//------------------------------// // Ch.2 // Story: Raise this barn // by Nick613 //------------------------------// "So, how does it feel to be bullied and picked on Diamond Tiara? I imagine you aren't very comfortable with that rope around your ankles, I would stop moving around though, it will only cause more bleeding". Diamond Tiara couldn't remember how she got in the dark room. She remembered going home after another day with Silver Spoon and Babs Seed, but then she was here. It didn't make sense, but that wasn't crossing her mind at the moment. "Please, whoever you are, let me go. My dad is rich, he can get you whatever you want!" "Oh I know who your father is. I'm not interested in anything he can give me, but I am interested in what you can give me". "What do you mean?" Well you see Diamond, I want revenge, and I can only achieve this by making you as miserable as possible. I promise this night won't be pleasant." The dark figure grabbed a branding iron and told DT to open her mouth. Diamond Tiara screamed for help, but no one came to help her. The dark pony was inches away from putting the red hot instrument into her mouth when she was woken up by her father. "Diamond Tiara, are you alright?! You were screaming in your sleep and I was worried Sick!" Filthy Rich looked at his daughter with worry. He loved his daughter, but she could be a hassle sometimes. He realized he must get about twenty phone calls from parents of colts and fillies Diamond Tiara doesn't like. It irritated him sometimes, but as long as she was out of his mane for most of the day, he could care less what she did. Diamond looked at her father with tears in her eyes. "I had a nightmare, it was awful! Somepony wanted to hurt your princess!" Filthy Rich rolled his eyes at the comment, and left the room."Dad! Dad, I'm serious. I almost died in my dream. It was awful. I'm scared and don't know what to do". "Why don't you ask princess Twilight to write a letter to princess Luna to ask her what your dream means if you are so worried. Now I have meetings to attend to, so I'll see you later". Filthy Rich stated while leaving the home. "I guess Asking Twilight for help couldn't hurt, even if she is a nerd who loves books". Diamond Tiara walked over to Twilight's new home, her castle. She was a bit nervous, but after collecting herself a bit she knocked on the door three times and awaited patiently. "As I was saying spike, just because it's a new home, doesn't mean your chores have changed.' "But Twilight, Discord is here all the time and does almost nothing!" "Discord visits here when he has time off repaying the princesses for betraying all of us, you live here, which means you get chores. Now get to-" *Knock *Knock *knock. "I wonder who that could be? Spike clean the kitchen while I see who it is". "Yea, yea, whatever". Spike said as he grumbled to himself walking into the kitchen to get started. Twilight rolled her eyes as she went to open the door. What she saw really surprised her. It was Diamond Tiara, A young filly who went to school with some of her friends' younger sisters. "Hello Diamond Tiara, what can I do for you today?" Are you looking for Applebloom and the rest of the cutie mark crusaders?" "No Twilght, I mean Princess. I was hoping you could write a letter to princess Luna for me." "Of course, come on in. I'll have Spike make some tea. Spike!" "Yea, I heard you, it will be right there". "Thank you!" Twilight levitated a quill and a parchment to her as Diamond Tiara sat on the nearby couch. "What would you like me to say?" Just let her know I had a dream I need to tell her about because I'm really scared." "There is no reason to be scared Diamond Tiara, what was it about?" "Somepony torturing me as painfully as they could. It felt so real, almost as if I was actually there. I know it might sound a little crazy, but can you please just send her the letter?' Twilight listened intently to the filly and thought it was just a nightmare she may of had, but for some reason decided to humor the filly and write the letter anyway. "there, all done." Twilight said as she finished her letter to Luna. Around this time, Spike walked in with the tea. He set it done and was about to walk back into the kitchen when a letter was levitated in front of him. "Spike, please send this letter to Luna as quickly as you can please." "Sure thing Twilight." Spike said as he blew fire at the letter sending it to Cantorlot where princess Luna would get the message. Spike went upstairs to take a nap while Twilight and Diamond Tiara had tea. After an hour or so, DT realized just how late it was. She needed to get home soon before her father worried about her. "Thanks for the tea Twilight! I really needed this talk." Anytime young one. I'm always here if you need me." Diamond Tiara waved goodbye and headed home. She was feeling better about herself after her talk with Twilight, but still couldn't get the erie feeling that something was off. She shrugged it off and continued on her way eventually getting home and forgetting the whole dream completely. She was unaware of the dark figure flying overhead. It was princess Luna. She had seen the dream, and received the letter. She kept a good look out over the town as she pondered her thoughts. "This is just like when Celestia had the vision about Tirek. Diamond Tiara's dream wasn't a dream at all, but a vision, and I am determined to stop it." Luna landed in a nearby tree, and thought aloud "at all costs."