//------------------------------// // Twilight Sparkle and Princess Celestia // Story: The Disturbing Dreams of Twilight Sparkle // by pjabrony //------------------------------// When all of the girls had gathered back at Sugar Cube Corner, they huddled together to discuss what to do about Twilight. She had not allowed any of the ponies to help her and would only talk to Spike or Pinkie Pie. She sat at a bench, staring into space and looking both nervous and exhausted. The others sat at the main counter. "Should one of us go and find the doctor?" asked Applejack. "Can the doctor really do anything that we can't? He could give her a sleeping medication, but getting to sleep isn't her problem, it's staying asleep. For that matter, even if she does sleep through the night, is it worth it if she's just going to be made miserable by her dreams?" said Rainbow Dash. Pinkie Pie said, "What if we went to Zecora's to see if she has anything to fix this?" Rarity put her hoof on the counter. "Twilight's dreams seem to be more that just ordinary bad dreams. There's a rather. . . evil tinge to them. I think we should write Princess Celestia and let her know." "I. . . I think that Rarity is right. Normally I don't advocate bothering the princess, but the way she's acting. . . " Fluttershy trailed off. Pinkie Pie had reached her first, and they agreed that she should go straight to Sugar Cube Corner while Pinkie continued to gather the others, since Fluttershy was such an able caregiver. But when she had arrived, Twilight reared and would not allow Fluttershy to come near her. The five ponies agreed that they would send a letter to Celestia, and that if they did not get a response quickly would go to Zecora. "Why don't you dictate, Rarity? You've got the best prose among us." said Applejack. "All right," said Rarity. "Spike, could you take this down please? 'Dear Princess Celestia, we apologize for disturbing you at such a late hour, but our dear friend Twilight Sparkle is badly in need of aid. She has been beset upon by terrible dreams the past several nights and refuses to sleep. We are all quite worried for her welfare and we know that you will be as well. Please advise us as best you can how to take care of her. Your faithful subjects.' Does anyone have anything else they would like to add?" "I think we should tell her about the dreams a little, that they're about us turning on her," said Fluttershy. "All right," Rarity replied. "Spike, could you amend it to read, 'terrible dreams in which we, her friends, berate and insult her. These dreams have been recurring for the past several nights, and at this point she refuses to try to go to sleep.'" "Should I restart the letter to make it look nicer?" "Actually, I have a spell for this." She pointed her horn at the parchment and the words moved, leaving enough space for Spike to include the addition. When that was done all six of them passed around the quill pen and signed their names to the letter. Spike then wrapped it up with a ribbon and breathed flame on it until it vanished. "And now we wait," said Rainbow Dash. For fifteen minutes or so they sat or paced the room. Pinkie Pie put out a tray of pastries, but nopony had much of an appetite. Spike felt the telltale belly-rumble that signaled a letter coming in. With as much decorum as he could muster, he spat out a flame that coalesced into a slightly charred letter. He opened the scroll. "My dearest friends, your news disturbs us greatly here in Canterlot. As it happens, one of the royal guards is in Ponyville on an assignment. He was to set out for home tomorrow morning, but we feel that time is of the essence. Please find him and direct him to return at once on his chariot, and that he is to carry Twilight Sparkle with him, showing her the greatest of care as she is an important friend of the royal court. You will find him at the Ponyville Inn, and you may show him this letter as token of our request. Once Twilight Sparkle is here, we will provide the best treatment we can, and will keep you informed of her progress. You did right to let us know as soon as possible. Thank you for your compassion. Sincerely yours, Princess Celestia, Canterlot." "Well, the princess certainly doesn't mess around," said Pinkie Pie. "Rainbow, why don't you take the letter over to the inn and bring the guard back here." "I'm on it!" she replied, taking the letter in her mouth and speeding out the door. Rainbow Dash was back in less than five minutes, having sped her way there and back, and said that the guard she had met would be along shortly. “He’s got to get the chariot ready, and I told him that in her state, Twilight’s likely to fall off if he doesn’t strap her down. Guys, what are we going to do if something’s really wrong with her?” Nopony had an answer for that, and the five of them, plus Spike, continued to brood while Twilight rocked back and forth muttering to herself, “Gotta stay awake, gotta stay awake.” When the guard stepped in, all of Twilight’s friends stood up to greet him. Rarity said, “We’re so sorry to put you out like this.” “Don’t sweat it, miss. Night job like this, plus an extra shift means I’m getting paid double time.” Rainbow Dash said, “So the pay is good?” “Not now, Dash!” said Applejack, then she went over to Twilight. “Sugar cube, you ready to go with this feller to Canterlot?” “Canterlot?! Why do I have to go there? To see my parents? I’ll have you know I write them every week!” “I’m sure you do, but you’re going to see Princess Celestia.” “The princess?! If you treated me that way, she might kill me! Or send me back to magic kindergarten! Or kill me and then send me back to magic kindergarten in the afterlife she killed me to!” Fluttershy came over. “No, Twilight. The princess is going to help you. We all want to.” She reached out a hoof, but Twilight jumped over the table and started to back off. She was still groggy, and collided with Rarity. “Twilight, believe me, unicorn to unicorn, going to Canterlot will be the best thing for you. Please, go on the chariot.” “You said please.” “Well, of course. It’s only polite, you know.” “Not, ‘you have to’ or ‘you must, you simply must’?” Rarity had indeed thought of saying something like that, but realized that that would only make Twilight more resistive. “No, dear. It’s your choice, but please go.” “OK.” Twilight staggered to the chariot and got on. The guard followed and strapped himself into the front. He faced the worried friends. “Don’t worry, I’ll take good care of her. Miss. . . Twilight, was it? I promise you the smoothest ride a pony’s ever had to Canterlot. You can even put your head down and go to sleep if you like.” “HA! I don’t think so!” she said. The guard shrugged his shoulders, and he lifted off into the night. *************************************************** When she reached Canterlot Castle, Celestia had come down to the front gates to see Twilight as soon as possible. As she disembarked the princess held out her wings for an embrace, but Twilight just trotted as if she were drunk toward her. “Twilight, I’m glad you’ve come. It’s very important to try to get some sleep so we can figure out why you’re being afflicted, and we also need you more coherent so you can help us understand.” “Oh, I’m coherent. I’m perfectly rational,” she said, but her slurred words belied what she said. “It’s simple logic. Sleeping puts me into the world of dreams. The world of dreams hurts me. If you get burnt by a fire four times the rational thing to do is not go back a fifth.” “Are you never going to sleep again?” “When I’m so tired that I have no energy I’ll pass out, and then I’ll be too weak to dream. Besides, staying up for a week or more will give me so much more time to study. I should have thought of it years ago!” “Twilight, you’re grasping at straws and not making any sense. And you can’t stay up all night.” “Oh, is there something wrong with that?” A dark and melodic voice came from the gateway. Princess Luna was standing there with her mane blowing gently in the night breeze. “Dear sister,” said Celestia, “I didn’t know you were listening.” “We too are concerned about your young student,” said Luna, who still used the royal plural. “And if she does not wish to retire at this time, We would welcome the company as we kept watch over the moon tonight.” “See, Princess,” said Twilight. “Somepony understands me!” “Will you accompany Us to Our chamber where we can sit and chat, or have tea, or if you like We will favor you with a tale of olden days.” “Sure thing, Princess Luna! Up all night, that’s the way to go!” Many years of sisterhood had taught the princesses how to speak to each other in low whispers without being overheard even by another pony right next to them, while still being understood by the other. As Luna and her sister walked with Twilight she said, “You’re really going to try to convince her to sleep, right?” “Certainly not, Celestia. We are not a liar. If she wants to stay up, We will not argue. You must learn the art of the soft sell.” Then out loud she said, “You should get some sleep yourself, sister. Twilight Sparkle may wish to spend tomorrow’s day with you and you should be rested for it.” Twilight was gleeful at being indulged at the expense of her authority figure. Celestia simply bowed her head in departure and left the hall. Luna and Twilight continued on to the bedroom.