The Polandball Invasion

by Akita


It all started in Yaren, Nauru. Nauru was hosting a party to meet the European countries, and some other friends such as Israel and all the Stan countries. It was all fine until Serbia and Russia showed up...
"Da. Party is the many to the good," Russia announced. However one guest caught his attention and he pointed him out to Serbia.
"Serbia! Be the look!" Serbia had been doing fine around all the kebab at party but who was that? It was KOSOVO! Serbia whispered some curse words under his breath and approached Nauru.
"Good day to be, Serbia!" Nauru happily greeted him.
"But you invites KOSOVO to party! Kosovo my clay!" Serbia yelled and pulled out a sharp pokcet knife. He approached Nauru slowly.
Meanwhile, Kyrgyzstan was chatting with Israel, besides his invention.
"This invention can be the teleport to different dimensionals," Israel explained. "Just is could be a dangering!" Suddenly during the fight, Nauru jumped back and knocked over Kyrgyzstan.
"Kanchyk!!" the red ball yelled as his soda can flew out of his grasp. The can landed with a thud onto Israel's teleporter. The soda started to seep towards the circuits, which had been exposed due to its exhibition. Israel jumped forward in an attempt to close the board but instead smashed into Serbia, knocking his knife away just in time to save Nauru. But the hyper-cube wasn't fortunate getting to his invention, and the soda reached the circuits. The device made an odd noise and launched out purple lightning, striking several nearby countries. The teleportation device had gone off!
Guests fled from the light, but it was too fast. Poland was running away fast with Eesti, who didn't quite make it as far. Poland looked back at where Eesti had been, before realizing his time was up.
"KURWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" the Slavic country screamed in horror as he too was caught.
The party was now empty, no one remained, but the lightning zapped by anyway, spread out across all continents.
"Canada, you should try this burger!" America yelled to his North, where Canada sat.
"Sorry, but I like my poutine better, eh," Canada replied. But Canada never finished his delicious dinner as he was zapped away by the mysterious electricity. America tried to run, but saving his burgers had slowed him down. He too vanished.
All over, countries were disappearing. Finally, only the Maldives, Kiribati, and Tuvalu remained.
"Well guys, our sinking saved us. We still live on!" Kiribati yelled. He then began to sing. "Teirake kaini Kiribati, Anene ma te kakaton-" the proud island country sang, but he was cut off.
"Oh know, cannot be a good!" Tuvalu worried, just before he was also struck.
"Nagoobalhu!" the Maldives yelled just before he finally fell.

Rainbow Dash was having a normal day, until her short flight by the forest. Unless hearing "-ga, Tauraoi nakon te- WHERE FUCKINGS AM I?" is a normal everyday thing.
"WHERE FUCKINGS AM I?" Kiribati repeated to no one in particular. He noticed that all of the other countries were in the same general location. Only Russia had not fallen asleep.
"I will go be lookings around, little country. We appeared to appear in forest," the larger country told Kiribati. Russia went on his way, with a gun and a bottle of vodka he had hidden. As he was navigating this peculiarly dark forest, a chickensnake rushed out of a bush. Russia fired one shot at the wiggly hybrid rooster with his revolver. It died after one hit. "Hoping it is an edible, great countries need a food," he told himself. He looked up at the sky and noticed a flying creature. It was some bird-horse hybrid. Nothing special, Russia was a STRONK INDEPENDENT REPUBLIC, a horse isn't scary. "Am I is in genetic lab?" he asked himself as he fired a shot at the weird flying pony-thing.
"Crap, that spherical creature was shooting at me!" Rainbow though to herself. She had already seen it kill a cockatrice. The thing had no pupils, and was colored red, white, and blue. She decided she would fly at it and attempt to capture it. She flew at it as it screamed some nonsense.
"HORSE IS HOMOSEX!" Russia yelled as he ran back to the location of the other countries. "HAIR IS HOMOSEX RAINBOW!" Most countries were awake, included Mauritius who heard the screaming.
"Rainbow flag, but not gay," he said crossly to Seychelles who could also agree.
"QUICK! COME BE THE LOOK!" Russia yelled out to no one in particular. Poland was awake and followed Russia, along with Latvia and St. Kitts & Nevis. They found the flying horsey looking down at them, confused. Out of nowhere the horsey charged at the group of four! Russia realized he had dropped his gun. However, AMERICA came to the rescue with an AK-47.
"I'm only doing this for your friends, Russia!" he yelled and he opened fire around the horse to scare it away. If it attacked, he'd fire at its head. It fled for its life!
"Oh my god!" St. Kitts & Nevis yelled out. "It tried to kill us!"
But Dash didn't give up, she swooped back down. This time, America had no choice but to shoot the horse. It was too dumb to dodge, and was stopped by only a single bullet.
"Don't mess with Russia, Poland, Austria, or whoever that island guy is. BUT ESPECIALLY DON'T MESS WITH AMERICA!" America yelled. An eagle cried, the Star-Spangled Banner played. A McDonalds restaurant and an American flag fell from the sky. Fireworks blew up in the air. It was extraordinary. The group, lucky to survive, ate Chicken McNuggets and Big Macs for their lunch.
Rainbow wasn't as lucky. She was alive, but not well. She was hurt, bleeding from her left front leg, but that was fixed with a leaf bandage. Now, she was more confused than anything. A restaurant and flag had fallen from the sky, music and an eagle call sounded, and fireworks had gone off. But worst of all, the sphere had brought some friends and they almost killed her, before eating sandwiches and something else at the restaurant. She probably belonged in an asylum, but it was most likely no hallucination. Dash decided to tell her friend, Twilight. On an attempt to fly away, however, she was grounded by her wound. She was stuck. Stuck with these colorful, bouncing, living, circular things.
Poland, however, was giddy after hearing some news from Latvia. "If we are travel through dimension, that means yuo through space, Polija!"