Pimp Spike's Swag Vol.3: It's All That Person's Fault!

by trahzo

Ch.9: Sister Complex

"Next is..."

"Let me say it Luna."


"Next up is Blossomforth! Begin the story!"

...Hello there, you know I am very angry right now! I start telling people about Pokemon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire, then you hear negative comments during lunch: "There getting desperate!" One asshole who will remain nameless said. "There were too many legendaries in Sinnoh!" (DONT YOU DARE DIS SINNOH) a bitch who'll remain nameless said. JESUS FUCKING CHRIST, THIS IS WHY I HATE THURSDAYS! A BLACK CAT PASSES BY YOU, YOU FORGET YOUR SCHOOL ID, YOU GET CHEWED OUT BY YOUR SISTER WHO IN WHICH HER WORDS ARE NOTHING BUT WORDS ON DEAF EARS TO ME, YOU HEAR NEGATIVE COMMENTS FROM YOUR FRIENDS, AN IGNORANT MORON NAMED ISAI THINKS YOU'RE WATCHING POWER RANGERS WHEN WHAT I'M ACTUALLY WATCHING IS KAMEN RIDER & JUST SO YOU KNOW I WATCH THE SUPER SENTAI MORE!!! I ONLY HOPE PEOPLE ARE ON MY SIDE RIGHT NOW BECAUSE OH MY GOD, I REALLY HATE THURSDAY!!! Let's get on with the story shall we? Spike was invited to Blossom forth's house. You know the pegasus who looks like a watermelon? Well, she invited him over too have a match of Twister, but that wasn't the reason Spike wanted to see her, in fact, he wanted to see her, because he had a little well actually a great big sister complex. Spike had no idea he has this, it's just that after Twilight gave Spike some helpful advice after his rejection with Rarity, then it caused something within to make Twilight constantly be in his thoughts, then he realized he loved Twilight, but the crush was short lived cause of Flash. Spike didn't know what to do, he fell in love twice & got shut down, both by very important ponies in his life. Then he met Blossom Forth, and if you look reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaalllll... *Gasp* ...eeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaallll closely, you can see that she looked Twilight, just with a pallet swap. Spike however was as dumb as Ash Ketchum to not notice the resemblance. Though, they hit off a friendship pretty well, one that would well, blossom into a great relationship!

"Hello Blossom Forth."

"Hey Spike, ready to lose?"

"Oh-no, I believe that with my reptilian body, I can beat you, the most flexible pony in Ponyville, at Twister!"

And Que the sex jokes...anyway, yes, Spike's naturally flexible body vs. her flexible body from years of Yoga & watching Yogi Bear Hahaha. It was an intense battle of the stretchy, but umm...it got very bad, as soon as Spike's pelvis was touching Blossom's bottom, hahaha!

"Ah, Spike, what do you think you're doing?!"

"No, I'm not doing this on purpose!"

"Yeah, you're not straddling a young pretty pretty pegasus." (Teen Titans Go reference.)

"I'm not, please!"

"Don't worry, I'm teasing yah Spike, maybe we should end the game now."

"Yeah, good idea."

So Spike and Blossom Forth ended the game, then sat on the couch with no words, because Spike was feeling very awkward. Then Blossom spoke-up.

"So Spike..."


"How come we've been hanging out more often?"

"Well, you gave me curiosity, so I wanted to hang out with you and well I am surprised you & I really hit it off."

"Oh, is that all..."

"We're you expecting something else?"

"Oh, nothing, it was just..."

"Just what?"

"That I thought you were in love with me because I look like Twilight!"

Spike was shocked at the revelation. He then fell to the floor in horror.

"Oh my Celestia, I-I had no idea I had a s-sister complex, guess I couldn't get over my 2nd crush." Spike was the breathing heavily. "I-I have to leave!, thanks for your hospitality Blossom Forth!" Then he ran out.

"Spike, wait!"

It was too late, he flew... wait, what the fucking hell am I saying, she's pegasus, so she flew after him. Spike wait!" He refused to hear her."

Spike made it back to the Castle, but then he saw Flash Sentry Kissing Twilight at the front door as they said goodbye to each other for a great date., he was so traumatized by Blossom Forth's words & Twilight kissing Flash, that he let his knees land flat on the dirt road. Blossom then saw the sad creature, broken down. She then decided to give him a hug.


"Spike, are you okay..."

"I don't know Blossom, I've fallen in love 3 times, and now I was given the 3rd strike which I caused because, I never got over my 2nd crush on Twilight."

"Spike, please don't cry, look, I may not be Twilight, but why don't you & I try?"

"O...okay!" Spike's smile then cracked.

"So...dinner Friday?"

"I'd love that."

So they gave each other a warm love hug under Luna's light.

"We're too lazy to make a comment, just send us the next letter." said Luna.