Always Calm is Flutter's Mom

by Night--Mist

Time For The Truth

It was now time to let Twilight and her friends know the truth about Fluttershy. Fluttershy pleaded with her to reconsider. She thought she would be the laughing stock of Ponyville and possibly Cloudsdale, remembering all the times she was picked on during flight school. Kind Heart reassured her that nothing bad was going to happen and if any pony was wanting to poke fun at her daughter, they would answer to her.

Fluttershy saw no arguement there so she accepted that her mother would defend her. After Fluttershy had her morning breakfast, Kind Heart gently put her tiny daughter into a foal carrier. She entrusted Angel to look after the animals as she made her way into Ponyville. When Kindheart was in the heart of the town, she was greeted with many 'dawws' from ponies watching her carrying her daughter through town as they headed towards Princess Twilight Sparkle's house. None of them even Suspected it was Fluttershy in the foal carrier, even though most of them thought she looked a great deal like her adult self.

Once Kind Heart reached the library, she kindly knocked on the door. She was soon greeted by Twilight opening the door. "Oh, Kind Heart, what a surprise. Fluttershy said you would be in town, I just, didn't expect you to come knocking on my doorstep. Is there something I can help you with?" Twilight asked, giving a look of guilt as if she was trying to hide something.

"Well, yes, I came to talk to you about my daughter Fluttershy," Kind Heart said.

"Fluttershy?! Oh dear, she's not hurt is she?" Twilight asked in a panicked tone.

"No, no, she's quite fine actually your highness. Feels like a foal today. We did however have a 'tinny tiny' accident yesterday your majesty," Kind Heart stated as she turned to reveal Fluttershy hiding her face in embarrassment as Twilight gazed upon her.

Twilight's mouth gaped open in shock. "Um, Princess Twilight are you okay?" Kind Heart asked.

"She... you... but I... how does... uuuuuuuuh," Twilight fainted in front of Kind Heart after seeing the state of her friend.

"Princess!" Kind Heart bellowed as she hurried inside and took Twilight to a nearby couch.

She soon closed the door and got some cold water and a rag, getting Twilight back to her feet once more. "Sweet Celestia, she' the fourth one this has happened to," Twilight blurted out.

"Pardon your highness, the fourth?" Kind Heart inquired tilting her head, before hear the sound of another baby foal crying.

"I'll explain in a moment. Could you pardon me for a moment?" Twilight requested, blushing.

"Oh, of course dear," Kind Heart replied.

Twilight soon made her way up stares as Kind Heart set her little Fluttershy on the couch for the moment. Soon, they heard Twilight trotting back down and saw her carrying a foal that resembled what Spike looked like, but it was a pony foal. "And who might I ask is the little bundle in your care Princess Twilight?" Kind Heart asked.

"As hard as it may be to believe, this is Spike, and the reason he looks like this was because a certain dragon was poking around in places he shouldn't have," Twilight said as she gave Spike a serious look.

Spike covered his face blushing for having not listened to who he thought was his mother. Twlight explained what happened to Rainbow Dash and Lightning Dust, as well as what happened to Spike and soon heard what happened and even did a age scan to be sure, and she was surprised.

"The Apple Tree of Youth is supposed to be pure myth. No trace of it has been found. No documents, no scientific artifacts to it's location. It was just the word of the Apples and other ponies that were the only proof if any. And you know that not many ponies trust solely on just the words of others these days. But you and Fluttershy are living proof it exists. Makes me wonder if some of it's juices might be an ingredients in some of the potions I have. Zecora gave me one that Spike drank, another is one a potion Captain Spitfire had been working on. There might be a connection to what happened to all four. But I'll worry about that later. I told Spitfire that the tests I ran do not have a cure for her potion, nor does the one Zecora loaned me. I don't know if there is a cure for the Apple Tree of Youth, and I have a strong feeling magic will do nothing at this point to reverse it's effects, and will prove only more so if find out that it is one of the ingredients in the potions I have," Twilight said.

"Well, I suppose it can't be helped if there is no cure. There must be some other forces at work here that caused this to happen. Something we're not aware of your highness," Kind Heart said.

"Mama, we gonna stay wike dis now?" Fluttershy asked.

"I'm afraid so my little angel. But don't worry, I'll be here for you through all of it. Princess Twilight, I don't suppose you might be able to send word to Princess Celestia about this. I mean, we need to try every angle, don't you think?" Kind Heart pondered.

"I suppose that might help. But I better get this done before the storm arrives. Last time I sent a letter in a strom, the letter intended for my mother went straight to Princess Celestia. We had a good laugh over that one," Twilight said.

"I see, well, we better meet up with the Apple family before the storm hits. I know that Fluttershy isn't to fond of the thunder. We bid you a good day Princess Twilight," Kind Heart said as she set Fluttershy back in her foal carrier.

"Have a safe journey home Kind Heart," Twilight said before tending to Spike for his afternoon bath.

Kind Heart didn't take too long making it to the Apple Farm. Knowing the big storm was fast approaching, she didn't want to keep herself or Fluttershy away from the cottage too long. Soon she came upon the Apples doorstop and knocked on their door. "I'ma commin," Said the voice of Applejack.

Soon the door opened to reveal the orange farm pony and she was greeted the Apple way. "Well Howdy there sugarcube. Ya'll must be Flutters' mama Kind Heart. Welcome to Sweet Apple Acres, as ya may a guessed, Ah'm Applejack," Applejack said, and soon she had other ponies line up behind her and she continued, "This here's Apple Bloom, Big Macintosh, and Granny Smith. So, what brings ya'll ta our neck the woods?"

"Well..." Kind Heart didn't continue and turned to reveal her daughter.

First the family gasped, then in unison said, "Awwwww."

"Well, you four took it better then Princess Twilight did," Kind Heart said.

"But how did she get all young?" Applejack asked.

Kind Heart explained how Fluttershy had chosen the Apple Tree of Youth by accident by pure chance, not even knowing of the tree in the first place. The Apple Family felt a tad guilty for not warning Fluttershy in the first place, course, they themselves had forgotten it had been there in the first place. Fluttershy soon started to feel tired and Kind Heart said it was time for them to make haste for the cottage. Luna had sent in a letter as they were leaving and Applejack found out she was needed in the Crystal Empire.

Soon, Kind heart was on the road leading to her daughter's cottage. As she made her way closer she then heard, "Oh, now this is something you don't see everyday. Kind Heart mother of Fluttershy carrying a, well, foal version of Fluttershy. I must say, however did you two manage to pull off such a feat?"

Soon Kind Heart soon saw a familiar Draconaquis land in front of her. "Discord, I trust you've been on your best behavior?" Kind Heart said, still a little unnerved by Discords presence even after her daughter said he had changed.

"Oh, of course I have. If your implying that I have done anything chaotic, the only thing that comes close is giving a few snob nobles some poetic justice. There's one noble in particular who's face you should have seen once I had my fun," Discord said.

"I see," Kind Heart said before pulling Discord by his beard down to her eye level, "cause you know I don't approve wrong doers, and I am sure my daughter has informed you of what will happen if you do, no?"

"Oh yes I have been given the run down on her giving me "The Stare". I don't plan on doing anything chaotic, but I do see that her cute little face is going to be having a hard time making the stare now," Discord said rubbing his chin to ease the pain.

"Who do you think she inherited it from, or do not remember our last encounter with each other?" Kind Heart pointed out as Flutttershy crossed her hooves tiredly.

"Oops, right. I'm sorry, I did forget about that. But that last meeting was a misunderstanding. Anyhow I was on my way to give Fluttershy a quick hello and want to make sure she's be alright before the storm hits. Also, I'm going to investigate why she and her friends have somehow gotten foalified, eep," Discord covered his mouth.

"Wait, how did you know about her friends having been turned into foals?" Kind Heart asked, now suspicious.

"No it's not what you think," Discord said.

"Well?" Kind Heart tapped her hoof with impatience.

"I read the author's other stories," Discord mumbled looking down.

"I'm sorry what was that, speak up," Kind Heart demanded.

"I said that I was sent by Celestia. See, I sensed there was some sort of magical imbalance before hoof and soon a letter came from Celestia's student Princess Twilight, telling Celestia, who in turn, told me about the sudden transformations of her friends. She suspects that there's something else going on behind it all. Now she knows that it couldn't have been me, since she's kept a close eye on me up to this point. Knowing I wasn't the cause, she sent me to investigate, and she said to have me give this to you, Twilight and her friends not foalified yet to let you know, just in case," Discord said.

Kind Heart read the note and soon trusted Discords word. "Alright, but I better not hear of any chaotic funny business after the storm is over, or I will find you. You can count on that," Kind Heart said.

"After our last bump into each other, I would not doubt you would. But don't worry, only harmless little pranks will be, somewhat, by my doing, but nothing more," Discord said.

"Good, now I best get my little angel back to the cottage. She hates thunder, and luckily, the cottage is sound proofed inside and out," Kind Heart said.

"Well, I'll not keep you waiting. Do give my regards to Angel Bunny. I left him some extra carrots in the top cupboard for his dessert," Discord said before snapping and disappearing in a flash.

"Well, that was kind of him, now lets get you inside sweetie," Kind Heart said.

Soon the two of them came in, where the animals came up and bombarded them with hugs and nuzzles. "My, my, you all must have been worried about us. Don't worry. The storms not here just yet, and we're needing to get little Fluttershy here to bed for a nap. Now Honeycomb. Call in all of your friends so none are left out in the storm alright?" Kind Heart requested kindly.

Honeycomb nodded. "Angel, be sure that everyone gets a comfy place to sleep and Mr. Honey Badger, make certain everyone pitches in to help board up the windows and doors," Kind Heart Commanded, and Angel and Honey Badger salute her.

Soon she makes her way up to the bedroom and sets Fluttershy in the crib her daughter had for when babysitting the Cake Twins.

Meanwhile, as Kind Heart ensured that her house was properly made ready for the storm, in Canterlot, Discord had made it back to the palace and after getting permission from the guards to enter, he made his way to the throne room, Where Celestia was finishing up the last of Day Court requests. As Celestia finished everything, she looked to Discord and asked, "So, what seems to be going on with Twilight's friends?"

Discord told her what had been happening. Celestia's right eye was twitching after what she had heard. "I can't believe... why would they do that?" She asked to no pony in particular.

"Oh, you know how some of these sailors are, they have so much on their mind that they find enjoyment in seeing their favorite ponies become foals in the most bizarre ways your highness," Discord said.

"But he can't just play with these powers. I have to stop him before he does more damage," Celestia said.

"That's gonna be a little hard Princess, as I told you, he has done things even Twilight knows not of yet. Might I suggest that we let this unfold. When I he strikes again, I can pinpoint his location. I did a little ease dropping on his works before, but he tends to move around a lot, and I wasn't really focused on his magical presence. This next time I will be, and he won't escape this time round. Oh, you might need this," Discord said as he handed her a frying pan.

"I don't un-" Celestia was cut of as Discord interrupted, "Just so he won't make a struggle when you find him, I'll be sure to let you drop in on him when he least expects it," Discord said.