//------------------------------// // The Room // Story: The Room // by SteelChords //------------------------------// Pinkie regained consciousness and tried to understand her surroundings. It was rather dark, and her eyes were having trouble adjusting. She closed them again to see if she could speed up the process, and tried to hear if anything was around her. She made a clicking sound with her tongue. The echo came back almost instantly. She was in a small room... a really small room. She opened her eyes again, and confirmed her theory. Although it was still rather dark, there was enough light for her to see that she was in a room about five feet high. Slowly she regained feeling in the rest of her body. She was lying on, what felt like, a giant wooden table set up parallel to the ground. She then noticed that there were braces, or shackles, of some sort strapped around her hooves, which were spread out in four separate directions. It was then that Pinkie realized that she was being held prisoner for some reason. "Holy Celestia, this is just like those movies!!" she screamed, now panicking. She struggled against her bondings, desperately trying to free herself. Those shackles were really on tight. Eventually she tired out, and laid back down onto the table. She stared back up at the ceiling, a million thoughts running a marathon inside her head, as she continued her heavy, rapid breathing. "Hello... Pinkamena... my old ex-friend..." boomed a deep, echoing voice that seemed to be coming from all around her. Her, already rapid, breathing sped up, and her heart started pounding, as if it was trying to break free from it's rib-cage-jail-cell. "What's going on? Who are you? What do you want?" she screamed at the room. Her own voice echoed back to her almost immediately, causing her to panic even more. What did that voice mean, ex-friend? Nopony had ever broken their friendship with her before, and she could only remember one time when she ended her friendship with somepony. "Oh, I think you know, very well who I am... maybe you need a little reminder... does this ring a bell at all...?" it said. Then, in a completely different, and much more familiar, voice, she heard, "Pinkie, you are so random!" "Dashie...?" Pinkie was stunned. It wasn't possible. There was no possible explanation as to how Rainbow Dash could have trapped her here. She had done away with her weeks ago. "Oh... So you do remember me..." replied the deep echoing voice. "Then you must also remember our last encounter... and what you did to me..." Pinkie's heart sank. She did remember, and if her expectations of what were coming next were right, she would really hate these next several moments. A disemboweled image of Rainbow Dash appeared on the ceiling just above her. Pinkie cringed at the image of what she'd done to her former best friend. It brought back all of the memories of the last night that they'd spent together... and how it had ended. "How could you possibly forget this... I know I never will..." said the deep voice, which was now coming from Rainbow Dash's mouth. "I'll never forget how you mercilessly murdered me... me, your best friend... well, you're about to find out how much of a mistake that was..." The image of Rainbow Dash began to develop a red aura around it, and the room started trembling violently. Pinkie whipped her head around in every direction, as four circular holes formed in the corners of the ceiling. She looked back up at the image of Rainbow Dash. "How are you doing this? What power in Heaven or Hell is allowing you to do this to me! You should be dead, and unable to do any kind of harm to me! How are you able to do this?!" Pinkie screamed at the image portrayed above her. "Oh Pinkie... Are you, of all ponies, really looking for an answer about the supernatural...? Let's just say that a basic principle of physics is at play here... every action has an equal and opposite reaction... you made the initial action..." Rainbow's eyes suddenly began glowing a frightening shade of firetruck red, "so now I'm making my reaction..." Suddenly, the holes in each corner of the room started leaking a thick green substance. It fell to the floor of the room with a splattering sound, similar to the sound of somepony dropping oatmeal on a hard tile floor. The room slowly began filling up with the thick green substance. Pinkie frantically spun her head around in every direction watching as the substance covered the floor and began slowly rising, getting closer and closer to her. Pinkie began fighting against her restraints again, desperately trying to free her hooves from the shackles that held them, but it was no use. Whatever was keeping the shackles secured to the table was very strong and very durable. The image of Rainbow Dash narrowed it's eyes as an evil grin formed across it's face. "Friendship is Magic, Pinkie... but you wouldn't know much about that anymore..." bellowed the deep voice. Pinkie continued struggling against her restraints as the image of Rainbow Dash started laughing maniacally. The green substance had risen even higher now, and was just below the top face of the table. There wasn't much Pinkie could do, as the substance came pouring out of the four holes much faster and the room began filling up at a much more rapid pace. "Hell has a nice little spot in it's furnace for you, Pinkamena Dianne Pie..." The green substance filled up to the face of the table and began filling all around Pinkie. She stopped struggling against her shackles. There was no escape now. Slowly the substance filled up around Pinkie's body, up to her face. Pinkie took one last breath of air as the substance quickly filled around her face. And then there was silence. Twilight Sparkle's eyes fluttered open as the morning sun shined through her window. She stretched her legs as she climbed from her bed, and walked over to her calendar. There didn't seem to be a whole lot of stuff going on today. Just a few chores to start the morning, and then the rest of the day seemed to be open. "Hmmm... I know, I'll go see Pinkie Pie after I've finished my chores. That mare is always up for some fun."