//------------------------------// // Rise to vote, sir // Story: Dammit I'm mad // by Pix //------------------------------// As the newly risen moon shone down onto one of the many balconies of Canterlot castle, Celestia and Luna met up for a quick conversation, an appointment they tried to make once each night as a matter of routine. --- “Good night, sister.” “And the same to you!” “You’re looking particularly radiant tonight.” “Thank you, I’m glad you noticed.” “A fine night too, if I may say so.” “Of course! You should always take satisfaction in your work.” “I like to put a bit of extra care in sometimes, so that it doesn’t always look the same.” “On that topic, I did enjoy the sunset today.” “It’s been a busy day, I have to admit to being glad that it is over.” “You mean that crisis in Hoofington? I’m not sure I ever want to think about those insatiable critters again.” “Indeed. But if you would allow me to bring up the topic, I must say I was impressed with how many parasprites you were able to vanquish today.” “Actually I think Twilight did more than I, she really has become a most capable pony.” “Yes, you should be proud of yourself for all you’ve achieved on that front.” “It’s nice to not be seen as intimidatingly superior anymore.” “I’m sure she didn’t ever think that. Our little ponies do all love you so much.” “That reminds me of that adorable filly we caught sneaking into the castle gardens to play earlier. It looked like she thought I would banish her to the moon!” “Yes, it was most amusing.” “Do you remember the trouble we would get up to when we were younger?” “It’s been a long time since we played like that. I think I’m beginning to feel old.” “Nonsense sister. We should go for a race through the night sky, that’ll remind you of your speed.” “I have to admit I don’t fly as much as I would like to. It wouldn’t surprise me if I’d completely forgotten how.” “I would say a night like this is best for flying.” “Maybe another night, I’m not sure I want to do anything particularly active after the day we had.” “Not even just a brief stroll through the gardens?” “You’ll get your chance in the future I’m sure, but now is probably not the best time.” Suddenly a draconequus popped into existence behind them, fireworks exploding around him to mark his arrival. “Oh my, that’s Discord for you. He’s such a strange creature isn’t he? I sometimes wonder if we should spend more time with him.” Discord walked up to the conversing sisters and bowed. “Ah, if it isn’t two of my top four favourite alicorn princesses! How wonderful to see you on this fine night! Although I have to say I’m not surprised to see you here, the two of you really are so infuriatingly predictable. You meet up here every night and have the same boring conversation, why sometimes I wonder if you’re just repeating the same words to each other, back and forth! You really need to mix it up a bit sometimes, maybe you should learn from me. For example, the last time I was going to meet for tea with my dear friend Fluttershy, I thought to myself, ‘You know what would make this visit more exciting than the last one? If I were the pegasus and she were the draconequus!’ It only took one snap of my fingers, and tada! I don’t think she appreciated it though, the poor dear. I didn’t much like being in such an uninteresting body either, so I certainly wouldn’t try that one again, but at least it was different. Of course the two of you are too dull to spice things up like that, but you could at least swap sides the next time you meet like this, hmm? But no, I feel like I’m wasting away from the sheer monotony of this all already. Toodles!” Without warning, Discord jumped off the balcony and pulled out an umbrella, slowly floating downwards. “Oh my, that’s Discord for you. He’s such a strange creature isn’t he? I sometimes wonder if we should spend more time with him.” The draconequus landed in the gardens far below and walked away through the trees. “You’ll get your chance in the future I’m sure, but now is probably not the best time.” “Not even just a brief stroll through the gardens?” “Maybe another night, I’m not sure I want to do anything particularly active after the day we had.” “I would say a night like this is best for flying.” “I have to admit I don’t fly as much as I would like to. It wouldn’t surprise me if I’d completely forgotten how.” “Nonsense sister. We should go for a race through the night sky, that’ll remind you of your speed.” “It’s been a long time since we played like that. I think I’m beginning to feel old.” “Do you remember the trouble we would get up to when we were younger?” “Yes, it was most amusing.” “That reminds me of that adorable filly we caught sneaking into the castle gardens to play earlier. It looked like she thought I would banish her to the moon!” “I’m sure she didn’t ever think that. Our little ponies do all love you so much.” “It’s nice to not be seen as intimidatingly superior anymore.” “Yes, you should be proud of yourself for all you’ve achieved on that front.” “Actually I think Twilight did more than I, she really has become a most capable pony.” “Indeed. But if you would allow me to bring up the topic, I must say I was impressed with how many parasprites you were able to vanquish today.” “You mean that crisis in Hoofington? I’m not sure I ever want to think about those insatiable critters again.” “It’s been a busy day, I have to admit to being glad that it is over.” “On that topic, I did enjoy the sunset today.” “I like to put a bit of extra care in sometimes, so that it doesn’t always look the same.” “Of course! You should always take satisfaction in your work.” “A fine night too, if I may say so.” “Thank you, I’m glad you noticed.” “You’re looking particularly radiant tonight.” “And the same to you!” “Good night, sister.” --- And with that the two royal alicorn sisters departed the balcony, leaving it deserted until the following night rolled around and the ritual continued once more.