The Equestrian Asylum: Pinkness mixed with blood

by steeperswine

I Want To Go Home

I quickly run out of the cupboard with Pinkamena's knife following. How did she catch up? Nopony can run that fast! I run through the hallway and trip causing my hoof to land on a nail. I scream in agony. I look up and looming is Pinkamena. She picks me up and puts her knife against my throat, kicking her, I land on my bad hoof. I try to scram away by doing my best three legged race!

I find a spiral staircase and run up it. On my way I look down to where she is. She's just walking! Probably wants to see me suffer. I head towards the exit but stop. I turn around and look over the edge. Should I do it? No never give up! I turn around and head out.

I gallop through the hallways and look at my left. I see a sign written in blood saying DOWN THE DRAIN with an arrow pointing to a drain and in a corner I see a corpse with his neck cut and the drain sealed in. "NOPE NOT GONNA HAPPEN!" I think out loud whilst looking at the drain, shuddering.

I continue to run down the corridor and see a window. Here's my chance! I run and jump out of the window breaking the glass and landing in a outdoor lake below.

I surface and float to the edge. I look at my sore hoof, it is covered in blood and has a rusty nail stuck inside. I bite the end of the nail, trying not to cry as I pull it out! The nail breaks in half! I yell in pain with one half out and the other in my hoof. Damn now I need something to get the nail out!

I lie down crying and notice the sky. I see Luna's stars. This is probably the best thing I've seen here.

Why? Why is this happening to me! I stand up and yell out "WHAT DID I DO TO DESERVE THIS! I just want to go home." I fall down with the pain in my hooves and start drowning in my own tears. Maybe I should just die, It's better than nothing.

I get up but am knocked down again by pain. This time I get up with my bad hoof in the air. But it is no use, I am completely exhausted. I lie back down and cry more. Blood is spreading across the grass. I am losing too much.

I look to my left and see a white bunny. It comes towards me shivering. I lift my hoof and pat it. Blood drips off my hoof and onto the bunny's head. It lifts its paws and wipes off the blood but it just spread it. I smile and it smiles back. That's when I realise.

"No, Never give up. I love this world and the world loves me! I love my family and nothing is going to stop me!"

I start dragging myself across the stone path, this place would have been a romantic area. But the blood and souls destroy this land. I continue to drag myself and ahead I see two ponies, I look closer and think "Wait, is that-" But my brain starts to shut down by the loss of blood, as I shut my eyes the two ponies start to move closer and closer.

Here I am at the Grand Galloping Gala the one place I want to be. It's where I met my husband after all.

I watched him all the time. The way he does things is...magical. On that night he saw me and said "Are you taken for the next dance?" I blushed and responded "No."

We get up and danced. It's the most fun we ever had! "So whats your name?" he asked.

"Sun Light, and you are?" I responded

"Greyland...My, I love what you've done to your hair. It's just as light as Celestia's sun."

"Why thank you." I replied blushing.

That was the first time I met him. It was the best time of my life.

One day we went to the beach, that's when I decided to say yes.

"See over there Sun Light?" he says pointing at the sunset.

"Yes" I answered "Why?"

"Well this sunset is going to remind us about our love, let this be the beginning!" he says with a smile.

When night fell he said to me "See all of Luna's stars? These stars represent how much I love you! How much I care about you and want us to have true happiness!"

I look at the stars, My they were beautiful. When I looked back down I saw him with a ring.

"Sun Light." he says smiling, "Will you let us be together? Let us have true happiness?"

"I put my hoof on the ring and say "True happiness...With you!"

That was one of the best times of my life, but there is more.

"Push Mrs Light!" says the doctor concentrating.

I gave a big scream and relief covered my body "Congrats Mrs Light, you have twins!"

I look up and see two happy lives "What are you going to name them?" asked Greyland.

"The boy is Lightness and the girl, Rose." I said happily.

"Ah a fine choice Mrs Light, A fine choice."

As I looked at my angels I began to feel true happiness, but it looks like it's melting away,

I looked around in shock and my children begin to melt. I screamed in horror.

"Darling, whats wrong?" asked Greyland.

When I looked at him to respond he too began to melt away. Everything in this room began to melt. Melt into blood, melt into hatred, What I've been through was hell. Being baked alive was no joke. My life is a lie itself, this is a lie.

I wake up in a bed with two mares around me. "Where am I?" I ask.

"In the mare's ward."