The soul in a flame

by BlazeRocket

The New Kid

3 months later...

I woke up in a room with white padding all over it. I tried to get up but my hooves were locked in restraints. I started to panic as I struggled to move. "HELP I CANT MOVE!!!! GET ME OUT OF HERE!!!!! PLEASE!!!!

And with that a nurse walked in. "Hello Blaze Rocket." She said while using a fake smile. "It's ok calm down. Here let me get you out of these restraints." She said

"Ok,so...where am I?" I asked totally forgetting about the restraints.

"Well,your in the Hooves Heart Hospital." She said in a slightly higher pitched voice then before.

I put on a robe and she brought me to the area where we get 'breakfast'. I got a biscuit and some apple juice. I looked around at all the fillies twitching,smiling widely and creepily,and of course laughing crazily.

But then something caught my eye. It was three colts sitting at a table. But they weren't laughing crazily or twitching. But...they were laughing not a crazy laugh...a real laugh.

"Can I sit with them please?" I asked hoping my nurse would say yes.

"But of course dear." She said walking with me to the table.

Then they all looked at me.

"C...can I sit w...ith you?

"Sure" the blue earth pony said grining

I sat down and smiled " thanks!" I said

"So what's your name?" Said the white unicorn

"Names Blaze Rocket." I said "And yours?"

"My names Magic Spark." Spark said

"And my names Light Speed" Speed said

Thinking that he was an earth pony how could his name be Light Speed? Was he a Pegasus in disguise or just he was fast? I thought only Pegasus were super fast. I thought to my self.

"How is your name Light Speed if your an earth pony?" I questioned

"Well,ya see I can run really fast... Check out my cutie mark." He said

He lifted his flank showing what looked like three blue streaks

"Nice mark Speed,I wish I had about you Spark?" I questioned thinking I was the only blank flank at the table

" I don't have one yet sadly." He said frowning sadly

"Well...welcome to my world then." I said giggling slightly

After lunch we all went to the so called 'class'. Sadly each race had a different type of class

And even as my first day "awake"in an insane hospital I wasn't alone