Return of Disaster (Season 1)

by Tomo-Domo

Episode 6

"Twilight, is this the place?" Sherbert asked from his position next to me.

"Yes, I'm sure this is the warehouse that that stallion was talking about. If we're lucky, she's here." I responded.

"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go!" Rainbow Dash said before running toward the door, before being stopped by my magic.

"Rainbow, we need to think. Do you really think that the entire group who hide out here would leave it unattended? If anything, they have guards on the inside. I'll teleport inside and see if there's a safe way for us to go about this."

Before they had time to answer or protest, I disappeared.

When I reappeared inside the warehouse, I let out a gasp. The whole inside of the building was torn apart. There were dead bodies laying on the floor, and there were no guards, surprisingly. So I teleported back to the group.

"How was it, Twi? Is it going to be easy, or nearly impossible?" Rainbow Dash asked, practically shaking with excitement.

"They're all dead, there were no guards. There were dead bodies everywhere. But I still have hope for Violet, if she's in there, she's still alive." I answered back.

"Well, let's check just to make sure." Sherbert said, walking to the door and opening it with ease, making a loud creak as it opened, walking in. He wasn't in there longer than a few seconds, because he ran out and vomited on the ground.

"Hey, you okay?" I asked gently, setting a hoof on his back.

After coughing a few more times, and spitting to get the taste out of his mouth, he answered, "Yeah, I'm fine. Let's just go in and find her."

We all walked back inside, when Rainbow whispered to me, "He must have a really weak stomach."

"Leave him alone, Rainbow. He's never been in this situation before."

We walked and searched for about 45 minutes due to the sheer size of the warehouse before Rainbow Dash finally said something.

"Guys, I don't think we'll find her. We better go."

"Are you crazy?! My sister's here. I'm not giving up, just yet." Sherbert interrupted.

They continued to argue for a few moments before I saw something. There was an iron door and it was slightly opened. I quickly called to the others.

"Will you two stop?! I've found a door here. I'm going to go in to see if she's in here." With that, I entered. And I was met with a gruesome sight.

There was a single bed in the middle of the room, and it was stained red with dried blood. There were knives and other tools on a table next to it. Upon further inspection, I noticed that there was rope tied to the four corners. But they were cut. Whoever was here must have escaped. I looked under the bed for anything else when I saw a single feather. Lifting it up with my magic, I saw that it was bright magenta, and it had blood splatters on it, but I recognized the color anywhere. Violet was here. She must be alive.

"She was here, we're going back to the library in case she went back. Come on." I said quickly as I ran out of the building, the others following suit.

After a while, we made it back to the library, and what we saw, was horrific.

The entire interior was destroyed. Tables and desks were thrown over and broken. One of the windows were smashed, and there was a single dead body in the living room. Walking up to it, there was a large hole in the top of its skull. There was blood trailing up the stairs. Panicking, I ran up the stairs and started calling out to my friends and daughter.

"Scootaloo! Pinkie Pie! Where are you?!" I immediately ran into my room, and looked around. The crib was empty, and there was no sign of anypony being here. I then dashed to Scootaloo's room, and looked around, she wasn't here.

"No no no no no no!" I shouted, breaking down and letting the tears in my eyes flow.

"Twilight?! Are you okay?" Sherbert shouted from downstairs, soon coming into the room with me, and sitting with me.

"They're not here... they're gone." It was all I could say before completely losing control of myself and bursting into tears. He allowed me to hold him and cry into his shoulder. He began stroking my mane and hugging me, doing his best to comfort me.

"It's alright, Twilight. I'm sure they're safe. They probably just left, and found somewhere safer. Come on now, the bakery has helped us twice before, I'm sure we could go there."

"Yeah... you're right... let's go." I answered, wiping my tears away.

"Twilight? You may wanna come check this out."

Going back downstairs, we saw Rainbow Dash holding a paper in her hoof with a worried expression on her face.

"What is it, Rainbow Dash?" I asked.

Without another word, she gave me the page, and I read it out loud.

"Twilight, how'd you like my little surprise? Oh, don't worry, Scootaloo and Pinkie are safe. I'll say, your daughter is very tough. She killed all three of the ponies I've sent after them, but they got away. And your wife, Violet? She's either dead or one of those things. She fought, and boy, is she strong. She lasted longer than all of the victims I've had, but of course, she didn't make it. The only thing left to do is surrender to me, and nopony else will come to harm. You have until the end of the week. I'll wait at the train station every day at 5 o'clock until you show up. Fail to show up, and I'll kill everypony else you love starting with your daughter. Yours truly, S."

By the end of reading it, there were tears freely flowing from my eyes.

Sherbert hugged me and tried to comfort me as best as he could, but it wasn't working. I looked to the side and saw Rainbow Dash, but she was just standing in front of the window, just staring out of it.

"Rainbow Dash? Are you okay?" I asked her, just starting to let the tears stop.

"Of course I am. Why wouldn't I be?" It was all she said, before jumping out of the window and flying away.

"Rainbow Dash! Where are you going!" I tried calling out to her, but she didn't return.

"Come on, Twilight. Let's go to the bakery. Scootaloo and Pinkie are there, I'm sure." Sherbert said, helping me up.

"Yeah, you're right. Now let's hurry. If they're there, we can make sure they're safe."