//------------------------------// // Ch. 2: Music in the Night // Story: Child of Chaos, Daughter of Time // by ghostshado13 //------------------------------// :Entry #2: ‘I woke up at about 7:00 in the morning. Mother and Dinky were still asleep on the couch. After what happened yesterday, we didn’t want to sleep alone, so we slept together. I didn’t want to make the matter worse, but I still wanted to know what happened. Where did he go? Who took him? Are we still safe here? When morning came, I would go call Uncle Jack to see if we could go stay with him for a while at Tourchwood, to calm some tension. We needed to get out of here, go have a break.’ I went into the kitchen to make some breakfast, try to think of something other than the disappearances. While I was making pancakes, i noticed something on the counter, something… strange. Something… not there before. It was definitely not ours, and I don’t think aunty wore jewelry. And if there’s one thing Papa taught me, it was to always investigate strange objects. I brought it in front of me to get a better look. It was a locket of some sort, with an hour glass engraved on the front... Just like Papa’s cutie mark! Was he trying to tell me something, because I know it wasn’t there before I got up. I tried to open it, but to no avail. I sighed, put it on, and looked at the clock. It was 8:15, but something seemed… off. Then I looked outside. The sun wasn’t up, and neither was the moon! I had to tell mother, but when I left the kitchen, she and Dinky were…. gone. The front door was open, and I swear I could hear… singing? I started to follow the sound, wondering what they were up to. When I got outside, it seemed so quiet, like time was stopped. What’s gotten into you, time can’t- Never underestimate strange happenings. Just to make sure, I looked at the river under the bridge. Nothing, just still water, a frog in mid-jump. What in Equestria is going on around here? I had to make sure Mother and Dinky were safe. I followed them to the clearing where Papa’s TARDIS was located. I was going to sneak around the back so I could see who they were following, but I couldn’t move. It was like I was captivated by the strange fillies’ song. It sounded… off, like there was more than one, but only her. I felt dizzy, couldn’t think straight. Then we stopped. And /i got a good look at her. She was like no pony i had ever seen. She was a pinkish mare with a curly purple and white mane. She had on this silly little hat with a propeller on it, but the weirdest thing… was her eyes. The were swirles, like hypno disks. I couldn’t look away, I was trapped. My head was pounding, I couldn’t see straight. I tried to scream, but I couldn’t. I was frozen, like everything around us. O dear Celestia, Luna, ANYONE, help me!