//------------------------------// // the first adventure // Story: the Adventures of Makaar and Draco // by geicomano7 //------------------------------// One fateful afternoon Makaar was walking home in a state of boredom his mind trying to think of ways to stop his boredom. He decided to visit his best friend whom was also his neighbor, Draco Essence. Makaar stops at Draco’s house and looks at it for a few seconds, “I shouldn’t bug him he was probably up all night writing…” Just as Makaar finished his thought which he was thinking out loud for some reason. Draco comes out of his house and looks at Makaar. “Hey Draco”, Makaar said. “Hey Makaar… why are you at my house?” Draco asked looking confused. “I’m bored!” Makaar exclaimed while grinning.  “Oh, really?”  Draco asked “I was just about to come over to your house. So can I come over?” Makaar replied with “Yeah, sure we can play my video games!” Makaar leads Draco to his house but his older brother Perception is in Makaars room playing his games. “Hey perc can me and Draco play?” asked Makaar.  Draco said “He can play with us Makaar only if he wants to.” Perception looked at them then shrugged, “I have to go anyway, it’s all yours bro” Perc ruffles Makaars mane then leaves the two alone. “Your brother is so cool Makaar!” said Draco “No he isn’t Draco” replied Makaar.  As Makaar turned on the game he realized that Perception took his game. “He took our favorite game” Makaar said with a sigh.  “You mean team ponies’ fortress 2?” Draco asked. Makaar nodded then looked around for a different game for them to play.  “I can’t find a good one Draco” Makaar sighed. “Then let’s go find Perception!” said Draco excitedly.  Makaar nodded “Alright he probably went to his station to stand guard.” “Come on Makaar we don’t have all day!” said Draco. Makaar blinks a few times, “Okay!” Makaar rushes outside and Draco lands next to him. “So where does your brother work?” asked Draco as the two starts trotting towards Perceptions station. “He works as a guard his station is up head he normal stays in the same area” said Makaar. As the two friends were going down the street, living in a small town they know their way around relatively well, the two look over at a cave. “We have walked past the cave so many times, but have never been inside, what in there you think” asked Makaar Draco shrugged “I bet it would make a good story.” He said. The two keep walking onward after a few minutes and Draco playfully punching Makaar. The two arrive at Perceptions station. “Where is he Makaar” asked Draco hovering above the ground a bit. “I don’t know let's’ ask his commander” replied Makaar then Makaar leads Draco to the commander. “Have you seen Perception?” Makaar asked. The commander nodded as he took the two to where Perception is. “Perception!” Draco exclaimed waking Perception from his nap. Perception Snaps awake then salutes to the commander who walks away after Perception salutes. “What do you want Makaar and Draco?” asked Perception. “Where’s my game Perc?” asked Makaar just wanting to leave his brother alone. “Makaar you don’t want to hang out with Perception?” asked Draco noticing Makaars tone and wanting to stay for a bit longer. “It’s in your room Makaar I put it in the wrong case when I left by mistake” said Perception. “Okay thanks Perc. Is it okay if me and Draco hang out here with you for a bit?” asked Makaar letting Draco chose what they do today. “NO!” shouted Perception. “I need to get back on duty and you two would get hurt. Dad would kill me” said Perception Draco looks at him. “You’re sure we can’t stay?” he asked “I’m sure. I’ll get in trouble with my commander…” Perception looks at Makaar “dads my commander mak” Makaar had known this for a long time but he called his dad ‘sir’ while he was on duty, he hated it, he wasn’t big on formal stuff. “Yeah I know Perc. Come on Draco he is right.” replied Makaar Makaar and Draco started to walk away from Perception. “Your dad’s the commander of the guard here in town?” asked Draco Makaar nodded,”yeah you should know that by now.” Draco said “right I do know that I just forget sometimes” When the two reached the cave they looked at each other “I bet there is something cool in there” said Draco Makaar was in front of Draco already knowing that he wanted to go in there. “You coming?” asked Makaar with a smirk. Draco laughed and the two headed inside the cave. Makaar is a unicorn so naturally he can use his magic to light up dark places, but he is still learning beginner spells. So when he said “I can try to my magic to light up this place” Draco looks at him “no Makaar it’s too risky to try you’ve only just now got control of your horn.” He said with a concerned look. Makaar agreed but the cave was too dark to see anything. So by mistake he used magic, his horn sparked for a few seconds then a beam of light shot out of his horn. “Makaar what did you do?!” asked Draco both concerned and relieved that Makaar wasn’t hurt. The cave was now lit up and a ball of light at the end of the tunnel. “I don’t know I’m only ten Draco” said Makaar The two friends delved deeper into the mysterious cave then stopped when they came to a ledge.  They looked down the ledge to see a ledge below them. “I could jump” said Makaar after a minute of silence between them. Draco shook his head and opened his wings, “get on” he motioned Makaar to get on his back Makaar got on Draco’s back and held on tightly. Draco jumped off the ledge and spread his wings catching the ledge below them. “Makaar climb up and get on the ledge and pull me up.” Said Draco Makaar climbs up and pulls Draco with him. “You okay Draco?” asked Makaar as Draco holds  his now broken wing. “Y-yeah. o-ow” Draco winced as he holds his wing. Makaar reaches in Draco’s saddle bag and puts Draco’s wing in a sling “my dad showed me how to do this” “Thanks Makaar think I can walk the rest of the way” said Draco with a slight smile. The two walk towards the light at the end of the cave to see what's there. “You’re sure you are alright?” asked Makaar worried for Draco. “y-yeah I’m fine Makaar don’t worry about me” said Draco reassuringly When the two friends finally arrive at the end of the tunnel “Whoa” they said in unison as to what they found. “That’s cool I guess” said Makaar to and excited Draco “Cool? No my friend that is awesome times infinity!” exclaimed Draco Draco started to get closer to what they found, a quill that has a magic spell that lets the user understand word they write and write really fast. Draco picked up the quill and put it in his saddle bag. “If I’m going to be a writer I’m going to need a lucky quill.” He said excitedly as he smiled at Makaar. “And it’s lucky because WE found it Makaar!” They hoof bump as Makaar looks around. “How do we get out of here?” asked Draco with a slight chuckle. “Um….” Said Makaar as he found the exit behind Draco “found it” he said as he and Draco go towards the exit. When they got out of the cave they saw that they were back at Perceptions station “How have we not noticed the exit near Percs’ station?” asked Makaar “Magic?” replied Draco. They laugh as they trot to Makaars house to play games for the rest of the day until Draco went home with his new quill which he kept as a reminder that the two will always be friends, best friends even.