Child of Chaos, Daughter of Time

by ghostshado13

Prolog: Chaos Awakes, Part 1

It was June 21, the day of the Summer Sun Celebration, 10 years after Luna was reunited with her sister, Celesta, and the holiday was better that ever. Ponies came from all around Equestria to the Sister’s garden to see the wonderful show put on for them. Some of the shows included the Wonderbolts and the students of Twilight’s academy. Every pony was there… except one. One filly who never did fit in with the crowd. She was shunned from society at a young age, for she was neither proper nor smart, her mother dead from a tragic accident and her father banished. No pony understood her. No pony cared about her. No pony even knew her name. Not even her sister would talk to her, for fear of being associated with that strange filly. She was alone… but never lonely. And this is where our story begins, in a garden, by a statue.
“Daddy, this is sooooo boring. When can we have fun again?” she asked the statue.
The statue spoke to her sweetly telepathically. “O, my sweet abomination, the time for fun will come soon, very soon. Just as soon as I’m strong enough to break out, we can create havoc throughout Equestria. But first, I have a gift for my sweet little princess.”
She giggled haply. “What is it, daddy? Is it a play toy? Come on daddy, tell me.” She tugged at the stone creature’s tail.
“Now, now, sweetie, that would ruin the surprise. But I can assure you, it will be something very chaotic”
The little pony squealed with joy. “Ooooo, I can’t take it! What is it! PLEASE?!?!”
“Well…. Alright, I’ll show you. Remember the pocket watch? The one with the symbols? Well, that, my child, is the key to a world beyond your wildest dreams. You just need to open it.”
“But daddy, it won’t open, the latch is-“
“It doesn’t open like other watches. You must use your powers to open it. Only those with True Chaos in their souls can. And I know You Can. Just remember the things that I have taught you, my daughter dearest, and you will have your Surprise.”
“Ok, I can do this. Because I am Screwball, Daughter of Discord! And I will not let you down, daddy”
And with that, she summoned all the chaos in her little body and swiped her hoof at the watch. It took a few tries, but finely, it sprung open. She smiled and grabbed the watch and was teleported into a wondrous world where she could let her imagination run wild and free. Where no pony could ever tease her again. Where she could grow strong, strong enough to free her father again. Someday…