Cadenza ci ama, Tuoni ci protegge

by FalloutFilly

Can a heart hold on?

-- Canterlot Castle, Cadence's room - The day of the wedding/funeral --

Thunder woke up a little after the sun had risen and couldn't remember where he was, looking around he saw a picture of Cadence on the dresser.

"Wait, that wasn't a dream, oh Hell." He thought to himself, just as he got up Cadence walked in.

"Morning sleepy, did you sleep well?" She asked.

"Huh? Oh, yeah, I guess I was more tired than I thought. So what were you up to?" He asked.

"I was just talking to Celestia about the funeral and stuff like that, also I told her about Shining telling me to move on quickly if anything happened." She explained.

"I thought we were going to do that together." He mentioned.

"We will, I just told her simple stuff and we'll talk more later. Besides, I didn't want to wake you up, you looked so cute sleeping in my bed. It's funny when I got up you started grabbing at something to hold and you murmured 'Cadence, Cadence.' It was really cute." Cadence giggled. He looked away as his face turned red.

"I did not." He argued.

"Yes you did, don't worry, it's cute, plus I won't tell anypony." She assured him. He stuck his tongue out at her jokingly.

"Don't make me grab that tongue, mister." Cadence teased.

"Ehh, whatever, I'm going back to bed." He said, pulling the blankets over his head. Cadence laughed.

"Come on, get up." She said as she pushed him trying to get him out. He just grumbled.

"Alright then that's how you wanna play?" Thunder didn't answer. Cadence jumped on him.

"Get up! Get up! Get up!" She repeated while bouncing on his back.

"OK, OK, I'm getting up." He said turning over, making Cadence fall on the bed, as he got up he pushed the blanket over her, purposely, of course.

"Hey! What was that for?" Cadence complained.

"Oh, I'm sorry let me help you with that." He said climbing on top of her, using the blankets to hold her down.

"That better?" Thunder teased.

"When I get out of here you are in trouble." She teased back.

"I look forward to it." He sad, leaning down and kissing her. Not expecting it she squeaked and then shared in the kiss. After a few seconds he pulled back.

"Can you let me out now, please?" She said with the puppy-dog eyes.

"Alright, but if it weren't for those eyes I wouldn't have." He said getting up, undoing the blankets, and helping her out. Cadence playfully nipped at him.

"Oh stop, it was fun." Thunder said.

"Yeah, it kind of was. Well we should talk to Celestia about the deal." Cadence told him.

"Yeah, good idea, let's go." He said grabbing her hoof and walked down the hallway to Celestia's room.

-- Canterlot Castle, outside Celestia's room - 45 minutes later --

"OK, well that went way better than I thought it would." Cadence laughed. "Well I suppose we should get ready for the service." She said as her smile faded.

"Yeah, well, better now than later, or never for that matter." Thunder commented.

"True, so let's go, I'll help you with your uniform." Cadence said hugging him.

-- Canterlot Castle, Cadence's room - 25 minutes later --

"Didn't the EQMC adopt a new service uniform?" Cadence asked.

"Yeah, quite a while ago, actually, before I was deployed at least." Thunder answered.

"Oh, wow, I need to pay attention more." She joked.

"It's no big deal, we rarely use them anyways. Anyhow I'm almost done." He told Cadence.

"OK, let me see you, I bet you look good in it." Cadence said playfully. Thunder laughed and walked out in his uniform.

"Mmmm." She purred. "Almost good enough to eat." Cadence said as she walked towards him and wrapped her forehooves around him and looked at him for a minute.

"Well then, I guess it's safe to assume you like it?" He said semi-sarcastically.

"Pretty safe to make that assumption." She leaned in and kissed him and let out a soft sigh of content.

"I do feel bad though." Thunder said thinking about him and Cadence and the funeral and the wedding.

"Hmmm, yeah, I understand, I do to honestly, but Shining made it clear if something happened to him that I get it over with and not to dwell on it, I think it would have been worse if it happened after we were married. Like I said he said, if something happened to get over it and move on, you know him well enough to know that." Cadence said holding him tight.

"I know, I just can't believe he told you to go to me first." Thunder chuckled.

"Well he knew how much I liked you back then, he actually considered leaving me so I could be with you, but the way I had heard you were dead so...." Cadence had a tear in her eye.

"Well, I'm glad you stayed with him, I would feel better knowing both you and him were happy compared to you and me." Thunder said, wiping the tear from her eye.

"I know it's going to be hard without him." Cadence said laying her head on his shoulder.

"It's all right, we'll get through this, talk to Celestia about us more and then become open about it." Thunder comforted her best he could.

"Alright, well, service begins soon, we should go." Cadence said holding his hoof and walking to the room where the service was.

-- Canterlot Cemetery - 3 1/2 hours later --

Captain Desert Star had finished the memoir of Commander Shining Armour, who had received the Medal of Honor along with the Medal of Valor. As he finished then Shining's parents and Twilight said a few things and once they were done the Captain gave the medals to Cadence. As the military portion began Thunder stood next to the Color Guard, bearing the flag of Equestria, the Royal Guard, and the Crystal Empire with two soldiers carrying M-14s on either side.

"Color Guard! Present arms!" The Captain ordered, the Color Guard dipped the flags forward and the guns in front of them.

"Armed Guards! Ready!" Thunder shouted. Cadence flinched hearing his voice, she never knew how tough he could sound when he wanted to. The soldiers carrying the guns loaded them.

"Aim!" Thunder commanded. The guards aimed the guns into the sky.

"Fire!" He commanded again. The guards fired the weapons. They repeated it twice, performing three volleys.

"Color Guard! Order Arms!" The Captain commanded, the Color Guard raised the flags and as the raised them the Equestrian anthem played, followed by the Crystal Empire anthem.

-- Canterlot Cemetery - End of service --

Cadence was wearing the dress uniform for the Princesses which was also a formality.

"You look very beautiful in that dress, Cadenza." Thunder said after they were leaving the cemetery after they lowered Shining's casket into the grave.

"You don't have to call me Cadenza, you can call me Cadence." Cadence said looking in his eyes, something about his eyes gave her comfort even in the worst situation.

"I know, but Cadenza is such a beautiful name, a beautiful name for a beautiful mare." Thunder said grabbing Cadence's hoof. But Cadence heard a voice no one else did, but to her it was loud.

"Thank you, Cadence, I'm sorry I had to go, but I see you're happy, just remember, I love you as much as Thunder loves you." It was Shining's voice, letting Cadence know it was OK to move on. Just then Thunder heard a voice as well.

"Good luck, sorry I couldn't fight a little longer. Thank you for looking after Cadence when I couldn't. Treat her well and love her like it's your last day, I did. Thank you, Thunder." Again it was Shining's voice. Thunder and Cadence looked at each other.

"Did you hear a voice?" Cadence asked.

"Yeah, I did, why did you?" Thunder questioned.

"Yeah, and it sounded like..." "Shining Armour." They both said simultaneously.

"He told me thank you for looking after you when he couldn't and to treat you well and love like it was my last day, also he's sorry he couldn't have fought a little longer." Thunder told her.

"Well he told me it's OK to move on and he's sorry he had to go, but he loved me as much as you do." Cadence said starting to cry softly, Thunder teared up seeing Cadence cry and he hugged her tighter than ever before.

"It's OK, he's in a better place, watching us all." Thunder said crying holding Cadence tight enough so they would never have to let go.

-- Canterlot Castle, Cadence's room - 2 hours later --

"I have a question for you." Cadence said, as Thunder got out of his dress uniform and into his regular armour.

"Yeah, sure, what is it?" Thunder said.

"Well, I think we should get married." Cadence said seriously. Thunder bucked his head up, almost hitting his head.

"Wait, are you serious?" Thunder asked.

"Yes, I think we should, before it's to late." Cadence said.

"But, what about what people think?" Thunder asked again.

"Who cares, if they don't understand that Shining wanted me to move on as quickly as possible, then that's their problem." Cadence explained.

"Well do think Celestia and them will see it that way?" Thunder asked concerned.

"Celestia will, I talked to her about it this morning and I'm sure the EoH will to." Cadence convinced him.

"Hmm OK, well if you say so then I guess we will." Thunder told her.

"OK, but let's wait until later to make it official, how about dinner tonight? The EoH will be leaving tomorrow so we have to before they do." Cadence told him.

"Of course, tonight." Thunder agreed. He looked at Cadence and chuckled. "Why are you still wearing your dress? If I was you I would have had it off the second we got back." Cadence looked at him seductively. "Really?" She asked.

"Not like that, silly." Thunder said.

"Well this is the first time I ever wore it and I kind of like it." Cadence said turning around, Thunder watched as Cadence's mane flowed freely.

"So what now?" Thunder asked.

"I'm kind of tired." Cadence said yawning. "I woke up early to talk to Celestia."

"Alright well it's only noon, you can take a short nap." Thunder offered.

"Who said anything about a nap." Cadence said winking.

"Gotcha." Thunder said lifting up Cadence and bringing her to the bed. Cadence pushed her muzzle in his neck and started licking him. They got to the bed and he set her down.

"There you go, my Princess." Thunder joked. Cadence laughed and pulled Thunder on top of her. Thunder just looked and couldn't take it anymore and leaned in to kiss her. Cadence accepted and kissed him back, Thunder rolled over to his side so he wouldn't crush the smaller Princess. Thunder stared at her eyes again.

"You really have a thing for my eyes, don't you?" Cadence smiled.

"Their just really beautiful." Thunder laughed. Cadence blushed a little, no pony ever complemented her eyes other than him. Cadence looked back at his eyes to.

"Well then you must have a thing for mine to." He joked.

"It's just, even in the worst times, I find comfort in yours." Cadence told him as she wrapped her rear legs around his. "And now I never have to let go." She said as she wrapped her forehooves around him and pulled him close. "You'll never leave me, right?" Cadence asked.

"Never, and I trust you never will either?" Thunder returned.

"Never." She said and rested her head on his chest.

"So are you going to sleep in your clothes or what?" Thunder asked, looking at Cadence's dress.

"No, I assume your not going to sleep in your armour, either." Cadence asked with her hoof on his chest.

"No, let's help each other, huh?" Thunder said leaning forward so Cadence could remove his armour. Cadence used her hooves to undo the armour, considering the fact that the armour had an enchantment so magic couldn't remove it. Once she got the armour off she turned around so Thunder could get access to the zipper. He undid the dress and helped Cadence pulled it off.

"Who would have thought that it looks better on the floor than on you." Thunder joked. Cadence laughed, but hit him lightly.

"Ha ha, very funny." Cadence said sarcastically.

"I thought it was." Thunder said pulling Cadence closer and kissing the back of her neck. She made a muffled laugh.

"Hey that tickles!" She said.

"I know it does, I remember that you always had a ticklish neck." Thunder teased her as he continued to kiss her neck.

"I have to admit, it does feel good." Cadence told him, Thunder laughed and wrapped his forelegs around her and held her close. They sat there for a while just enjoying having each other.

Eventually time came for them to go to the Dining Hall and an announce the big news.

-- Canterlot Castle, Dining Hall - 30 minutes later --

Cadence and Thunder walked in and took there seats by Celestia.

"I must say, something seems off about those two." Thunder heard Rarity telling Twilight.

"You're right, they do seem a little 'friendly'." Twilight told Rarity.

"So what did the cooks make tonight?" Thunder asked Celestia.

"Caesar's salad and vegetable lasagna, with red velvet cake for desert. Also they have a special drink, Piedmont red wine." Celestia told him.

"Mmm, the good stuff." Thunder whispered in Cadence's ear. Cadence leaned over and whispered something in Celestia's ear.

"Oh, OK, I can do that, later yes?" Celestia said.

"Yeah, when they bring out the wine." Cadence told her.

"Of course." Celestia said.

-- 35 minutes later --

Celestia announced that dessert was about to be served along with the drinks. As the kitchen personnel brought the stuff out and gave everypony a piece and glass.

"Before we begin Cadence has informed me of a special event they would like to share with you." Celestia said looking from the others towards Cadence and Thunder.

"Thank you, Celestia. As with the unfortunate events of yesterday Shining had told me before he asked me to marry him that if anything happened to him that I move on as soon as possible, so in his memory me and Thunder have decided to get married." Cadence announced. For a second everypony, even Luna looked at Cadence, Thunder, and Celestia funny. Finally Twilight spoke up.

"So a few hours after my brother's funeral you decide to marry somepony else?" Twilight asked with a noticeable irritation in her voice.

"Yes, as I said Shining had told me not to dwell on it and to move on as quickly as possible." Cadence said, levitating the letter Shining had written over to Twilight. She started reading it and once she finished it she looked at Cadence and Thunder sad, but happy.

"Alright, I understand, well I'm happy for you, knowing Shining it's something he would have wanted." Twilight said as she started clapping her hooves, soon the others followed along and in a matter of seconds everypony was clapping, even Celestia.

"OK, OK, thank you all for the support, I understand how hard it is for Twilight to comprehend me and Cadenza getting married this soon and it may sound silly, but when the funeral was over and me and Cadenza were walking back we heard Shining's voice telling us to move on and be together." Thunder told them.

"Well, I appreciate that you two care so much, not only about each other, but also what Shining would have had wanted." Twilight interjected.

"Yes, congratulations, dears." Rarity said.

"Good luck, but one question." Rainbow Dash said. "Why do you call her Cadenza, her name is Cadence." Thunder and Cadence laughed.

"It's what I called her since we meet in school, I can't remember a time when I called her Cadence." Thunder said thinking back.

"That was always his thing." Cadence added.

"Oh, OK, so can we see a kiss?" Rainbow Dash asked. Everypony looked at her funny. "What? I'm not the only one thinking it." She added.

"Alright, if you want, Rainbow Dash" Cadence said leaning towards Thunder, who happily joined and they kissed for a second, only to be interrupted by Rainbow Dash making a wolf-whistle. Cadence and Thunder laughed.

"Good one, Dash." Thunder said holding up his hoof. Rainbow hoof-bumped him.

"It was to good to resist." Dash said. Twilight made a face-hoof and Rarity rolled her eyes. Fluttershy smiled and looked down. Applejack looked at Dash with so much disappointment. Luna laughed and shook her head. Celestia just smiled.

They all finished the final course Twilight asked Thunder to talk to him alone.

"So now that you and Cadence are getting married I have a question." Twilight started.

"Yeah, sure, what is it?" Thunder asked.

"Well considering how close of friends you and my brother were I always thought of you as a brother as well, so would it be OK if I treated you like my big brother and what not, now that Shining is gone?" Twilight asked hopeful.

"Yeah, on one condition," Thunder said.

"Sure, what is it?" Twilight asked.

"If you could be my best mare for the wedding." Thunder said with a smile.

"Deal." Twilight said as Thunder held out his hoof for a hoof-shake. Twilight pushed it down and jumped on him, hugging him. Thunder grunted, Twilight wasn't the small filly she used to be, but he returned the hug.

"Alright, down you go." Thunder said putting Twilight down.

-- Canterlot Castle, Cadence's Room - 30 minutes later --

"I have a serious question." Cadence said.

"What is it?" Thunder replied.

"Now I'm not asking right now, I just want to know if it's an option down the road." Cadence explained.

"Umm, OK, should I be worried?" Thunder joked.

"No, but I was wondering if you would ever consider me carrying a filly." Cadence asked in a very serious tone. Thunder thought about it for a while, he always did want a foal, but being in the EQMC posed major problems.

"Um, yeah, that's something I would consider, but if we did have one I'd feel sorry for it." Thunder said with a joke in mind.

"Really, why?" Cadence asked concerned.

"Because they'd have a beautiful mother and would have to put up with me." Thunder finished the joke. Cadence rolled her eyes.

"I'm not that beautiful, and they would love to be with you, I know I do." Cadence told him.

"You're more beautiful than most mares, Hell some of them look at you like 'Yeah, I'd do her'." Thunder said, making Cadence blush.

"So what would you want to name them?" Cadence asked.

"Well, I hope you're asking out of curiosity and not because you're pregnant." Thunder asked concerned.

"No, purely out of curiosity, I promise." Cadence assured him.

"OK, well as for names I don't know. For a colt something like Star Blaze sounds cool, but for a foal maybe something close to Crystal Glimmer, or something on that order, but I was never good at names." Thunder finished.

"Those are good, but let's work on it." Cadence said with her hoof on his shoulder. Thunder put his ears down in the 'seriously?' manner.

"It's no big deal, let's go to bed." Cadence said walking towards the bed, but flicking Thunder in the side with her tail.

"I don't think so." Thunder growled playfully. He ran and lightly tackled her on the bed. She let out a surprised squeak.

"You're my Princess now." He said. He started kissing the back of her neck. She started laughing at the unexpected kissing.

"OK! OK! I give! Please stop! It tickles!" She cried.

"OK, but only because you said please." He said pulling his head back from her neck and going down to her wings.

"Tell me, Cadenza, when's the last time you where preened?" He said deviously.

"Oh, no." Cadence thought, she had to try to lie.

"Just the other day." She said.

"Liar." He told her as he started nibbling on her wings. She started moaning and squealing, her wings were one of her most sensitive areas, and both Thunder and Cadence knew it. Thunder also started rubbing under her wings. After a few minutes Cadence couldn't take it anymore.

"Give up?" Thunder teased. Cadence shook her head yes. "OK, then I think you had enough." He stopped and immediately after Cadence made a growling noise like he did, but on her it sounded so much cuter, she pushed him down and jumped on climbed on top of him then held him there.

"You're mine now, Lieutenant." Cadence said.

"Not really, when I do it it's actually intimidating, but you're just to cute to pull it off." Cadence blushed, but held him down anyway.

"Your still mine, though." She said.

"Yeah, and I wouldn't have it any other way." He told her. She leaned and kissed him. After a minute or two they both pulled back.

"So does that one leave the room?" Thunder said sarcastically. Cadence giggled.

"Yes, that one can." She said.