//------------------------------// // =Act II: Changes= Chapter Seven: Psych // Story: Marked for death // by shadowfoxr //------------------------------// Act II: Changes Chapter Seven: Psych "Oh shit!" a voice screamed, my vision tilted backwards as my body fell towards the marble floor "God damnit, Blaze hang in there!" another voice said shortly after my dying body hit the floor. I stared up at the roof for what seemed to be an eternity So this is it huh? I thought to myself with a chuckle, the screams of my friends slowly fading out, well at least I ended it like a badass I felt the warm liquid slowly pouring out of the gaping wounds in my chest, thankfully shock was preventing me from feeling most of the pain. Faces danced around the edges of my vision as my friends tried to make me snap out of the trance I was in, but I just stared at the ceiling thinking thoughts that I couldn't even make out. I felt the magic slowly draining out of my body no matter what anyone did to try and prevent it. I slowly managed to focus on my friends and say a few words to them, sadness etched upon their faces. Sorry guys...this is it for me... I closed my eyes ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ "So then, where are we going?" I asked grudgingly It had been two days since Snow Hunter had rescued me from the Equestrian guards and yet I still hadn't even bothered to ask him where he was leading me due to the distracting thoughts that had been floating around my head. During that time we had barely talked, only doing so when necessary. "We're heading north, to the Crystal Empire" he stated I gave him a confused look "Are you crazy? Not only would I be going straight towards the captain of the guard, I would be heading towards a princess as well!" "Have any better ideas?" he asked me "Yeah I go to Canterlot, find the bastard that betrayed me and expose him to the world" "And just how would you do that?" I thought for a moment, trying to think of an idea "That's what I thought" He said, walking ahead of me "But-" I sighed Son of a bitch I thought, slowly trotting after him ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The following weeks me and Snow slowly made our way to the crystal empire, never staying in a town more than a day and often having to sleep in the wilderness. But still the pain of Arctic Heart's betrayal didn't diminish in the slightest, the only thing that kept me going was the prospect of getting the backstabbing bastard back at what he had done to her. I'm going to fucking kill that bastard I told myself over and over again. I also got to learn a bit more about my savior, like the fact that he was previously in the Equestrian guard...as a royal guard. My instincts told me to be wary of him due to his history but as much as I tried to deny it he slowly started becoming one of my friends, well my only friend now. I also learnt that he was extremely skilled with the sword, even better than most of the Equestrian special forces. "Do you think you could teach me how to use a sword as well as you?" I asked him one night as we were seated around a small fire. "Well, sure I guess I could try" he replied, standing up. He walked over to a tree that our saddlebags and equipment were currently resting on, grabbing a couple of large sticks he chucked me one. "What? now?" I asked surprised while fumbling the sword in my hooves "You want to learn don't you?" "Well sure, I guess" I said, raising the stick and getting into a fighting position "Let's go!" Needless to say I got my ass kicked. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ "Something isn't right here" Snow said as we entered the brown wooden inn. "I know" I trying to sense what was wrong with the simple countryside inn The inn was a lone building on the road we were travailing on, the inn was fairly busy due to the road's usage between the northern and southern parts of Equestria. As we entered the inn we were greeted by welcoming looks from the inhabitants of the inn. As Snow went to book us a room I sat down at one of the booths and waited to be served. After a few minutes Snow sat down across from me. "I got us a room so we won't be sleeping on the ground again" Snow yelled over the noise of the inn with a happy tone "Thank Celestia" I replied, laughing "Can I help you?" A blue unicorn mare said, striding up to us "Yeah sure, could you please get me a salad with a side of hay fries and whatever my friend wants?" Snow told her "Could I please get the biggest meal you have" I pleaded in the best tone I could muster "Of course!" She said, laughing at my behavior "any drinks with that?" "Two bottles of your strongest wine should be enough" "Okay then" she then ran off to for fill our order We waited patiently for our order, Snow watching the door of the packed inn for any threats while I sat back and relaxed. Eventually the blue mare returned with our orders and we thanked her, I had been given what looked like a gigantic burger, it was filled with a delicious salad with many ingredients I had never even seen before. I quickly ate the burger and was about to take a swig from the bottle next to me when Snow stopped me. "Don't" was all he said, putting his hoof over mine "Why?" I asked him "I've had this wine before, and this definitely has something added to it" "Its poisoned?" I asked him in disbelief "I think so" "Then let's get the fuck out of here" "Agreed" We didn't even get to stand up before a group of a dozen or so guards burst into the inn. I saw the blue mare as she pointed in our direction and the guards started towards us. Shit "Should we run?" I whispered to Snow "Too late" The guards reached our table. "Hello there" the leader, a smart ass unicorn said to us "What brings you fine gentleponies to our table?" I asked in an over the top voice "Not much, we were just on the hunt for a traitor, now you guys wouldn't happen to know where he is would you?" "A traitor? Why would somepony betray our great kingdom?" it was Snow now "I don't know, hey Lightning Blaze do you know the answer to that?" My eyes darted towards the guard as my body stiffened, he and his guards had drawn their weapons towards me Son of a bitch! "Thank god you caught him" Snow said "he's been keeping me hostage for so long, I-I just want to see my family" I shot a glance at Snow and saw that he was tearing up What the fuck!? "Snow!?" I demanded "Don't worry, we've got him now, go back to your family citizen" the guard said to him I was grabbed by two guards as they started to drag me towards the exit. Snow finished talking to the guard and when the guard turned around he winked at me, then I was dragged outside. What? Snow no! They started dragging me towards a prison wagon much like the one Arctic had imprisoned me in. Nonononono! I repeated to myself, it couldn't be over, not like this I heard a muffled shout coming from the front of the inn and saw Snow holding a unicorn guard in a choke hold with a dagger to her throat. The mare looked towards her team with fearful eyes that begged for help. "What the-? We let you go! Its over!" The leader stammered "No, unfortunately this pony has been framed and I made a promise I would help him prove his innocence" Snow said calmly "You expect me to believe he's innocent when his companion has one of my guards by the throat!" "I don't care if you believe me or not, I just want him freed" He's such a badass... "Let her go or I'll cut you down where you stand!" "I don't you think you know how a hostage situation-" Snow started before he found himself being charged by the stallion "oh for fucks sake" he said hitting the mare in a pressure point, knocking her out cold Snow carefully stepped over the mares limp body and stood ready, the leader just ran past him. After a few feet he tumbled to the ground, a massive wound appearing on his left side. Snow wiped his bloodstained dagger on the grass, getting as much blood of as he could before facing the rest, we just stood there gaping. "Anyone else?" He challenged I didn't even see him move! "You just attacked the captain!" one of the other guards shouted, running at Snow, the other guards followed him. The guards holding me ran as well, allowing my to move about freely again. "Wow those guys are really not good at holding a captive" I muttered "You know I really didn't want to have to kill anypony, especially not a guard, well I guess I don't really have a choice now do I?" Snow said to himself. The first guard reached him and swung a halebred, Snow easily ducked it and stabbed the guard in the chest before dodging a sword swing to his right. He parried the sword swings with his dagger until he locked blades with the guard, he then unsheathed his own sword and cut down the defenseless pony. Snow moved from guard to guard mercilessly taking them down with ease. I watched with a mixture of shock, horror, admiration and just a grasp of how badass Snow really is. When he cut down the final pony he trotted up to me, sheathing his bloodstained weapons. "Was it really-? I mean did you have to kill them?" I asked him "Yes, if they lived they would have gotten more troops and probably killed us on sight for revenge, it is unfortunate that it had to be this way" "Yeah..." I said noticing something running towards Snow. I quickly tore my dagger -which apparently the guards hadn't confiscated- out of its sheath, pushed Snow out of the way, stepped forwards and stabbed towards the captain before he could swing his sword. "Heh...you got me" He said in a weak voice "I guess you win then Blaze" "No..." I said shaking, I let go of the dagger and fell back "I-I'm sorry I-" "So you really aren't a killer after all" the captain observed, swaying slightly as blood pored out from his chest wound. "Please I didn't mean to-" I stuttered, my vision tearing up "It was self defense I would've-" The captain was cut of as he had a coughing fit, blood splattered out of his mouth as he fell to the ground. "You see that mare over there? The one your friend knocked out?" I nodded. "That's my sister, if you really feel bad about killing me then take care of her okay? Tell her that I-" he started coughing again "I was killed by a rogue guard" He fought to continue his words "and that I-" he rolled onto his back "tell her that I love her...." his last word exited with his last breath as the life in his eyes faded away into nothingness. I struggled to hold my tears back as I tore my eyes away from his and looked at the sleeping mare. "We need to go Blaze, now" Snow said in a soft, yet firm voice "Wh- What about her?" I said, motioning to the mare with my hoof "I'd rather not take her" Snow said "I-I can't leave her here, I don't think that guard would be very happy with me if I did" I cried Snow sighed put his hoof on my shoulder "Don't give in now, you still have a long way to go" "I know" ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Scarred star looked over the pristine paper that held the psych report of the most wanted stallion in Equestria. Recently he had been spending a lot of time trying to find the weaknesses of the stallion but most of them were either insignificant or almost impossible to exploit. He had almost captured Lightning Blaze with the use of one of his former friends, but apparently he had escaped with the aid of a second Pegasus who had not only freed him, but taken out the whole squad sent to capture him. Star muttered to himself as he looked over the paper, forming and discarding plans every time he read a new piece of information. He was almost about to call it a night until he read a particular paragraph. Subject holds severe case of self justice, able to mercilessly kill any who have committed heavy crimes or wishes to harm him but when faced with an innocent is unable to kill or harm them. It is suspected that if he is forced to take an innocent life away that he will have an emotional breakdown which may cause major psych problems A smile appeared on Star's face, he had his weakness, now he just had to exploit it.