//------------------------------// // Wow look at that, first costumer. // Story: Cabin Wood's Day At Work // by Mexican Brony 101 //------------------------------// Cabin Wood look around. "Did she really want me to just stay here and admire the paintings? But then again I am still a complete stranger to her" She raised her hoof to her mouth in thought. "But I don't think she'll mind me running it for at least a little..." She put it back down. "Well then," She opens the door joyfully and came close to the sign. "I'll just switch it like that" She flips the sign so where it says OPEN on the other side of the glass. "He he, if she says anything I'll just say 'I tripped on it! But I felt bad about just leaving it on the floor so I just picked it up and placed it on the glass. But surly not knowingly knowing that the building was supposed to be closed Ma ‘me. Hehe yeah I COULD just say that." She smiled as she trotted back to her desk. "Ahh," She said sitting down, getting comfortable. “NOW the customers will come" She closed her eyes, expecting to open them shortly. She began to daydream as to how she would approach them. "Well Sir. Can I get your dressings? 'Why yes you can, how may I be of service to you Sir. You could help me to my room, as I do carry many luggage. Why yes, let me get the, uhh, big cart thing that carries luggage. Of course Ma ‘me' . “She returns to the real world as she tripped in her dream on an idle pencil. “ Well uhh...” She looks at the front pat the glass doors, and noticed it was getting late. “Wow was I really daydreaming that long?” She thought. She noticed that there were no signs of anypony ever coming in. “The sign does say ‘open’ this time right? She gazed at the sign, it said closed at her viewpoint, I guess that means yes” she frowned and placed her hooves out onto the desk, feeling bored. “I’m so boooorred…” she said as she moved her hooves around in circles on the desk. The door began making noise. One, no two, uh, three ponies came in the building much to her surprise. One came in casually; this one was lavender, with purple and pink mane, a unicorn apparently. Another came in slowly and behind the lavender one; she was yellow, with a pink mane, a Pegasus. The last came in bouncing apparently; this one was all pink except for the lighter and darker shades, an earth pony. “Well,” The unicorn said. “I’m sure princess Celestia, made reservations” she said to them. “Princess Celestia sure is nice!” The pink one said bouncing in place as the rest stopped in front of the desk. “Well, I just hope that she gave us a well lit room, the last time we went out the room was…dark…and, scary…” the yellow Pegasus said to the lavender unicorn. “Awesome! You three are my first customers!” Cabin said out loud. The three lean back in surprise. “Well…that’s good… congrats. Did you just get hired recently?” The unicorn asked. “Why yes! How did you know?” she said, surprised that she was able to figure that out. “Well, the hotel is quite popular among the rich” the unicorn said casually. “The rich huh? Boy I wonder how that is. So I assume the rooms here are very comfortable then right?” she asked. “Yes I think so. We haven’t come here for a year now so I had forgotten just how comfortable it was” She responded. “Huh, so how can I help you three?” Cabin asked. “Well, you may have over heard me, but Princess Celestia had giving us a room to stay in for the night” “Oh you three are only visiting then?” Cabin asked. “Whatever for?” “Why it’s the Canterlot Race tomorrow! Didn’t you know that?” the unicorn said surprised. “No, uh… I don’t really follow sports. Mostly because I don’t have time” she said. “Well the Canterlot Race is second to the Equestria Games. You’ve heard of that right?” “Yes” Cabin said. The pink one stopped bouncing and came to join the others. “Ok, the Canterlot Race is just like that, everypony from every kingdom and city can enter. Only differences are, that you must race without magic and flight, there also isn’t teams. Only one can be in first” “Oh, okay then, when is this event taking place” she asked. Cabin knew this was dragging on, but she wanted it to none the less. “It takes place at 3 am tomorrow” She said with confidence. “3 AM! What pony would be eager enough to watch a game at those hours! Heck I would still be sleeping!” she said shocked. “3 AM is a bit early. But we want to see our friends Apple Jack and Rainbow Dash compete at the games. So we are eager to wake that early and watch them” She smiled, and then she looked back, realizing it was getting late. Cabin began to daydream about how tired somepony at those hours would be, she pictured them with giant eye boogers, with their breath smelling bad and lots of moaning. “Well then,” She said getting Cabin Wood’s attention. “Uh…yes” She snapped back. “Could you check us in?” “Ah yes. You said Celestia already appointed you three a room?” The lavender unicorn nodded. “Well if I’m correct you two should be on this giant list” she goes down onto the floor and looks under the desk. After a few moments of moving stuff around she pops back up with a list in her magic. “What did you say your names were again?” she asked. “Well, we didn’t yet, but my name is Princess Twilight Sparkle, and that there’s Pinkamena Diane Pie-” “Pinkie Pie for short!” pinkie yelled. “-And my other friend here is Fluttershy.” “Oh, neat names” she complemented. She checked the list, many names were in here, and all of them were checked except one. This one had all three of their names. “Oh it must be this one!” she showed Twilight the list. “Yes, hehe…that’s us” she chuckled. “Ok your room is number 50” “Ok then, where is that at?” Twilight asked. “It should be down the hall to the right” Cabin said. “Okay, come on girls” The trio left as Pinkie Pie bounced once more. Cabin was left alone once more. Cabin grunted as she sat back onto her seat. “Well, I guess that was the last of anypony…I wonder if that’s why she wanted me to close? All but those three were already here in the hotel. Well if she doesn't come in 20 minutes then I’ll just switch the sign to close again. No point in it being open with it being night. After a long while of waiting she switched the sign to ‘closed’. She would sit down and look at the darkening sky, daydreaming once more. After a while she got a soft tap on her shoulder, it was the owner of the building, she said thank you to Cabin as she rose from her seat. The owner followed her as she slowly made her way out the door. Cabin stepped outside feeling the cold midnight breeze. "Do you know what?" the owner said to Cabin, "Dooo you have a place to sleep tonight?" Cabin thought for a bit. She was never counting on staying at a hotel for such a long period of time. But instead had to stay watch at one to her surprise. "Well the next train to canterlot doesn't come 'till to tomorrow. So I guess I don't" she said to her realizing that it was foolish of her to take the task handed to her. "Well I have a room open, mine to be exact. You're welcome to bunk with me if you want" she smiled as if this exited her. "Thank you" she smiled. Why did I take the job???