Shards of Nightmare

by Stonedpony

The Enemies of Old

The Enemies of Old

  The morning light lazily shined through the Golden Oak Library's windows as Twilight Sparkle went about her duties as it's librarian. She hummed happily as she organized the dozens of bookshelves that lined the main room. She paused when she came across the recently returned scooter and skateboard stunt book, it reminded her of recent events. Scootaloo was no longer depressed thankfully, but like her friends the young pegasus still hadn't gotten the hint that their elders were all but pounding into their heads. The three fillies were still trying nearly everything to get their cutie marks, and sometimes even Spike was getting caught up in their crazy ideas. Such was the life of the Cutie Mark Crusaders of Ponyville. Right now however the little dragon had his nose stuck in a cook book Pinkie Pie had bought for him the other day. He sat on the top step of stairway leading up to the observatory area. Twilight didn’t mind doing the work alone for a change, there wasn’t anything particularly pressing at the moment.
  The librarian's horn glowed as she continued her work levitating books to their proper places. Her coat would shimmer even now and then as magic built up inside of her and needed to escape. She was happy on this peaceful morning, birds were chirping outside and everything was going so well.
  Twilight's ear twitched as she heard the front door open, she leaned around a bookcase to see who it was. Immediately she recognized the blue unicorn, "Hello there!" the lavender mare greeted the knight as he walked inside.
  Winchester smiled brightly as he greeted her in return. “Why hello, dear keeper of the written word.”
  Twilight giggled and rolled her eyes as she trotted over to the checkout counter near the entrance. Behind the counter was a small, neatly maintained space that housed the library's records, all of which were perfectly categorized on a shelf beside the lavender mare. “How may I be of assistance to you Sir Knight of the holy light and peaceful night?”
  “You're getting better.” Winchester commented, the two ponies chuckled a little at the exchange.
  "So, what's up?" Twilight asked with more than a hint of curiosity, as she leaned on the wooden counter ever so slightly.
  “I just need to turn in these books.” Winchester said pointing a hoof at his saddle bags, which were crammed to the brim in literature.
  “Okay.” Twilight said smiling warmly, and brought out the checkout log. As she went about checking in the dozen or so books Winchester brought she asked, “So where are you going this time?” Twilight knew that he only did this when he was going out of town.
  “I'm heading up to Canterlot.” Winchester replied. “Finished my latest novel.”
  Twilight's eyes lit up. “Really? That’s good!”
  “Yep.” Winchester confirmed with a grin, his horn glowed as he levitated a large stack of paper out of his saddle bag onto the counter. It was held together with large metal rings. On the first page, the title 'Artex and the Princesses of Harmony' was written in big decorative letters.
  “Hmmm...I wonder where you got the idea for this?...” Twilight said with a grin of her own she eagerly look through the pages, barely hiding what she was implying.
  “You’d be surprised.” The unicorn stallion replied, smiling equally as wide. “I actually started writing about the Princesses of Harmony before I met you and your friends.” He repressed a laugh, before he added. “Although I did have to rewrite about half the book after I did.”
  “Suuure you did.” Twilight said with a bit of sarcasm as she finished her work with the borrowed books, and the blue unicorn took back the stack of papers. “But I am glad that you finished it. I know you worked really hard on it.” She giggled again. “Guess you won't be making any more early morning stops by the library huh?”
  “That’s what you think.” Winchester said with a wily smirk. “I never stop writing.” He paused, and looked at a small pendulum clock on the countertop. Winchester frowned, reminded of his tight schedule. “Dang it. I would love to stay and chat, but I have to get home and finish packing before the train gets here. Later Twilight.”
  “Bye Winchester.” Twilight said as the stallion trotted out the door. The astute lavender mare smiled as she shut the door and went back to work. Spike hadn’t moved other than to turn the pages of the cook book, being far too preoccupied by the recipes he thought of creating, most of which involved gemstones. As Twilight got back to work she noticed a strange, almost worrisome scratching sound. “What is that?...”
  The librarian listened more closely, and could have sworn she heard yelling outside. Before she could investigate further, several of the library's windows shattered, forcing her to shield her face from a shower of broken glass. About a dozen bat-like creatures screeched as they swooped into the room, Twilight gasped as she evaded one of the black and red apparitions. Up close she got to see the flying monsters, their round bodies were dominated by a large mouth with large dripping fangs. even more terrifying was that a second smaller mouth sprang from their maws as they attempted to bite Twilight, barely missing as she dove out of the way.
  The flying beast swarmed around the room, Spike jumped down to the lower floor with the book over his head, as he yelled aloud in panic. “What's going on?!” all the while more of the apparitions poured in through the broken windows. Twilight’s heart pounded in her ears as she rushed to protect the baby dragon, jumping over and ducking under the swooping beasts as she made her way to Spike. Owlicious flew in from another room, hooting as he came to the aid of his owner. His beak and talons left little more than scratches on the apparition, they just seemed to ignore the owl.
  Fear gripped Twilight's mind as she did her best to keep herself and Spike out of the beasts' multiple sets of jaws. Unexpectedly, several bangs rang throughout the room and some of the beasts were hit with blue bolts of energy, the apparitions popped like balloons and became black red puffs of smoke. “TWILIGHT OVER HERE!” The lavender mare heard a booming voice order from behind her. Twilight looked to see Winchester standing boldly in the library's doorway.
  Without thinking, she scrambled over to the unicorn stallion. Winchester's horn glowed a light blue as he shot more of the bat-like beings out of the air, all of which burst into that black red colored smoke like the other ones had. In seconds all the flying beasts were killed, allowing Owlicious to land on his perch and wipe his forehead with his wing.
  Twilight panted as she stood next to Winchester, and Spike shivered on her back. Before either could speak the knight shoved the mare to the side as a large hand tried to grab her. Twilight tripped on her hooves and fell, Spike's claws digging painfully into her back as he clung to her. In a daze, the lavender mare looked up at first she thought it was a black colored pony, but where it's head would have been was a muscularly minotaur-like upper body. The strange creature stepped forward, crushing broken glass beneath it's heavy hooves. In one hand, it held the shaft of a spear made of iron, and it's other hand was reaching for her. The creature's flat face would possibly have passed for handsome among it's kind, but it was devoid of any signs of emotion. Most disturbing of all were it's eyes, both so empty, so cold, and so unforgiving.
...Those dull, accusing eyes would haunt Twilight for a long time.
  On reflex Winchester slammed his shoulder into the side of the unaware beast. The weight of the blue pony threw his opponent into the checkout desk inside the tree library, knocking it over. The knight garbed a hold of the spear's shaft in his teeth and ripped it free of the hybrid creature's hand. With grace earned from years of practice, he back flipped away from the monster then jammed the spear deep into it's chest. A few long moments passed as the brutal creature clutched onto the weapon in vain. Like the bat apparitions before it, the being turned into that same black red smoke.
  Twilight laid on the ground with her hoof to her chest, hyperventilating. Suddenly being attacked by monsters in her own home had been too much. “Twilight, breathe.” The bookish mare heard the blue stallion order. She looked up at him and again he ordered. “Breathe.” Winchester then shifted his gaze from her to something down the road out of the doorway, and he smiled grimly as he said... “Everything is going to be fine.” Twilight turned to see what he was looking at as she laid there still panting, trying to make sense of what was going on.
  All over the town ponies ran about in terror as more of the bizarre creatures tore houses open, the bat-like things flew about screeching and snapping at ponies. Down the road from her and Winchester were three more of the emotionless beasts, each armed with deadly looking weapons. Twilight trembled as she laid on the floor, but suddenly all three of the beasts were sliced in two and burst into colored smoke. A white shape flew through the smoke as it spun toward them. Winchester caught his weapon in his magical grip with ease and said off-hoofedly. “See?” He looked back down at her and gently used his nose to help her hooves as his sword floated beside them “Breathe Twilight. I need your head in the game.”
  The lavender pony faltered and coughed as she stood up, but Twilight soon controlled her breathing. Her mind cleared somewhat, she asked the knight as she looked out across the town square... “What's...going on?”
  Winchester growled, he couldn’t hide his anger any longer. “Ponyville's under attack by Centaurs.” He looked back at Twilight. “I need to get you and your friends out of town.”
  “What about everypony else?”
  “Others will come for them.” Winchester answered as he wrote in his notepad and then pulled it free. “Dragon, I need you to mail this to captain Shining Armor.” He rolled the paper up tight and put a small W seal on it.
  Twilight looked over her shoulder at Spike, who still clung to her back. His face was buried in her mane, shaking all over. “Spike!” The lavender mare pleaded, gently nuzzling him, hoping to get him to respond. “Spike we need your help!”
  Winchester's eyes were locked onto a gathering of centaurs heading toward them. “We don’t have much time!” The unicorn stallion said as his enchanted weapon floated closer.
  “Can't we get out of here?!” Spike asked, peeking out fearfully before blowing a small jet of fire on the hovering note. The piece of paper caught fire and turned into a curling green flame as it vanished into thin air. Spike quickly buried his face in Twilight's mane again, attempting to hide from the danger around him.
  “Not without the other bearers of Harmony.” Winchester replied with a stern edge of finality in his voice. He looked at Twilight, as he added. “I’ll need you to watch my back Twilight.”
  Twilight took a deep breath and nodded. “What do you need me to do?”
  “Hit those guys with a couple of fireballs, and I’ll finish them off.” Winchester said before he charged down the street at the hybrid beasts. He got about half way to his foe when several swirling fireballs flew by the stallion's head. his ear twitching from the heat. The Centaurs barely slid to a stop before half of them were enveloped in an fiery explosion. Winchester then moved in to slay the remaining scorched foes, they all burst into that same black colored smoke. The knight looked back and smirked, as he spoke to himself. “...This is going to be fun after all.”
  Twilight trotted up to the knight, she picked her steps carefully so not to get burnt by the fires left behind by her spell. She snuffed out the larger flames with her magic, it wouldn't bode well if she set the whole town ablaze. “What next?” She was still terrified, but she had her head about her.
  “To Mane Street.” Winchester said, nodding toward the central hub of Ponyville. “We have to find Pinkie and Rarity, then we'll head to the farm.” He flipped his sword around in his magical grip and started galloping toward Mane Street.
  Twilight nodded and followed, avoiding the huge cloud of black red smoke they left in their wake. “What about Rainbow Dash and even more importantly Fluttershy?”
   “We'll probably run into Rainbow Dash along the way. We'll grab Fluttershy as we run to the forest.”
  “What if they're not where you think they are?”
  Winchester never broke his deliberate pace as he replied. “Have faith, the princesses will guide us all together.”
  “Is that your way of saying you're just winging it?” Twilight said a little worried as they rounded the corner to the overrun Mane Street. Groups of Centaurs milled about the street looking under stalls and kicking in doors as they searched. A scream erupted from the down the street. Many Centaurs looked up from what they were doing, most locked eyes with Winchester.
  Twilight gasped, shaken by the shrill shrieks. “That sounded like Pinkie Pie!”
  “Yeah.” Winchester replied while looking at the creatures that moved to stop them, “We'll have to fight our way there.”
  Twilight gulped audibly before she spoke. “Okay, lead the way.”
  The pair charged down the street, one far more frightened then the other. The unarmored centaurs were no match for the razor edge of Featherweight and Twilight's phenomenal magical prowess. In the midst of battle with Winchester's guidance and coaching, she learned to better control her combat spell casting. Bolts of lightning tore through the beast, flames cleansed the town of the apparitions and waves of magical force swept the centaurs completely off of their hooves. The centaurs were thinned out quickly, the difference number had little impact.
  Soon, the street was filled with clouds of black red smoke, discarded weaponry, and pieces of armor. While Winchester was busy finishing off the last of the centaurs in the street, Twilight walked up the steps of Sugar Cube Corner. As she neared the entrance, the lavender mare recoiled backwards when two more centaurs unexpectedly emerged from the pastry shop, one of them having a thrashing sack over it's shoulder while the other wielded a wicked serrated sword and a shield.
  “Oh buck!” Twilight gasped and jumped back as the ruggedly armored centaur took a swipe at her with it's jagged sword. She readied a spell but hesitated, not wanting to harm whoever was in the sack held by the centaur behind it. Winchester and Featherweight came hurtling over Twilight’s shoulder and the armed centaur brought up it's shield in defense of his comrade. It managed to block Featherweight the enchanted sword cut a deep groove into the surface of the steel shield. As the blue unicorn landed on his hooves the armed centaur nodded to his companion, who nodded in return and fled with the bag.
  “Damn beast!” Winchester growled pushing on his sword with his hooves. In response, the savage creature brought down it's weapon to end the knight. Winchester caught the saw toothed sword with his left forehoof. He regretted it instantly however, as the sword dug deep into his hoof all the way to the root before it stopped. The beast was quite a bit stronger than the blue unicorn anticipated and started to push Winchester back...Till a flash of magical lightning from outside fried the centaur into a puff of smoke, causing the knight to fall forward into Sugar Cube Corner, the centaur’s jagged sword clattered across the wooden floor. He looked around as he stood up in pain, and held his injured forehoof from the floor blood oozing from the wound. Cup Cake sat in the corner holding her two crying foals, while Mr Cake looked like he was having a heart attack. All of them were frightened but unharmed.
  “They t-took Pinkie...” The panicking stallion managed to say as he slumped to the floor next to his wife and foals.
  “Should have guessed.” Winchester groaned as he limped back to the street. his horn lit up sending dance sparks over his body. the blue unicorn stood firm, the blood seeping from her wounded hoof slowed, but the injury hindered him no longer. He told Twilight that the centaur had kidnapped Pinkie Pie, and that there was no telling where it went..
  “I thought so...” The lavender mare replied, Twilight was getting angry at herself. One of her best friends had already been taken, and who knew what happened to the others...But worst of all was that the more of the Centaurs they defeated, the more that seemed to be around the next corner. “We have to get to the others before it's too late!” Her voice cracked, as her anger turned to fear.
  Winchester growled as he looked around, he was not enjoying the situation one bit. “Let's go to Rarity’s shop.”
  “We have to save her!” Spike added with a brief moment of bravery, as his face popped out from hiding in Twilight's mane. “The fillies are in school right?”
  “Yes, and sounds like a plan.” Twilight said. She followed close to Winchester as he showed no mercy to nearly a dozen more centaurs that wandered the streets. Twilight used her magic to slay any centaur that survived the knight's wrath. However now, despite the stallion’s skill, how powerful Twilight's magic was, and how well they were working together...The unarmored knight was starting to show the wear and tear of battle, but he fought on heedless of any pain or injure. He paused only long enough to cast a spell he called 'Feel No Pain'. However it could only keep him going for so long. each time he cast it the lightning that danced over his body was less lively.
  As the pair approached Carousel Boutique another group of centaurs barred their path, they wore wooden armor over their chests and each carried a spear and shield. As Twilight Sparkle and Winchester stopped and stared down their new adversaries, another centaur burst through one of the far windows of the shop with Rarity thrown over it's shoulder. The white mare was yelling at the top of her lungs and flailed her legs as she kicked at the beast and pelted her foalnapper with whatever heavy objects she could find close by. The emotionless creature grabbed one of the ponykins that was hitting it in the head and used it to bat the rest of the improvised weapons away, before it galloped down the road.
  Twilight yelled to her friend that everything would be okay as the six other centaurs surrounded her and Winchester. The knight glared at the beasts around them as he studied their strategy; They were spaced out just so that if he attacked, it would only open himself up for a counterattack. Without armor, he wouldn't last long against such a tactic. “Twilight, make me an opening.”
  “I have an idea!” Twilight replied, before her coat shimmered and a sparking aura expanded from her horn as she reared up chanting in an arcane tongue. Winchester knew the spell that she was invoking, and used Featherweight to jump high in the air. The lavender unicorn then slammed her front hooves down, unleashing a quake that shattered nearby glass windows and toppled over a nearby stall while decimating the whole street as the centaurs were thrown to the ground. Winchester then landed upright on his hind legs holding his sword like a javelin. With a growl, the unicorn hurled his sword, praying that his aim was true.
  Rarity epped as she saw the huge white blade flying toward her, she did her best to move to the side as the weapon pierced the her foalnapper's back. But the white unicorn gasped as edge of the weapon cut into her flank. The centaur then popped becoming nothing but black red smoke, Rarity grunted when she hit the dirt.
  “Rarity get over here!” Winchester yelled out as he willed his sword back to him, killing one of the spear wielding centaurs in the process. He then kicked a centaur back to the ground as he bashed his sword against the shield of another. Off to the side, Twilight panted and sweat dripped from her face as her body recovered from the taxing spell she had cast, yet she forced herself to move despite the magical exhaustion her body was going through. She had to get to Rarity but there were still centaurs in the way.
Meanwhile a fair distance away from the fray, tears formed in Rarity's eyes as she attempted to stand. But unfortunately her right hind leg gave way, as the white unicorn mare lacked a high tolerance for pain. She took a deep breath and tried to stand again, this time she put as little weight on her injured leg as she could. She limped towards Twilight as blood poured down her leg.
  Winchester called to Rarity again as he cut down a third centaur, while Twilight blasted the last spear carrying centaur before it could impale the blue unicorn through the back. Winchester checked himself quickly before the two ponies rushed toward Rarity. They both cursed and Spike looked up to watch in horror as Rarity was suddenly snatched up by an immense bird monster. It was that same black red color as the other apparitions with a long feathered tail and neck that split down the side making the beast's mouth much larger than one might have expected. Other than the beast's beak, it had no other facial features, making it even more morbid looking than it already did.
  Twilight let out a heart wrenching wail as she cried aloud, "Rarityyyyyyy!!” while Spike just fainted and fell off her back as they watched the beast take flight with Rarity in one of it's talons. Winchester on the other hoof roared the mantra for a lightness spell before propelling him and Featherweight at the giant winged beast.
  Rarity had been knocked unconscious when the beast grabbed her, she hung from the beasts talons limply as it dodged to the side when Winchester and Featherweight flew past. The massive bird-like creature screeched and held Rarity away from the knight as he used the weight of his sword to change his direction back towards it. Winchester cursed the bird as it dodged him again. The bird apparition snapped at Winchester, which the unicorn stallion narrowly evaded, and saw that the beast's elongated mouth was full of razor sharp teeth.
  Winchester and the hideous beast dueled in the air for roughly a minute or two, but Rarity was always just out of Winchester's reach. Nothing more than glancing blows where exchanged until Winchester found an opening as the beast attempted to flee with it's catch. The Knight contorted his body to stop, and flung his sword to the side with his magic before he grabbed the weapon with his teeth to pull himself in front of the bird and ready to slay it. The knight froze however as he saw Twilight being surrounded by a group of centaurs on ground level behind the bird. She was too occupied with keeping the unconscious Spike out of harm's way to fight back as more centaurs moved in around her. “Damn it this could hurt!” Winchester cursed loudly as he threw Featherweight over the bird's back, and the evil creature collided with him in mid-air.
  Back down on the ground, Twilight eeped as a centaur swung a long curved blade at her. She jumped back just in time to keep from losing her head, but still received a cut across her cheek that quickly began to bleed. In desperation, she quickly used her magic to drag Spike out from under the centaur's legs and backed out of reach of a second sword swipe. Twilight then plopped the helpless baby dragon on her back as she turned around to run, only to stop in her tracks as yet another centaur slammed a spiked metal club in into the ground in front of her. Her mind raced as the gathering centaurs stomped closer, obviously knowing that she wouldn't abandon Spike. In a last ditch effort, Twilight attempted to focus on a fireball spell as a huge white feather shaped blade stabbed through the club wielding centaur. Winchester appeared amongst the black red smoke and roared. “TWILIGHT, HEAD DOWN!”
  The lavender mare didn’t say anything, by now she had learned to just do as the knight said. She dropped to the dirt as Winchester swung the enchanted sword clenched in his teeth and cut through three more centaurs in a single swing. His horn's magic ignited as he took hold of the blade, and cleaved into a fourth centaur as the weapon lodged into it's clavicle before the creature faded into black and red vapor. Only two of the hybrid creatures remained after that onslaught, but still the pair relentlessly charged in. The knight locked swords with one of them, while the other was blown to smithereens by a fireball. The remaining adversary was no match for Winchester's skill. He redirected the last centaur's own curved blade into it's own chest, causing smoke to gush from the wound before the beast was no more.
  Twilight stood up as Winchester looked back to the sky expecting to see the bird gone. To his surprise it was not, a lone Pegasus had barred it's escape, the dark gray pony was putting up a good fight till it was grabbed around the neck. “We have to help him!” Twilight urged. Winchester nodded and took off to the sky once again, ascending rapidly to his target.
  He slowed down mid-air as he neared the distracted monster with Featherweight a mere foot away from the beast's head. The knight slashed through the evil creature's neck, freeing both Rarity and her coltfriend as black red smoke erupted from the bird-like monster as they all fell. Thunderlane opened his wings and swiftly caught his love in his forehooves. Still under the effects of his lightness spell, Winchester floated like a feather in the wind next to Thunderlane and asked. “How is she?”
  Thunderlane checked the unicorn mare in his arms. “I think she-” The Pegasus stallion was cut off by a crack of thunder, and Winchester turned just in time to see that Twilight had missed another bird monster that had appeared. The beast slammed into both of the stallions and sent them hurtling to the earth below. It caught Rarity in it's talon without stopping, and flew away holding a net containing a sky blue pony that struggled within, her distinctive rainbow colored mane and tail was easy to recognize.
  Twilight Sparkle galloped over to where Winchester had crashed into a bush. The knight was intact, having used his sword and magic to suppress the impact enough to save himself. “Sorry-y...I m-missed!” Twilight sobbed, tears trailed across her cheeks. Now two more of her friends were taken to the creator knows where, and it was her fault.
  “It happens...” Winchester coughed as he freed himself from the bush, favoring his left side as he stood. He watched as more centaurs poured out of almost every alley and street around them. “By Celestia's holy mane they don’t end...”
  “H...How can we f-fight them all?...” Twilight whimpered as she looked around and began to lose hope in their survival. She started to have flashbacks of when the changelings had invaded Canterlot.
  Winchester sighed and stepped closer to Twilight, saying. “WE don’t.” Twilight blinked in confusion, not quite catching the implication made. “You're going to cover yourself with the strongest shield you can possibly muster and don’t let it down until the Royal Guard locate you.”
  “What about you?” Twilight asked, her violet eyes darting between the unicorn stallion and the centaurs that marched toward the two ponies. “You know I can cover you with a shield too.”
  “Don’t waste your magic on me.” Winchester said angrily as his horn glowed faintly, and raised his massive enchanted white sword high. “I'll distract them for as long as I can.”
No! I’ve got plenty of magic to spare!” Twilight yelled, she didn’t want to loose anypony else today.
  As the pair began to argue and the centaurs slowly closed in, a swarm of small comets suddenly landed amongst the invaders. Explosions peppered the street, hitting a good portion of the centaurs and turning them into black red vapor. Twilight wondered what new threat had arrived, but Winchester looked relieved as a united battle cry echoed across all of Ponyville.
For Equestriaaaa!”
  ponies wearing polished white armor broke through the centaurs to form a defensive wall around Twilight and Winchester. More soldiers of the royal guard appeared in flashes of magical light and ran into the fray. Many of the charging ponies swung swords, halberds, or axes with either magic or their mouths. Pegasi and earth ponies dove into the melee, while magic users supported the assault. The Centaur forces were helpless before the armored ponies' combined might and sudden appearance. A smokey haze soon covered everything, regardless, the battle raged on.
  Winchester pushed the stunned Twilight with his nose and lead her to a pony in heavy purple armor with gold trim that was issuing commands. The masterfully crafted armor covered his entire body, save for his blue tail and mane. “Captain Shining Armor.” Winchester addressed the individual as they approached.
  “Shining Armor?...” Twilight asked staring at the figure, she didn’t believe the armored figure was her brother.
  “Sir Winchester, what are your orders?” Shining Armor said, his voice magically amplified had a metallic distortion to it.
  Winchester growled as he yelled over the sounds of combat. “I want the schoolhouse secured now! The foals don’t need to see this.” Shining Armor nodded, then told a lightly armored pegasus mare something and she nodded and waited for further orders. The captain looked back at the knight, and Winchester responded to him saying. “One of the big fliers flew south with two of the bearers of Harmony.” Shining Armor turned to the same winged mare, and told her to contact the air cavalry to hunt down that threat.
  “Keep an eye on the ground, o-one of the Centaurs has Pinkie Pie...” Twilight managed to add, still finding it difficult to overcome the harsh reality of their situation.
“She's right. Relay that too.” Winchester agreed, as the rigid pegasus mare saluted and after an approving nod from Shining Armor, she was gone in a flash to send her messages. The knight continued to order Shining Armor to secure Sweet Apple Acres and to send a group to Fluttershy's home. The Captain informed the Knight he had already assigned forces to do so. Twilight in the meantime had noticed Winchester's numerous injures, and she touched each with her horn as she caste a mending spell, visibly sealing cuts and alleviating his pain. The knight paused and looked at the mare, he smiled and thanked her.
  “You seem to be getting slow in your old age, my friend.” Shining Armor quipped, his voice was still distorted by his helmet.
  Winchester was not in a joking mood as he glared at the captain, they both knew they were the same age. The knight turned to a pair of guard ponies in purple armor and said, almost visibly fuming. “You two, bring me my armor.”
  “Shining.” Twilight said trying to get her brother's attention. The captain of the Royal Guard was busy taking reports of the battle, it seemed to be going well. She called to her brother again...It finally took the lavender mare tapping her brother on the shoulder to get his attention, making a slight clink noise against his armor. “Yes Twily?” Shining Armor replied, as he raised his helmet visor so she could see his face.
  Twilight got closer to asked, hoping to learn something more. “What's happening?” She racked her mind trying to make sense of the ideas and questions that flowed through it. A certain thick book and the illustration portraying a hybrid creature that was part horse immediately came to mind. The book was so thorough on many subjects, yet surprisingly lacked detail on this one.
  “Oh, umm...” Shining Armor didn’t know how much to tell his little sister. She was a bearer of Harmony after all. “Centaurs have invaded Equestria.”
  “I know...But, according the Compendium of Mythological Creatures and Legends, centaurs went extinct centuries ago.” Twilight replied thoughtfully as she tried to ponder the possibility. She was glad that the sounds of battle were moving away from them.
  “Yes, I know, they just seem to have appeared out of nowhere.” Shining Armor explained, anger suddenly creeping into his normally calm voice. “Before we deployed here there were reports coming in from all over, about every city is under attack...Manehatten. Baltimare. Trottingham. Hoofington. Stalliongrad. Las Pegasus. Roam...” Hearing this tragic news, Twilight looked like she was about to cry again. “Everything will be okay Twily. We'll get your friends back and you can use the elements on the bad guys.” The white unicorn stallion sighed and looked to the mountain side capital. “Thank the all mother the elements are safe back in Canterlot.”
Twilight's teary eyes widened to the size of dinner plates. “They're not.”
  “What?...” Shinning Armor replied slowly. Winchester froze as he paced around them.
  “I...I never returned them to Celestia since the last time we used them!” Twilight replied in a frightened tone. “They're hidden in the library!”
  Winchester slowly turned to look at the lavender mare. He was dumb founded by their awful luck. The pair of guard ponies returned with Winchester's armor just then, the knight tossed Featherweight off his back and magically pulled his equipment away from the soldiers so hard they were thrown off of their hooves. Winchester reared up and guided each piece of the blessed armor to their proper place on his body. He shook himself once he was on all four hooves again, his sword landed in it's sheath as he ordered loudly. "To the library!"
  Twilight, Winchester and Shinning Armor ran toward the library with a few guard ponies in tow. What they found made Twilight's heart sink. The library had been ransacked, every book had been tossed to the floor and most had been trampled. They had ripped out the kitchen sink, bookcases were smashed to pieces, the pantry was emptied, and even her laboratory had been broken into...Spike, who Twilight had carried with her, was awake now and was dumbstruck by the barbaric sight. What was worse for the mare was her bedroom. Her bed was overturned, every drawer was pulled out and emptied on the floor, and every article of clothing was tossed around the room. Twilight was beside herself, sitting on the floor of her room with Spike's face buried in her shoulder.
  Shining Armor poked his head in the room as one of the guard ponies reported that they hadn't found anything ether, apparently the elements had been taken. The captain ordered them to stay alert before approaching his sister, he opened his helmet again and said. “We'll get them back for this.”
  Twilight turned to look at him as she spoke, in low, almost hateful voice. “We will. We'll get my friends back and we'll stop whoever or whatever is responsible for all this.” Shining Armor nodded, he had never known his sister to be vengeful, but he had also never seen her in this kind of situation either.
  A voice from downstairs informed them that the chariots had arrived. Shining Armor nuzzled his sister a little, as he told her. “Come on Twilight, we need to talk to Princess Celestia.”
  Twilight stood and told Spike it was time to go, at first, the little purple dragon complied and followed her downstairs...But, after seeing their home in shambles again, he wisely decided against it. Instead, the baby dragon sat on one of the lower steps in the main lobby. "Ya know...I think this dragon's had enough action for one day. Plus, somepony's gotta clean up this mess, and things won't be the same without you girls around...Have to keep up the morale and all."  Spike smiled wearily, and proudly put a thumb to his chest. In response Twilight hugged Spike tightly and kissed his cheek.
  "Please, stay safe..." Twilight said quietly, on the verge of weeping again as she hugged him. Spike simply patted her on the back to reassure her. "I will, and the same goes for you. Now get out there and save the world like you always do."
  Twilight nodded and sadly broke away from Spike. She turned to follow Shining Armor and Winchester, the latter having not said anything since he found his saddle bags. The three of them exited through the front door that had been partially ripped off of it's hinges and climbed aboard a golden chariot that waited outside. The Armored pegasi pulled the winged chariot into the air and was soon joined by hundreds more, as Shining Armor's company pulled out of Ponyville.
  It only took an hour for Shining Armor's Royal Guard company, known as the Shield Bearers, to retake and secure Ponyville. A medical unit and a smaller company was deployed to Ponyville to bring in relief and healing to the survivors, Fortunately it seemed the centaurs largely ignored ponies in general as long as they stayed out of the way. Big Mac had taken a rather nasty blow to the head when he attempted to stop the capture of his sister. Luckily he was expected to make a full recovery. When soldiers arrived at Fluttershy's cottage all they had found was a multitude of little critters and a large bear in shock. A plate armored mare took the time to reassure them all that their beloved caretaker would be returned to them safe and sound. This earned her the biggest hug of her life from all of the critters. Angel bunny even gave her a kiss for luck.
  The flight from Ponyville to Canterlot took a little over an hour and a half. As they landed and disembarked from the chariot, Twilight noticed that the capital didn't looked anything like she remembered. Where normally the richly dressed ponies of wealth would be going about their leisurely lives, there were Royal Guard troops marching in formation or helping hurry the civilians back to their homes. Machines of war long hidden now lined the walls, spires, and courtyards of the majestic city. Twilight in the meantime overheard Winchester, Shining Armor, and the captain of another company converse about how there had still been no sign of movement toward Canterlot, but that several other Royal Guard companies had moved to engage formations of centaurs and other similar apparitions moving toward other cities.
  Shining Armor lead Twilight and Winchester through half a dozen checkpoints. Most took a simple glance at Winchester's armor and the crest on his chest plate to let them pass, but once they were at the castle all three of them had to pass a magical inspection and know the passwords during states of emergency. Twilight was surprised that she still knew them, they were always something that only she would have known. Like what ice cream Princess Celestia had on the third Tuesday of each month.
  Finally the group made it to the Court of the Alicorn Princesses. Again, it was different than Twilight was used to, there were guards lining the walls of both inside and outside the court room, all in heavy golden armor. Celestia and Luna stood before their thrones talking to a high ranking officer of the Equestrian military. When Celestia saw Twilight however, she quickly trotted over to the young mare, and gave her an affectionate nuzzle as she said, relief filled her voice. “Twilight, I am so glad that you are safe...”
  “Yes.” Luna added as she approached the three unicorns after dismissing the officer, her ethereal starry mane flowing upon in the unseen winds just like her older sibling's. “News of thy safety is glad tidings in this most dire hour.”
  “I must apologize for my inability to protect Ponyville.” Winchester cut in, standing at full attention, he couldn’t bear to look at his princesses. “I should have been more vigilant in my patrols or cast more sentry spells...I-”
  “Winchester.” Luna interrupted him softly with a knowing frown on her face, aware that if possible...She and her sister too would be on the front lines fighting for her subjects, they had no love for battle, but would do anything to protect their ponies. “Do not blame thyself, Sir Knight. Thou hast done the best that one could ever hope for.”
  Winchester looked down, “My best was not enough.” he said sorrowfully. His head shot up as his fiery determination returned. “I will not let this slight against my honor stand!”
  All too familiar with the brash nature of knights, Celestia scolded the blue unicorn. “Winchester. Control your temper.”
  “Of course, my Princess." Winchester bowed his head in reverence as he spoke, curbing his anger.
  “What's going on?” Twilight asked the question once more, looking to her mentor for her everlasting wisdom.
  “Tirek, the God King of the centaurs has broken out of the Tartarus and he has chosen his moment perfectly.” Celestia explained. “The time of the eclipse draws near.”
  “But couldn’t you just push it back?” Twilight asked. “I remember you doing that a few years ago.”
  “Sadly no, not this year my dear student. The-” Celestia began.
  “Sister, we do not have time to explain the intricacies of celestial mechanics and quantum physical theories.” Luna stated bluntly as she raised a hoof to emphasize her point, her voice strained, the stress of the situation getting to her.
  “Of course.” Celestia replied, “Ever the teacher I guess.” she smiled down at Twilight before turning to Winchester. “I trust you have a plan?”
  “Yes.” The blue unicorn answered Celestia simply, before his eyes narrowed in white-hot fury as he vowed fervently. “I will slay this demon king-”
  “Neigh Winchester, I have lost far too many good knights to such thinking.” Celestia glared down at Winchester, even his impressive stature paling in comparison to the alicorn's exceptional height. “Tirek is no mere Centaur. When Discord ruled the world, the ancient centaur King used long forgotten rituals to become immortal to protect his people for all eternity. We lived in peace for centuries, but for some reason he changed, eventually wanting more than the lands he controlled. While my sister and I were uniting all ponies under our rule, he marched on our lands and those of many of the neighboring countries, destroying all that stood in his path, and only the Griffon Empire survived those years unscathed. Thousands upon thousands died by his hands alone...We warred for hundreds of years...”
  Luna bowed her head low as she interjected solemnly. “Many Knights believed they could defeat him, only to become another trophy for his throne.”
  “...And now he has at least two shards of Nightmare.” Celestia continued. “We can feel him from here. You have seen what a single shard can do to a normal pony.” Celestia sighed. “And how many of your fellows have fallen to those who had attained more than one?”
  Winchester nodded in understanding. “I have faced one myself.”
  “It took a very powerful and gifted Knight to hold him off, while we, the Royal Guard, and our allies vanquished his never ending army.” Luna spoke, although almost seemed resentful of this memory for some unknown reason, and withheld mentioning any more.
  “Yes, and in this battle we will not be able to empower you. The Elements of Harmony may be our one last true hope against Tirek.” Celestia added, her voice grave.
  Winchester blinked as he looked up to the two majestic alicorn princesses. “So...I will be truly alone?” Twilight could see fear hidden behind the stallion's eyes, as the princesses nodded. “I will do what needs to be done...” The knight then said in resignation, knowing what it could mean for him.
  “Good.” Celestia replied, and turned to the purple armored stallion next to him. “Captain Shining Armor, I trust you will give my Knight your full support?”
“Sister...It is time.” Luna said, nudging her sister.
Celestia nodded before looking at Twilight “i wish I didn't have to place this burden on you and your friends again.” the Princess of the sun fought back tears “do not underestimate the dangers you face, swords and spears are just as deadly as fire and lightning spells.” Twilight nodded her breath taken away, not a pony in the room made a sound as their holy monarch leaned down and hugged her student good bye whispering “please by grace of the all mother and creator be safe.”
With a nod the two Princesses gave their subjects a few words of encouragement before turning and seemingly walked into nothingness. At the same time the moon slid in front of the sun, bathing the world in a blood red light. The effect it had was instantaneous, the populace of Equestria would remember this day of crimson for many years to come.
  Winchester visibly shuddered before turning to Shining Armor, and said with an urgency unlike any other. “We need to find out where the centaur stronghold is.”
  “Already done, my lord.” A gruff voice came from behind Twilight. The knight and captain turned as an older, light gray Pegasus that walked up behind them wearing a long hooded coat. Winchester and Shining Armor named the newcomer as scout captain Crosswind. The winged stallion informed them that his scouts had located the centaur fortress. Twilight felt out of place as the three stallions discussed military logistics and placement together. Around her other soldiers whispered about the possibilities, and nopony felt comfortable, Twilight especially. That eerie red glow of the eclipse wasn’t helping.
  “...And I’ve already sent out some forward observers and a few skirmishers to protect them.” Captain Crosswind finally finished his tactical assessment and review of the possible location for their drop zones on an unfurled map he had placed on the ground. Crosswind rolled up the map with his feathered wing tips and slid it into a cylinder on his side before offering it to the knight and his fellow captain.
  “That sounds good to me.” Shining Armor replied pointedly as his horn glowed to take the map. “Probably best if they stay out of the fight.”
  Winchester took a deep breath and summarized what was most immediately important, knowing if there was a trap being set. “We have only one shot at this, and we can’t risk getting wiped out by something they have lying in wait for us.” The knight shuddered again as he looked at the scout captain with sad eyes.
  Captain Crosswind nodded. “I know my duty my lord, and by our princesses good graces we will fulfill it.”
  “I ask for no more than your willing to give.” Winchester truthfully stated.
  “For you, we give nothing.” Crosswind answered and grinned slyly, he kept his hood back and wore his scars like badges of honor...A sign of a true veteran. He continued his poetic exchange with Winchester. “But everything, for our rulers.”
  “As it should be.” Winchester agreed.
  Crosswind saluted the pair and turned to leave, he kept the map to make notes on defenses the centaurs had. “I will personally get you the information.” He took flight gracefully, barely making a sound as he left.
  “That never feels right...” Winchester said with a deep sigh.
  "But it is something we have to do.” Shining Armor said solemnly. “At least you don’t know those you send to their deaths.” Twilight stared at the two stallions, she could almost see their shoulders straining to bear the weight of their responsibility.
  “Somehow, that only makes it worse.” Winchester said in a low voice. “But we can't dwell on this, you need to get your troops ready.” Shinning Armor nodded. “We move out in four hours. Tell them to spend what time they have with their loved ones but they have to be ready for battle by then.”
  Shinning Armor saluted and responded. “Yes sir.”
  Winchester shook his head and looked to Twilight, she still felt confused and lost. “I want you to read this book.” The knight brought out his note pad and wrote in it, then tore the note from the pad and levitated it over to Twilight. On it was written 'Mixed Unit Tactics' and a few notations with page numbers. “Focus on the sections about magic users.” The blue stallion told her. “You did good this morning, but we don’t need you as a burden in this battle. We'll have enough as is.”
  Twilight Sparkle didn’t like it that he was alluding to her and her friends being burdens, but none of them were soldiers or really knew all that much about fighting. They usually relied on luck or the subconscious help from princess Celestia, but they wouldn’t have her aid this time. The lavender mare nodded. “Okay, so what are you going to do?”
  Winchester blinked. “Well, I have a book to turn in to my editor and some friends I need to visit.” He looked away and mumbled aloud, “May be my last visit to their final resting place before I join them.”
  “...Oh.” A shiver ran down Twilight's spine at the thought, she knew what he was referring to.
  The knight bowed to her before turning to leave. Shining Armor stepped closer to his sister and said, “Well, let's get going.” He had no idea how to rid her of the gloomy feeling plaguing her.
  “Yeah...” Twilight replied, as the siblings turned to leave the court room. She looked up at the artistic stained glass displaying important Equestrian events lining the walls on the way, and those of her and her friends' victories every so often...She sighed and asked. “So...How are things going big brother?”
  Shining Armor smiled, glad to be finally able to be at ease with his younger sibling. “Good, Cadence and I moved into a bigger house. She's also got a part time job at an interior design firm and is doing some wedding planing on the side.” The unicorn stallion looked away embarrassed and added sheepishly. “...And she's pregnant.”
  “Really? Oh that’s wonderful!” Twilight said happy to be distracted even if for a short time. “How long have you known?”
  “Bout four months now...” Shining admitted, shying away from his sister's gaze. Even with all the bulky purple and gold trimmed armor he wore, he seemed downright harmless under his sister's now withering glare.
  “Really?...” Twilight questioned with a raised eye brow, upset that her brother had kept her out of the loop per-say. She turned away from Shining Armor in a huff, and hurried along the way. “And when were you going to tell me? Huh? Were you just going to show up to visit one day with my new niece or nephew? Is it so much to ask that my brother tell me about every aspect of his life?”
  “H-hey I was writing you a letter today! To tell you!” Sinning Armor said trotting faster to catch up. “I’ll admit it was also inviting you and your friends to the foal shower, but it's no reason to be mad!”
  Twilight stopped, and turned slowly to face him, tears forming in the corners of her eyes as she pouted. “I'm not...I"m scared.”
  Shining Armor wrapped his sister in a hug, the armor made it less comforting than Twilight would have hoped. “I know it's overwhelming, but we have to be strong for Equestria and everyone in it.”
  “I know.” Twilight sniffled as she pulled away reluctantly, “It's just...I'm worried about my friends.”

*     *      *

  Applejack looked around for the five hundredth time. Nothing had changed, she and Rainbow Dash were locked in what were best described as pony sized bird cages suspended over a deep pit covered with spikes and water at the bottom and there was no way to tell how deep it was. Other than the large castle and the stone walls towering around them there wasn’t much more for her to see.
  Rainbow Dash was still bucking the bars of her cage, every so often she would stop to catch her breath or yell insults at the centaurs that patrolled the walls or the courtyard below. The centaurs showed no sign that they heard her.
  “Rainbow Dash....Just give it up.” The country mare said as she watched the rainbow maned mare through the bars of her own cage.
  “Damn it AJ, how could you have given up already?! Our friends are in danger!” Rainbow Dash shot back fluttering around her cage like an angry bird.
  “Ah didn’t give up, Ah'm just being realistic! If AH can't buck my way out of here then you sure as hell can't!” Applejack yelled, before she shifted on her back hooves. The dense metal bars had taken their toll on the orange mare's hooves. She had already thrown a shoe and would need a good filing just so she could stand right again.
  “Like Hell I can't!” The sky blue pegasus growled as she slammed into the cage floor and began bucking the bars even harder. Achieving nothing but an annoying ringing in her ears.
  Applejack turned away and looked to the sky, saying. “Use your head RD. If you break out you're just going to end up like those soldiers earlier. They had armor, and they were st...still-” She stopped and tipped her trusty stetson down with a forehoof, not wanting to relive what she had seen or reveal the tears the memory brought. She remembered fighting the cult ponies awhile back, but they were nothing compared to what these minotaur horse things were capable of.
  The thought was enough to distract the angry blue mare, causing her hoof to skip off the bar and smack her ankle and calf along it. She cursed and limped around her cage before hovering again. “It's not! They couldn’t-” She stopped in mid-thought as blood mixed with her fur on her ankle, a simple reminder that she was mortal. She shivered all over and sat down to look at her injured back hoof. The bleeding was only from a small scrape, and her horseshoe was now only half way on. It was excruciating and made it hard to stand much less walk. She attempted to pull the horseshoe off, but it hurt enough to make her want to scream. “our friends need us!” She painfully yelled in protest.
  Applejack felt the same way, but she knew that they couldn’t do anything right now. “Ah didn’t see Twilight when we were brought here. So there’s hope.”
  The sky blue Pegasus sat with her back against the cage bars, being extra careful her aching hoof. “Twilight’s not the one I'm worried about.” She looked over her shoulder at Applejack, her normally cocky expression melted away to one of anxiety and fear. “It's Fluttershy. She's probably having a heart attack by now. I've had to play big sister for her since we were in grade school. I should be there for her.”
  Being an older sister herself, Applejack knew the feeling. “Ah know Sugarcube...” She looked back at her sky blue friend, it was worrying seeing her so afraid. “We'll figure something out.”

*     *     *

  Fluttershy trembled as she hid under the cot in an underground prison cell. A torch fire flickered on the other side of the bars, the sole light in the encroaching darkness. Fluttershy had no idea where she was, but she didn’t seem to be alone. In the middle of the cell was large sack that would move and groan every so often. The pale yellow mare took a few shuttered breaths as she slowly crawled out of from under the cot. Maybe one of her friends was in the sack, she hoped. She trembled as she reached out a hoof and touched the sack. Suddenly something pink tore it's way out of the bag. Fluttershy screeched and shot back under the cot so fast that she rattled the chains hanging from the walls.
  Pinkie Pie stood on the tatters of the bag on one back hoof, her other hoof ready to kick, while her forelimbs where held out wide for balance. She was making silly kung-fu noises as she looked around. “Pinkie!” Fluttershy said as she tackled her friend.
  “Fluttershy.” Pinkie replied as the frightened pegasus mare wrapped her in a big hug. Pinkie returned the hug as Fluttershy began to sob and repeated that she was so scared. Pinkie Pie looked around and soon realized how alone they were.
  As Fluttershy's tears soaked into Pinkie's coat it hit her, Pinkie had to be the strength of their little pair. She couldn’t keep the mood light and leave Rainbow Dash or Applejack to hold the group together. Pinkie Pie forced a smile and rubbed the back of Fluttershy's head. “Everything’s going to be okay.” This was going to be the hardest thing she ever did in her life.
  “B-but our friends are missing.” Fluttershy whimpered. “W-we're trapped in a h-hole and there’s no way out. W-we're going t-to d-die down here.” She whined. “Our friends ar-”
  “Stop that.” Pinkie scolded, putting her hoof over Fluttershy's mouth. “Our friends our fine, I mean really Fluttershy do you think Applejack and Rainbow Dash would let these meanies push them around?” Fluttershy blinked and shook her head behind Pinkie's hoof. “Twilight's probably blowing them up with big super powerful magic spells.” She jumped back and mimed an explosion, someone being shot and falling to the ground dead.
  Fluttershy smiled a little, but it soon faltered. “What about Rarity?”
  Pinkie sat up with a smile. “Ha! Rarity's got them all wrapped around her hoof by now. their probably making her new line of fancy dresses.”
  Fluttershy giggled and sat up straight. “Okay.”
  Pinkie giggled as she sat next to her. “Yeah...So now we just have to get out of here.” She tapped her forehead in thought while Fluttershy just stared at her for a few minutes. Pinkie Pie blinked and looked over at the pale yellow mare and asked, “What?” feeling a little uncomfortable being stared at.
  “Oh sorry.” Fluttershy said looking away while hiding her face with her pink mane. “I was just waiting for you to do one of those Pinkie things you do.”
  “Oh.” Pinkie patted her friend's back. “It's okay. I don’t really control those things, it's hard to explain.” She giggled nervously.
  Fluttershy nodded, and accepted the answer. “Oh.” The shy pegasus paused and looked away, as she took in the unsettling scenery of the dark prison. “So, you sure everypony is okay?”

*     *     *

  Rarity lay on the dirty floor in the cell she had been thrown in. The walls of the cell glowed in a faint blue light, it's gentle illumination allowed the captive to see her prison. There was a dingy cot in the corner, and a bucket of water against the wall to her left. The white unicorn looked at her forehooves, which were stained red with her own blood. It had taken time to get the slice across her flank to stop bleeding, she had attempted to cast a healing spell but it fizzled out with no effect. She still felt a little woozy from the blood loss.
  Rarity trembled as the memory of the morning replayed in her mind. Her front door was kicked in moments before one of the hybrid monsters grabbed her. She remembered Twilight and Winchester fighting to save her. She didn’t remember being caught by the giant bird, only awaking in its talons as it flew towards this dreaded castle. She had panicked when the beast dropped her in the arms of more hybrid beasts, she remembered Rainbow Dash and Applejack had put up much more of a fight than she had even hoped too.
  Her thoughts shifted from events to reasons and possibility. 'Why did they bring us all here?' Her mind screamed. 'What were they planing?' She started to hyperventilate, 'Is it for ransom?', 'Would these monsters ever release them?', 'Were her friends alright?', and worst of all. 'Would the monsters defile them before they were rescued, released or killed?' Her panic only grew as she thought about the fact that they all appeared to be male.
  Rarity shot up to a sitting position and resolved herself. “No! I can't allow myself to panic! I've got to keep my head about me!” She winced in pain. Her heart was still pounding in her chest as she struggled to stand, she could feel fresh blood running down her leg. She stumbled a little, her balance was off and she felt light headed. “First, I have to clean up.” She spoke to no one in particular. The demure mare cursed under her breath hoping that she wouldn’t have a scar or stained fur.
  The first thing she would need to do is clean her injury and bandage it. Rarity looked over at the cot, it was little more than a couple of sheets of cloth sown together and stuffed with straw. The fabric seemed clean enough, she could make a bandage from that. Rarity stood unsteadily and limped over to it. She attempted to use her magic to tear some stripes of fabric from the cot, but nothing happened, almost causing the mare to panic all over again. After forcing herself to calm down, she grabbed a corner of the cot in her teeth and gave it a good tug. It didn’t take her long to rip some large strips of fabric into something she could use as bandages and a rag or two. She then slowly made her way over to the bucket. It was only a few steps away but the pain from her wounded flank almost made it too much to bear.
  Rarity took a few deep breaths as she looked at the water with the her makeshift bandages and rags in her mouth. The water smelled clean, so it would do. The mare dropped one of the rags in the water before she carefully sat down. She pulled the rag out and began to wash the blood from her flank. It hurt almost as bad as walking on it but beauty was painful sometimes, she just couldn’t let the blood stain her pure white coat. It took several minutes and a few more tears but soon she was clean, though bleeding again. She quickly pressed another of her makeshift bandages to her large cut then wrapped another bandage around herself to hold it in place. Without the use of her magic it was awkward but she managed well enough.
  She sat next to the bucket and took a few relaxing breaths with her eyes closed. She could feel the dried make up around her eyes and across her cheeks. “Now that simply won't do.” She retrieved another rag and dipped it into the water to wash her face. The simple act of vanity would seem pointless to some given her situation, however as Rarity rinsed off the dirt and make up, it did more than that. It cleansed her mind of the worry for her love ones, or the fear about her looks being ruined. These were impurities for her mind as the smeared makeup was an impurity for her face. She loved her friends and would gladly give her life to save them, but she couldn’t help them trapped in here.
  Rarity sighed and tossed the rag to the side. The beautiful white mare shook the water from her face, and her mind finally clear enough to think. She leaned down and took a quick drink, she felt it was undignified to lap at the water like a common animal. She sighed and wiped her mouth ready to devise a plan of escape. With no magic she only had a few options and these monsters were nothing like the diamond dogs that had captured her before, her methods from that time would not work here. She also doubted she could play these disciplined soldiers like lovestruck colts, or Spike. If she could seduce them or not she wasn’t sure, and she didn’t want to have to find out.
  Rarity stared at the bucket of water. “One of them threw me in here. So...Maybe if I call to them, only one will come.” She whispered to herself and looked to the cell door, “I can tell him I need something and then I’ll hit him over the head with something. I just need something to hit him with.” she sighed as she looked around the bland stone room again. It was still as empty as before, She then looked back at the bucket. “Perhaps...” She smiled mischievously and said, “Oops.” as she kicked over the bucket spilling it everywhere. “Oh darn, clumsy me!” She picked up the bucket and walked to the cell entrance. She set the bucket down and reached her hoof through to bars and waved calling. “Yoohoo!~”
*     *     *
  Twilight Sparkle stood on a stage with several other ponies. It had been about four hours since her last meeting with the princesses, and even now the red sky was still unnerving. She shifted uncomfortably in the steel chest plate she wore. It was a little big on her, so the armor smith had stuffed some padding into the armor so it wouldn’t shake and bounce around on her. The problem was that it was really itchy, and further complicating the problem was that she was now in front of over 300 ponies. She shook a little to try and make the itching stop, It didn’t help.
  To distract herself from the itching she looked at the older unicorn stallion in front of her. He wore black and white armor with gold inlay, the entire surface of the ornate relic was etched with exquisite depictions of the princesses and their victories. He was Chaplain Brim Stone, he had introduced himself to Twilight when she first arrived. She still didn’t know how to react when a pony almost old enough to be her grandfather bowed to her so low that his chest plate had touched the ground and saying that he was honored to be in her presence. Now, he lead the Shield Bearers company in a prayer to the princesses. Twilight Sparkle had met many ponies that worshiped the Princesses as more than their rulers, but this pony's passion was truly something to behold.
  Chaplain Brim Stone presided over a sea of white armored ponies all standing at attention. Their armor varied from the near impenetrable heavy vanguard armor for the front line fighters to the light chest pieces of scouts. From where Twilight Sparkle stood, she couldn’t see much more detail, other then they where a diverse bunch in breed. She felt a well of feminine pride seeing a good ratio of mares to stallions in the mix.
  To her left stood about two dozen ponies in royal purple colored vanguard armor, from what she remembered from the book she read they must have been Shining Armor's honor guard. Their armor showed signs of heavy use, some sections looked to have been replaced while others had some dents and scratches. Twilight correctly guessed that her brother was the type to lead from the front, relying on his sergeants and lieutenants to keep his company on track.
  At the front of the honor guard was a large stallion with a flag attached to his back, he was the standard bearer and it was his job to carry the color's of the company. The flag of the Shield Bearers company was a white flag with royal blue border. In the lower center was the symbol of Equestria, on both sides and underneath it were purple crescent shapes. Above was a depiction of Shining Armor's Cutie Mark, it was very common for companies to use their captain's or a great leader from the past's cutie mark as it's symbol.
  Beside the standard bearer was a pony whose purple armor stood out amongst the others, it had bright gold trim and covered with trophies and honors. He wore no helmet revealing his scarred green face. He must have been the company champion. A pony elected for his skill in battle too be at the captains side and protect him at all costs. The only job in the company that was more dangerous was that of the indigo colored pegasus mare that stood next to him. She was the company messenger or the voice of the captain. She took the orders her captain gave to whoever they were for, and reported back to him what he needed to know. Any that knew the tactics of the Royal Guard would be looking for her. Her chest plate had many tally marks etched into the surface of it, probably a sign of how many battles she had seen. Twilight had seen her earlier that morning doing her job.
  Twilight never thought that the Royal Guard was so active. Then again both Shining Armor and Winchester had mentioned before that no pony really knows how many battles and skirmishes the Royal Guard are involved in. The Royal Guard marches to the aid of their allies often, to put down rebels, or slay monsters and demons almost on a weekly basis, however the true intentions of the troops movement were generally hidden form public. As appealing as the idea of Equestria's alliances were, the itching was too bad for her to think about politics right now though.
  Twilight Sparkle looked to her right were six ponies stood in a row. They were all unicorns, some wore robes, a few wore armor or a combination of both. These were the companies battlemages, these ponies did battle with their minds not their might. Twilight would be acting as one of them today. They were preparing for battle like their schools of magic taught them, either meditating silently or chanting incantations or the like. The red pony closest to Twilight wore a matching red robe with a brass colored chest plate finished his chanting and looked up. He felt Twilight’s eyes on him and he looked back at her and said, “We are stretching our magical muscles so to speak.” assuming she was curious about what they were doing.
  Twilight nodded. “I see.” She wasn't in a chatty mood and just felt like observing.
  “As the student of Princess Celestia I'm sure you were taught to do the same before casting a number of spells.” The red robed pony said.
  “Oh yes.” Twilight replied feeling embarrassed, she should have thought about doing that. The red pony looked unimpressed as this mare seemed almost in a daze, she closed her eyes and began breath in though her nose and out through her mouth. He sighed silently, only foals use that technique to clear their mind. He guessed that Twilight wasn’t as great as she was thought to be.
  Twilight continued her breathing exercisers she let her mind clear, pushed the thought of itching from her mind. then on an inhale like any other all the unicorns in the vicinity felt a firm tug on their horns towards her. Her exhale sent waves of magic over her coat and the unicorns had to set their hooves or be thrown to the ground. As she took in the next breath the other unicorns felt like something had garbed their horns and pulled them toward Twilight till she released her breath and they were all thrown to the ground.
  The clatter of armored ponies drew Twilight out from her exercises. She looked around blushing and confused by what she saw, unaware of what had transpired outside of her meditation. Before anypony said anything, Winchester trotted onto the stage in front of Twilight announcing. “Fear not loyal soldiers of Equestria! Though our princesses have physically left us for the day, they have blessed us greatly! They have sent their beloved student to aid us!” The knight turned to look at the battlemages as his voice echoed around them all. “She has more power then any demon I have faced.” He looked back at the soldiers. “And alongside her friends, they wield a power ten times greater than us all.” Winchester paused to allow the fallen unicorns to stand and find their places in the formation. He then announced that their captain would be giving them their briefing.
  Shining Armor took center stage and began telling his troops about the plan of attack, a map was magically projected behind him large enough for the assembled company to see. Twilight recognized the map as the one that scout captain Crosswind had shown them but it now had other marks. As Shining Armor spoke words like comet strike, ballista, rally points, and the like flew over Twilight's head. However, the mare's mind was elsewhere. She had to ask Winchester, who now stood beside her, if he meant what he said. “Winchester, why did you say that?”
  The Knight didn’t turn his head to look at her as he admitted. “Even my knees quake at the thought of going into battle without the eyes of my princesses upon me. These soldiers need hope, and as a knight I must give it too them.” He looked at her with his normal one sided grin, “It's always easier when I can use the truth to do that. Just listen to your brother and everything will be okay.”
  Twilight blinked. “Are you sure?”
  “Do you doubt your brother?”
  “Do you doubt me?”
  “Do you doubt our princesses?”
  “Of course not.” Twilight said, a bit confused by the sudden barrage of questions the tall unicorn was asking.
  Winchester then turned and looked at her, his grin was gone as he said. “Then stop acting like you do.” She met his eyes, “...and don’t doubt yourself ether.” he poked her in the chest. “You are as great as anypony here.” Twilight took a deep breath and nodded.
  Shining Armor bellowed. “Any Questions?!” Knowing what harm it could cause Twilight didn't ask any, and nether did anypony else. “Good.” The captain said slowly as looked at all of his troops, before shouting out. “WE ARE THE SHIELD OF EQUESTRIA!”
  The entire company responded in unison. “WE MAY SPLINTER BUT WE WILL NEVER BREAK!” The captain repeated the motto of his company, and his company replied in turn. Winchester joined in this time. Twilight blinked when the company repeated the call a third time, and she joined in. She felt funny but the smile her brother and Winchester gave her was oddly comforting.
  After getting his troops pumped, Shining Armor began to march them out of Canterlot. Twilight's mind was full of nightmarish thoughts about war, but this was it, she was going into battle. Yet, despite her fear, the lavender mare was determined to save her friends. She was one of the defenders of Equestria, the bearer of the Element of Magic. She couldn’t expect that her life would always be safe and simple.