Shadows of the Dead

by Ph4ral Je2us

Chapter 0: The Prologue

Somewhere in Europe, AD 27

It was a sunny day in the Celestial Palace, the kind of day that one would imagine children playing outside, women inside making cool drinks and doing laundry. At the Palace we had both children and housewives, but children wouldn't dare look outside, let alone be outside. The housewives and servants wouldn't be caught dead doing the laundry on this day. Yes, this day, the day that I had decided to take a walk. My fathers guards that he had posted to me for my "protection" made sure that anywhere I went was completely, utterly, boringly, deserted. I hated it, though I should've been used to it by then, it had always been that way, how it always would be. Like a caged bird.

... By the Creator, I just punned about myself.

"I must be really bored today," I said to nobody in particular, though one from my constant entourage must have heard and mumbled something that sounded like "maybe". I rolled my eyes at the guards' antics. They had always been like this, quietly adding things in on my conversations with the air, or laughing quietly at the observations I'd make of the the idiotic nobles that swarmed the halls like flies. The guards were always quiet, though, and at this point I would believe that that they would scream silently.

As I walked through the palace gardens I grinned, remembering that tonight would be the last night. The last night of my grueling sleep-training, but also the only fun and entertainment I had consistently in this pseudo-prisoner lifestyle that I was forced to live. On the other hand, my teacher had said that with a final piece of information and a true name, I could unlock my full potential and power. My plan was to escape my father's clutches. It was the only thing I dreamed about these days. One of the guards coughed, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"It's getting dark. The King requested your presence at his table." mumbled the guard.

'Could they get any more quiet? They were addressing me and I could barely hear them over the leaves rustling!' I silently contemplated their quietness as the garden became ever more dark. "Very well, we shall see who my father wants to impress this night."

Everfree Forest, Equestria, The Day of Banishment

Nightmare Moon was not a happy pony. Not to say she was ever really a happy pony either, but she had her moments of bliss. Her sisters initial defeat at her hooves during the first battle for Castle Everfree being one of those moments.

Thinking back to the start of the asinine war only served to deepen her unhappiness. The initial reason Nightmare had for her diminished mood was a report she had recieved from the front lines trying to snuff out the last specks of her sisters regime. The report had stated that Celestia's forces, with her at their lead weilding what sounded like the Elements of Harmony, had won several stratiegic battles which means she was poised to begin an attack for Castle Everfree.

Nightmare ground her teeth in anger. How dare she! How dare she use the bucking Elements on anything less than Discord himself! Honestly! Its not like night eternal was that big a deal, well, it is to me but for the average working pony nothing would change! Not really anyway. Nightmare was shaken out of her mental tirade by the Captain of the Knight Guard bursting into her throne room.

Celestial Palace, Somewhere in Europe, AD 27

As I walked into the dining hall of the palace, I made sure to find out who my father's guest was, thankfully the guards were full of answers. Creator be damned, it's another of those fanatic 'Christian' priests.

I really didn't have any qualms with the faith, per se, just that the last time one of the priests stopped by he wouldn't stop asking me for answers or commands from his god. As if I had a direct line of communication to a being that created the universe. My father never let me have fun with them either, forbidding me from giving them the answer to their questions of faith and creation. Not to mention not ordering them around, I honestly hadn't thought that the last priest would've let himself be married to that prostitute. That was an entertaining day, he even presided over his own wedding.

During my reminiscing of the 'good ol' days', the priest had been talking to me. Apparently he also asked a question, and was waiting for an answer. "We art most apologetic for not listening to thine speech, we have much upon our mind." Ugh, the royal speak that my father makes me use when addressing anyone other than Him or my guards had become second nature. What a low day this is.

"Do not worry Holy One, it must be hard being the lone angel on our Lord's world." Was it just me, or did that sound a bit sarcastic? My father looked at him incredulously, so I obviously heard right! What a strange day it is to find a priest that doubts my divinity. (Rightfully so, mind, but I like to keep up the act)

"Dost thou doubt mine own divinity, priest?" I asked with a glance towards my guards. They both had seen me practice small amounts of my magic on my strolls through the gardens. I nodded towards one of them and whispered into his ear. He rushed off to get what I needed.

The priest took a while to figure out just what to say, he was rather easy to read, as he scrunched up his face in what he must have thought was indignation. "It is not I who questions you, but the Pope. After the last Father who came here apparently got married to a... *ahem* prostitute, he has been entertaining the thought of you being a demon in disguise." I glanced over to my father, as I had been called that many times before by him. His expression was that of quiet content. That made me even happier that I would be showing my father the things I had been learning behind his back.

"Very well, priest, then allow Us to prove to you that We are as this King says We are." It was then that my guard fortuitously came in, I love it when timing works out. The guard set down a vase full of dried and withered flowers onto the table.

My father looked from the vase to me questionably and asked, "What purpose is there to bringing dead flowers into my hall? How will this prove your divinity to Father Clarence?"

I glared at my father, something I normally wouldn't do no matter what, but he was ruining the spectacle that was about to unfold. I made sure the priest's attention was on me before I began. "Prepare thine self Priest, for what you shalt witness no mortal hath seen in generations." Clarence's eyes widened as I cupped my hands around the stems of the flowers, making sure not to break them off. I started channeling energy into my hands to flow into the flowers and rejuvenate them. I poured more energy than I had ever used before into the rejuvenation process.

I hope I'm not overdoing it, teacher warned me of the dangers of magic exhaustion. As the flowers took on almost supernatural levels of vibrancy, the priest's eyes widened even further, while my father sat there mouth agape. Hah! Finally something broke through that stone-walled face of yours father!

When I finished the flowers stood proud in their vase, letting off small motes of light from their petals, like tiny stars floating in the cosmos they danced in the air for mere seconds before disappearing. The priest was the first to gain control of himself and merely whispered what sounded like "A miracle." I had to agree with him, as I was almost sure if I had not had food coming I would have passed out soon.

After my insane example of magic, the food was brought in and I quickly excused myself after eating my fill. As I made my way through the corridors that snaked through the palace, I began to feel a persistent nagging feeling. All at once it became very clear to me why I was having that feeling, my teacher was calling.

She had never called me before I had been asleep. That fact alone worried me enough to double the speed of my walk. My guards were no doubt wondering why I was suddenly moving faster than they'd ever seen me move. When I was just about in my makeshift bed, the feeling of teachers magic rushed around me and caused me to fall to my knees. Everything seemed to be moving in slow motion, as the ground slowly rose up to meet me I could feel my two guards putting their arms benieth mine to make sure I didnt hit the floor. It was at this point everything stopped.