//------------------------------// // Losing sanity, but regaining peace // Story: To Lose A Friend // by BumbleFlow //------------------------------// Paradox Paradise comes into play, and when she see's Spectre dead on the floor, she drops the tray. The food and drink lay a mess on the floor, she looked at Spectre, dead on the ground, tears in her eyes, "What happened!?" She couldn't help it, she dropped to the floor, and memories flash, of the young changeling from the past, she then remembers his tyranny. And the pony she used to be. She bawled and bawled, Paradox was not able to handle the amount of feelings, sorrow, hatred, pain, fright, and many others. She falls to the ground, and cries, Wizzle immediately runs over to her, "Paradox! I had to do it! He was trying to kill me!" Wizzle yelled right into her ear, she simply flinched, and curled up into a ball. She surrounded herself in her wings, "No! No, you liar! You had this planned all along, didn't you!?!" With her horn, she illuminates it, and shoves Wizzle away with her magic. She uncovers her face and looks at Wizzle, a face of fear and anger, tears stream down her cheeks, "Why does Everypony keep dying!?" She slammed her hoof, "It's not fair!" She continues to cry. Wizzle just looked at her, he had a few tears in his eyes. He sits on the ground next to the crying mare, and puts his wing on her. He whispers in shame, and sorrow, "I'm sorry.." He paused for a moment, and looked at her, "I didn't know you were in such distress." Paradox sniffles and tries to control her crying, but seeing her old friend dead on the floor, after so long, and having remembered what happened, it was too much, she just cried and cried. Wizzle rests his head on Paradox, and wraps his left wing around her. "Don't worry.. Everything will be fine now. The bad pony is gone." He put his muzzle into her fur, but when she heard him speak those words, she shuffled away from him, as fast as she could. "Who was the 'bad pony'!?" She stood up, and looked down at him, "Who!?" But from weakness at heart she falls. And cries. Wizzle calls his guards, and they come immediately. "Yes Mister Piff?" The guard speaks to Wizzle. "I.. I need you to bring Paradox to the..." Wizzle pauses, for he didn't want to say what he was about to say, "bring her to the asylum below the castle.." The guards nod their heads, they both levitate Paradox Paradise, and go on their way to below the castle, where other insane ponies stay. Wizzle sighs, and lays on the ground. He cries, not able to believe he just sent away his dear friend to a prison below the castle, dark and gloomy, filled with crazed ponies. He lays there, and silently cries. About half an hour passes and he finally stops, he realizes he needs to take order, and rule over the kingdom, alone once again, but the kingdom shall remain to be in peace. He goes to his room, and then to the porch outside his room, and watches over the kingdom. He then goes to his files, and grabs Blue Breeze's file. Now knowing it wasn't even a pony, he crumples the file. No need on having a file on having a pony that never existed. And so, he goes back to being a king, and attends his royal duties. The kingdom lives in peace, and Wizzle still rules, now able to protect it better, from past experience, he visits Paradox Paradise from time to time, but doesn't let her leave the asylum. He grieves over Bumble Flow of which passes many years before, he made a grave for her, in the royal cemetery that now is. And he rules the kingdom, alone, but peacefully.