, but would be no problem for four of Canterlots finest. The Chimera ran down the cave hall, and Sombra got a better look at it. It had three heads, a lion, an eagle, and a dragon, along with the viper for the tail. And as it ran, it blew fire at the two guards in front. Celestia threw up a ward to protect her faithful protectors as one of the rear guards shot a wing arrow at the spot between the lion and eagle heads, but the arrow was caught in the beak of the eagle, which used it’s own wings to shoot the arrow back the the party. This worried Sombra, Chimeras who had intelligence were not to be trifled with. Luckily nopony was hit by the arrow, and the Chimera was advancing again spewing a wall flame. Sombra charged. Diving through the intense heat he held his scythe in front of him, fanning the most of the flames out of his way. When he was locked in combat with the beast, it tried to claw him with its talons and claws. He could barely stop the blows, as they were fast and strong, but he kept at it, cleaving back for every swing the Chimera took. He turned to see Celestia and her guards staying behind and spectating the magnificent battle. “ATTACK YOU FOOLS!” Sombra shouted at the lagging party. The guards advanced first, spears at point they charged at the monster at full speed. Sombra locked its left talons in place with his weapon. As the two guards came into striking distance, the chimera swung its paw at the advancing guards, which sent them flying into the cave wall. The first one to hit the wall was impaled by the seconds spear, giving him a quick death. The second guard panicked, as the Chimera shot flame at him and his coat quickly melted along with his skin, leaving a burnt corpse to lay on the ground. Sombra released his hold just in time to dodge the snake shooting venom at his eyes. The venom would not kill him, but it would blind him long enough to be killed. The snake would not let up, shooting acid as the Chimera swung its mighty arms at him. An arrow whisked by him, hitting the lion in the right eye. The Chimera roared in pain, and charged at the guard. Celestia! Sombra quickly gave pursuit as the snake shot at him more viciously than ever. He was hit by the burning poison countless times, but he knew he had to protect Celestia. He quickened his pace, catching up the the enraged beast just before it reached its target. He took a swing and it, making a clean slice across the back of the brute. He also succeeded in cutting of the tail of the creature. The chimera stopped in its tracks, and turned to Sombra. It lifted its paw to strike, but Sombra took another slice and cut into its arm, the point of his blade catching on the bone. This caused the beast to cry out in maddening agony, and a guard rushed it with a spear, aiming for the heart of the chimera. Before he could reach it the dragon blew flames on the ground, forcing the guard to retreat. However, Sombra would need to get out fast before he met a fate like the enflamed royal guard. He released his grip on the scythe and jumped out of the range of the flames as the Chimera burned itself to near death. When the fire died down, the Chimera was hunched over, breathing slow and heavy. Sombra walked over to it, and stomped on its chest, crushing the monster’s weak ribs and the heart beneath it. The prince looked over at Celestia, who had a look of fear on her face. “Why did you stand there?” “I- I’m sorry.” Celestia began. “Not you, the guards.” “We- uh. We were protecting the princess.” “By standing there and letting the ruler of the land we are in face a deadly danger by his lonesome!? You incompetent fool!” “My mission is to protect the princes-” “YOUR MISSION IS TO PROTECT THE ROYALS AND ASSIST IN THE VANQUISHING OF THE DARK MAGIC FOUND IN THIS AREA!” “SOMBRA!” Celestia ordered. “WHAT!?” He barked in return. Sombra’s harsh tone caused Celestia to step back. “I will not have you speak to my guards in this manner.” “Guards? HA! More like civilians in an armour suit. If you four were some of the best pegasi soldiers in the guard, I do not wish to see the incompetence of the squires and men at arms!” “PRINCE SOMBRA! CALM YOURSELF!” “I am sorry I just single handedly saved your life from a cave chimera, I hope you are happy!” “I am grateful in what you have done, but these soldiers are under my command, and I will not have you bark at them as if you were the general of the army.” “Have you forgotten where I stand on the council? I am the general of the army!” “No, you are simply the chief of the war council.” “Hmph!” “Now, let us march on. Guards, collect Wind and Snow’s weapons to put on display in the hall of valour.” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ They saw no more creatures on their way to the end of the cave, but the amount of cursed crystals grew. When they reached the end, the cave opened up in a large room, and what sat in the middle of the room was the source of the vile magic. It was a large, flawlessly cut crystal, with magic pulsating in and out of it. The crystal suddenly shot a beam of light towards one of the guards. He hunched over and fell without a tear or groan. The other guard was struck down by a lurking shadow before he could react to his comrade’s death. Sombra… Come to me Sombra… Come to me and fulfil what you were meant to do Leave these foolish, weak ponies Rise to great power RISE, AND CLAIM YOUR DESTINY A beam of shadow wrapped itself around Sombra and pierced his heart. He fell to the ground, in excruciating pain. “Prince Sombra? Are you alright?” Celestia trotted over to the stricken Sombra. Sombra was more than alright. He felt like a … a king. Suddenly he was entangled in an aura of dark clouds, and as he rose into the air, he felt himself changing. First, his figure. He grew slightly taller and more lean, as if he could crush a pony’s skull underneath his hooves. His horn grew longer, curving upwards. From the tip, it changed colours, glowing red like a hot piece of metal. His mane lengthened considerably, becoming more wave-like and darkening to a deep jet black. When the shadows had finished consuming him, they shot off towards the Crystal Empire. “P-Prince Sombra? A-Are you okay?” Celestia looked at him, frightened that Sombra was…gone. Sombra opened his eyes, which had turned to sky blue to red. An aura of dark magic wisped out of them. “Call me… King Sombra...” There was a sudden flash, and Sombra was gone. “No… Not you too…” Celestia walked out of the crystal cave, tears streaming from her eyes from the loss of her childhood friend.