//------------------------------// // Mountains and Monuments // Story: Here be too much Dragon. // by Golden Paw //------------------------------// Mountains and Monuments. Spike’s shoulders were two aching balls of pain: The effort of holding up the fallen tree for all that time had left his arms shivering from the exertion, but it had been worth it. Twilight and Night Dew were both safe, the same couldn’t be said of Warden however and Spikes heart hurt far more than his protesting muscles. Since their return to the Bloomberg Spike had been practically ignored, when it became clear that he wasn’t badly hurt in anyway. He didn’t begrudge being overlooked as this meant that the wounded got the attention they needed. Mercifully Twilight was only exhausted, merely bearing a couple of scrapes from the confrontation with the Flam brothers’ machines. Spike had left her sleeping peacefully in her own bed and was eternally grateful that no real harm had come to her. Night Dew had put on a brave show from what Spike heard, the doctors tending to her broken leg and injured wings had been treated to a barrage of jokes and jibes the whole time. No matter how often Spike saw the medical unicorns at work, it always amazed him how fast they achieved their results. He felt his core lurch as he recalled how Night Dew had called him “her hero”, as far as the dragon was concerned the real hero of the hour was lying stretched out before him: Warden lay sleeping on his front, his tattered wings folded by his sides, the rise and fall of his chest slow and trembling. To everyone’s dismay, all the pony’s efforts to treat Warden's injuries had met with meagre success; it seemed the same magical resistance that protected dragons from your normal arcane assault didn’t allow for assistive magic to work either. Not that Warden had been in the mood to be cared for; Spike had witnessed the determined staff turned away by the stubborn drake three times already. This left Spike slouched in the main cargo bay of the Bloomberg, keeping vigil over the resting Warden. Even as Spike watched the sleeping dragon stirred fitfully, grunting in pain before settling once more into his troubled slumber. Spike felt so helpless. He looked down at his clawed hands and tried to shake the feeling that he’d failed Warden in some way. Maybe if I'd gone to Twilight’s help first then Warden would be okay? It sounded stupid even as Spike thought it, Night Dew was alive because he’d dived in and caught the collapsing roof before it could crush her. Spike should feel proud of himself, but instead all he felt was guilt. Another surge of cramp ran its way along Spikes arms, as if punishing him for his seemingly wrong choice during the fight. He slowly massaged his twitching biceps with those same hands, working in an effort to ease the tension from his limbs as he strove to lift his spirits. Spike had overheard Steel Resolve talking with Applebloom not long after the Bloomberg was underway again; it seemed that both the shambolic unicorns responsible for this mess had managed to escape the destruction of their beloved war machines. Spike felt his own anger rise at the thought, all this fighting seemed to have achieved practically nothing. The cramp died back and Spike released his grip, letting his hands fall to his sides as Warden groaned again in his stupor. It seemed impossible to Spike that Warden could be hurt so badly, the older dragon had been immoveable since Spike had met him. Reliable, wise and teaching Spike so much in the relatively short time he’d been his mentor. Now that same dragon lay weak and trembling in the hold before him and Spike just couldn’t believe it. He stared off into the distance as he relived the night before: The heavy tree pressing down on his shoulders, the different coloured flames blazing all around their hollow in the ground and Warden curling protectively around Twilight. It should have caused Spike’s blood to boil to see Warden doing such, but Spike simply didn’t have effort to spare on what seemed a petty fear now. Night Dew was pressed against Spike’s chest, letting out tiny coughs as Twilight’s magic dimmed and finally winked out, allowing the heat and fumes back in. The tree above them was ablaze with green fire which tested even Spike’s tough hide, but he also heard the hissing sounds of rain falling outside, the haze of weariness threatening to overpower him. Spike thought he caught glimpses of ponies flying above and kept telling himself to hold on just a little longer..... The tears began to trickle down Spike’s cheeks as he came back to the here and now: What was done was done and it could have been far worse, Spike tried to assure himself. Even as the worries and cares loomed large, Spike’s train of thought was interrupted by a familiar voice from behind: “Howdy big guy, how’s Warden doin?” The sympathetic tones of Applebloom caused Spike to hurriedly wiped the liquid from his eyes as he tried to look brave. “He’s sleeping,” Spike managed over a sniffle that broke through his attempt at calm. He felt the gentle form of Applebloom press herself up against his side and looked down to see the pony watching him with concern, “Now, now year big lummox . I know someone hurtin when I see em. Don’t bottle it now up yer hear?” Spike looked down into Applebloom’s kind eyes and felt the dam he’d been trying to maintain crack and and crumble. He let out a huge sob that shook the walls, “It was so scary Applebloom, I thought I was going to lose them all.” The tears flowed freely now as Spike let all the strain from the last few days begin to drain out of him, “I know it sounds stupid but I should have been the one saving Twilight!” Applebloom produced a small oil rag and offered it to Spike who took the tiny square of stained cloth before blowing into it noisily. Applebloom smiled before rolling her eyes, “What kinda crazy thinking is that big guy? You saved both Night Dew and Twilight last night.” Spike shook his head, not knowing how to express the feelings in his heart, “I wanted to hold Twilight and stop anything bad from happening to her A.B, but I couldn’t because....” Applebloom gently tapped the shaking dragon with a tender hoof as she spoke in an understanding tone, “Aww still wantin ter be the hero in a story book huh?” Applebloom smiled up at Spike before punching him in the arm. He barely felt the blow, but it was enough to shock Spike into starring at the small pony next to him, “Hey, what was that for?” Applebloom grinned back up at him, “Yer were doin what yer needed ter do Spike: Being a hero means making hard choices and you chose ter do what yer had to rather than what you wanted.” Her face became serious, “We have three friends back and not just Twilight because of you Spike. That makes yer a hero in my book.” They both sat there for a while watching the sleeping Warden, lost in their own thoughts until Spike coughed, “He’s going to be okay right?” Applebloom didn’t answer for a while, “Well, I could 'sugarcoat' it for yer Spike, but I recon yer want the truth.” She scrunched up her nose and took a deep breath, “I honestly don’t know, he’s roughed up pretty bad and there ain’t much pony medicine can do for him.” Spike winced as Applebloom explained further, “I ain’t no dragon expert Spike, maybe Twi could put summit together ter help him, but she’s plain exhausted too.” The somber silence returned, the only sounds being made were the hum from Bloomberg’s engines and the occasional grunt from the fitfully sleeping Warden. Applebloom squeezed Spike again, “Warden’s a tough’un big guy, don’t you worry; he’ll be up and bossin yer about as before the week’s end yer hear.” Spike nodded gratefully before there was a quiet knock from behind. Spike swung his head around, seeing to his surprise Tender Hoof standing at the entrance to the dragon quarters, his pet timber wolf cub pulling determinedly at the collar it now wore. The pony shuffled uncomfortably as the pair regarded him with questioning stares. Tender smiled nervously, “Sorry to interrupt Spike, but I was hoping I could speak with Warden........” Tender Hoof saw Applebloom glaring at him and his muzzle scrunched up in dismay, “Oh hi A.B I er..... Applebloom cocked a disapproving eyebrow at her nephew, “Oh it’s you. What yer doin comin down here ter bother Warden for? Don’t yer know he’s hurt and don’t need the likes of you causin even more trouble?” Spike glanced back and forth between the two ponies with a worried expression; not sure what to make of this sudden change in Applebloom’s demeanour as Tender shrank guiltily back from his aunt. “Sorry, it’s just that the crew said that......” Tender’s explanation trailed off as Applebloom continued to glare at him. “Don’t yer think yer’ve caused enough trouble Tender, you and that little pest?” She spared a look of contempt for the small timber wolf who was now eyeing an exposed power cable hungrily. Spike watched in fascination as the small cub leaned in and sniffed at the cable, opened its mouth before shrinking back with a perplexed look at Tender. The colt was still suffering under the full tirade of Applebloom’s anger and even as the dragon watched Scratches sidled up the angry mare and began licking her hoof. “And another thing, did yer even ask fer permission from Flut....?” It was Applebloom’s turn to trial of as she finally noticed what Scratches was doing. Her eyes slowly drifted downwards to meet the wide puppy stare of the timber wolf, “Hey! Get off me yer varmint!” Spike couldn’t help but chuckle as Applebloom danced back from the cub who simply followed her and began rubbing up against her leg ignoring her continued to protests, “Tender you call off your pet right now yer hear!” A quick look at Tender showed Spike that he was now smiling too, “It’s okay A.B, Scratches is just trying to say he’s sorry. I explained to him about not chewing on the Bloomberg and Scratches just wants to make up for causing so much trouble.” Applebloom’s face remained stony as she gave up trying to escape the wolf’s attentions, “Well that don’t make up fer all the damage he caused: There are still systems that ain’t working right even now.” Spike felt a smile returning to his face as he finally saw Applebloom’s manner began to thaw. She looked down at Scratches who had given up rubbing up against her leg and was now crouched and watched Applebloom’s swaying tail with a predatory stare. With a small grin she flicked her tail up and to everyone’s delight Scratches leaped after it, releasing a playful ‘yip’ as he missed his target and landed back on the floor with a clatter. Spike laughed out loud as the tension in the room began to melt away. Applebloom caught Spike watching her and her face became serious again as she marched back up to Tender, “This don’t change the fact that yer still in deep trouble mister.” Tender nodded submissively and tapped Scratches on the head. The cub, still excited playfully nibbled his hoof before its expression changed to fear as he stared past the three on lookers and ducked behind Tender’s legs. “Even after all that has happened in the last few days you still manage to find the time for a ‘Tender’ moment I see, you ponies really are a soppy bunch you know that?” Both ponies and Spike followed Scratches’ gaze to Warden who was smiling, his head still laid on the ground but with one eye watching the exchange before him. “Warden, you’re awake!” Spike shouted. “Of course I am hatchling, it takes more than a poorly built flying machine crashing into me to put the best hunter from Ash Mountain out of commission,” Warden winced as he attempted to chuckle and his face creased with pain, “But I will admit it hurts like Tartarus.” Before the older dragon could do anything to stop them Spike and Applebloom had rushed forward and hugged him tightly as Scratches bounced and yelped excitedly in circles around Tender hoof. Warden let out another groan before smiling weakly, “Okay, okay, no coddling, I’m still a dangerous dragon who could defeat you both with one claw tied behind my back.” Even if the words were scolding, Warden's tone was playful. Spike coughed as both he and Applebloom quickly released Warden from their embrace. The injured dragon still looked terrible but there was a new defiance in his expression, “I hear the Flam brothers escaped then?” Spike nodded sadly and Warden snorted a small cloud of smoke as he slowly lifted his head off the ground, “Well they won’t be causing any more trouble for the time being and we have spent enough time bringing them to heel already.” Warden faced the onlookers directly and Spike felt his chest tighten, Warden’s normally noble features were marred by a deep gash that ran down the right side of his face and across the now milky white eye, “Time waits for no one; where is Princess Twilight, I trust she is safe?” The jovial tones had gone from the dragon’s voice. His audience simply stared back and Warden grunted in annoyance, “I have many scars, this one is a bit more prominent I’ll grant you but that doesn’t change the fact that we have important things to accomplish.” “Well she's a bit roughed up and totally exhausted; but thanks ter you two she should be fine,” Applebloom responded. Warden nodded before heaving himself to his feet nad Spike noticed that Warden was still keeping the weight off his right fore claw while keeping his wings tightly furled, “If we’re back on course then we should be approaching the Equestrian boarder soon.” Still grunting with effort, Warden pushed himself upright, trembling only slightly, “One does not simply fly into dragon lands and expect not to be challenged. I will be needed.” “Are you sure you can...” Spike began before the one-eyed glare from Warden silenced him in short order. Warden practically snarled his reply, “Ask me that again hatchling and I’ll show you that I’m still perfectly capable of putting you back in your place.” Spike felt hurt by Warden’s sharp reply, but bowed in concession nevertheless, “Of course Warden, sorry.” The older dragon’s face softened, “No it is I who should be sorry Spike, it’s the pain talking.” Warden bowed in return, “I am touched by your concern for my well being.” A timid cough drew the two dragon’s attention back to other matters. Warden regarded Tender Hoof who was watching the exchange in awe, “Yes?” Tender shuffled his hooves before replying, “I guess this means I won’t get a chance to talk with you after all? I was dearly hoping to find out more about real dragons you see....” It was Spike’s turn to become angry, “Hey!” Warden cocked a scarred eyebrow, “I can assure you Tender Hoof that Spike is a real dragon, why have you not asked him?” Tender coughed again before correcting himself, “I mean... er foreign dragons, find out more about foreign dragons and their culture.” Spike growled, but Warden waved a placating claw, “Don’t worry Tender, when we cross the boarder there will plenty of chances for you to meet foreign dragons.” The landscape of Equestria fell away as the Bloomberg sailed over the mountain range, marking the crossing into dragons lands. As the ship headed further southeast, the terrain opened up into a flat expanse dotted with clumps of shrubs along with patches of pale grass. Further afield were rocky outcrops, which rose from the rugged plain hemmed in by the ranging mountains on the south and west and finally the sea stretching away to the east. Some of the larger outcrops could be called mountains themselves, many of which smoldered at their peak: In fact the whole land had thin haze of dust and the heavy smell of soot permeated the air around them. It was a seemingly desolate place, yet there were also signs of life here. It was a far cry from the lush lands that Twilight called home, they held a beauty of their own. Even as she watched the ground below, Twilight caught sight of a flock of ashen coloured birds taking flight. They rose up as cloud and swirled around the Bloomberg before retreating into the distance. “Well if there was any chance that we were unnoticed in our crossing then that will change soon,” Warden commented as the flock headed off with all speed to a distant mountain that loomed ahead. Twilight glanced at Warden curiously, “What do you mean?” Warden seemed larger than before, but Twilight dismissed that as a trick of their surroundings. The bridge of the Bloomberg wasn’t designed with creatures of his stature in mind and so Warden looked 'larger than life' as he stooped to fit in. He leaned heavily on a guide rail just off to the left of the helmsmen seat and watched the departing flock of birds, “Everything that lives here soon learns to be useful to the dragons, that way they are protected and less likely to be hunted Miss Sparkle.” The birds became a distant cloud as Warden explained further, "Those birds will be spreading the news of our arrival to all the major flights and we can expect some sort of 'welcoming' party soon." The feeling on the bridge slowly shifted as these words sank in; they were heading into a new realm where the rules of life were very different from back home. It was subtle, but Twilight recognised it in the way the ponies manning their stations gripped their controls slightly tighter. “Which flights will respond first do you think?” Twilight asked levelly, her eyes watching the horizon for any sign of the predicted dragons. Warden smiled grimly, “Well that’s a good question Princess; this far from the centre of dragon lands live the less powerful flights along with those dragons who are disgraced, rouge or even outcast.” Warden cautioned before Twilight’s muzzle scrunched in disapproval, “We have no jails or prisons Twilight, if a dragon does not abide by the laws of his or her flight they are banished to these 'out lands'.” Twilight felt the tension in the room rise once again, “So we shouldn’t expect a warm welcome then?” Warden shook his head in agreement, “There are always minor skirmishes occurring in the out lands, I wouldn’t be surprised if we see some conflict before we are through today.” As if to prove his point, Twilight caught sight of a flash of flame coming from the nearest peak. She saw two dragons, not much bigger than Warden if she was any guess, circling while emitting gouts of blue and red flame at each other. The struggle played out before the crew of the Bloomberg as the two combatants drew in close and raked at each other with tooth and claw. Twilight was grateful for the distance which left most of the details hidden by perspective. The fighting pair dropped down behind the peak and Twilight felt her stomach knot in disgust, “Don’t the older flights do anything to stop this?” Warden chuckled and peered at Twilight with his one good eye, “It’s the way things are done here Princess.” His tone was condescending and Twilight didn’t like the implications it bore, “When young dragons are out to prove themselves they are full of fire and ambition, some even choose to come here to the out lands. They see it as a way of learning to stand on their own claws." His face darkened, "Or die trying." The look of dismay was plain on Twilight's face as Warden continued, “To be cast adrift in this hostile land is punishment enough for many, to have to fend for yourself and learn lessons on your own.” Warden sighed as an expression, that might just have been regret crossed his snout, “You learn what’s really important.” Twilight frowned as the pair of duelling drakes emerged once more from behind the peak: One of them was obviously fleeing the other who harried the loser with further bursts of blue flame, before swinging around back to claim his prize of the high ground. The winner perched on the summit of the rocky outcrop and bellowed its victory to the skies above. Twilight couldn’t help but feel the whole event was futile: As she looked around she saw the hundreds of similar stone rises scattered about the plains, all tiny compared the huge ranges off in the distance and vaguely the same size as each other. The whole idea of fighting for chunks of rock seemed pointless. She looked to Warden and saw him in a new light, how could someone with such a violent background behave like him? How could he be proud of such chaos and disorder that was being enacted in his own lands? Warden seemed to feel her scrutiny and smiled sadly, “I think I can guess what you’re thinking your highness, but you must understand: We are not ponies; we’re dragons and your ways seem just as strange to us.” His face softened, "As I said these are the outcasts and criminals of the dragon lands for the most part. I wouldn't judge us by just their example." Twilight felt a blush forming on her muzzle; it was unfair of her to judge another race’s ideals and culture on their worst examples. If Equestria was to be seen in the light of Bright Spark or the Flim Flam brothers what would dragons think of ponies? Warden smiled again, "Older dragons seek to better themselves Princess, as we get a bit older and dare I say wiser then we begin to channel our aggressive nature into more worthy pursuits.” Warden pointed at some of the larger pinnacles of rock and for a moment Twilight didn’t understand what he was getting at. They were just rocky crags, like those closer at hoof and.... then she saw it. What she had first taken to be just the natural rough nature of the stone slowly became images. The rock itself didn’t move or change, but now she knew what to look for Twilight saw massive images; murals and art works all carved out the naked rock. They were so huge that Twilight now understood how she had completely missed them at first. They were depictions of dragons, jewels and other scenes which covered the side of the distant peaks and Twilight’s breath caught in her throat. They were astounding in their complexity. Warden beamed as the light of understanding shone in Twilight’s eyes and she whispered in wonder, “Those must have taken years to create.” Casting her gaze closer to the Bloomberg Twilight saw there were more humble examples of imagery in the surrounding summits; far less defined works that were like a foals crayon drawings compared to masterpieces displayed further afield. These were also marred and damaged, many half finished or almost removed entirely. “We are workers of stone Miss Sparkle, fire, gems and rocks are our playthings,” Warden’s schooling manner returned as he followed Twilight’s enraptured gaze, “The younger dragons fight over these peaks so that they may have somewhere to perfect their art in celebration of Whisper and all she gave us,” He waved a claw to indicat the distant mountains, "The great depictions have stood for well over a thousand years, being maintained by the most powerful flights." Twilight saw that Warden almost glowed with pride, “What better way to remember her than to use the gifts she gave us?” The bridge had gone quiet as Warden spoke and Twilight felt small tears form in the corners of her eyes. Just when she thought had a handle on dragons Twilight would witness some new insight into their nature. Yes they were powerful, dangerous and violent creatures that hunted smaller creatures, but they also created works of art written on the mountains themselves in honour of noble origins and ideals. Suddenly Twilight keenly felt the absence of Spike, who’s larger frame meant he was unable to fit onto the bridge of the Bloomberg and made a mental note to make sure Spike saw these things for himself as soon as possible. It was then the thought stuck her; surely somepony would have known about these wonders? It was hard to miss these massive carvings brazenly adorning the mountain sides. Why hadn’t she ever heard of them before? As Twilight pondered this question she noticed that the bridge wasn't just quiet, it was completely still. “Warden....?” Twilight began before she felt it; Warden was challenging magic, dragon magic and as she looked to him in confusion. The crew all around seemed oddly ‘distant’, as if they were seen through a haze. She felt the spell cast by Warden begin to dissipate and to Twilight’s dismay the images upon the mountain slowly back faded into plain rock once again even as the rest of the bridge came back into focus. “Remember that I told you we are very protective of our history Princess? This is another example of that.” Warden waved a claw at the now plain mountains surrounding them. Warden looked hungrily at Twilight as the sounds of the Bloomberg emerged from the magical haze, “You have been true to your promise and told no others of what I have taught Spike and therefore I felt the time was right to show you a little more of who we are." Twilight paused as she digested all this new information and Warden concluded his lesson with a question, "I trust you will respect our need for privacy?” Twilight felt her heart tremble as the magnitude of what Warden had done for her sunk in and she could only whisper quietly in reply, “Thank you Warden, I well....” Twilight nodded in acceptance even as she placed a hoof on her chest and tried to catch the breath stolen from her by the wonder she had just been privy to. “Does Spike know about this?” Twilight asked cautiously. Warden looked embarressed for a moment, “I'll tell him when he’s a ready and bit older Miss Sparkle.” Twilight’s heart did a little flip, despite his assurances that he had no desires to woo her, Twilight couldn't see how this act fell under Warden’s remit as Spikes tutor. He was showing her and not Spike these treasures. It was exciting and she couldn’t help but be moved. Then there had been the battle with the Flam brothers: Warden had thrown himself into mortal danger to save her, and gotten gravely injured in the process. Warden wasn’t acting like a mere friend and Twilight didn’t know how to deal with such attentions. Both pony and dragon had made it clear there was never going to be anything more between them than friendship, but Warden’s actions spoke of a deeper longing that troubled and yet flattered Twilight in equal measure. She would have smiled, feeling she had some idea of how Rarity had felt during all those years; having an ever eager Spike always seeking her attentions. “Warden I...” Twilight began but Warden shook his head reservedly. “Just accept it as a gift from a dragon who thinks very highly of you Princess,” Warden smiled sadly before the urgent tones of Beliro caught Twilight’s full attention: “Princesse, we have two dragons closing on us, what are you orders?” Twilight snapped back to the here and now and saw that the griffon was correct. Warden smiled in a predatory fashion, “Ah it seems our first challengers have arrived.” He winked to Twilight who felt her heart tremble. She wasn’t sure if it was out of fear or confusion. Pushing these concerns aside Twilight straightened up and struck an imposing figure with her wings outstretched, “Mr Belrio, signal Chief Engineer Applebloom; tell her we will be needing our shields up shortly and so warm up the power crystals.”