
by mlplover17


To this day, I think about my big mistake. Those one thousand years of my life, I'll never get back. I've also learned so much in that time. I mean I helped two fillies in their dreams. I still remember how it all started.

I'm enraged by the ponies sleeping through my lovely night, while they all play and enjoy my sisters daylight. I become so jealous that I want to kill my sister.

"Luna! You MUST lower the moon!" she shouts at me.

"No Celestia! You always have the fun! Now it's my turn!" I shout as I raise the moon even higher.

Just then I transform. I grow sharp teeth and my mane become a light, indigo shadow. I finally feel like I have what I deserve.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha!" I laugh manically.

"Luna! What has become of you?!"

"Luna! Who's Luna?! I am Nightmare Moon."

Little did I know, my good feeling was soon going to end. That I would become trapped on what I raised and lowered every night. That I wouldnt be able to return for one thousand moons. Little did I know I would be in pain and actually miss my sister. I decided to end my sister once and for all.

I start shooting blue beams at her to try and kill her. She keeps moving. I finally shoot her down. She gets up and I see her get the elements of harmony. I feel that she cannot defeat me. Was I wrong! She shoots a golden beam from her horn, as I shoot a blue beam at her. I try as hard as I can to defeat her.

"Come on! You can defeat her! You MUST defeat her! You must defeat the elements of harmony. Just a little harder." I say to myself in confidence. Then I see I'm losing and I'm hit with the golden beam of light.

"No! No! Nooooooooooooo!" I shout as I'm shot upwards.


I land hard on my back on a hard, rocky surface.

I slowly get up and look around in shock. My teeth and mane shrink back down to normal. I realize I'm on the moon. I look down on Equestria.

"No. No. No no no no no no no no no NO! This can't be happeneing!" I shouted with my eyes wide.

"She BANISHED me!" I shouted my eyes wide. I start to get tears in my eyes.

"Why? Why me? Of all ponies, my sister had to banish ME to the moon! I mean, sure, I just tried to kill her and bring eternal darkness, but she doesn't understand! NO PONY UNDERSTANDS!" I shout as I start to sob.