//------------------------------// // Chapter 3: Hanging Out Together // Story: Not That Flash Sentry Guy! // by MCGirlGamer //------------------------------// I brushed my mane and went outside of my room to get ready for our date. Okay fine our hang out. Still, i think its a date. I flew as fast as i could to Twilight's room in the castle. I knocked on the door 3 times very excitingly. The door opened and Twilight appeared. "Hey Twi so are ya ready?" "Yes, Rainbow. I am ready" She said calmly. "So where are we going?" "We are going out for a quick fly together and then we will do the other stuff i planned for today." "May i see the plans?" I hesitated as she asked because the list had many romantic stuff written on it. "I'll actually tell you when its time to do these activities" "Okay. So lets start flying" We both took off smoothly and began looking at the sun rise. It was early in the morning and the rest are still asleep in their rooms, except for Discord. He's like awake 24/7! Anyways, I flipped 3 times and hit a cloud for the finale of my trick for fun as twilight watched. "Could you teach me?" "Wha--What?" "Could you teach me how you did that?" "Oh!.... Well.... You just fly up as if you were jumping. Then, stop your wings from flapping and curve into a ball until you see the sky rightside up again. That is when you start flapping again and hit the nearest cloud." I demenstrated as i explained to her. She took notes and carefully watched. "I think i got it now" She had a warm smile as i start to blush. STOP BLUSHING RAINBOW! IT'LL BE OBVIOUS! She tried the trick as fast as she could. She did it amazingly, as if i learned to fly just after she did! She was a natural which made me feel like i was falling in love with her all over again. "Like this?" "How...How did you--" She cut me off. "I had the best teacher" My blush grew redder and redder. I told her to stop and we both sat on a huge cloud way above the ground. We were too high but the view was amazing! The sun started to set. Have we been flying that long? Twilight looked at my puzzled face with confusion. "It's Luna" "What?" "Luna said that she wanted the night to be longer for one day and Celestia agreed.I Think that today is the day." "Ohhhh that makes more sense. Look its setting!" It was beautiful! Twilight's eyes widened in amazment. I saw that she was shivering. Does she even know how to use her fur for warmth now that she has wings? Wait! Now is the time to make a move! I wrapped my wing around her and we both looked into each others eyes. Our lips kept getting closer and closer together until twilight pulled away just a breath away from the kiss. BUCK! WAS IT SOMETHING I DID? IS MY BREATH SMELLY? "OH NO THE TIME! I WAS SUPPOSE TO MEET FLASH FOR OUR DATE!" "D-date?" My voice began to start cracking. "Yeah! Do you know that he has a crush on me! I like him too but---" I cut her off "WILL YOU STOP TALKING BOUT HIM!" "What? I don't understand. Whats going on Rainbow?" I Began to Tear Up. "Don't you get it? I L-l...love you!" Now i started to burst into tears Twilight began to start shaking her hands and moving her head. "no no no no no no! I dont like flash in that way! That's what i was going to say! I Love you too Rainbow." She began to smile warmly again. "Bu--But you said Date and that you were getting late" I wiped my tears and leaned my head on her lap. "We had a date with the princesses. I just call it a date to tease you" Twilight said and started to chuckle I got up from her lap and kept my head down looking at the clouds blushing. Twilight grabbed under my chin and made me face her. We look straight into each others eyes and she locked our lips together. In a whirl we were seeing fireworks as i pressed into the kiss. We help for as long as our breath could take. Finally i pulled away to breathe. "That... Was... AWESOME!" "I'm glad you liked it" "Twi?" "Yes Rainbow?" "Will you be my mare friend" "I would be more than happy to be." Note: Flash Sentry saw the whole thing! OOOO ITS ABOUT TO GO DOWN!!!!!!