Anthropology: Lyra's Tale

by Starkvenger

Diamonds and Rainbows

Before I begin, I want to say thanks to all of those who have enjoyed this story so far! I luv making stories that are out of my comfort zone, just as long as they aren't slice of life. I know it's been kinda slow so far, but it will get exciting soon, i Pinkie pie promise.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Diamonds ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I sighed as we waited for this Rarity to open the door. We heard the click of the door knob and a little white filly, a unicorn with purple and pink hair with big green eyes opened it. "Hi! I'm Sweetie Belle. What can I do for you?" she asked in a squeaky voice. Her voice cracked sometimes as she talked, but it wasn't too bad.
Apple Jack stepped foreword. "Howdy Sweetie Belle. Rarity home?" she asked nicely. Sweetie Belle smiled and nodded, opening the door completely. I was curious to see what picture was on this filly's hip, seeing how all the ponies i'd seen so far had something to do with what they did for a living.
To my surprise, there wasn't a picture on her hip. I leaned over and whispered in Pinkie's ear. "Where's that filly's hip picture?" I asked as we walked inside the shop. Pinkie smiled and whispered back to me. "The picture is called a Cutie mark. Ponies get it when they discover their special talent. Sweetie Belle here doesn't have one because she doesn't know her special talent yet." she said happily.
The little unicorn guided us over to a couch, but as soon as we sat down there was a huge crash. Suddenly, two more little fillies, an orange pegasus with a purple mane, and a yellow filly with a red mane came running into the room with pots stuck on their heads. "Sweetie Bell help!!! I've gone blind!" the pegasus screamed as she ran in circles, completely unaware of the container on her head.
"Apple Bloom! Scootaloo! What're you fillies doin'?" AppleJack asked, pulling the metal pot off of the yellow filly's head. She then pulled the pot off of the little pegasus's head, causing her to fall of her butt. "Whoa. Well, we can check cooking off the list." she said, flexing her tiny little wings.
The trio giggled and clapped hoofs together, saying "Cutie Mark Crusaders Go!" in unison. They then ran off into another room, leaving us to sit alone in the large room. I just sat there. "What was that all about?" I finally asked, my brain finally giving up. This time Fluttershy spoke up.
"Those little fillies were Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle. They have this little club dedicated to finding their cutie marks. Its really cute." she said. "It's not cute that my lil' sister runs around Ponyville almost killin' herself!" Applejack protested. "Which one was your sister?" I asked. "The little yellow one. I swear she gets more and more like Granny Smith everyday." she then sat down in defeat.
Just then, we heard humming coming from the back room, it getting louder by the moment. "Sounds like Rarity." Fluttershy told me, pulling the hair out of her face.
Soon, a white unicorn with a royal purple curly mane and tail came into the room, followed by several rolls of fabric held in her magic. She noticed us and smiled. "Hello darlings! What brings you girls here?" she asked politely. I was surprised. I didn't expect a fancy looking pony like her to be nice. "We're here to introduce ya to our new friend, Lyra. Lyra, this is Rarity." AJ told me, nudging me foreword.
I walked towards her and held out my hoof to shake hers. She took it and shook it daintily. "Nice to meet you." she said. She had an interesting accent. "Well, have you met the little ones?" she asked, referring to the fillies. I nodded and sat down, glancing around the circular room. "So you make dresses huh?" I asked.
Rarity suddenly got excited when I mentioned the word. "Ooh! Yes darling, would you like for me to make you an ensemble?" she asked, looking me up and down.
I shook my head. "Nah, but do you make casual clothes? like t-shirts?" I asked. Rarity smiled. "Of coarse I do darling. I aim to please my customers!" she said happily. I smiled. "So what do ya have?" I asked. Rarity's horn glowed blue and a rack full of clothes was rolled into the room. "Look for yourself." she told me.
I did so happily, sorting through the clothing, looking at possible outfits. Suddenly, in the middle of the rack I saw a grey hoodie. "That is cool." I said, pulling it off the bar. "You like this?" Rarity asked. I nodded and pulled off the hook, eyeing it with curiosity. "Well then darling, you may keep it." she said, the rack rolling away.
"You sure?" I asked, pulling the sweatshirt over my head. "Yes, I was going to throw it out anyways. Consider it a welcome gift." she said, smiling at me. I thanked her and walked back over to the couch to grab my bags.
Applejack helped me put them on and made sure they were fastened. Pinkie and Fluttershy stood up and stretched, Fluttershy ruffling her feathers in the process. " Hey Rarity, Ya wanna come with us and introduce Lyra to Rainbow?" Applejack asked, opening the purple door. "Why i'd be delighted dear." she said, using her magic to flip the sign on the door from OPEN to CLOSED.
"Girls! We're going out! Come on!" she called, summoning the fillies. The trio rushed in, eager to explore. "Yay! Cutie marks for introductions!" they cheered in unison.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Rainbows ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

We stepped out of the boutique and into the warm sunshine. "Anypony got any ideas to where Rainbow Dash might be?" Applejack asked. "She may be closer than you think." a voice replied.
I looked around, trying to figure out where it had come from. I looked at the mares, who were all staring up. I did so too, and got my answer. Sitting on a puffy white cloud was a light blue pegasus with a rainbow mane and tail. Her cutie mark was a rainbow colored lightning bolt. "Sup." she said, cartwheeling off of the cloud and hovering down to us. "Who's the new pony?" she asked.
Over her eyes were big black sunglasses. "This is Lyra! She's new in town and were taking her to meet everypony! Then were going to have a super duper welcome party!" Pinkie said happily. Rainbow pulled off her shades to reveal some crimson colored eyes. "Cool. The name's Dash. Rainbow Dash. Fastest flyer in Ponyville!" she said cooly. "Hi. My name's Lyra." I replied.
Rainbow then turned to the rest of the group. "You introduce her to Twilight yet?" she asked, as if I wasn't even there. "No, we were going to head over there after we found you." Rarity replied. "Well, you found me, so lets go see the egg-head." she said, springing into the air.
"Wait-her names Twilight?" I asked, stopping them in their tracks. "Yea, why?" AJ asked. I thought of the stupid vampire books. "Never-mind. carry on." I said, shaking the thought out of my brain. Rainbow Dash walked beside me, asking me questions. "Where'd ya come from? Are there Pegasi? Are they fast?" she asked. I stammered. "" I answered. Rainbow rolled her eyes and chuckled, spreading her wings and hovering along over the group.
After a while of walking, I spoke up. "Where does this Twilight pony live?" I asked, hoping she wouldn't be a vampire, and or a writer or that crap. "She lives in the library." Rarity replied, trying to keep the fillies in line.
I groaned. Great. Knowing my luck, there's probably a pony version of that book, and she's gonna be the one who had written it. I was lost in my thoughts and didn't notice the mares had stopped. I ran into Pinkie, which shook me back to reality. If that's what you could call this. I looked up at the giant object in front of us, staring at it in amazement.
It was a giant tree, with windows, a balcony, and a front door carved into it. "Whoa." I said as I stared. Pinkie giggled. "Big tree huh?" she asked. I nodded. Rarity's horn glowed blue and the knocker on the door shook. It pounded against the wood, creating a deep thud each time it landed.
"Twilight! Are you home Darling?" she asked. Suddenly, the red wooden door flung open, revealing a purple unicorn with dark purple and pink hair. "Hey girls! What brings you here?" she asked.