//------------------------------// // Flash Becomes Depressed // Story: Flash Becomes Depressed // by Thatrandomsomepony //------------------------------// Flash Becomes Depressed What happened after Twilight left? Flash was sitting at home. A beautiful night. Not that he knew. He was too busy chatting with his friends on Gang Life V, the first online multiplayer board game. It is played using a phone line. Mostly only those who went to Canterlot High played. The game was fun. It was certainly a way to keep yourself busy. He didn't do very well tonight. He got "wasted" for the tenth time and decided to stop playing. All he could think about was Twilight. He looked outside, to see the moon, it was a beautiful grey. He had never been this happy in his entire boring life! He felt two different emotions today. That was a record for him. The first emotion was an obvious love for Twilight. The second was anger towards Sunset Shimmer, not for making Twilight feel bad, but making the night shorter with her stupid games. He could forget that all for now. All he wanted to do was sleep. Flash woke up in his same bed, his same alarm clock waking him up. His same family preparing breakfast. The same Canterlot High right next to his house. "I don't know why, but something is wrong." He said. He couldn't help but feel something was different. Whatever, it wouldn't matter. He prepared for school, thinking about nothing or nobody other than Twilight. Canterlot High looked beautiful as always. His guitar and drum playing friends approached him, and they engaged in boring conversation, until one of them said something that sparked his interest. "You still dating Twilight?" said the drum player. "Yes." He said. "Well I heard she left for another town or something." "HOW COULD SHE DO THAT WITHOUT NOTIFYING ME!" Flash said, feeling a new emotion, he thought it was, sadness-no-anger. Flash couldn't believe this was happening. His perfect world was being destroyed. And even his friends didn't care about it! He didn't know what he'd do. Maybe he'd ask around? Everyone was so busy today. Flash rushed for Canterlot High, attempting to remember some of Twilight's friends. "Pinkie pie" he said aloud, remembering he was in public, and awkwardly walking away. He was then startled by some girl with pink hair. "You called me?" The mysterious girl said. "Yes, you're Pinkie Pie right?" Flash asked. "The one and only!" Pinkie pie said. Flash was pretty sure there was at least one other person named Pinkie pie at this school, but continued the conversation ignoring this fact. "Well, um, could you tell me what happened to Twilight?" He said. "Oh yeah, you remember that Fall Formal Crown?" She said. "What about it?" He said. "Well, she said in her world, the crown is a magical weapon and that's why she even signed up for Fall Formal in the first place. Sunset Shimmer stole the crown, but our friendship helped get it back. Then she left through the school statue back to her world." Flash couldn't believe it, she didn't even tell him she'd be gone FOREVER. He rushed off, skipping his next class and heading for the Principal's office. He was stopped by a familiar face. It was Applejack, he believed. "Ya'll seem busy." She said. "Can't talk, need to find Twilight." He said "Ugh, don't remind me about that portal thing," She said, "Sunset Shimmer is fun enough, but we all really miss Twilight." "Why does everyone keep saying she's gone!" Flash said. "'Cause she is?" Applejacks said. "I refuse to believe this nonsense!" Flash said. He ran off. Finally, the Principal's office. He asked them what happened to Twilight Sparkle, but he didn't like the response. "She left for another school yesterday." Principal Luna said. Flash was crushed. He ran outside and attempted to get in the portal. He dived head first, only to crash into the statue and get a large bump on his head. He fell asleep. The school nurse came outside seeing what occurred and instantly fixing his wounds the best she could. Then she called his parents. Flash's mom and dad were at work, so nobody responded to the home phone. She went to the Principal and got the cell phone number of his mother. Voicemail and that annoying robot voice. She had heard it all to often from these irresponsible kids. Then she found a phone in Flash's pocket. Luckily, it had his dad's phone number. While it rang, she wrote the number down, and gave it to the Principal for her records. Flash didn't remember much else. He had no want to. He remembered a hazy doctor's trip, His friends' concern, and worst of all, losing Twilight. He wanted to hear it was a dream. But it wasn't. He found that out when the pain from his bump was still real. He hoped she might return someday. He hoped the pain would go away. It was both physical and emotional pain. He couldn't describe it. He just had to sit and wait. The doctor gave him various medication. He said he had a concussion. He remembered something like a long dream. He thought it was called a coma. No matter, he would get Twilight back. He had to. All this emotion was making him tired. "I have to get Twilight back!" He said, grasping on reality. He fainted. But from the couch it mostly looked like sleeping. "Twilight?" His mother said in confusion. Flash awoke at home. He was feeling something else. His fourth feeling. Depression, that's what it was called. Flash didn't know that he'd do next. Perhaps a life of crime? Gang Life made it seem fun enough. His grades didn't matter to him anymore. His one true love had been taken away from him. His life was over and he didn't care what anyone had to say about it. This was the end of him.