//------------------------------// // A Flight of Scootaloo: 22 // Story: Silly Filly - From Beyond the Everfree // by Ponyess //------------------------------// I know I can't fly, which is very embarrassing for me since I am a Pegasus. Yet I did fly with Rarity. She had apparently managed to allow me to fly on my own, in a manner of speaking. They commonly say that Unicorns are the only Ponies using magic, but that isn't really true. If it wasn't for magic, none of us Pegasi could ever fly, and the Wonder-Bolts could most certainly have performed, what they do now. I have seen more than enough of their shows to say. The flight had opened my eyes, now I know I love flying and why. I never really had the chance before. The only problem is that I never really did learn how to fly on my own, myself before. It isn't as if there was anything wrong with my wings, as small as they may be. Compared with Bulk Biceps, they are still large enough for me to fly on my own. Looking at the event where the Cake Twin managed not only to fly, but even carry Pinkie Pie around in the house, and with great speed and agility at that, even as a small filly. Should that feat make me envious and hate the little filly, I simply can't bring myself down to the depths required to hate her, just because I haven't managed to learn how to fly. I may idolize Rainbow Dash for her flight, but she is the best of us all. She isn't merely flying and it isn't really much of an effort to her. She's merely breezing around, making anything look easy. On the other hoof, she's the only Pony who has managed to perform the Rainboom, which explains why others thought it impossible and a myth, until they saw her doing it before their very eyes. You can't deny your own sight, or can you? If Rarity had merely levitated me before her, I had been floating in midair before her, no point in trying anything, but if she lends me her magic, I could navigate anywhere around her and actually fly. This is what she had apparently done. That's why I know what flight actually feels like now, which only makes it all the harder to be stuck on the ground, since I can't really fly on my own. Maybe I could ask her to do this again, but if I had to have her with me each and every time, it would feel as if she merely was my foal-sitter, it would rob too much of the fun. Besides, I know she wouldn't have the time to make all that many flights with me either. With luck, Twilight Sparkle could perform the same spell for me. It's just that she is just as busy with her life as Rarity is. Besides, she is a Princess too. I can't just ask her to go fly with me, now could I? Besides, this is the only option, unless I could fly with a Pegasus? If only I could come up into the air, maybe I could fly close to another Pegasus, like Rainbow Dash. She is the only one I dare hops would work, even if Flutter Shy proved to be a very good flyer, when it was put to the test. She had been hiding down in her cottage. When the Hurricane had to work, she had saved Rainbow Dash and Ponyville, because it was important enough for her to forgo her fears and shyness. The pain of it all is, my wings have been more of a hindrance to me. I can't fly, so why have wings? If I did not have wings, I would have looked like a regular Earth Pony and none would have said a word. Since I have wings now, I have to live with everything that came with being a Pegasus. I can live in Cloudsdale, if I can get up there, even if I can't fly. Yet, what's the point of living there if I couldn't fly. Maybe I have had a few problems with Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara. Yet, what's that compared with how Flutter Shy had it up there in Cloudsdale? I haven't really asked her, Rainbow Dash had explained more than enough of the situation. Besides, she is doing very well down here in Ponyville with us. In the end, this left me with only two options and three or four Ponies to ask for help. I'll just have to ask, but I need to consider whom to ask at each and every time. Maybe I could follow Rarity or Twilight Sparkle on occasions, or I could hope to catch Rainbow Dash practising. Even if I can't be on top if and when she chooses to perform her Rainboom, or even going anywhere close to the speed required for this. “Twilight, you think you could fly with me some day?" I had asked her. “That's a very interesting idea, Scootaloo. I heard of your adventure, guess that would be hard to avoid since it ended quite spectacularly on your return. I'm not exactly the best of flyers, so I need to practice. Maybe I could perform a spell for you, in order for you to fly with me. Would be plenty of fun!” Twilight pointed out. “Cool. Just kind of funny how Ponies expect you to fly, just because you have wings. I know the library is smaller than comfortable for you to fly around inside, but it could still work for a little foal like me, wouldn't you think? Just say when, if I haven't anything important, I'll be flying with you!” I suggested. “Yes, it is. Maybe it would be more natural for you, since you are born with wings as a Pegasus. That could be interesting, I guess we could have such a spell for the library, even if you are the only one to enjoy it? How about right now?” she responded. “I guess they do, which is part of my problem in the first place. On the other hoof, they expect you to fly too. Let's make this fun, just the way it is supposed to be. Yes, I am the only flightless Pegasus in Ponyville, maybe that's just as well. I can't be selfish enough to with it on any other Pony, Pegasus or not. Yes, have it done so we can test it?” I responded. Apparently she was off, looking for the book, hiding the spell in question and found it just in time to respond. “Here it is, just the spell for what we need. Looks like the simplest flight spell I've ever seen. If it works, you'll be able to fly within the confines of my library from now on. Sounds cool to me. Once you've tried it out, we could have a short flight outside too, just to celebrate the occasion?” She proclaimed. I could see her horn glowing as she spoke, indicating magic being performed. There is no direct indication as to what was actually done. Being a Pegasus, my wings are focused on what was happening. Unconscious sensing what happened around me. Simple but effective. Apparently the spell works, it just is even less complicated than she had let on. It's a local spell, a mix between her old gravity spell and a levitation spell. Without specifying target or time frame, it may last until she cancelled it. I still feel the pull towards the floor, but also a strange pull away from the floor. There was but the one thing to do, so I stretched my wings out as if to fly. Starting with a few tentative flaps, before I fell myself easing up and away from the floor so I keep flapping, and harder to see just how far it would take me. Then I realised, I'm actually flying, as if I had been used to it. “Cool, it really works!” I just pronounced as I got clear off of the floor, then started to fly around along the shelves along the wall. “Yes. You're indeed flying. That was insanely simple. As if a foal could perform it, if they had known it in the first place. Since it worked, maybe we can as well get going? I feel like taking a flight outdoors now!” she proclaimed, with an eager grin on her face. “You sure have your way with magic, Twilight. That works as sure as clockwork. At least twenty percent cooler. Let's get out, trying these wings in plain daylight, shall we?” I responded, as I slowly moved down to the floor, grinning from ear to ear. “Ok, let's go. I sure could use some of the flight time and so could you!” she pointed out just as I was back on eye level with her and she pushed the door open. “Spike, you keep the library open while I'm out, flying with Scootaloo!” she then continued as a side note. “Sure thing, Twilight!” he responded from within the fortress of a library. “Thanks, Spike. I don't know what I would have done without you!” she then finished as we moved out the door, leaving the library behind. “He sure does earn his pay, working for you. Even if he has been messing up on a few occasions. No Pony would have done as much for your library as he does. We had better get going, can't keep him waiting all day?” I responded. “Yes, no Pony would have worked as well and dependably as he does, even with the small spots on his record counted. We better get into the air, looks like almost too much fun!” she pointed out, and her horn momentarily brightening up, glowing as she cast a new spell, allowing me to fly freely in her presence. “Exactly, you're lucky having him since he is the only known Dragon in all of Equestria. Some may argue it is generous of you to share him with Rarity and the rest of us, but I think it is merely wise, since it keeps him busy and content. Pondering if it would work, giving him wings to fly within the library, it could help him in his work. Besides, he may enjoy flying as much as we do?” I pondered. “I have heard of the notion from time to time and it has crossed my mind. Yet, just as you said, it is the best for all of us. We've seen what he could have done under different circumstances. He is after all a Dragon. Yes, I've come to see how enjoyable flight could be. Even if I haven't quite mastered it enough to get that thrill out of it, maybe I never will. Unlike you, I'm not born a Pegasus, I'm used to walk the Earth, like any Unicorn would be. This will take me some time to get used to. Just like I have and will keep enjoying our 'Twilight Time', I still enjoy learning with you now. Apparently, you're teaching me a part of the joy of flight I had never expected to have!” she then responded with a grin playing on her face. “I could very well imagine you would have heard of it, you are listening so it would be inevitable. I can't deny him the benefits, your library would be enhanced in the process too. I sure do enjoy it, and I know that both Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle enjoy it just as much. We're lucky to have you as a teacher. Not to say that Cheerly is a bad teacher, she is the best teacher a Filly or Colt could hope for, but your subjects go well beyond her classes. Besides, I guess we enjoy your company, even before you got a Princess and a celebrity too. On the other hoof, the best teacher is she who can truly listen to her students and learn from them too!” I pondered thoughtfully. “Yes, that could help him in his work for me, I can't really deny it. Only question is if he would enjoy it. Maybe I should ask him when I get back home. That's the impression I had too. To me, the joy has grown beyond the simple matte of learning and teaching. I love the time we have together. I've heard that Rarity have a similar get together with a few fillies. This would be why you don't see as much of them. She told me she enjoy spreading the knowledge of etiquette to Fillies who aspire to be sophisticated like Unicorns. I think I have seen effects of her work already!” she commented. “Maybe that is the most important question in this case. If he likes it, it is good. If he doesn't, it is bad. She took a liking in Nyx earlier, now she took a liking in Silly. She seems to have a soft spot for gifted Fillies with a high level of curiosity and interest in the sophisticated life of a Unicorn. 'Guess I couldn't blame her? It is who she is, just like learning and knowledge is your side. It wasn't just your affinity for Magic that brought you in under Celestias wing in the first place. You wouldn't have gotten her attention, if you had never put in the work that brought you out into the light. If you had not had the curiosity, you had been with the common Unicorn, never to be noticed. Most are happy with that life, yet for some of us, it simply isn't enough. Besides, we do have a few exceptional and very remarkable friends!” I put forth. All of a sudden, taking off had been an easy thing. Staying up is just as easy, as it turned out. All I even was that one tiny push with the magic I never had. “Sometimes, the best teacher is the one who is just learning herself, just like you are now. Who would have guessed. Every Pony swears on that the master is the best teacher, like Celestia, yet she never taught me how to like. The same may be said about Rainboiw Dash, she never taught me to fly either. Somehow, I have an experience, not too different from when I was using the reverse gravity spell in order to reach the Chrystal Heart, in order to save the Chystal Empire!” she put forth with a strange grin from ear to ear. “That is an Epic episode we will never be allowed to forget. Cheerlie will be teaching that part of history, till she drop!” I suggested. “It is History. That is a curious image. I never expected to be a living part of history, or make any real contribution to it. Now I seem to be doing it most every day. I have my share of these, for a lifetime already. If the most important I do from now on is to teach you how to fly, I will be content with that!” she then confessed. “You probably better not tell any Pony that, though I could see your point. Just look at how long Celestia has been a Princess, she rarely does anything historically important, even if her rule is brilliant!” I put forth. “Yes, her reign has been unprecedented. She is lucky she has us. By the way, I think I will give him these wings right when we get back, not so much as a reward, but just for the fun of it, and how they will help him in his work, I guess!” she then exclaimed. --- --- ---