//------------------------------// // Chapter: 11: Getting used to Living // Story: Something Different // by BlackWingsRed //------------------------------// Chapter: 11: Getting used to Living The morning light poured through the windows of the windmill illuminating the living room and kitchen. Sleeping on the couch was the only human in Equestria wearing only his black inside shirt and his boxers. He had his black jacket draped over him as a make shift blanket as it would. On the coffee table were the four first books of the History of Ponyville with several numbered strips of papers inserted with the pages most likely as a bookmarking method and a few spell books from the school. Joe stirred as a bird chirped nearby. His hand reached out in an attempt to turn off a nonexistent alarm clock. Realizing nothing was there, he slowly sat straight up and rubbed at his eyes. The previous night of reading seemed rather informative with the bookmarks being used as clues and interesting things to see. Joe yawned as he got up and dragged himself towards the upstairs bathroom. After a few minutes. He came back down with his hair wet and a more awake attitude. He put on his pants. The uniform shirt and the jacket remained on the couch as he walked towards the kitchen table to grab an apple. He bit into it and kept it in his mouth as he walked over to the couch to put on his shoes. He took a few bites out of the apple after he finished tying each shoe. He finally finished the apple and threw the core into a waste basket. He laid back into the couch and sighed as he looked at the rest of the empty living room and the kitchen lacking food. "Hmm..." He reached his hands down to the side of the couch and picked up the bag of coins. "I wonder what's to grab out there." He asked before he stood up and walked over to the door to head out. Suddenly, he stopped as he did a complete 360 and picked up the unicorn pendant. "That was close..." He thought turning into a pony and grabbed his saddle bag. He placed the bag of bits and a couple of books into the saddle bag as he exited the door. While he walked away, he saw the sunlight beam onto the windmill as it turned. It looked picture perfect with the view of the forest. The town was active and alive, he quickly made his way towards the main road and began looking for a few indications of a furniture store. The town completely astounded him with the amounts of little shops along with the different aromas floating about. He shook his head as he saw a little stand selling different gemstones that had several low and high prices. He passed a few more store until finally he found one that sold beds and stepped inside. The store was completely full of various exotic and normal looking beds. The prices didn't look that bad and the beds were remarkably softer than the couch he had spent the previous night on. It was only priced at three-hundred gold coins. A clerk noticed Red as he eyed the bed and approached him. "Excuse me sir, do you require any assistance?" He asked with a fine Italian accent. "This model is a standard twin sized mattress." He eyed the Pendant that hung from Red's neck. "My, my you must be from Canterlot aren't you?" "Yeah, I just moved into that old windmill by the river." Replied Red as he tried to read the Clerk and his motives. "It's that pendant sir. It show you are in the teaching of Celestia no? If you are here to study I can give you the student discount." He explained as he led him down the row of beds. Along the path he stopped at a slightly bigger version of the model bed they were looking at earlier. "This bed is the same type that most ponies in Canterlot usually purchase. This one with this discount will add up to the payment of three-hundred gold bits or one platinum bit." The bed seemed big enough to hold his size weather or not he was pony or not. He shrugged and used out his magic to pull out the sack of bits out. He took out one of the platinum coins which took up most of the space and handed it over. "Seems alright. Am I gonna need to carry this out or will it be delivered?" The clerk took the Bit and placed it in a sort of coin pouch around his neck. "Thank you very much sir. Be expecting it to be dropped off a little later. We'll have our finest stallions deliver it to your doorstep. "Okay thanks man" said Red as he returned the sack of bits back into the saddle bag. He picked up the receipt from another stallion at the register, gave another good look at the bed he purchased and walked out of the building and back into the already crowded streets. Along the sides of the building were little street venders selling fruit and other home goods. But, nothing really caught his attention other than the little soap stands. They displayed numerous amounts of soaps from simple shampoo to even clothing. Thinking back to the last time he had a proper bath, he immediately purchased what was clearly needed and placed them into his saddlebag. His stomach started to growl loudly. And the crowds of ponies were growing by the minute. "Holy crap? Is this place always like this?" He walked forward into the crowds as he looked for more things to do. Along the road, he suddenly felt the sense that he was being watched and ducked into what seemed like a cafe. Red went to a table on the far end facing the door and picked up the menu that read. "The Stuffers cafe." He watched as a faintly familiar grey Pegasus enter through the entrance. It was the same one that he had met the other day but, she was with another Pegasus that had a cyan coat and a rainbow mane. They took a seat three tables down from his own. Carefully, he listened in on their conversation, but then got interested in what the menu had to offer and of course, the menu was vegetarian except for a few egg and cheese orders. "What the heck are hay fries?" He asked himself as the two ponies began talking. "Now I need you to listen Ditzy. Today we are gonna be moving a few clouds over to the east end of town and we are going to be busting the ones over the square today. We don't want to mix those two now got it?" Explained Rainbow as she watched her friend constantly look around. "Ditzy are you even listening?" Ditzy still continued to look around and outside the window. "Yeah I got it move the clouds to the North busy with the South or... Is that the other way around?" She asked looking back towards Rainbow Dash. "Are you okay Ditzy?.." Asked Rainbow Dash with a tone of worry. "If you don't feel up to the job today you don't really need to come out with us today." Ditzy stopped looking around and back at her friend. "I thought I saw somepony I know trot into here. But, it doesn't look like he's here." She tried to look at the pony across from them but the menu and lamp blocked the view. "Hey whatever happened with that one other pony you used to keep talking about." Asked Rainbow Dash catching her attention. "That one with all those weird gizmos." With the mention of that one pony Ditzy continued to chatter. As the two ponies continued talking A waitress arrived and took Red's order of a salad, a couple of grill cheese sandwiches with a sunny side up egg and a large glass of orange juice. As the waitress took the Menu he tapped her on the shoulder. "Excuse me?"he asked. "Are the Hayfries any good? If so, can I get a small order of that?" She nodded as she wrote it down on her notepad. The waitress then took the menu and offered an Equestria Daily to read. Red took the newspaper and positioned it just as he did the menu. The picture on the front caught his eyes as he began reading. "Celestia brings peace back to Canterlot in today's address to the press. Find out what's what in today's summit." The story told a fabricated story of the reasons why there had been disturbances in Canterlot. But, Red knew the truth. It was all because of him and messing those other few days up. Those two changelings caused a manhunt for him, Ponies that lived in Canterlot thought of him as a dirty animal, and the worry he had brought onto those he had befriended there. After reading a couple of pages he lowered the newspaper to see what the two Pegasi were up to. They were still talking. But the Rainbow one seemed to be getting worked up about something. "Yeah that's not the weirdest thing. Twilights getting all worked up about nothing. She thinks the Princesses are hiding something. I mean look at this. She wants us to keep tabs on that new pony in town." When she had mentioned that, Red perked his ears as it caught his attention. "Are they talking about me?" He asked himself. He continued to listen in silence as the waitress place a plate of what looked like fries and a plate with a few muffins on their table. They thanked the waitress and began to eat but, still continued talking about their friends. Apparently, now he had to keep his distance from these inquisitive ponies as well if he wanted to keep his cover. What would Celestia herself think of this current situation. Suddenly, a few platers were placed onto his own table. He became knocked off his concentration as the Waitress delivered his orders. He marveled at how they were perfectly fashioned. Though they weren't as fancy as the food in Canterlot they still were mouth watering. He levitated a few pieces of the Hayfries and ate them. They weren't that bad as he continued to eat them along with his meal. "It's weird though you know... Would Celestia Ever hide anything from Twilight? I mean sure there are royal secrets but, there has to be a reason for each if em. Look at that whole story about that Canterlot monster for example. Why is it that we had heard nothing about it until now? Huh? I guess it must've been just another creepy story that those ponies up there have been making. I can't believe I actually fell for that one." Said the Rainbow one catching Red's attention once again. "I don't think that those stories are that true. I heard a few other stories about it." Replied Ditzy. "I don't think they're all monsters I think..." "Who told you that? That crazy friend of yours again? Well I don't know... If its fake, It's fake. Now if it was real then... I don't know." Said Rainbow Dash using her wing to launch fries in the air them catching them with her mouth. "Are you almost finished with that I wanna hurry up and be done for the day. " she ate her last fry and placed a few bits on the table. Ditzy ate her second to the last muffin and then carried the last one in her mouth as they exited the cafe. Red stuffed his mouth full of the last of his meal, paid his bill and exited the cafe. The two Pegasi had already gone airborn. He watched as the two of them fly off leaving him unable to track them. "Crap." He said aloud. Hearing those two talk about him really proved that He picked up the saddle bag and secured it a little tighter. He only had a few things left to check. One being the location where he can try his magic and to find out who these pesky ponies were. Back in Canterlot. Celestia and her sister watched as a book similar to the journal she had given to Joe just before he had left, light up with the text. "Thank you Everyone" appeared in his writing. "It seems our friend has made it just as you foresaw. But, now what?" Asked Luna as Celestia took the book and smiled. "When shall we begin his lessons?" They were both in the throne room completing work on a few documents. "It is just a matter of time before the next step takes effect. For now he still needs to take his first few steps and settle down. His story has only just begun." She replied. "What of the rest of our friends? They seem to be getting curious. Especially our Twilight Sparkle." Asked Luna. "This will be a test for all of them. I believe they should learn of each other slowly. We can only hope it goes as well as we believe. This will prove that they are much more closer to being ready." She explained. She picked up a quill with her magic as she responded to a scroll that had appeared through green fire. "Your Majesties." said the Captain of the Guard as he trotted into the room."The guards have reported that all the Changelings that were in the area seem to have fled. But, they have reported that there may be some still hidden in the area." He explained as he bowed. "Is that all Captain?" She asked in reply. He nodded no and bowed as his men followed his movements. "So I can assume that we are safe for the moment. As the letter disappeared. "Please remain vigilant on the northern border and the Everfree." She sighed as she stood up. "I think I will be returning to my chambers. Please call me if you need me sister." Said Luna as she trotted away. "That will be wise Luna. Please take your rest." Celestia sighed as a white Unicorn mare with a pink mane carried a few folders into the room. She watched as Luna left the room along with the rest of the troops in sync with Shining. "Princess... this just came in from the scholars." The pony said as her magic levitated a black transparent sheet out of one of the folders. at the top of the sheet read magic while at the bottom it read Joe. Celestia took the sheet and illuminated it with her magic. It showed a human outline but, at the center of the picture glowed a bright brilliant red. It looked to be like a bright red ball of magic with several little ones flowing within it. The entire human outline was filled with all of these little circles that seem to mostly focus on the head, and chest areas. This was stranger than most cases. Regular ponies usually can manipulate their magic by using one singular point of their bodies their horns. But with this human... It was far more complex than she could ever imagine. Celestia levitated a scroll over to her and she began to write a letter in regards to the black sheet. She gave the letter to the pony and she trotted out the door. Celestia being the only pony in the room took this time to return to her throne and sat down. She closed her eyes and concentrated. A few seconds later she opened them again to reveal white glowing eyes. In the Ponyville Library Twilight sat still reading the scroll the Princess had responded to. "Everything looks like its back to normal but... Why do I still feel something is wrong." Thought the purple Unicorn. Spike being the busy yet lazy dragon he was, sat atop a bookcase eating through a bowl of gems. "Hey Twilight I've been thinking..." He said in between mouthfuls."Remember the first time Pinkie Mentioned that stuff about her Pinkie sense?" Twilight looked up from her book and at her assistant. "Yeah what about it? She asked still keeping her face in the book. "I was expecting that you were gonna do that sort of thing again when you heard of that new guy." He swallowed and scooped even more gems out. "That or you were gonna go full crazy again" "Hey what's that supposed to mean?" Asked Twilight slightly angry. "Oh nothing. It was just a thought that crossed my mind. I was thinking that this is one of the first times you haven't blown things out of proportion." Said Spike as he lazily leaned back. "I'm still thinking though. What if he is an actual apprentice? What kind of high level spells can he do? I wonder if he had to hatch a dragon?" "I'm still wondering that too. It's unlike the princess to hide something like this." She closed the book and her stomach began to rumble. "Yeah... I guess we better go and get some food before the shops close down for the day." She got up and used her magic to put on her saddlebag. Spike quickly jumped up onto her back as she levitated a bag of bits into her bag. They briskly trotted their way out the door and towards the town. It was just as it always looked but this time something Pink was afoot. Twilight watched as her pink friend dressed in black use what looked to be a grappling hook to go from rooftop to rooftop. Suddenly, she looked in their direction and descended right next to them. She pulled the part of her outfit that covered her mouth and looked around. "Hey have you guys seen him yet?" She took out a pair of binoculars and scanned the rest of the area. "No... Wait who? That Red unicorn?" Asked Spike scratching his head. "Oh man is everyone actually going with this?"he placed his claw on his face in an annoyed way. Twilight looked at him with an annoyed expression as well until she coughed to clear her throat then she looked towards Pinkie. "I haven't seen him at all today. Have you found out anything yet?" "I sure did. But, then I lost him when everypony began filling in the streets. First there were pink ones then there were the blue ones and even some green ones! I even mistook Big Macintosh for him. Then I got hungry..." She sadly exclaimed. "That's alright. Well what did you see last?" She asked raising her hoof. "Well he likes comfy beds." Giggled Pinkie. "He also ate at the same restaurant Dashie was at. but, after that I ended up losing him." She frowned as she finished. Spike rolled his eyes as he still sat up on Twilights back obviously annoyed at Twilight for taking her time. Twilight rubbed her chin with her hoof "Hmm. Do you think perhaps maybe Rainbow noticed something?" Replied Twilight as they finally decided to walk into town together. Pinkie shook her head side to side. Twilight then shrugged. "I've been meaning to ask you Pinkie? What ever happened to your little party plan?" Twilight asked out of curiosity. She looked at her friend who hopped along the path. Pinkie stopped and slowly landed on her hooves. "The mayor said he didn't want to be disturbed during his, so called studies while he is in town." She mockingly explained. "But that's not gonna stop this Party Pony! HE'S GONNA GET A PARTY WHETHER HE LIKES IT OR NOT!" She stood on two hooves and proceeded to act menacingly with two hooves in the air while breathing heavily. Suddenly, there was the sounds of thunder and the flashing of lightning behind her. The Pegasi were all ready clearing the skies behind them {Conveniently} Both Twilight and Spike stood still and stared at their friend with gaping jaws. "What?!... What's wrong?" Asked Pinkie as she got back on all fours and walked over. "I'm gonna try to forget that I ever saw that side of you." Replied Twilight as she began to slowly trot away. "Can we please continue to get some groceries now?" In town (following Red) Red walked down through the town until he came to the exit of the town which pretty much was a large fork in the road. There were two signs that stood out of the rest. "Welcome to Sweet Apple acres." "Danger The Everfree Forest" "This must be it." He said as he walked between the two signs. The field was really big. It had trees surrounding it making it an almost perfect circle. There were a few boulders and logs in the center are but he could manage them. He took one of the Books and began to read it. It was another one of the spell books he had in Canterlot. He laughed at some of the spells that were there. These would be entertaining to use. He read one of the spells and his horn began to glow. Suddenly, it shot a barrage of colorful firework like lights Into the air. They exploded in the sky in a flurry of displays. As the lights were going Red pulled out one of the History of Ponyville books and turned it to a bookmarked page. "Ha I knew it. That spell looked familiar." He looked at a picture of a Stallion Unicorn the was performing the fireworks spell but in what looked to be a casino theater. He read the story aloud.m"The original firework spell was created by Ponyville's The great Lulamoon. The great Lulamoon first used this spell when Princess Celestia Finally marked Ponyville's Declaration as an official town." The little passage ended. "Hmm...that's pretty cool. Magic really makes this place entertaining. What else is there? "said Joe to himself as he read through more spells and little bits of history. "Wait a minute..." he said holding the book up. The book floated into the right looked towards the landscape and noticed a few trees and hills match up with the picture. On the next page was a large red farmhouse. "Would you look at that..." he turned his attention back to the book and his reading. In town. Twilight, Pinkie, and Spike continued through town. Until a colorful blur swooped around the town causing cloud after cloud to be swiftly eliminated. Rainbow Dash was busy at work clearing the skies twenty percent faster than the rest of the the crew. Even Ditzy could be seen knocking the clouds out. Twilight's bag was beginning to get full while Pinkie pie hopped with a mouth full of candy laughing. "That was reallllllly Funny Twilight. Did you see what he did to that Pony statue?" Pinkie asked enthusiastically hopping. Twilight giggled as well as Spike. "I really don't understand how someone could be afraid of statues. It's just wrong, I can understand if it moved but other than that it would be an awfully weird phobia." She explained it as they stopped along the Sugarcube corner. Spike Jumped off of Twilight and continued to walk off. "It's funny though since when has anypony ever been afraid AHHH!" Spike jumped in fear as he came face to face with a somewhat terrifying looking Pegasi angel statue that seemed to be glaring at him with its hooves outstretched as if it were to try to grab him. He ran to Twilight and hid behind her shaking. "Holy haystack that was...that was a statue...wasn't it?" Twilight began to giggle as two Ponies hauled the statue away and out of view. "Okay... Maybe some of them are a bit creepy..." "We'll okay Pinkie we'll be seeing you later." She said as she finished giggling. "If you see Rainbow or any of the others, do you think you can send them to the library if they have any new clues on that pony?" "Yeah sure thing Twilight. But, if I see him he is gonna GET IT!" She roared as everyone around looked in her general direction. "A party that is." She began to rub her hoof as she calmed down, waved goodbye and hastily made her way inside. The way back to the Library didn't take very long as it wasn't that far from the town square. Twilight levitated the bags of groceries into the kitchen and called Owlicious out from his perch. "You know what to do Owlicious. Spike I'm going to need you to help me with..." She turned towards the table and noticed a scroll. "What's this?" She levitated the scroll over and unrolled it. "My dear friend Twilight Sparkle. How has things been since the last time we had visited is all well? My sister has informed me that there have been several little mishaps coming afoot there. Perhaps we could be of assistance? -Your friend Luna." She read aloud. "Hmm... Prepare a reply letter Spike." Said Twilight Holding her hoof to her chin. Spike did as she said and pulled out a quill and a piece of paper. " Dear my friend Luna. Things have been fine. It's just that ever since this new pony has moved in, I've felt suspicious of him. The mayor claims he is an apprentice of Celestia and that he is residing her for classes. Is this True? If so why is she hiding these things from us? -Your friend Twilight Sparkle." Spike wrote the last few lines and then Wrapped it up. "Twilight... I don't think the princesses are hiding anything. I think you're getting a bit too over your head with suggesting something like that." Spike sighed. He held the Scroll out then set it ablaze sending it. "I'm going upstairs. Call me if you need me." Twilight sat down and levitated a few books off the shelves towards her. "I'm just looking out for Ponyville. " she opened a book but suddenly, dropped it when a scroll returned. "Perhaps Twilight it will be better we talk while We I mean Me...augh... We really must stop saying we when I mean I. Ahem i will be in town tomorrow handling a few appointments I have in town and I would like it If you would join me for lunch. P.s this spell really does copy everything I say.-Luna" read the letter. Twilight levitated a Quill and Wrote back. "Of course I will. I will see you tomorrow." She rolled the Scroll up and levitated it all the way upstairs. She could hear him grunt in detest then He sent the letter. She sighed as she cheerfully began to read her books. Meanwhile... The sun began to fall showing that it was nearly sundown . Red laid in the field after practicing several different spells, he was tired and smiling clearly after having a great time messing with magic. He stayed there watching the grass wave in the wind in a hypnotic rhythm His eyelids slowly began to fall as he fell asleep and began to dream.