//------------------------------// // Dark Side of Canterlot // Story: Holographic Rain // by Herpsyderpsy //------------------------------// *BEEP* *BEEP*! “Oh…5 more minutes…,” I mumbled. “Ughwhy is it shdgduhdis 'o'clock now?” I struggled to get my blankets off of me. As I lifted myself from my bed, a knock came at the door. “Oh, I'm coming!” I grumbled, reaching for the door knob. “Yes, welcome to the Melody household. Population: 1 unappreciated musician.” “Oh, sorry Ms. Unappreciated-Musician,” It was the ditzy mail mare. “I think I have the wrong letter. It's for an Octavia Melody.” “That would be me, ma'am.” I took the letter from her hooves and closed the door behind me. I looked at the inscription and it lifted my spirits. It was from the Canterlot Orchestral Foundation, and that could only mean one thing. I opened the letter and read, ‘Dear Ms. Melody, after hearing your composition and your revival of many famous pieces, we've come to a conclusion that we would LOVE for you to play with our orchestra at the one and only Grand Galloping Gala!’ “I-I…” I stuttered with glee as I trotted towards my cello. “Oh my Celestia,” that was the last time I had ever said that expression. “The Gala is today!” I walked into the doors of Canterlot Castle, mesmerized by everything, even the curtains. But now I know it's all a lie. “Why hello, ma'am.” I looked up at the source of the soothing voice. It was from Celestia. “Uh… your highness!” I blindly bowed. “The orchestra is upstairs, preparing for their sets.” She guided me to the rehearsal room. “Ms. Melody? You're late.” As I entered, a strict voice came from an uptight mare, even for me. “I am Bright Eyes, the CEO of the Canterlot Orchestral Foundation.” The tuba player said in an obviously fake Trottingham accent. “Due to you being 30 minutes late, answering our letter 7 hours before rehearsal starts, having an unpolished cello case, and not putting your bow tie on straight, you will only be playing 1/8 of our concerto. Understood, Ms. Melody?” I nodded, frightened. “Okay boys, let us head down to the central stage. And as for you,” she sharply pointed her hoof at me. “Do not drag us down into failure.” I gulped, hoping I can calm myself before the start of the Gala. The concerto was terrible! I didn't even get to finish my set because of that hyper energetic country girl! I was in an unknown part of Canterlot to me. When I thought things couldn't get any worse, *BOOM*! Thunder struck as I tried to find my condo. Over the storm, I heard a heavy bass. I squinted my eyes, trying to find where the beat was coming from. Suddenly, I saw colored lights shining. I felt as if they were calling to me. I entered a mysterious club, one I've never heard of before. When I got inside, I sprinted toward the bar. “What can I get ya?” The bartender asked me. “Cider, please.” I drank as the DJ made an announcement. “Alrighty, it's midnight! Her moon is sky high, and now let's get this party higher!” I trotted to the DJ to ask her a few questions. “Excuse me?! May I please ask you a question?!” I shouted over the bass. “Neon, take over,” the DJ whispered to the stallion next to her. She signaled me to come to the back. “You aren't from around here, are you?” She said when we entered the room. “Well, I'm Vinyl Scratch and welcome to this club!” The door slammed behind us. The room was dark. I couldn't see anything at all. “She found us.” A candle flickered, but it didn't do much. “Are you with my sister?” I was confused. “I-I'm sorry, I have n-no idea what you're talking about…” The mare sighed. “Vinyl, please illuminate the room.” “Of course, your highness.” Vinyl Scratch said. “Your…high—–” I finally saw her face. She was a beautiful alicorn with light blue hair and cyan eyes. Behind her was a weird box. “Please answer us when we speakest to you…” the mare whispered, sounding as if she was weakened. “Who else is speaking to me?” She obviously couldn't read my befuddled face. “Never mind that. I am the sister of Celestia.” “N-Nightmare Moon?!” I was shaking with fear. But I calmed down. She looked as if she needed my help, my sympathy. “I knew she'd twist the story. But I can assure you, I am fine. My name is Princess Luna and it shall remain that.” “But, what about when you attacked the Summer Sun Celebration?” I asked as we walked into a basement. “That was not me. Celestia created a shadow pony to make me look like the villian. Like many before me.” We finally made it to a locked door. When Luna took out a key and unlocked a door, we walked into a room full of empty orbs. “These orbs used to be full of the artificial shadows of many noble creatures.” “Why would she do this?” I asked. “Glory. She'd put Equestria in danger to make her look good. That bitch.” The DJ spitefully replied. “Now, now, Ms. Scratch,” The alicorn stopped the pony before a sea of profanity flowed out of her mouth. “She is my sister and I do still love her. But she isn't the same mare I knew as a foal. She is a corrupt one, who is not afraid to sacrifice her loved ones.” A siren suddenly rang unexpected.