//------------------------------// // Welcome to the cyber fire // Story: Controling the blaze // by adaptroug //------------------------------// I put my hood on then, took a vial of alcohol and super heating it before throwing it at the ground causing a small blaze as I jumped in the fire burning a bright white as I did so. The three that were studding the meteorite imminently looked at me as they backed up. Walking out of the fire in my new equine form putting the blaze to rest leaving no trace that the blaze was even there. "Who are you," The pink one said on top of my head removing my jacket revealing the this forms horn. "Pinkie get off him," the purple one said a purple aura surrounding the pink one, "Sorry about that, Pinkie can be a bit random at times." "It's no trouble," I said thinking of a reason of why I got here, "I just could sense something off in the area, A heat indifference to be precise." The pink one was at front of me freed from the purple ones aura and asked, "Are you a prince? Because you are the third alicorn I have ever seen besides princess Celestia and Luna." A bit surprised that my ears were able to receive every word she said, I responded, "I don't think of myself as a prince," I lied but knowing this might be the second chance that I might get after the cure takes my immortality, "But yes I am through blood," I quickly thought of a name and decided my negative's name might work for this, "I am Prince Phyro," They started to bow even the cream one that was hiding behind the purple one but I stopped them, "No need for formalities." I heard the sound of gears turning and turned my head in the direction they had came from, "Why now," I whispered to my self breaking out in a gallop the other three in toe. "Hey where are you going," One of them asked. "Where ever that noise is coming from," I said following the sound eventually running out of the forest the others right behind me. The town was in a fear stricken state with Cyber Cerberus in the center burning everything that he saw, but he looked different, more so than one of his normal self-upgrades. As he turned while fighting three others of this equine species my worst fear was realized. Anti, who was still in his human form, was on the center head with Zeak and Kay, who were in an equine form similar to mine, in two orbs in the chest each seeming to drain them for power. "Stay back and keep out of sight," I said sternly. "Why those are our friends," The purple one retaliated. "Do you know what that thing is," I said raising my voice, "That just so happens to be a monster created to eliminate it's target completely, so stay back and let me handle this." I charged at the beast holding my friends when Anti took his first glance at me and flipped a few switches forcing Cyber Cerberus to turn it's attention from the others to me. "Cyber," Anti said, "Assimilate energy source." Cyber tried to bite me with the center head only for me to keep galloping through leaking my silhouette in the teeth. The Pegasus that was in the air was being targeted by a scatter missiles by the right head. Using an old trick for flight using my hooves as jet engines and my wings for stabilizers I took to the air to draw the attention of the right head. "You insignificant little prick," Anti yelled mounting a Gatling that was mounted on Cyber Cerberus's back and opened fire on the Pegasus. I managed to get in front of her and take every shot blood staining my black coat and wings. Opening my eyes ignoring the pain of the injures caused by the Gatling burst into flames and sealed themselves. Getting in close I grabbed the Gatling and melted it along with the targeting systems disabling all the auxiliary weaponry before being thrown off by Anti. I got in close to the Pegasus and grabbed her. "Get off me," She yelled as I flew her to the other three. "Stay here," I ordered, "Your interference can get you killed." I flew back at cyber to rescue the other two. This time I went for the unicorn who was easy to rescue from Cyber's paw narrowly crushing her. Taking her to the others I burst back to Cyber to rescue the last one. Thinking the safest rout would be under the beast I flue under the beast only to be met with a saw that sliced my right foreleg off. I winced at the pain but the blood stopped quickly when That section of me caught fire. I knew I only had one shot with my good hoof I reached out as Cerberuses tail started it's decent at the tan one. By the look in her eyes I could tell she knew what I was attempting and reached out her good hoof. I held on to her hoof as best I could Yet barely made it past Cerberus who was chasing us now. I set her down, "Stay here," I could feel the vibrations caused by Cyber's movement stop. "I got this," I said turning Seeing a hell hound holding the tail of Cerberus and actually pulling the behemoth back despite it being only one fourth it's size. I started circling Cerberus creating a tornado of fire lifting him and the hellhound. The hell hound let go of Cerberus and slammed into me. My foreleg reforming on contact with it. "I'll get you for this," Anti yelled as I circled him. Before I could turn and strike at one of the capsules holding my friends Cerberus launched away leaving a trail of smog behind him. "Coward!!" I yelled at the sky. I gave myself a second to cool off before deciding to see the one's I had rescued Landing next to the three I rescued and the three I met in the forest I was met with a flurry of questions and a single comment. "What was that power," The purple one asked. "Who are you," The tan one asked. "Are you alright," The butter yellow Pegasus asked. "Do you like cake," The pink one asked. "Who made that suit?" The white one asked. "That was awesome!! Can you show me how to fly like that?" The cyan one exclaimed. Giving myself a minuet to take in what I heard I answered the questions in the best order I could. "A curse, Prince Phyro, Never been better, thanks for asking, Chocolate, This isn't a suit, but it was a gift from an old friend, Possibly," I took a second to realize how fast I was talking and got my question out, "And who are all of you." They seemed a bit shocked except the pink one who was still bouncing around like her lags were spring loaded before launching into the town. "Don't ask," the purple one said. "Who said I was going to," putting the randomness beside I continued, "And if you don't mind me asking, just who are all of you?" "Well Prince Phyro.." The purple one started. "Please just call me Phyro." "Alright Phyro," she continued, "I am Twilight Sparkle." Introductions went quick yet they kept insisting to treat me as royalty yet I still insisted that I don't want to be treated any different than anypony else. Twilight warned me of the one that galloped off was pinkie pie and she would go to the ends of the planet to make a friend, Twilight also wanted to ask me some more questions at her library. The one that introduced herself as rarity wanted to furnish me with a new jacket, I turned it down only because this jacket is over one hundreds years old and survived multiple burns. Rainbow dash insisted a race witch even I wanted to find out who the victor was.