//------------------------------// // The pool // Story: Great, another OctaScratch fic // by The Batmane of equestria //------------------------------// Vinyl and Octavia walked out of their room, now wearing a bathing suit each. Vinyl's matched her slender frame perfectly but Octavia's was quite small around a certain area. "If there's anything I dislike about this form," she said, giving her breasts a squeeze. "It's these weird growths. What is their purpose?" Vinyl shrugged. "I don't know. But I think they look kinda sexy." Octavia avoided Vinyl's gaze, trying to hide a blush. "Oh, stop it, you." Vinyl laughed at her embarrassment. She extended a hand towards her. "Come on. Shall we?" Octavia begrudgingly accepted, holding Vinyl's hand as they made their way outside to the pool. When they arrived, they were greeted by Jeeves. "Afternoon, mademoiselles." He said, keeping a rigid posture. "Can I get you anything? Compliments of the bar." Vinyl nodded eagerly. "I'll take the fruitiest, most expensive cocktail you have." Octavia nudged her marefriend in annoyance. "I'll just have a fruit smoothie." Jeeves bowed. "Certainly. Your drinks will be here in a minute. Make yourselves comfortable by the pool." The duo nodded their thanks and left towards the pool. The Doctor sat on a rubber ring in some baggy shorts, bright red sunglasses on his face and he was holding a red cocktail in his left hand. Derpy was relaxing on a sun bed at the poolside. Bonbon was floating on the surface, face up. Lyra was the most active. She ran forwards, jumping onto a diving platform and immediately bouncing a few metres in the air, performing a perfect double backflip and landing gracefully into the water with a light *plop*. Octavia looked to her marefriend,who had pulled a large sign with the number 10 emblazoned on it out of nowhere. She held it up enthusiastically and cheered. This got the attention of the others. The Doctor lifted his glass in acknowledgement. Derpy lifted up the sunglasses she was wearing and smiled at them, before returning to her sun bathing. Lyra and Bonbon beckoned them over. Vinyl was the first to react. She charged forwards, jumping just before she fell into the water. She tucked her knees in to her chest and cannonballed into the pool. The effect was like a tsunami. It hit The Doctor almost sending him off balance, but he somehow stayed on without spilling his drink. Octavia decided to beat what Lyra had done. She ran forwards, gaining as much momentum as possible. She jumped managing a triple backflip with several spins thrown in. She landed in the water without making a sound. The others could only stare in shock. "Woah." Vinyl was the first to speak, Even Derpy had taken a break to see what had just happened. "How did you...?" "Oh, it's not that hard. I just thought I could do it so I did." Octavia replied with a sheepish smile. "I can't... It doesn't.... THAT SHOULDN'T HAVE WORKED!" Lyra exclaimed, clearly annoyed at someone beating her dive. Jeeves arrived at that moment with their drinks. "Miss Scratch, Miss Philharmonica. Your drinks." He put the tray down in-between two sun beds, one with a towel with a reversed eighth note on it and the other with a towel with a treble cleft on it. "Thanks Jeeves." Octavia and Vinyl said in unison. Then, Octavia spotted a small detail. "Doctor, when did you get those towels?" The Doctor didn't even move. "I had them made for you while you were getting changed. You two really took a while." The two women exchanged a knowing glance at each other, remembering the reason it took them so long. "Umm... We were, um, busy doing, er, something." The Doctor laughed. "Oh, I already knew that you had had sex before. I just didn't bring it up to keep your privacy. We could here you from here." If it was possible to go redder than blood, then Vinyl and Octavia did it at that moment. The other four laughed at them. Soon, they saw the humour and joined in the laughter. The next few hours passed in a blur. When they had finally tired themselves out, the had agreed to call it a day, had eaten their dinner and went straight to bed. They all fell asleep almost instantly.