//------------------------------// // Pinke Pie eats Pinkie Pie eats Pinkie Pie eats Pinkie eats Pinkie Pie eats Pinkie Pie eats Pinkie Pie // Story: ...Pinkie eats Pinkie Pie Pinkie Pie eats Pinkie Pie eats Pinkie Pie eats… // by The Dark Ghost //------------------------------// Once upon a time in a land you may be familiar with, there was a mare named Pinkie Pie and she was just about the weirdest fucking pony ever. How did she get so weird you may ask? Well you know how mercury builds up in alpha predators? No? Well get educated. Lets say a fish eats little bit of mercury. No harm done to the fish, because its just a tiny bit of mercury. However, if another bigger fish comes along and eats that fish, now the second fish has the mercury of the first fish plus any other fish it happened to eat. Still not that much mercury, but more mercury then the first fish right? Now what if another fish eats that fish and another fish eats that fish and another fish eats that fish… well now you have a fish with ALL the mercury of the first fish. That fish has a ton of mercury and then, of course, you eat that fish. Well craziness (as well as Kuro) works the same way. If you eat a crazy pony then you yourself inherit their craziness. This is essentially how Pinkie Pie works. You still confused? Good. That means you are a rational human being who’s mind has not yet been melted by Television, mercury, Mercury (the planet ) or the government. To ease your confusion lets follow around Pinkie Pie to see what I mean. *** “…And that’s when I told the Narrator that he was kind of a creeper.” said Pinkie Pie to Twilight. “I see…” said Twilight taking a long sip of her coffee. “Well Pinkie this has been an…. enlightening experience, but I’m afraid I’ve got to get going now… I have some princess stuff to do. Don’t we Spike?” she said nudging Spike who was nodding off to sleep. Pinkie Pie had been talking for about an hour and although Twilight enjoyed her company. She really had enough of Pinkie for one day. “Uh-what? Yes! Of course she's got princess stuff, because she’s a princess!“ “Ahhh but I was just about to tell you about this one time when the Daleks invaded and then everything turned into silent hill and pyramid head showed up and Fluttershy almost ended up dating a Dalek, but then she lost his memories and the dalek regenerated into a weird guy with a police box. It was craaaaazy!” “Mhmmm, I’m sure it was Pinkie, now if you could just give me some quiet time it’d be great.” “Ok fine, its almost two in the morning anyway I have things to do, places to be.” said Pinkie Pie sliding right underneath the doorway and appearing in sugar cube corner. She walked downstairs checking in all directions to make sure no-pony had followed her. She looked left, right, rightish-left, upish-down, sperk and derk. To her satisfaction no-pony had followed her. Besides yourselves of course. She walked forward to where she would keep her torture devices used to butcher ponies… IF SHE HAD SOME! But that would be silly wouldn’t it? Pinkie Pie wasn’t the type of pony to kill other ponies. She was more of a self-hate kind of gal. Suicide was always the answer. Instead of the previously mentioned torture device, there was a giant model of Sugar Cube corner. Pinkie Pie walked over to it and looked around one more time to make sure nobody was watching. When she was satisfied no-pony was looking she took a deep breath and went down on her knees to pray. “Well here I go. Bless me Lord of Chaos Joshine. Allow me to devour myself so that I might live to become crazier. Amen.” She went over to the tiny version of Sugar Cube Corner and opened it up. On the inside there was a tiny version of the room she was in. Same dark walls. Same non-existent windows. Same everything. Including a very tiny version of Pinkie Pie who appeared to be chewing on something. She looked up and gulped down whatever it was she was eating. “Aww, darn.” She said giggling. “I guess its my turn. Well what are you waiting for? Eat me already.” The larger Pinkie Pie reached down and picked up the smaller Pinkie Pie by the tail. “First time I’ve been on the receiving end huh? Oh well it was worth it. Good luck. “Thanks!” And with that the bigger Pinkie Pie dropped the smaller Pinkie Pie onto her tongue. Now came the big decision to chew or not to chew? Chewing hurt more at first, but then you didn’t have to deal with the stomach acid later. “Any preference?” she asked the smaller Pinkie. “Hmmm, I’d say don’t chew. The crunching sound bothers me a little bit.” “Ok.” and with that Pinkie closed her mouth and forced the other Pinkie to the back of her throat her muscles contracted squeezing against the other Pinkie’s powerful leg muscles and back muscles. “Mmm, sugary.” Pinkie Pie said. Suddenly the roof to Sugar Cubed corner came unhinged and towering above her was a giant Pinkie Pie in a giant room just like the one that the normal sized Pinkie Pie was in. The Pinkie Pie we had been following so far felt her stomach drop… but that was just the other Pinkie burning in stomach acid. It actually sounded rather painful judging from the moans. “Well it looks like it’s my turn.” said our Pinkie Pie. “He-he-he" said the giant Pinkie in a thunderous voice. “I guess it is.” “Ok, but can you do me a favor and chew me? That last Pinkie sounds like she isn’t having a fun time in there.” she said listening to her stomach gurgle. “Oh ok, if you’re sure.” The Giant Pinkie replyed picking Pinkie Pie up by the ankle and plopping her into her mouth. She tasted her a little bit sloshing her tongue around as if to get a good feel for her. The smaller Pinkie Pie giggled every once in a while when she touched a sensitive spot. And then… *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* The sound of a Pinkie Pie being chewed alive took the room. So busy was this Pinkie Pie eating that last Pinkie that she failed to notice that another Pinkie Pie had picked her up by her tail. When she finally noticed she barely had time to request to be swallowed whole instead of chewed because it looked like it hurt. She felt herself get swallowed up desperately trying to finish eating the Pinkie Pie in her mouth. Almost before she was completely down the throat of the other Pinkie Pie before another Pinkie Pie began to chew on the Pinkie Pie that was currently swallowing her! “How rude!” *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* The sound of a Pinkie Pie being chewed alive took the room. So busy was this Pinkie Pie eating that last Pinkie that she failed to notice that another Pinkie Pie had picked her up by her flank. When she finally noticed she barely had time to request to be swallowed whole instead of chewed because it looked like it hurt. She felt herself get swallowed up desperately trying to finish eating the Pinkie Pie in her mouth. Almost before she was completely down the throat of the other Pinkie Pie before another Pinkie Pie began to chew on the Pinkie Pie that was currently swallowing her! “Remember not to chew with your mouth open! Oh who am I kidding?” *crunch *crunch* *crunch* The sound of a Pinkie Pie being chewed alive took the room. So busy was this Pinkie Pie eating that last Pinkie that she failed to notice that another Pinkie Pie had picked her up by her tail. When she finally noticed she barely had time to request to be swallowed whole instead of chewed because it looked like it hurt. She felt herself get swallowed up desperately trying to finish eating the Pinkie Pie in her mouth. Almost before she was completely down the throat of the other Pinkie Pie before another Pinkie Pie began to chew on the Pinkie Pie that was currently swallowing her! “How about we wait till the next pony eats the other?” *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* The sound of a Pinkie Pie being chewed alive took the room. So busy was this Pinkie Pie eating that last Pinkie that she failed to notice that another Pinkie Pie had picked her up by her tail. When she finally noticed she barely had time to request to be swallowed whole instead of chewed because it looked like it hurt. She felt herself get swallowed up desperately trying to finish eating the Pinkie Pie in her mouth. Almost before she was completely down the throat of the other Pinkie Pie before another Pinkie Pie began to chew on the Pinkie Pie that was currently swallowing her! “How silly!” *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* The sound of a Pinkie Pie being chewed alive took the room. So busy was this Pinkie Pie eating that last Pinkie that she failed to notice that another Pinkie Pie had picked her up by her tail. When she finally noticed she barely had time to request to be swallowed whole instead of chewed because it looked like it hurt. She felt herself get swallowed up desperately trying to finish eating the Pinkie Pie in her mouth. Almost before she was completely down the throat of the other Pinkie Pie before another Pinkie Pie began to chew on the Pinkie Pie that was currently swallowing her! “How rude!” *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* The sound of a Pinkie Pie being chewed alive took the room. So busy was this Pinkie Pie eating that last Pinkie that she failed to notice that another Pinkie Pie had picked her up by her flank. When she finally noticed she barely had time to request to be swallowed whole instead of chewed because it looked like it hurt. She felt herself get swallowed up desperately trying to finish eating the Pinkie Pie in her mouth. Almost before she was completely down the throat of the other Pinkie Pie before another Pinkie Pie began to chew on the Pinkie Pie that was currently swallowing her! “Hehehehe it tickles.” crunch crunch crunch The sound of a Pinkie Pie being chewed alive took the room. So busy was this Pinkie Pie eating that last Pinkie that she failed to notice that another Pinkie Pie had picked her up by her tail. When she finally noticed she barely had time to request to be swallowed whole instead of chewed because it looked like it hurt. She felt herself get swallowed up desperately trying to finish eating the Pinkie Pie in her mouth. Almost before she was completely down the throat of the other Pinkie Pie before another Pinkie Pie began to chew on the Pinkie Pie that was currently swallowing her! “How rude!” crunch crunch crunch The sound of a Pinkie Pie being chewed alive took the room. So busy was this Pinkie Pie eating that last Pinkie that she failed to notice that another Pinkie Pie had picked her up by her tail. When she finally noticed she barely had time to request to be swallowed whole instead of chewed because it looked like it hurt. She felt herself get swallowed up desperately trying to finish eating the Pinkie Pie in her mouth. Almost before she was completely down the throat of the other Pinkie Pie before another Pinkie Pie began to chew on the Pinkie Pie that was currently swallowing her! “How rude!” And so the patterned continued, as each Pinkie ate the next and the next indefinitely until the last Pinkie Pie... This Pinkie Pie finished chewing on Pinkie Pie and then waited. And waited and waited. “Oh sweet! Made it out alive again! must be my lucky prayers.” She said over joyed that no-pony ate her. She stuck a needle in her arm to test her crazy level. “Darn, still not as crazy as Discord. Oh well… I’ll get there eventually. I just got to keep building on my craziness. I refuse to be the second craziest pony in my group of friends. I’ll just come back tomorrow and do this some more. Speaking of friends I wonder what Fluttershy’s up to…” And with that Pinkie Pie skipped out of Sugar Cube Corner. And that my friends is how Pinkie Pie got at least some of her craziness… I think... I got to stop following ponies around...