Something Different

by BlackWingsRed

Chapter 7 :The Talk

Chapter 7 :The Talk

The morning sun shined upon the castle and all that surrounded it. Without the snow, the plants around it began to grow and flourish. Several guards were already patrolling the castle grounds while the other troops were practicing military maneuvers out in the pasture near the city. Ponies also littered the streets of Canterlot about with their daily routine.

Back in the castle.

Celestia levitated a quill as she magically wrote into a blank book. A dark figure slowly made its way towards her dodging every little thing. finally made its way to right behind her and grew into a much larger size. It leaned back as if ready to strike until Celestia had spoken."Luna. I know it's you." Said Celestia as she continued to write.

"Aww... Come on Tia that still doesn't scare you?" Replied Luna as she returned to her natural form.

"I seriously wonder why father had taught you that.?" Replied her sister.

"What? Come on? It was funny." Luna sighed as she walked over to her sister."What're you writing about?"

"It's a complete copy of what I had seen in Joe's mind. I am nearly finished." Replied Celestia as she continued writing."I find his story rather depressing..."

"What do you mean? It can't be that bad. Can it?" Asked Luna as she watched her sister put down the quill and close the book."What did you see?""

"There are a few things I managed to leave out. I think it would be better to leave those for him to keep in his own mind. i think its better if he were to announce it by his own will. I also learned so much of his world."she sadly replied. "His people are not much different than ours. Yet their methods are rather extreme. Some are soulless while others resolve their issues in the wrong manner. I will show you."

Celestia lowered her horn to her sisters and let her magic flow into her mind.

In the prison cell.

Joe slowly rose from his makeshift bed and yawned. He wore only his school slacks and his black shirt. He sat on the edge of his bed and put his socks and shoes on. "This really isn't a dream..." He thought to himself. He slowly got to his feet and walked out of his cell and towards the door where he was surprised by a familiar pony."Oh. Hey there Dusty. How are you?" Asked Joe.

"I'm fine. thanks for the bits yesterday." She replied with a big smile.

"What're you doing here?" Joe asked in wonder. "Isn't it a bit early? What time is it anyway?"

"Oh it's ten o'clock. Well the princess likes the rooms cleaned by noon." She replied. "I've also come to deliver your breakfast. I figured you'd be hungry. Well anyway I've got to finish my jobs so we'll see you later." She then walked into the cell and closed together door.

"Uhm. Okay..." Joe said to him self with a confused look on his face. "I wonder." He opened up the basket and saw toast, a glass bottle filled with orange juice, blue berry muffins and a scroll. "What's this?" He then took the scroll and opened it.

"Dear Joe, We shall discuss more of your matter of way you can be transferred back from whence you came. As until then our captain of the guard would like to speak with you in the courtyard. Although later today the scholars wish to do an examination later. I hope you enjoy your day." Signed at the bottom of the scroll was Celestia.

Joe scratched at his head and thought to himself. "I guess I can do that." He then put the scroll into the basket and picked it up. "I'd better go find a good place to eat these before they get cold..." He said to himself as he seemed out any assistance from those few ponies who were walking around.

He managed to get the attention of a few before they ran away in fear. After loosing about four ponies attention he gave up and walked over to a nearby balcony to eat his breakfast. Surprisingly it was rather delicious. Some of the best he had in a very long time. He sighed as he put away the dishes into the basket. From his spot in the balcony he could still see the forest where he arrived. The crater of the mine collapse was still visible from far away.

Suddenly a voice rang out from behind him. "There you are!" Shouted Soarin as he quickly approached. "Dang it. I'm sorry I'm late. But where the heck did you go?" He said as he paused to breath.

"Well here."replied Joe as he opened the basket again to pull out the scroll.

"I seriously thought you escaped again or something. I could've gotten in trouble. Thank goodness your not crazy to try it a second time."

"How do I get to the courtyard?" Joe interrupted as Soarin caught his breath.

"Oh it's right down stairs. Take a left after the third set of stairs, there should be a clear door then there you go... Why?" He asked wearing a curious face.

Joe decided that following the scroll was what he might as well do the whole day until he needed to meet with Celestia. "That Shining guy said that he needed to see me. I'm not sure why. Then the scholars want to have a talk or something like that." He rolled the scroll and returned it to the basket. He then turned away from Soarin and walked towards the directions that he had said.

"What? What're you planning to do... Hey! Wait up!" Soarin shouted as he galloped up to the one he had a job to watch.

The both of them descended the stairs and followed the path out to the courtyard. The large white unicorn stood upon the stairs watching as his men practiced their individual training. Unicorns were lifting rocks with magic, the Pegasi flew around trying to practice their ability to fly precisely the direction they choose and finally the earth ponies could be seen pulling massive boulders as a way to build more muscles in their legs.

Soarin watched with an expression of fear. "These ponies are the most scariest ones I've ever seen. They were all enlisted by the military to ensure the protection of Canterlot. But, still they are still quite intimidating." He managed to say.

Joe nodded in agreement towards Soarin then turned over to Shining. "Hey Shining what didya want? The princess said you needed me?" He shouted towards shining from his spot.

The ponies practicing below paused what they were doing and watched their leader as he turned to face Joe. "Today I would like to see this magic of yours if I may? Yesterday was just a fluke this will be a real test." He made his horn glow and formed a shield just like the one he had encased Joe in the day before." Go on now." He commanded.

Joe looked at the bubble and walked over to it. He simply knocked on it and brought his hand to his chin. "I don't know how."

"What do you mean don't know how?" You were able to do all sorts of it yesterday. Why not now?" Asked Shining angrily. "Listen out of every pony I know no one has ever been able to break that shield until you did. I want to know how you did it."

Joe sighed "I would but I don't okay. This is new stuff to me too besides I still would like to know too."

"Hmm... Maybe your abilities are only active when you need them to. Lets try this look down." Said Shining horn glowing and all.

Joe quickly panicked and looked below him to see the dirt churning beneath him. Soarin knew what was coming and backed away. "Jump!" He shouted loudly. Joe quickly jumped up before a ring came up from below him nearly grabbing him.

Joe found himself higher than he normally could jump. He jumped about twenty feet off the ground an towards an open window. He grabbed on to the ledge as he panicked. A certain unicorn had seen him soar towards her check up station. "Mr. Joe!" She shouted startled. Her reaction startled joe as well causing him to let go and fall towards the ground. He landed face first and on his stomach causing his fractured ribs to react.

Soarin and Shining approached the human as he writhed in pain. "That's not cool Shining! Celestia's gonna have your hide for this. He was already in enough pain yesterday." Shining did not say a word at this. He simply stood there stone faced.

"What is going on out here?!" Shouted the angry Nurse Blue Heart. Her eyes switched between the two ponies and the human on the ground. "Mr. Joe are... Are you alright?..." She gently asked.

Joe slowly lifted himself off the ground and sat down still clutching his chest. Slowly panting he said. "Holy! *pant* crap! I didn't know *pant* I could jump that high." Slowly he tried to stand but, Blue Heart ushered him to stay seated.

Shining knowing he wasn't gonna be in as much trouble as he would be if he had killed him. He finally chose to speak. "Your magic allowed you to do that. Look your feet are still glowing red." He explained as he pointed his hoof. All four of them watched silently as the glow began to subside.

"Nevertheless that was still a very risky move Shining. Just what were you thinking?!" Asked Blue Heart still slightly annoyed.

Joe finally got to his legs and tried to jump again. He managed to only jump up two feet. "Come on? Whats wrong now?" He asked out loud.

"Stop it! You might hurt yourself again!" Warned Blue Heart.

"Try focusing your magic into your feet. Visualize it." Cheered Soarin. Shining continued to watch as the human jumped another twenty feet. He then caught the human with his magic and brought him down to Earth.

"That was cool!" Said the astonished Pegasus. What else can you do?"

"Maybe he should try to move that ball over there." Inserted Shining raising his hoof. "Just point and visua-" before he could finish, the ball he had pointed to had been launched high into the sky without any indications that it would stop.

"Now that's scary... " said the Pegasus now hiding behind the nurse.

"What did you do?!" Commanded Shining as he glared at Joe.

"I just tried to move it over!... Whoa that is high." Replied Joe as he continued to watch the ball.

"Okay now lets try to move something that has a bit more bulk." Shining then pointed to a rather big boulder that sat near them."I want you to move this over there."

"I will try. Just make sure you guys stand back a little." He replied. Joe motioned his hand towards the boulder and slowly lifted it up. But as he motioned it to move it took off and smashed into a tree.

Shining face hoofed and galloped over to check the damage. There was nothing more than a splintered tree and a guard paralyzed with fear right behind the tree. "Are you hurt soldier?" asked the captain as he helped him up.

"No sir! Just shaken up sir!" Said the guard as he walked back to the rest of the soldiers.

Joe stood there feeling guilty over the tree. "I think it's better if I don't try that again. Hey Soarin let's. lets go see those scholar people the princess mentioned." He asked as shining was away.

"Sure thing! I think it's time to go." He replied as he went and flew ahead.

"See you later Blue Heart." said Joe as he began to walk away.

"Bye you two make sure you apply that jelly to your ribs. She shouted as she remained where she stood.

With that Joe continued with Soarin to go see what these scholars wanted. Along the way the ponies in the castle still looked a little iffy about his appearance some even a bit angry at his appearance. Soarin took notice of them but refused to say anything about it.

"Hey Soarin? How's it like outside the castle?" Asked Joe as they walked down the stairs.

"Well... Here it's a pretty high class society. Down by the forest is a nice little community called Ponyville. I was there for a show once but, we had to return back to Cloudsdale. That's where I grew up. The city in the sky. Almost all Pegasi are born and raised there." He explained. " I know there are a few more cities out there but , they are pretty far away and I never spent enough time in them to really explore them. Why?"

"I want to see how it is outside is all. I mean if I'm gonna stay here for a while I don't want to get bored with all these walls around me." Replied Joe as he looked at another pony who was taking a picture. They walked until they reached an empty corridor that had three signs. One for the library, another for records and the last was blank. Soarin walked over to the door without a sign and looked in it. Voices could be heard and ponies sitting at a large horse shoe shaped table seemed to be conversing with one another.

"This is the place." Said Soarin as he held the door open. Joe slowly walked in the room, as he did the ponies stopped talking altogether. A lone chair stood at the center of the horse shoe. They all appeared to be Unicorns. The mare sitting at the center motioned for Joe to sit there as she took out a book.

"From what the princess has explained. Your home is a place where the world is void of magic am I correct?" She asked.

"Yes ma'am I am" replied Joe.

Another pony, a stallion rose his hoof and asked. "Your world is also one under constant war and acts of violence is it not?"

"Yeah but, where I live we don't really care about it. If those guys want to waste their time fighting that's up to them."

This answer took the ponies by surprise. The mare at the center opened the book once again. "We thought you were a man of war. This book explains that you have trained and gone into wars plenty of times. Even from childhood and now."

"What do you mean? Is it that I fight a lot?" Asked Joe.

"You fight with these strange black devices." She replied as she held up the book displaying a picture of a pistol.

"Oh that's my airsoft gun. Those are for fun." Answered Joe.

"You kill your kind for FUN?!" Shouted the old Stallion. "That should be outlawed.!"

"Easy! Easy! You don't get it. The one I play with shoot little non lethal plastic pellets while the real kind of pistol fires real bullets to kill things. Now those kinds are illegal." Replied Joe.

The stallion who had shouted remained in his angry position. While the mare continued flipping through the book. "This page here describes some sort of weird magic you possess. But I thought you said that your world did not possess any magic?" She asked bearing a very curious face.

"That... I cannot explain. But it all started a few days ago and only now am I fully aware of it." Joe replied.

"Yeah it's pretty strong stuff. He jumped high into the air and even launched a ball into orbit!" Inserted the only Pegasus in the room.

"Is that true Human?" Asked the mare.

"Yeah it is. I didn't know how strong it was going to be until I actually got to try it." Replied the human .

"Hmm... Then shall we begin the examination proper?"asked the old stallion motioning the human to stand in front of huge white sheets of paper. "Please remove all the objects within your pockets and those glasses."

"Why how does this go?" Asked Joe as Soarin and the other ponies stood and watched behind a big piece of red glass.

"Don't worry this will be easy and painless." Replied the stallion as he stood in front Joe and the paper. "Stand still and hold your arms out please."

Joe did as he was asked and held out his arms. The old stallion charged his horn with a light blue aura. "Now say cheese." He commanded.

"What?" Joe blurted out before he was bombarded by flashes of multiple colors. The flashes lasted about seven seconds and when they finished Joe stood in the same position as he did before while the old stallion sat on the ground breathing hard.

"And done!" He shouted as he stood back up. He then levitated the sheets of paper towards him and examined them. They were now covered in what appeared to be an X-ray, organ layouts, and it also listed out the other human specifics.

Suddenly, Joe's body hit the floor with a thud. The group of ponies including Soarin came to his side. "Oh cud! I'm in trouble." Said Soarin as he began to panic. "What happened?!"

The mare held her horn to his chest and her purple aura went to his neck and head. "He's alright he's just unconscious. She said as she smiled.

"Ha! He probably couldn't handle the scan!" Said the old stallion as he continued to read the documents. "Hey you there! Fly boy! Go get some guards to carry him to his room. We're all done with the examination." He then proceeded to walk out of the room with the rest of the scholars.

A few hours later

Joe slowly began to stir in his make shift bed. He awoke to find that someone had taken off his shirt and replaced the bandages on his chest. "Hello? Blue Heart? Soarin? Anybody?" He called out as he got up to put on his shirt. He slowly got up and felt his head pulse with pain.

"Why hello there. How did you enjoy your nap?" Said a peaceful voice from outside his cell. The two familiar faces of Celestia and Luna stepped in and stood by the door. "We heard about what you did in the courtyard today. It must've been such a sight to see."

Said the elder sister as she began to giggle a little."I think that was one of the first times Anyone has ever attempted that."

"I didn't mean to... It just sorta happened when they told me to try using my magic." Replied Joe as he sat back down. "What happened?"

"You simply passed out. They took photos of you using a spell that can expose ones entire anatomy on several sheets of paper. It's like taking a picture." Explained Luna.

"It reminds me of the first time we tried it on you little sister. You were too scared and ran straight through the doors" Celestia joked.

"What about my bandages? Who changed them?" Asked the human still very confused.

"We had Blue Heart come in and check on you. You've been out for several hours." Replied the princess. "Soarin panicked and told us everything. Even what Shining had done."

"That's good. What did the scholars say? Anything yet?" Asked Joe eager to hear the news.

"It is fine. But... There is a bit of a problem." Replied the elder princess. The scholars have alerted me that the spell required to send you home is rather a tricky one. The spell dates back to before Canterlot was officially created. It was the great Unicorn Star Swirl who had created the spell. But, he never had any real destination to use it with. So he labeled it a failure and it is believed he left it some where within the kingdom." She explained.

"So, what exactly is the problem?" Asked Joe getting back down to sit. His mind still spinning. "Where can we find it?"

"That's the problem before Star Swirl passed on he hid all of his personal spells somewhere here in Equestria. They have been lost for over a thousand years. So, the council has suggested that they begin searching again." Answered Luna as Celestia held her head low.

"So I'm gonna be stuck here..." Joe sadly admitted.

"We will have our best Stallions searching for the spells." Inserted Celestia in an attempt to lighten the mood. "For now we will try to decide where your temporary home will be.

Joe kept his head low. "What if the spell remains lost? What will happen to me? What about back HOME?! What's gonna happen there? What if something happens to my friends and I wasn't there to stop it?!" He angrily responded.

"Please calm down... We will see what we can do to. As for now we have to keep you hidden. The Changeling General was already aware of your capabilities. I won't standby knowing that you would be in danger." Celestia said still in a sorrowful tone.

"We have no real idea of what the Changelings would be able to achieve if they were able to get their hands on you. I fear it would cost us the kingdom and you." Added Luna.

Several knocks were heard at the door as the Pegasus officer stuck head in. "Is everything okay in here? I heard someone yell." He asked with his head half way through the doorway.

"I think it's time that we leave him to rest sister. He has a lot to think about." Suggested Luna as she turned to exit the room.

Celestia raised her head and looked towards the human. She then walked over towards him and placed a hoof on his shoulder. "Please... I promised I would get you home. I intend to keep my word. You are our guest and a friend to our royal family. We will get you home." She calmly whispered.

"Thank you... Your majesty... I'm grateful for your help." Joe replied as he held his head down. " it's just that. I can't stop worrying about home."

"Don't worry you've been through a lot. These past few days may have been rough but that doesn't mean that the rest will be. Now please rest from what Blue Heart has told me you will still need to heal those ribs." She said as she exited the room with her sister.

Soarin entered with what appeared to be another basket. "Here you go." he said just as he put it on one of the little tables. "Nurse Blue Heart said this is for you whenever you need to change those bandages." Joe remained quiet as he sat. Staring at the wall.

Soarin not knowing what to do or say. Just walked over to his desk where he pulled out a pie from one of the drawers. "Hey partner. Do you want a piece? Cream pie made it while you were out." He asked as a way to not be rude. Joe just remained quiet as he got into a sleeping position and threw his covers over himself. "So I take it that's a no then. Suit yourself" Said Soarin as he dug into his pie.

Joe then fell asleep thinking of home. Images of him and his friends kept playing back in his head. Days of when he was in school, when he was home abd just about everywhere else that held meaning to him. Though he had been away for such a short time he felt homesick. He actually managed to fall asleep after thinking for about an hour. Time seemed to fly by as it took little time for it to reach nightfall. Almost all of the ponies including Soarin had left the castle leaving it nearly empty.

He got up from his bed as he walked toward the balcony he had been to earlier during the day. Everything was just just made far more sense than Equestria. There he had friends, he had his regular plans, school and most importantly his own bed. "Suddenly the voice of an old man rang in his ears. "Do not fret. Your path will lead you to what you desire. Patience is the key that will open your door." Said the voice.

"Huh what?" Asked Joe as he looked for the owner.

"Soon you will have the tools you must remain until you are ready." It finished saying. The voice seemed to fade away as the sounds of hooves made their way towards where Joe was. He quickly hid in a corner so they wouldn't be aware of him.

"He has a lot of potential. His levels rival the best of us." Said one of the voices. As they turned the corner it was revealed to be Celestia, the old stallion and the mare that had examined him earlier. "He has a very complex skeletal and organ layout. His kind are very flexible but from the information he provided in the book the amounts of magic he contains is mysterious none of the others like him have any. Also his origin will require almost twice the amount of magic he already contains. The notes Star Swirl had written explained that it could be rather difficult to accomplish."

"It is the best chance we've got to send him back." Replied The princess.

"Where would he be residing for the time being?" Asked the mare.

"I think it is safest to have him stay in the castle for a while until we have word from the others." the princess replied while looking towards the jail.

They continued talking as they continued down the corridor and into another room. Joe left the corner and proceeded down the stairs toward where he had first tested out his magic. He wasn't wearing his shoes yet he walked onto the grass barefooted and sat on the grass just watching the stars. He laid back into the grass so that the whole sky would be able to be seen and his neck wouldn't be sore.

"There is one thing I can be sure of... The sky here looks a whole lot better." He said to himself as he slowly tried to levitate a few pebbles in a circle. They were surrounded in a red glow as each one was launched towards the sky in an attempt to try to learn how to control it better.