Happy Mothers Day Derpy!

by The Derp

Happy Mothers Day!

"Mommy mommy mommy wake up it's Mother's Day," Dinky yelled jumping on Derpy as she slept.

"Huh," Derpy woke up looking into Dinky's face, "Good morning Dinky,"

"Daddy and I made breakfast for you," Dinky said still jumping on her mother, "In Bed!" Once Dinky said that Doctor Whooves walked in with a tray of eggs, bacon, and tea.

"Thank you," Derpy said smiling at Dinky and The Doctor "It looks great," After Derpy ate her breakfast, combed her mane, and brushed her teeth, she walked into the family room where Dinky jumped on top of her.

"Woah, Dinky calm down," Derpy said surprised.

"Mommy wanna go with daddy and I to the park," She said after getting off of Derpy.

"Sure Dinky let me pack some snacks first though," Derpy said walking towards the kitchen.

"Wait mommy, daddy and I already did that," Dinky said jumping in front of Derpy.

"Oh ok," Derpy said "Dinky jump on my back we can fly to the park.

"Yay!" Dinky said before jumping on Derpy's back.

Derpy walked out the door and spread her gray wings, "Hold on tight sweetie," Derpy said before taking off into the morning sky.

The Doctor was waiting at the green park sitting on a checkered blanket with a picnic basket at his side, "Derpy, Dinky your here!" He said happily. They sat down and The Doctor opened up the basket. Derpy saw that the basket was full of Muffins! Derpy could smell the scent of the warm muffins.

"Mmmmm," She moaned as she looked at the muffins.

"Here you go darling," He said to Derpy before giving her a muffin.

"Thank you, dear" She said giving him a kiss on the cheek and then taking a big bite of her delicious muffin getting crumbs all over her muzzle. Dinky giggled at the sight of her mom getting crumbs all over herself.

"Daddy daddy, Dinky want a muffin to," She said still giggling. Once she got a muffin she did the same as Derpy and got crumbs all over herself. The Doctor laughed to himself as he saw the two with crumbs all over themselves.

"Mommy look what you did to yourself," Dinky said smiling.

"I could say the same for you," Derpy laughed as she wiped muffin crumbs off her muzzle. Derpy wiped off the crumbs on Dinky and gave her a kiss on the forehead.

"I love you mommy," Dinky said looking into Derpy's wonky eyes before giving her a hug.

"I love you too Dinky," Derpy said giving her Daughter a hug.

Dinky hopped towards the basket and grabbed something from it. "Mommy I made this for you," Dinky said as she hopped towards Derpy. It was a drawing of Derpy and Dinky holding Hooves and it said Hapy Moters Day.

"Oh Dinky I love it," Derpy said hugging the card to her chest.

"Honey," The Doctor said to Derpy, "Pinkie is having a party for Mother's Day and we are all invited it's in a couple of hours so we should go home and get ready for the party."

"Can Dinky come too," Dinky said hopping up and down.

"Of course you can come Dinky," Derpy said smiling at Dinky.

"Yay yay yay yay," Dinky said hopping up and down even more.

"Ok let's go home and get ready," Derpy said with a smile.

"Ok," Dinky said helping Derpy and The Doctor put away the extra muffins.


Once they got home Derpy put Dinky's card in a frame and hung it in the family room. Then she went into her room and put on one of her best party dresses. She went into Dinky's room and saw Dinky struggling to get on her dress.

"Here let me help with you with that," Derpy said watching Dinky struggle. She pulled the dress up and pulled the sleeves up.

"There you go," she said smiling "Wanna put makeup on with mommy,"

"Yes!" Dinky yelled happily.

They walked into Derpy's bedroom and Derpy got out her makeup bag

First she took out some lavender eye shadow she put some on Dinky's eyelids and then some on her own. Then she took out a pale pink blush and put some on Dinky's cheeks and on her own. Then she took out her mascara put on Dinky's eye lashes and her own, finally she took a tube of lip gloss and put a little on Dinky's lips and her own lips.

"You can look in the mirror now Dinky," Derpy said smiling at her beautiful daughter.

"Oh I look so pretty and you look pretty to mommy," Dinky said grinning widely.

"Thank you Dinky," Derpy said "You look pretty too,"

They walked into the living area and saw The Doctor waiting for them. "Strike a pose Dinky," whispered Derpy as they walked towards The Doctor they did awkward poses and giggled as The Doctor laughed at there silliness. "Are my two beautiful girls ready to go."

"Yes," Dinky and Derpy said "Jinx double jinx!" They yelled laughing at themselves.

"Ok let's go," The Doctor said chuckling. They walked out of the house shutting the door behind them and walked towards the party in the light of the sunset. When they walked in there were streamers everywhere and a big banner that said "Happy Mother's Day Everyone!" Dinky found some friends to play with and The Doctor and Derpy sat down and talked, Derpy kept eyeing the snack table that had a tray full of muffins and cupcakes. Then a slow song started playing.

"May I have this dance," The Doctor said to Derpy holding out his hoof for Derpy to take. Derpy took his hoof as let him walk her to the dance floor. They danced to the end of the song when The Doctor said "Happy Mother's Day sweetie," before giving her a kiss.

"Ok everyone that was the last song, Time to go Happy Mother's Day!" Pinkie yelled through a loud speaker.

"Mommy," yelled Dinky as she ran up to Derpy, "Do we have to go."

"Yes Dinky it is well past your bedtime," Derpy said.

"Awwww Ok," Dinky said frowning. They left the party and walked home with the light of Luna's moon to guide there way.


Once they got home Derpy wiped off Dinky's makeup took off her dress and tucked her in singing a lullaby to help her sleep once she was asleep she kissed her on her forehead "Goodnight Dinky," She whispered before going to the bathroom to wipe off her own makeup and take off her dress. She walked into the bedroom where The Doctor was already fast asleep she lay down and before falling asleep she said, "Best mother's day ever."