TD the Alicorn Princess

by BronyWriter

Minotaurs and Pegasi

The days after a birthday are usually downers, but especially when you're royalty and you have the traditions that we do. Now it's back to the daily grind. The time when it's all about the ponies we serve again. Don't get me wrong, it's not awful, but like I said: the few days after a birthday when we get to go wild are always a little down.

Oh well. Muzzle back to the grindstone.

Out of all of my upcoming meetings, the one upcoming one with Soaring Skies, the Las Pegasus dignitary on my birthday, definitely counted as the one I looked forward to the least. I didn't like being politically manipulated, and then she had the gall to actually come and ask me for something? Not cool. Still, it came with the crown, and I couldn't just flat-out say no. It was a poor leader who ignored something that could potentially be important out of pride, and if I told her that I didn't want to see her because of the stunt she pulled on my birthday, that's all it would be.

The day of her meeting arrived, and I ordered Lieutenant Rapids to lead her into one of my private meeting rooms. Despite my willingness to meet with her, I made sure that my chair stood just a little bit higher than hers. Gotta let her know who's actually in charge here. All part of the game.

After a few moments of waiting, the door to the room opened, and Lieutenant Rapids brought Soaring Skies inside. Soaring Skies walked up to me and bowed low. "Your Majesty. Thank you for agreeing to meet with me."

"You're welcome." I motioned over to a nearby, smaller chair. "Please, sit."

Soaring Skies bowed low again and sat down on the chair. "Thank you, Your Majesty."

Soaring Skies sat down in the chair, and I gave her a few seconds to relish in the height difference. I really wanted her to get that I was the one in charge here, and not her. I had no doubts that she completely understood why I was doing this to her. Good. Then maybe she won't do it again, and she'll let the others know that too.

After a few more moments, I decided that she'd had enough. I cleared my throat and fluttered my wings. "Alright, what is it that you wished to speak with me?"

Soaring Skies grimaced, and leaned forward a few centimeters. "I'm here because there is a grave threat to Equestria, Princess Antares. You know that Las Pegasus is one of the biggest arms dealers in the world correct? Some of our companies, mine included, have international contracts in several different countries."

I nodded. "Yes, Ms. Skies. I am fully aware of that. What's your point?"

"My point is that because of our weapons connections, we are privy to important information. We make it a habit to find out what our weapons are being used for. We don't want Las Pegasopolan weapons being used by terrorist organizations, after all."

"And you found something." I raised an eyebrow. "You sold some weapons and you heard something big."

Okay, as much as I disliked what she pulled on my birthday, she had my attention now.

Soaring Skies nodded. "Two months ago, we began dealing with a minotaur clan. As usual, we did some background work on why they would want our weapons. Now, as you know, the minotaur lands are made up of roaming tribes with a few central trading hubs, most notably Schunie. It was there that we heard it." Soaring Skies leaned forward a little more, and her eyes widened for emphasis. "Princess Antares, the minotaurs are uniting. Pan-Minotaurism is spreading throughout the minotaur lands like wildfire, and a large part of it is you."

I raised an eyebrow, and my jaw dropped slightly. "Me? Why me?"

"Because they feel that now Equestria is getting too strong. Your ascension increased the size of our military forces, and your little stunt with the griffin raiders did not go unnoticed. They think that you're very strong, or could become so. With you on the throne, many minotaur clan leaders worry that Equestria now has the power to take over if we so desired, either militarily or by simply setting up key puppet leaders."

I snorted and rolled my eyes. "That's ridiculous. What the heck would we want with the minotaur lands?"

"But they don't know that!" Soaring Skies pointed out. "Whoever controls the cities like Schunie controls the minotaur lands. That's a large portion of their wealth in there, Princess Antares. They're not going to risk it if they get the idea that a foreign power wants it."

"Alright then." I tapped my jaw and peered down at her. "So I assume you've talked with the other Las Pegasopolan weapons leaders about this."

"Yes, somewhat."

"Very well, what do you see happening, then? The minotaurs unite into one country, and a lot of in-fighting stops. Then what?

Soaring Skies' grimace returned. "Then our hegemony disappears, Princess Antares, three goddesses leading our nation or not. A unified minotaur kingdom would soon become one of the most powerful militaries on the planet, and we both know that the griffins would side with them in a war. Aepnet already has alliances with most of the larger clans, so it stands to reason that a unified minotaur nation would continue allying with him. Besides, there are rumors that there are still Nightmare Weapons out there that can kill you three."

"I am well aware of the rumors, but so far they are only that. We can't go smashing up Aepnet's country based on rumor. That aside, I get your point, but you forget that we have allegiances with Sultan Mesud of Saddle Arabia, not to mention the Crystal Empire." In a setup that really does remind me of the precursor atmosphere to World War One, so it's a good thing I was on the throne to know that. "We wouldn't be some pushover country if Aepnet and the minotaurs went to war against us."

"Maybe not, but the last component is that our military is not as strong as the minotaurs think that it is!" Soaring Skies wilted under my slight glare, and cleared her throat. "I-I'm not suggesting that you were lazy and went halfway, or picked your troops poorly, Princess Antares. In fact, the general consensus amongst us in Las Pegasus is that yours is the strongest of the forces, particularly after the griffin raider incident. However, it's the Night and Solar Guards that we worry about in particular in terms of an army. Princess Cadance's Blade-Wings are little more than an espionage unit. On a battlefield, they would not last long, especially against a regiment of fully-trained minotaurs."

"High praise for organizations that have been around since before even I was a thought."

Soaring Skies flattened her ears and flinched back. "P-Princess Antares, I mean no offense to the guards, but as a fighting force, they are inadequate, the Solar Guard especially. I feel that the Changeling invasion proved that. Prince Shining Armor is an exceptional commander, but he is just one pony in a rather corrupt bureaucracy."

"Corrupt bureaucracy?" I snorted. "My, my, you should tell that one to Celestia."

Soaring Skies flinched back again. "Princess Antares, I only speak the truths that I see. I would not say such things if I did not feel that there was cause to. Dealing weapons and armor for the guards gives us intimate dealings into how they are run. Prince Shining Armor is a stallion of honor, none can deny that, but he is one of the few. Not only that, but he has to devote much of his time to the Crystal Empire, so much so that there are rumors that he might step down to become the co-ruler in full."

"You deal a lot in rumors, I see."

Soaring Skies gave a nervous chuckle. "Yes, well, one has to keep their ears open for business opportunities in our line of work, as well as knowledge about who to sell and not sell our wares to."

"Makes sense." I waved my hoof. "Anyway, you were saying?"

"Yes, I was saying that the guards are not prepared to be a proper army. They are certainly prepared to march in military parades, but little else. The nobility, too few of whom have actually dealt with real military matters in their lives, have too much influence in the guards. Fat nobles promote their sons and daughters into officer roles, when they have no real experience, while denying truly talented soldiers what they've worked for. Princess Celestia and Princess Luna are too busy to regulate the army; an army that's too small to effectively do anything should we be invaded."

"Something that you have no proof of happening, Ms. Skies." I clicked my tongue and leaned back in my chair to cross my forelegs. "And by this point, my origins are not a secret. My original race was far more war-like than the minotaurs can ever imagine, and our weapons make even yours look like foam sticks. Should we come to war, I will make it so that our nation is on top. Even without magic, I can incinerate Schunie." I smirked at Soaring Skies when I saw her eyes widen even more. "Can you imagine a force of, say, fifty or so pegasi sacking the greatest minotaur city ever? Or a few hundred destroying Iselin? If we go to war, I will make it happen. You needn't worry about that."

"I'll admit that your assurances do interest me, Princess Antares, though once again, they are part of the cause for minotaur unification." Soaring Skies hesitated for a moment. "And they do not address the inherent problems with the military that we currently face."

"I suppose not. So, then, what do you suggest, hmm? I can't deny that the nobles have a heavy hoof in the military, but that's the way it's been for hundreds of years." I grimaced that the thought. "The nobles had the armies, so they got to lead when Equestria became more unified. Nothing's really changed since then. You suggest we just remove them from power?"

"Well, to put it simply, yes." I raised an eyebrow, and Soaring Skies held up a hoof. "Look, the reason that the nobles are damaging our military capabilities is because they're so ingrained in it! If the nobility is removed from the picture, then we can re-organize and start turning it into a really effective fighting force; something where promotion is based off of merit instead of parentage, and some duke who has never done a real military drill in his life won't have any more say in how things are run than the janitor who cleans the latrines."

I grunted. "Wouldn't that be nice?"

"Yes, it is nice, and do you want to know why I know that? Because you and Princess Cadance started your guards from scratch, without the nobility, and of the four guards, yours run the most effectively by far. That's not to say that the Night and Solar guards are completely inept, but if I had to choose, I'd pick your army over theirs, despite it being smaller."

"You haven't really told me how we're supposed to get all of this done. You also seem to forget that a fair amount of nobles with ties to the military help fund a fair portion of it, and that's one of the big reasons that Celestia and Luna let them have some say, and why it's bigger than mine." I raised an eyebrow. "So then how could we deal with the loss of funding that would inevitably occur when the nobles pull their support. Our army would be even weaker unless we could find..."

It hit me just as Soaring Skies looked from me to the floor. I closed my eyes and began rubbing my temples.

"Ah. I now see the point of this entire meeting. You want the crown to hand over control of the military to the Las Pegasus arms dealers."

Soaring Skies' eyes widened, and she shot to her hooves. "No! Not control! Las Pegasus is, and always will be, loyal to you, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, and Princess Cadance! The military would remain in your control, where it should be!"

"It's just that where the nobles have control, now you and your fellow arms dealers would."

"We have the interests of Equestria at heart first and foremost, Princess Antares, unlike those nobles!" Soaring Skies bowed to me again, much to my disgust. "We would reorganize the military into the most powerful and effective fighting force in the world. No more politics, no more favoritism, just merit and skill! Think of how wonderful that would be! If the changelings were to instigate another surprise attack, then competent commanders would not allow for them to take over like before, we would actually beat them back!"

"I cannot believe this," I grumbled. "This entire meeting has been one big commercial for Las Pegasus arms and armor as a way for you guys to get a big 'in' with the crown!"

"Not at all! We merely want what's best for Equestria, Princess Antares, I swear to you!" Soaring Skies straightened up and looked me dead in the eye. "If we do not make our nation stronger, if we do not take steps to keep our hegemony, then I guarantee that something terrible will happen to our nation. I don't know what, but something will happen. Something will happen that will show our hidden weaknesses."

"Unless we do exactly as you say," I responded flatly.

"I'm not begging you to put us in charge per se, merely to remove the military from the hooves of the corrupt and inept nobility, who do not know how to lead it properly. Strengthen it, Princess Antares! That is all I can ask!" Soaring Skies sighed and shook her head. "If the minotaurs unite, then we must do all that we can to keep our hegemony, lest we look too weak for Aepnet and the new minotaur leader."

"With three goddesses on the throne, I have doubts about that." I waved my hoof and stood up. "At any rate, I have another meeting to get to. I have doubts about your assertions that something bad will happen if we don't strengthen our military right now, and I certainly am wary of the political ramifications of wresting it out of the hooves of the nobility." Soaring Skies opened her mouth to speak, and I raised my hoof to cut her off. "However, you do have one valid point. The minotaur unification is not something to be ignored, and we will not ignore it. I will speak to the other princesses about this, and we will be sure to keep a very close eye on that. You're right: that can't be ignored."

Soaring Skies closed her mouth and was silent for a moment before bowing once more. "Yes, Princess Antares. Thank you for your time. I will let you know if I hear anything else important."

"It might be best if you send all of your findings to the crown when you investigate whether or not to sell to a nation or a particular group. Then the crown can decide what's important, and we can find out about this kind of thing sooner."

Soaring Skies hesitated for a brief moment before answering. "Is... is that a royal order, Princess Antares?"

"Let me discuss it with the other princesses."

Soaring Skies quietly sighed and nodded. "Very well. Have a good day, Princess Antares."

"And to you as well."

Soaring Skies bowed once again, and I opened the door for her. Lieutenant Rapids waited on the other side, and she escorted Soaring Skies down the hall. I watched her go, my mind digesting everything that had just occurred. After she disappeared around the bend, I took a deep breath and walked back into the room to gather some writing supplies. Celestia and Luna would want to know about the minotaurs, and that the Las Pegasopolan weapons dealers were getting bold.