//------------------------------// // 7. In other words // Story: The bride of sparkle // by the frank //------------------------------// 7. It is well known that desperate actions very seldom leads to anything good or productive. When you, in Hockey for example, decides to change your goalkeeper for an extra forward, it usually ends with the other team winning with 5-2 instead of 3-2. Therefore, it is always better to have someone watching your back than driving forward. It is also a good idea to be prepared or at least have a discussion about which way to run or decide who takes the lead. Well, if you want to stick together, that is. Sometimes you want that, sometimes you don't, but if one of you wants that, and the other one is a bit uncertain, there will be some unncesarry screaming. Which might lead to the ponys that looking for you, easily finds you directed by your voices. You can never predict how you are going to react in a stressful situation. That's why "Know thyself" is so very important. The more you know about yourself and you abilitys, the more unpredicitve situation you can deal with. If, by chance, you fall, or slip over an edge, and you have wings, it is not a big problem, you can always fly. However, if you tend to forget that you have wings, or haven't grown used to them, you probably will fall to your death. Well, you might remember eventually. But that is probably to late. If your fall is combined with you being hit by the magic beam from a unicorns horn, the chock will extend the time it takes for you to regain control. Remember: always keep your calm. Some ponys might use your anger, confusion or despair against you, but the most common problem is that your own conciosness and ability to make decisions is darkened by this, usually without any onter ponys involvement. Especially if there is a matter of life or death, depending of your choice. It is worth saying; she who fights and runs away may live to fight another day. There is also the matter of pride. Pride is mostly a rather stupid thing, making ponies do things they don't really must do, or mostly, really can't do, but still aim for because if they don't,people might think they're loosers. Mostly, this is more of a problem for the pony herself, and not her surroundings. They mostly think that doing something out of pride is stupid. Bullies often use this method, to make their victims humiliate themselves without the bullies themselves really doing anything. How the horn of the unicorns physically makes magic is not fully reasearched, but one has gotten as far as knowing the horns consist of a blend of sub-cellular structures that each one creates high, but raw magical energy. The tip oft the horn is able to focus this ambient magical energy in a way that actually makes is useful. When fully concentrated, it can be used for the purpose of attack. However, as I said, calmness is necessary for any sucessful achievment, both went it comes to the aspect of actually hitting your target, but, wich is often sadly overlooked, also the fact that you forget your own defence. It is also a matter of training, knowing how to aim, but that's pretty much what everypony understands. Or, in other words: The creature and Twilight made a desperate run for escape. They argued where to run, and Twilights yelled that the creature must wait. However, since they didn't look behind them, a shot from Celestias horn makes the creature slip and fall down into the abyss. The rest is silence. The only sound is from the fire, eating the castle.