My Little Robot Unicorn: Running Is Magic

by TheBackgroundBrony


Runner did not know this strange purple pony who called herself Twilight, but she felt a need to tell her everything about her life and her world.
"I don't remember much of where I was only born," began Runner, "Only that it was in a factory."
"A factory?" asked Twilight.
"Yes," she replied, "A factory. I remember being let free into the world which I now call home. At first it seemed wonderful, with its pixies and dolphins and things. Then I remember a sort of... fiery version of me - his name is Hemlock - decided that I had enacted some great wrong on him and tried to destroy me."
"He tried to destroy you?!" gasped Twilight.
"He's succeeded multiple times," continued Runner, a shiver going down Twilight's spine, "But every time I get destroyed by a rock or a pit or Hemlock, I just reappear at the factory gates, ready to run again."
"So what do you do all day?" asked Twilight nervously.
"I just run," said the unicorn, "Just run and run."
"That sounds boring," replied Twilight.
"It is," sighed Runner, "In fact, I had pretty much decided to give up and go mad before that portal appeared."
"Why didn't you just stop running?"
"Stop? What is 'stop'?"
"Ah, this is another of your don't-know-any-directions things again."
"I do know directions! There are three; forwards, up and down."
"You... need to learn the others."
"Wait, there are other directions?!"
"In this world, yes!"
"Come on," said Twilight, leading Runner through the door, "I'll take you to Rainbow Dash. She's the best at directions."

As they left, none of them noticed the shadowy portal open in the library or the flaming metal figure that streaked from it, looking for vengeance.